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Archive through January 23, 2011

Discussionboard of FIGU » The Mission » "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier » Your Questions to Billy Meier--Answered » Archive through January 23, 2011 « Previous Next »

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Post Number: 140
Registered: 11-2008
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 07:18 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Billy, if I'm not mistaken the Plejaren are about 30 million years more advanced than we Earth humans are spiritually. Does this necessarily mean that 30 million years have to pass in order for us to be spiritually as advanced as the Plejaren?
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Post Number: 26
Registered: 08-2008
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 07:34 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Eduard,

Thanks for answering my question.

here is my next question:

Is there a theory of everything, and if this theory exists does it define creation itself?
Further more the current String Theory is that anywhere close to theory of everything?

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Post Number: 2
Registered: 11-2010
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 12:10 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi billy, I want to question something to you. I'm sure that many people though about this.
I want to know if there is some exercise under the pyramid to develop and upgrade the sexuality with the occult forces (consciousness powers) and if such exercise do exist, wich is.
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Post Number: 18
Registered: 01-2009
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 12:06 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Billy and Christian,
Can you tell us how many persons on earth of the Nokodemjon lineage are living on earth?

Carlos A.
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Post Number: 34
Registered: 11-2008
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 10:05 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Billy,

I hope that this question finds you, and all at the SSSC, in good health and spirits.

Since the middle ages, people have written about the famous outlaw 'Robin Hood' and his band of 'Merry Men'. No-one really knows who this man actually was and where he lived. Can you shed any light on this popular myth?


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Post Number: 217
Registered: 09-2007
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 10:50 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Billy

The number of non-incarnated spirits which are associated with Earth is much greater than 1.5 times the total human population number, which in theory is the number that would be required for each spirit to stay in the beyond during the equivalent of 1.5 human lifetimes (which from what I remember is the average amount of time that ideally is needed).

How is it to be explained then, that some spirits stay in the beyond for a less than ideal period of time?
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Post Number: 64
Registered: 07-2008
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 10:56 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Greetings Billy!

In a contact you had with Quetzal in 1981, you were given information regarding the Destroyer comet. According to Quetzal's information, in the year -9792, the Destroyer ripped 7 large asteroids from the asteroid belt. According to the timeline of the Destroyer Comet's history, six of those asteroids hit the earth in the year -9742. There is one that remained in its orbit and Quetzal told you that it will endanger the earth in 2014. If possible, could you share with us when and where this 7th asteroid will make its impact on earth? As always, thank you so much for all you continue to do. Saalome, Johnboy
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Post Number: 10
Registered: 06-2009
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 11:09 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

hi billy hope u feeling well,i think you for all your questions,and all your love

im 22 i have no car no job no money and sometimes i think about suicide i have strong mind tell me to do something, like get a car,get some money,get your own place,quit being lazy,stop think about suicide,stop thinking about this and that not doing you any good,make your self independent,you can do it stevieo....this is what my mind tells me plus even more. wile my emotions tell me to do something why should u care,just kill your self and its all over emotions effect the way i think but then theres something deep in my mind tells me it's all gonna be ok i know what im doing my mind all ways telling me this and that but most times i dont listen.i know what im doing and aware of not here to complain about my problems i hate doing that.i hate complaing about problems.i do like shareing my problems,i like telling people they not the only ones,it seems to make them happy and me to,one thing my mind tell me to do is quit thinking and start really missed up in the head(i think so),then i think im not thinking right.i have alot of people tell me im good at computers and im smart and intelegent and a good person(sorry for the bad speeling) to many people told me this even people that i just meet i dont know they say the see it in me they say.have not got in a fight in years(a real one)dont like to fight when i do i cry.i wont to say more but seems like i said a lot.

my question is "what do u think about all this". (i know suicide happer a sprit life.)
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Post Number: 11
Registered: 06-2009
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 11:38 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

hi billy meier

dose every thing happen for a reason. like my life.can u explan this.i know i think and everything and do things my self but do creation play a part in that it is me but dose it start with creation so every thing that i do im not doing my self

Please only one question per session

(Message edited by scott on November 29, 2010)
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Post Number: 1378
Registered: 10-2007
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 08:29 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Best Greetings Billy and Christian,

It is known from the Contact reports that there are other ET groups "hunting around the Earth." The reports note at least three different groups.

Recently, the SOHO (Solar observatory satellite) has caught images of several objects flying in close proximity to our Sun, some flying in formation across (above) the face of the Sun. There have been also seen some ones firing beams (Lasers or Particle beams) towards each other.

Could it be that there is a war being waged in the space of our Solar system?

Thank you,

~~ TRUTH finds WISDOM finds LOVE finds PEACE -- Find What You Seek ~ Rod
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Post Number: 487
Registered: 05-2008
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 09:12 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Billy, since your spiritform had already completed the cycle from material to spirit, through millions of incarnations and billions of years; and acheived a degree of relative perfection, why does this spiritform have to go through making mistakes during material incarnations and learning from them, as it had already gone through this once; or are the mistakes made & subsequently corrected, an unavoidable function of material life, no matter the lineage and previously accumulated wisdom, love, peace, harmony ...?
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Post Number: 34
Registered: 01-2009
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 04:39 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Billy and Christian,

I did not see the answer to my question from last month about teeth grinding so I will ask again. What causes one to clench and grind their teeth while they are sleeping and is there anything that can be done to stop? Also if I my ask another question for this month? With the impending oil shortage there is much speculation about alternative energy. Have any advanced energy generating technologies (that could fill the huge oil gap that is coming) been developed by our scientists, and if so are they being kept a secret?


Karrol Steeves
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Post Number: 6
Registered: 07-2009
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 01:29 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

HI billy :
Who taught akhenaten the rosicrucians amorc ? Was he in contact with ET'S by any chance. Thank-you and may the love of creation be with you always.
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Post Number: 31
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 12:30 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Billy,

In our solar system, there is fascinating Jupiter's moon called "Europa". Our scientists suspect that under a thick layer of ice there might exist live. Do you have any information about live on that moon? Are there any plants or animal live forms under ice surface? If so, please describe them shortly, that would be very fascinating!

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Post Number: 1
Registered: 08-2008
Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 02:20 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello To ALL And Billy/FIGU members.

This my first posting on here after since joining 2yrs ago and just browsing/reading all related details and learning to get answers and insights and trying to educate myself and mind! on many subjects :-)
So i would like to ask my first ever question to you Billy.

I have read and heard many reasons and explanations as to what "ORBS" are?
iam told they are dead people, angels or family spirits/ghosts (you call Fluidal Energy) Iam currently reading up as much as possible as to 'What' they are! I have got many of them i have caught on camera,different,colours,sizes,brightness.
Whats your view? Is it all Esoteric Nonsense? Whats yours/Plejarens explanation as to what 'Orbs' Are or mean?

Any answers would be appreciated Thanks :-)
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Post Number: 2086
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 09:46 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Hello Eduard

I hope things are good for you and the persons around you.

I have been thinking a lot recently about the Pineal Gland and its functions. I understand that the Pineal Gland can act as a sender and receiver of thoughts, known at telepathy.

What I am unsure of is the following:

If I have understood your teaching correctly the human conciousness gives off vibrations and thoughts. While a human is thinking his/her thoughts span out from the brain in the form of Fluidal Forces.

My questions is, can the Pineal Gland also pick up these thoughts which span out from a human's thinking or does it only work through the sending and receiving of the Pineal Gland?

Much thanks for you time.

Kind Regards

Yes, the Pineal Gland can also pick up thoughts. It is a sender and receiver between the materialness (Grobstofflichkeit) and fine-structureness (Feinstofflichkeit), electromagnetic vibrations and vibrational impulses (Schwingungsimpulse), and between the human being and the storage banks.
Through the Pineal Gland it is also possible to receive (aufnehmen) and send vibrational impulses from or to animals, as is e.g. the case with so-called Tierflüsterern (animal whisperers), which usually happens unconsciously.


Hello Billy,

The Shanti Mantras (Peace incantations) from Hindu Vedas and Upanishads very closely match the Salome Peace meditation. For example below is a translation of one version of Shanti mantra into English

Om dyauh santirantariksam santih
prthivi santirapah santirosadhayah santih
vanaspatayah santirvisvedevah santirbrahma santih
sarvam santih santireva santih
sa ma santiredhi
Om santih, santih, santih

roughly translated as:

May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere.
May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers.
May peace flow over the whole universe.
May peace be in the (Supreme Being) Brahman.
And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone.
Om peace, peace and peace!

Except for the fourth line where Universe seem to be replaced with a personification of the Universe, as common practice in Hindu religion, the rest of the lines seem to be an expanded version of Salome Peace meditation.

My question is – how could such similarity arise if not any prophet from the Nokodemion/Henoch lineage was responsible for the original/uncorrupted Vedic text?

There may probably be seen a remote resemblance, but those mantras have nothing to do with the Nokodemion lineage.

(Note by CF: It does not need a prophet to create thoughts like this.)


Dear Billy

The recent conflict between North and South Korea is dominating the world headlines where as it was totally expected the corrupt and highly biased mass media is putting out slanted reports of vilifying North Korea as the country responsible for instigating this crisis and conveniently leaving out US and South Korea's role in this altercation.
The mass media report will have you believe that the North Korean regime ordered missiles to be fired on the South Korean Yeonpyeong Island for no reason killing 2 soldiers and 2 civilians but excluded any mention of the US and South Korean joint military exercise very close to the border which was the initial cause that sparked this crisis which was then later reported.
Obviously situation of this kind does not happen by hap stance but rather it is carefully designed by the US military high brasses to further escalate tensions between the North and the South for a strategic outcome aimed at bringing conflict to this region in destabilising the peace between the two countries thereby embroiling China into the conflict who only recently with Russia decided to renounce the US dollar and will resort to using their own currencies for bilateral trade in reaction to Quantitative Easing 2 (mega circulation of money printed out of thin air) by the US Federal Reserve.
It is most likely that Ptaah or Quetzal would have informed you in a private conversation of their future viewing on this crisis months in advance and explained to you in more details of this crisis some have said will escalate into a broader regional conflict and maybe even WW3.
I would surmise that the declining US dollar and the US influence on world stage, war in Iraq and Afghanistan nearing its end and the failing US economy along with the near bankruptcy of the private central banks would be more than a reason enough for policy makers and council on foreign relations to put pressure on Congress and Obama administration to conveniently foment another conflict which is designed to embroil the other superpowers into a regional war to once again prop up the US corporate military industrial complex
Also one cannot discount the secret aspirations and agenda for world domination by the loosely formed secret group within a group comprising the CIA, Pentagon, S&B and the Habraon Zionist elements who are working diligently to device all kinds of cunning strategies through their influence on the most powerful institutions in America to take away more and more of the constitutional rights of it's citizens and who most probably had a hand in bringing about this Korean conflict.

My question is although nothing may come of it, can you tell us in detail who and what brought about this conflict and what the true purposes of this engineered provocation was that has the potential to lead to a disastrous consequence for many soon to be embroiled nations?

Good health to you Billy
Matt Lee

Billy has not occupied himself with this matter and, therefore, cannot answer your question. Besides, he's not into politics; he remains neutral.


Greetings Billy,

While the impulses emanating from the remains of a diseased has not completely reached the Akashic Records yet, is it easily possible for someone else with an adequately developed pineal gland to access experiences of the diseased and what are the dangers in doing so?


There is no Akashic Records, and when a person is dead there is nothing around to have access to, perhaps with one exception: through the fluidal forces. But since the person who enlivened the corpse has died, the personality has been dissolved, the spirit form is still in its realm and not yet reincarnated into a new body, and the new personality is not yet created by the overall-consciousness block; in short, there is no one around who could benefit from the fluidal forces emanating from the corpse.


Hi Billy,

As far as most of us know, there are 5 basic tastes that the human tongue can detect: bitter, salty, sweet, sour and umami(savory). My question is: Are there actually 5 basic tastes or more? I assume that there are 7 basic tastes just as there are 7 senses. I could be wrong, but i think the last 2 may be bland and spicy.

Thank you very much for your time

Billy doesn't know.


Hi Billy,

Can you tell me when the foretold Australian Figu Center will roughly open and if it will be a success too. Also, can you please tell me any other further information regarding the Oz center.

Thanks darren.

Billy doesn't know, but if he knew, he would surely not tell you, because when people are foretold the future they quit struggling towards reaching a goal that is mentioned in the prediction.
Everything (success or failure) depends on the thoughts and actions of the people in Australia. If there are people around who don't just wait for other persons doing the work and the struggling, then there will be success, earlier or later, depending on the individual's efforts.

(Note by CF: That's one of the important reasons why prophecies are usually mentioning negative things only which have to be changed into a positive future.)


Warm Greetings Billy and Christian,

I've read in the contact notes, that the vocalization of the term, spirit, or, Creation, on a regular basis, will allow for ones growth in spiritual consciousness to increase at a quickened pace.

If this is true, is it because we are bringing the subject up and learning from the repetition of said subject, or does the sounding of the words activate some kind of energy/knowledge that is otherwise, more or less, dormant. I'm thinking that ones mind, at the time of this vocalization, would need to be focusing on these subjects for any beneficial reactions to occur. Not simply uttering the words at any passing moment. Or, does it work both ways?

Is it a simple teaching clue to help one always recognize the Creation in each moment we confront life? Am I answering my own question? Any additional insight you could offer would be appreciated.


Not "growth in spiritual consciousness", but "material consciousness". The spiritual consciousness is not a consciousness in the form as is understood by the human being concerning the material consciousness. Spiritual consciousness is just a "storage of vibrational impulses" (Speicherung von Schwingungsimpulsen).

Terms like "Creation's knowledge" or "Creation's wisdom" are an equivalent of "the storage of a principle", from which resulted and results the laws and recommendations.
Repeating valuable terms/words like e. g. "love, peace, freedom and harmony" has an influence on the sub-consciousness if the terms/words are deliberately used. By repeating those words/terms over a long time, the values are slowly starting to have an effect within the person.


Dear Billy and Christian:

Many greetings to you both and thank you for the reply. I would never kill a snake either. Unfortunately due to ignorance a lot of people in my country kill snakes because of fear.

The reply about Creation was more profound than I thought, but I do understand the meaning now. My question this time is rather simple perhaps, but I find it difficult to think about positive degeneration. It is said that we on earth are either unbalanced to the negative pole or to the positive. I can only think about false humanitarian actions or caring too much for animal shelters as examples. I just find it difficult to think about a “bad positive”. If I am wrong, then what would be an example of positive degeneration?

Thank you very much for your time, Salome Marcela

Examples of positive degeneracy (positive Ausartung):
- When a person donates money or is helping just to ease one's consciousness, and not because of the joy of being able and capable to help.
- If you donate money to or help some person or institution who/which uses your money or help for negative purposes.
If you are walking through the desert and meet a person who is nearly dead of thirst: if you have water with you and let the person drink from the bottle, that person will die (= positive degeneracy). But if you slowly start by letting drops of water trickle onto the lips of the nearly dead person, and slowly continue with wetting the mouth with droplets of water, etc., that person has the chance to survive (= no degeneracy). And if you pass the person and don't even try to help, then this is plain/negative degeneracy.


Dear Billy,

Thanks for your previous answer.

I read that your name Billy was quoted in ancient books.

Question: Do you know if those books are already discovered or when they will be discovered?
Take care!


Billy only knows of one incident: He received a photograph of an excerpt of an old manuscript from an English collector unknown to him.


Greetings Billy,

In the book, Symbole der Geisteslehre, the spiritual symbol for Empfindung (spiritual fine-sensitive feeling) on page 87, appears to represent male/female sexual union. Can you confirm if that is not just my imagination and, if so, further elucidate the correlation between the two?


It is just your imagination and associations.
The two spheres represent "Empfindung, bestehend aus Ausgleich und Gleichheit" (spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling, consisting of reconciliation and equality). And the rose represents the "fineness of spiritual-fine-sensivitve feeling" (Feinheit der Empfindung).


Hello, Mr. Eduard Albert Meier, sir.

I have read on certain occasions where the Plejaren have denounced certain so-called UFO contactees as frauds. I believe Mr. George Adamski was comically referred to as The Hot Dog Vendor. I think denouncing people as fraudulent is a very important thing, sir.

I would like to ask you, sir, if you or the Plejaren know whether or not the Apollo 20 Mission actually took place... or if that whole incident is pure fantasy and nonsense?

Thank you kindly, sir.

With the exception of Apollo 11 Mission which was faked, the other moon landings by the Apollo Mission vehicles have really occurred.


Dear Billy,

my question concerns the boomerang effect of a thought that you describe in your book ›Die Psyche‹. If a person sends a thought out in a positive or a negative way, it turns then to the same person back, but in an opposite value. The thing is that we´re often seemingly not aware of the returned thought. In order to better understand the meaning of this principle, will you pls be so kind and tell us an example of such boomerang effect of a thought from a daily life?

Thank you


An example: If a person is constantly tormenting another person it could be the case that the other person reacts by killing the tormentor. Or when a person is provoking another person he/she may probably hit the aggressor on his/her nose.
There are cases when you send out something that is positive, but receive something that is negative. Everything depends on the individual situation and the person. Receiving negative response can (should) be used as a means to learn.

(Note by CF: Another example: If a person is constantly fostering fear about anything bad that could happen/occur to the person, this negative attitude/thinking will draw an "ill fate" = negative influences, and it is possible that that person will suffer from an early death. Another yet another well-known example: Effects that are described as "nocebo effect" (in a negative sense), or "placebo effect" (in a positive sense).


Hello Billy and Christian,

Have you ever heard of the "Searl Effect Generator", created by British physics Professor John R. R. Searl? It is a machine which converts ambient thermal energy by a rectification process into lots of electricity. It also has medicinal properties because it brings the electrons produced into a certain order and these help heal certain ailments (I don't know which). Also, incredibly, it serves as an anti-gravity machine, which cools down as it operates, meaning that it becomes more efficient. I know that Ptaah and Semjase both said that anti-gravity and gravity have to do with hot and cold, so I am sure this machine works. My question is, will super-technology like this become commonplace after we run out of petroleum? I mean, after we run out of petroleum, will we see things like this producing free and cheap energy and aleviation for the masses, bringing a certain prosperity and peace to the people in the coming years, or will this invention die with its inventor? I know that you said in your Predicitons for the Third Millennium that the power groups on Earth will eventually win for a certain amount of time and people will be under their control. I am wondering, is the time of this total domination of people over, or have we only just begun, and things will get worse for a time?


Billy read about the "Searl effect" etc., but he did not occupy himself in detail with the matter.


Greetings Dear Billy,

Thankyou for the clarification concerning the High Council and semi spirit.

Another issue .... evil.

Without going into exhaustive details is it accurate to form a conclusion that universal evil as we presently recognize it resulted from the premature allowing of new races to become created before the storage banks containing information from previous degenerate races was fully discharged ?

So with that is it accurate that some negatively polarized vibrations remained active throughout the universal group subconscious and these gradually increased with the passage of time as various spiritforms became attracted to those particular types of impulses, acted upon them and therefore added to their potency. Like subscribing to a television - radio station presenting distorted worthless malicious trash. The garbage tip of the mind containing alluring themes centering on power, greed, illusion, delusion.

So it's not the work of any sort of tangible living personality such as the devil, rather the collective negative thoughts, feelings, repressed emotions and desires which actually constitute evil, however as an act of and result of evil itself these factors have been personified as satan, lucifer, devil, malicious celestial beings, demons, anti creators etc by those seeking to divide and polarize humanity wherever it exists.

How can humanity as a whole break the cycle, the absence of light ?

Someting like an "universal evil" does not exist, but there exists an energy block around the planet that consists of the religious delusion and nonsense, and other negative thoughs emanated by the human beings who are thinking along such lines. And the people who are living and held in bondage by the belief systems are constantly influenced by that negative block of energy, like in a vicious circle.

Entities like devil, satan, demons etc. are nothing real, but without exception just figments of religious delusion and imagination etc.

It is said that breaking that cycle will probably begin in about 800 years from now on a larger scale. People then will start to occupy themselves with the realization that there is truth. But until the broad masses succeed in profoundly thinking about the truth, much more time will pass.


Dear Billy

Thanks for your recent answer on the “two sides” development of the Spirit-Form related to Human and apes.

My existing understanding is that there are different types of spirit-form reside in different life-forms such as insects, fishes, plants, animals etc.

My question is: Did all types of spirit-form evolve and branch off from one single original type of spirit-form?


Yes, from one universal type of spirit form, a neutral energy form. During evolution, the spirit form that is within all kinds of living forms, evolves in unison with the life form in question, e.g. bacteria, plant, mammal, human being.


Hello Billy,

I wonder if it is forbidden to see the dawn of time.

Is there some limit on how far a person can travel into the past or future?


Billy doesn't know, but most probably there is a limit.


Dear Billy

Recently since the 20 of June I have been photographing UFOs and when taking the pictures I have seen nothing, at first I thought that it could have been a bird or a balloon but with taking many pictures of this object I can only come to the conclusion that it's some sort of disc shaped craft, now during the months of September to October I have also seen this craft at about the same distance as in the pictures, and it behaved very much like the beamships in your movie footage like both films you took at bachtelhornli, when I have seen this craft it looked very much like a plejaren telemeter disc. I have several photos of this disc.

Can you ask the plejaren for me if it's them or some other race?

Ps. I have sent you just some of my photos to you in the month of September in a USB flash drive, I'm not sure if you received it or not, I hope you did though.

Shaban pelinku

There's no use in asking because they won't answer such a request.
Btw: Billy doesn't remember having received that flash drive.


Hi Billy and Christian,
Thank you for your previous answer.
I have a question regarding time travel into the future.

You have explained, few times that one cannot changed the past, using time travel and it is absolutely clear, however after reading 113th contact, in which Quetzal gave the information about coming assassination on pope J.Paul II (as we know pope did not died during assassination, so it caused that future went in different direction), I began to wonder about specific scenario. If at the moment when Quetzel gave this information (year 1978) one would travel into the year 2000 and experienced world in which prophecy fulfilled itself. And for example one would said the following sentence: "The prophecy fulfilled itself pope indeed died in assassination". And after that one would returned to one's times (year 1978) and waited for the events.
After the events went in different direction than what has been said by Quetzel, one would travel once again into the year 2000 and to the same place in which one said the sentence.

My question is: if I think correctly, one would not meet on that spot, one's self from the year 1978, because the future has changed, so is it possible to experienced (and to see) by traveling into the future world with completely different scenarios, which may never come to past?

Beniamin Skowroński

(Note by CF: If you would have been capable to jump from 1978 into the future (e.g. to November 12, 2000) where you appeard in front of a person standing on the upper platform of the Eiffel Tower and said to him a certain sentence, and then vanished again returned into your original time, on the real November 12, 2000 a person (you) would appear before another person and the event would happen just as it had happened during the time travel.
What once has occurred, at least when persons are involved, cannot be made undone!)


Hi Billy, Who was behind Reagan’s assassination attempt?

(Message edited by scott on November 29, 2010)

Billy doesn't know.


Billy, if I'm not mistaken the Plejaren are about 30 million years more advanced than we Earth humans are spiritually. Does this necessarily mean that 30 million years have to pass in order for us to be spiritually as advanced as the Plejaren?

Yes, more or less. This depends on the efforts of terrestrial humankind. If there is constant and earnest studying/learning of the spiritual teaching, the developoment will be faster than when people are continuing to adhere to religious thinking.


Hi Eduard,

Thanks for answering my question.

here is my next question:

Is there a theory of everything, and if this theory exists does it define creation itself?
Further more the current String Theory is that anywhere close to theory of everything?


A theory of everything? What do you mean by this?


Hi billy, I want to question something to you. I'm sure that many people though about this.
I want to know if there is some exercise under the pyramid to develop and upgrade the sexuality with the occult forces (consciousness powers) and if such exercise do exist, wich is.

That's a not very intelligent idea. Either a person has a sexuality, or not.
(Note by CF: It may be hoped that there are not many people who are thinking along such ways.)


Hi Billy and Christian,
Can you tell us how many persons on earth of the Nokodemjon lineage are living on earth?

Carlos A.

The answer depends on who you mean with/by your question.
There is just one person living on Earth with the Nokodemjon's spirit form, but there are about 144,000 spirit forms linked to Earth who have been created/started by Nokodemion.


Dear Billy,

I hope that this question finds you, and all at the SSSC, in good health and spirits.

Since the middle ages, people have written about the famous outlaw 'Robin Hood' and his band of 'Merry Men'. No-one really knows who this man actually was and where he lived. Can you shed any light on this popular myth?


No, he cannot.


Hi Billy

The number of non-incarnated spirits which are associated with Earth is much greater than 1.5 times the total human population number, which in theory is the number that would be required for each spirit to stay in the beyond during the equivalent of 1.5 human lifetimes (which from what I remember is the average amount of time that ideally is needed).

How is it to be explained then, that some spirits stay in the beyond for a less than ideal period of time?

Because of overpopulation the incarnation cycle system is severely disturbed.


Greetings Billy!

In a contact you had with Quetzal in 1981, you were given information regarding the Destroyer comet. According to Quetzal's information, in the year -9792, the Destroyer ripped 7 large asteroids from the asteroid belt. According to the timeline of the Destroyer Comet's history, six of those asteroids hit the earth in the year -9742. There is one that remained in its orbit and Quetzal told you that it will endanger the earth in 2014. If possible, could you share with us when and where this 7th asteroid will make its impact on earth? As always, thank you so much for all you continue to do. Saalome, Johnboy

Billy doesn't know. (In the contact the word "possibly" is mentionend in connection with that seventh asteroid.)


hi billy hope u feeling well,i think you for all your questions,and all your love

im 22 i have no car no job no money and sometimes i think about suicide i have strong mind tell me to do something, like get a car,get some money,get your own place,quit being lazy,stop think about suicide,stop thinking about this and that not doing you any good,make your self independent,you can do it stevieo....this is what my mind tells me plus even more. wile my emotions tell me to do something why should u care,just kill your self and its all over emotions effect the way i think but then theres something deep in my mind tells me it's all gonna be ok i know what im doing my mind all ways telling me this and that but most times i dont listen.i know what im doing and aware of not here to complain about my problems i hate doing that.i hate complaing about problems.i do like shareing my problems,i like telling people they not the only ones,it seems to make them happy and me to,one thing my mind tell me to do is quit thinking and start really missed up in the head(i think so),then i think im not thinking right.i have alot of people tell me im good at computers and im smart and intelegent and a good person(sorry for the bad speeling) to many people told me this even people that i just meet i dont know they say the see it in me they say.have not got in a fight in years(a real one)dont like to fight when i do i cry.i wont to say more but seems like i said a lot.

my question is "what do u think about all this". (i know suicide happer a sprit life.)

Get a grip on yourself and immediately start leading a normal and decent life (by directing your thinking into a neutral-positive direction).

(Note by CF: Lamenting and complaining about one's fate and about not wanting to lament instead of taking one's life into one's hand isn't really intelligent.)


Best Greetings Billy and Christian,

It is known from the Contact reports that there are other ET groups "hunting around the Earth." The reports note at least three different groups.

Recently, the SOHO (Solar observatory satellite) has caught images of several objects flying in close proximity to our Sun, some flying in formation across (above) the face of the Sun. There have been also seen some ones firing beams (Lasers or Particle beams) towards each other.

Could it be that there is a war being waged in the space of our Solar system?

Thank you,

This is very unlikely, but Billy doesn't know.


Dear Billy, since your spiritform had already completed the cycle from material to spirit, through millions of incarnations and billions of years; and acheived a degree of relative perfection, why does this spiritform have to go through making mistakes during material incarnations and learning from them, as it had already gone through this once; or are the mistakes made & subsequently corrected, an unavoidable function of material life, no matter the lineage and previously accumulated wisdom, love, peace, harmony ...?

As long as a human being has a material body, the person is making mistakes in order to learn. And if a human being with a very old spirit form incarnates on a planet, the body and personality have to adjust to the surrounding conditions because else such a human being could not exist among the other human beings.


Hi Billy and Christian,

I did not see the answer to my question from last month about teeth grinding so I will ask again. What causes one to clench and grind their teeth while they are sleeping and is there anything that can be done to stop? Also if I my ask another question for this month? With the impending oil shortage there is much speculation about alternative energy. Have any advanced energy generating technologies (that could fill the huge oil gap that is coming) been developed by our scientists, and if so are they being kept a secret?

Karrol Steeves

To answer your first question: Billy doesn't know what causes teeth grinding.


HI billy :
Who taught akhenaten the rosicrucians amorc ? Was he in contact with ET'S by any chance. Thank-you and may the love of creation be with you always.

That's nonsense.


Hi Billy,

In our solar system, there is fascinating Jupiter's moon called "Europa". Our scientists suspect that under a thick layer of ice there might exist live. Do you have any information about live on that moon? Are there any plants or animal live forms under ice surface? If so, please describe them shortly, that would be very fascinating!


There could be life (probably bacteria) under the ice, but Billy does not know details.


Hello To ALL And Billy/FIGU members.

This my first posting on here after since joining 2yrs ago and just browsing/reading all related details and learning to get answers and insights and trying to educate myself and mind! on many subjects
So i would like to ask my first ever question to you Billy.

I have read and heard many reasons and explanations as to what "ORBS" are?
iam told they are dead people, angels or family spirits/ghosts (you call Fluidal Energy) Iam currently reading up as much as possible as to 'What' they are! I have got many of them i have caught on camera,different,colours,sizes,brightness.
Whats your view? Is it all Esoteric Nonsense? Whats yours/Plejarens explanation as to what 'Orbs' Are or mean?

Any answers would be appreciated Thanks

They are bio-organic life forms, but certainly NOT dead people, angels or family ghosts and other nonsense. And "bio-organic life forms" is a term with far-reaching meaning.
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Post Number: 2087
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 09:49 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Billy,

I have never really understood the nature of the storage banks. Can it be compared to something like fluidal forces which store vibrations/information, or is it something entirely different?

Thank you
Scott Baxter
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New member

Post Number: 2
Registered: 08-2008
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 09:50 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello and Love and light To All :-)

Thanks in advance Billy for taking time & energy to answer my/our questions :-)

Ive done searchs where i can on various subjects to gain what answers i can on various things of interests but i would directy ask what iam NOt 100% sure about to Billy to get
his/plejarans view. so my question is: When we go the the cemetry to visit and pay respects and lay flowers for our departed ones, Do they know (fuidal enrgy in the fine matter realm) or are they 'Aware' can see or know in spirit that we are there? or pick up on our thoughts or vibrations? Can those fluidal energy that are here follow,watch,guide,protect or help us/family/friends in any way?

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Post Number: 2088
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 12:33 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Everyone,

If at possible please try and limit the size of your posts when asking Billy Questions. Please keep it simple and to the point whenever possible. Each post has to be translated by Christian to Billy, which in itself takes time so please keep it short.

Thanks Scott
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Post Number: 551
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 10:34 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Greetings Dear Billy.

Concerning subatomic particles which are the source of free energy that powers suitably configured devices.

Is this an identical energy which is the cosmic life force that "powers" living beings or is that a different finer consciousness level grouping of particles ?

So are there one, two or even possibly three levels of this and the final part ..... is there a cosmic life force which powers the spirit ?

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Post Number: 168
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 10:36 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Billy and Christian,

On this planet with way too many people, religion is everywhere. Almost at every turn, you will see some kind of religious symbol or building. There are too many churches and it is very hard to ignore them.

Since you and the FIGU group know that there is no such thing as a creator-god and many other people don't belive in a creator-god, it is very hard to express that openly in a time period where religion is out of control. An Atheist is a person who denies the exsistance of a creator god, diety, or a supreme being.

Now, I'm a person who knows for sure that there is no such thing as a creator-god. Thanks to you Billy and the Plejarens for providing me and many other people about the fact that there is no creator-god. But, I keep it secret from my family and my friends. There were organized civilizations before religion and a concept of a creator-god came to be. each person would be identified as the meber of there race and the place where they live at.

Billy, if a religious person comes up to you and the FIGU members and ask you what religion you follow: What would you and the FIGU members tell him or her?

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Post Number: 141
Registered: 11-2008
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 11:23 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Billy, if I'm not mistaken it's possible to receive impulses from the storage banks if one reads the German original contact reports. However I would like to know if it is also possible to receive impulses if one were to read the English translations of the contact reports that are maybe good translations but not necessarily perfect translations?

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