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Archive through February 15, 2015

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Post Number: 630
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Sunday, December 07, 2014 - 10:34 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Doogsnova (Greg?)

The charlatan actually gave you very good advice.

... please if this doctrine resonate with you, follow it. Be authentic being there... not here...Thanks!

On a side note: Sometimes, we have to allow the blind to lead the blind. It's the only way ("practical-life-experience") through which they will learn the difference.

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Post Number: 1086
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Sunday, December 07, 2014 - 09:49 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Doogsnova,

"Mythi's reply was:
"See, as I mention before on this contact, he actually had some contacts with "behavioral scientists" Pleiadeans, but at the time he failed to properly assimilate much information he received. When subjected to holographic visions of passed facts, he did not understand that is was holographic environments to be a technology far beyond his time."

Mythi is a myth ..... it's a synthetic text to voice software reading what the mythical Mythi types.

As for the above answer ..... how is it possible for this character to know what was occurring in the mind of Billy Meier at the time he was supposedly meeting behavioral scientists ?

It's seems similar to religion ..... con man meets fools who believe the stories.

Off course it can be claimed Billy Meier is a con man and those here who believe his claims are fools being taken for a ride but then there's the 26,000+ pages of written information on all manner of subjects, pictures, videos and metal samples etc all of which combined are enough to establish with reasonable certainty that Billy Meier is not a con man in some people's minds at least.

In describing the alleged fakery of Billy Meier ....... isn't Mythi describing his own methods of distorting reality in order to appear convincing and knowledgeable then projecting that against Billy Meier.

The very dead since 1983 Ashtar Sheran has a huge following on Youtube and various websites full of visitors still believing he is out there somewhere operating Ashtar Command.

People in great numbers believe many sorts of things which aren't necessarily true or accurate.

Who knows what this guy might be in to and how he obtains the information which is posted.

"The stories and the imagination of that person completed the information the way he imagined or wanted others to imagine."

Again ..... Mythi is describing himself but how am i purportedly aware of this ..... what might be going on in his mind without ever meeting him ?

Experience in dealing with people but in the end ..... that's just a personal opinion based on an evaluation of information.

He is running an apparently successful Youtube channel attracting many visitors ..... what's new about that.

Science fiction is popular .......
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Post Number: 769
Registered: 07-2000
Posted on Sunday, December 07, 2014 - 08:05 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Doogsnova

To ease your concern ...

Other than word of mouth, please ask if Captain Bill for proofs of his contact.


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Post Number: 649
Registered: 10-2009
Posted on Monday, December 08, 2014 - 08:24 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I don't agree with Eddie where he says that one should allow the blind to lead the blind because a lot of the time that only makes one blinder. One should consider the freemason source of that. We stand for the truth and I think it's essential that one corrects those you know are wrong instead of allowing them their delusions. It's more likely Captain Bill is suffering from schizophrenia and really do you want someone like that to lead you?
From Contact Report 222
5. That is also correct. 5. Das ist ebenfalls von Richtigkeit.
6. With the “hearing of voices,” it concerns a form of schizophrenia, through which acoustic hallucinations are produced in the form of a voice or even several human voices, animal sounds, or thing-related tones, which are heard by the people afflicted by this form of schizophrenia in their consciousnesses because it has fallen to a schizophrenic disorder. 6. Beim “Stimmenhören” handelt es sich um eine Form der Schizophrenie, durch die akustische Halluzinationen in Form einer Stimme oder gar mehrerer menschlicher Stimmen, tierischer Laute oder dingmässiger Töne hervorgerufen werden, die von den von dieser Schizophrenieform befallenen Menschen in ihrem Bewusstsein gehört werden, da dieses ja der schizophrenen Störung verfallen ist.
7. Those who are afflicted by this form of schizophrenia suppose to be listeners of conversations or to perceive any other sounds, noises, tones, or even music in an allegedly real form. 7. Die von dieser Schizophrenieform Befallenen vermeinen Mithörer von Gesprächen zu sein oder irgendwelche andere Laute, Geräusche, Töne oder auch Musik in vermeintlich realer Form wahrzunehmen.
8. In severe cases of this type of schizophrenia, even alleged dialogues occur between the hallucinatory voices and schizophrenic people, which also often leads to the fact that those afflicted by this disease of consciousness respond to alleged commands of the hallucinatory voices and carry out and commit actions and deeds that aren’t comprehensible for normally healthy people. 8. In schweren Fällen dieser Schizophrenieart erfolgen sogar vermeintliche Zwiegespräche zwischen den Halluzinationsstimmen und den schizophrenen Menschen, was oft auch dazu führt, dass die von dieser Bewusstseinskrankheit Befallenen vermeintlichen Befehlen der halluzinativen Stimmen Folge leisten und Handlungen und Taten ausführen und begehen, die für einen normalgesunden Menschen nicht nachvollziehbar sind.
9. Thus, homicides of this kind appear not infrequently in a simple or serial form because the murder or killing of humans and animals or the destruction of pictures and articles, etc. are ordered by the alleged hallucinatory communication of the putative hallucinatory voices. 9. So treten in dieser Form nicht selten Tötungsdelikte in einfacher oder serienmässiger Form in Erscheinung, weil durch die vermeintliche Halluzinations-Kommunikation von den putativen Halluzinationsstimmen die Ermordung oder Tötung an Menschen und Tieren oder Zerstörungen an Bildern und Gegenständen usw. befohlen werden.
10. An occurrence, through which confused, sick, deranged, and illogical as well as reason-poor thinking is caused with this form of schizophrenia in certain respects. 10. Ein Vorgang, der bei dieser Schizophrenieform durch das verwirrte, kranke, gestörte und unlogische sowie vernunftsarme Denkvermögen in gewissen Beziehungen hervorgerufen wird.
11. A condition that doesn’t have to be permanently present but which can also only appear sporadically. 11. Ein Zustand, der nicht permanent vorhanden sein muss, sondern auch nur sporadisch in Erscheinung treten kann.
12. Those afflicted by this may even be people of good education, because the schizophrenia exhibits a split consciousness, which is determined not by the intelligence but by hallucinations and, thus, by an impairment of consciousness or by a pathological change in the state of consciousness. 12. Befallen davon können so auch Menschen von guter Bildung sein, denn die Schizophrenie stellt eine Bewusstseinsspaltung dar, die nicht durch die Intelligenz, sondern durch Halluzinationen und damit durch eine Bewusstseinsbeeinträchtigung resp. durch eine krankhafte Veränderung des Bewusstseinszustandes bestimmt wird.
13. In harmless cases, the form of schizophrenia of the “hearing of voices” appears with the so-called “dead-speakers,” “ghost-speakers,” “otherworld-speakers” and “extraterrestrial-speakers,” who – from time to time, through inner voices, even through the hearing of voices – supposedly accept that they would hear voices of the dead, ghosts, demons, otherworldly ones, and extraterrestrials and would even communicate with these. 13. In harmlosen Fällen tritt die Schizophrenieform des “Stimmenhörens” bei den sogenannten “Totensprechern”, “Geistersprechern”, “Jenseitssprechern” und “Ausserirdischensprechern” in Erscheinung, die von Zeit zu Zeit durch innere Stimmen, eben durch das Stimmenhören, vermeintlich annehmen, dass sie Stimmen von Toten, Geistern, Dämonen, Jenseitigen und Ausserirdischen hören und gar mit diesen kommunizieren würden.
14. On Earth, you call such people mediums, necromancers, and channelers, etc., but who, as explained, truly only have inner voices and believe that they would receive commands or messages from these and even communicate with them. 14. Auf der Erde nennt ihr solche Menschen Medien, Totenbeschwörer und Channeler usw., die jedoch, wie erklärt, wahrheitlich nur innere Stimmen haben und glauben, dass sie von diesen Befehle oder Botschaften erhalten und gar mit ihnen kommunizieren würden.
15. Another form of this illness of consciousness also causes putative “telepathic voices” through unrealistic forms of thought and beliefs, by what means those afflicted by this illness believe that they would stand in telepathic connection with any beings of a worldly, otherworldly, or other-dimensioned or extraterrestrial form. 15. Eine weitere Form dieser Bewusstseinskrankheit ruft durch unrealistische Gedanken- und Glaubensformen auch putative “Telepathie-Stimmen” hervor, wodurch die von dieser Krankheit Befallenen glauben, dass sie mit irgendwelchen Wesen diesseitiger, jenseitiger, andersdimensionierter oder ausserirdischer Form in telepathischer Verbindung stünden.
16. Those afflicted by these forms of delusion believe that their delusions are real. 16. Die von dieser Wahnform Befallenen glauben selbst, ihre Wahngebilde seien Wirklichkeit.
17. Moreover, on the outside, they appear completely normal to their fellow human beings, who judge the false assertions of the schizophrenics as given and, thus, classify those who are sick in consciousness as completely normal, which, as a rule, is also typical of the professionals, such as psychologists and psychiatrists, who can also be deceived just like the laymen. 17. Ausserdem erscheinen sie nach aussen für die Mitmenschen völlig normal, die die falschen Aussagen der Schizophrenen als gegeben erachten und so die Bewusstseinskranken auch als völlig normal einstufen, was in der Regel auch den Fachkräften wie Psychologen und Psychiatern eigen ist, die sich ebenso täuschen lassen wie die Laien.

Justsayno, maybe in the future you could post the link to the contact instead of re-quoting so many sentences. Thanks Scott Moderator

(Message edited by scott on December 09, 2014)
Good, better, best. May you never rest, until your good is better, and your better best.
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Post Number: 1545
Registered: 02-2000
Posted on Tuesday, December 09, 2014 - 09:02 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

What I want to know is how some of these schizophrenic mediums are able to precisely tell a person things about themselves that only they know and stuff about relatives that are deceased. there's a show on TV called "The Haunting Of" starring medium Kim Russo she is very precise and it seems to be genuine. She seems to be pulling this information from somewhere.
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Post Number: 631
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Tuesday, December 09, 2014 - 09:06 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


On what creative natural laws do you base your advice to Dogsnova?

So you do not agree with the advice given to Billy by the Jshwjsh Sfath?

Please explain to us your logic of how Dogsnova's time and energy would be best utilized attacking and reacting to a charlatan as apposed to simply providing valuable information to the world.

Thank you,

P.S. That insight about allowing the blind to lead the blind is from someone far wiser than I.

It too is based on a natural creative law (Free-Will) which recommends that a human being must be free to follow her/his own advice or that of another; as the human being chooses.
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Post Number: 371
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 02:50 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

We can't tell schizophrenic people or anybody what is right or wrong, we can be good examples though

It starts with us from within

Plato heard voices too

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining. Truly, I know that there is no resistance to my successes, also not in my thoughts and not in my imagination and also not in my feelings. 77 Being emotional is not logical but is temporary madness and you are either logical or mad not both, i am grateful for my emotions but need to control them.
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Post Number: 96
Registered: 04-2013
Posted on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 06:36 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


It’s my understanding that the very good Mediums have a keen ability for telepathy; partial mind reading; body language reading, facial reading etc; they fish for key words and fills in the blanks. The fact that a person would want to contact a Medium in the first place puts that person in a position of vulnerability and gives a Medium the advantage.

According to Billy;
To become a medium must be learned. Through mediumship you do not get knowledge, but you can put yourself in a trance, e.g., to present a dance, etc. The claim that mediums receive messages from deceased ones, from demons, angels etc. is esoteric rubbish/nonsense.

Mediumship or being a medium is an entirely different thing than, e.g., telepathy.

(Note by CF: Billy doesn’t hold siances. This medium is either schizophrenic, or a liar.)
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Post Number: 206
Registered: 06-2013
Posted on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 01:13 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I thought Billy said some mediums can get (pick up) the personal information of a deceased person from the person they are doing the session for?
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Post Number: 97
Registered: 04-2013
Posted on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 09:21 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

How do you know that "Plato heard voices too?"
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Post Number: 650
Registered: 10-2009
Posted on Friday, December 12, 2014 - 07:33 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Scott, sorry for not posting the link which is here:
Thank you for the correction.
Hi Eddie, just like your buddy who believes his grandpa got strike by lightning and disintegrated – it was a real disservice to your friendship for not pointing out the natural laws in which this is IMPOSSIBLE. I think if you had pointed it out instead of being so worried about losing the friendship that would have been the right path. What kind of friendship is that anyway, when you can’t speak the truth? I believe that is one of the freemason rituals where the blind leads the blind, isn’t it? So I can well imagine why you think it’s okay. Well I’ve never lived that way and I would appreciate someone pointing out if I’m doing something wrong, so I can make a correction (just like Scott did). Was I offended? Was I so concerned about looks and looking bad in the eyes of the FIGU readers that I had to defend myself? Hell no, I actually appreciate it. Can you imagine our world if no one pointed out mistakes?
And yes it is imperative that we allow ourselves to correct others. Free will states that they take the advice/correction or not, it’s their choice. So how is that going against creational law? It’s not.
I’ll leave you with this to think about:

Hi Kenneth, you are so right about the way a medium works. I visited a fortune teller on a lark and she pulled out the tarot cards and my friend talked non-stop so it was easy for her to figure my friend out. When it was my turn I kept my mouth shut and 30 years later I can honestly say she wasn't that accurate and was so wrong about so many things.
Good, better, best. May you never rest, until your good is better, and your better best.
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Post Number: 632
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Friday, December 12, 2014 - 06:16 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


You have this issue, I see, with creating these delusional ideas in your mind and assuming them to be true.

You know nothing of my conversations and dealings with my friend(s). Yes, he now knows that lightening does not disintegrate a person. I found him security camera footage of a person being struck by lightning so he would not have to believe me but, "know" for himself.

You also know NOTHING about freemasonry and have been conned into all sorts of nonsense and delusional convictions from book sellers and sensationalists.

You are obviously under religious-wise thinking and this is one thing I can point out to you that you are mistaken with in how you approach interaction with others and in your thinking.

Please keep your nonsense to yourself and spare me your delusional nonsense regarding freemasonry as you are obviously quite ignorant on any and all aspects of this fraternity.

Actually, spare me, PLEASE, any and all your delusional nonsense on all topics. Your entire spirit is argumentative and button-pushing.

It is disappointing that my experience with you on this forum is, well, disappointing.

Thank you,
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Post Number: 106
Registered: 10-2012
Posted on Saturday, December 13, 2014 - 10:56 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

It's disappointing that ad hoc/hominem statements are common, and are common to earth existence, in general. It's sad the active participants on the FIGU board are lacking much cohesion except on general acceptance of the reality inherent within BEAMS words, but also sad that many obvious inherent realities on earth are badgered and denigrated by the omniscience of the Plejaren messengers due to their lack of direct participation in fruitless, but inherent experiences of Earth that dominate our planetary cultural perceptions which erect a wall of misunderstanding headaches on both sides. The Mission is important but it's goals are inherently flawed for maximum achievement due to Earth's average true spiritual culture being malignantly nonexistent except in basic subconscious instinct. The bridge between Mission success and attainment is thus impossible in current times except on small scales, in religious parlance "finding converts to the Truth," making the FIGU Mission congruent with all standing religions because of lack of experience with true spiritual, and physical reality.
Jack --
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Post Number: 23
Registered: 02-2012
Posted on Saturday, December 13, 2014 - 11:56 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello everyone.
So, in a hundred years from now when future human beings read this forum what will they think? Will they wonder why was it that the few blessed (good fortune) human beings that recognized the truth and the universal significance of the spiritual teaching and the prophet had illogical arguments about illogical matters and also took everything personal?

Or, will the future human beings read with amazement and a feeling of deep respect and love for their forefathers, the earliest students and disseminators of the truth in the new time? Will having knowledge of the turmoil on the earth in this time and the courageous strength and self responsibility that you, me, all of us, had to have in our effort to become true human beings be a shining example for them to follow?

With Love,
Scott Reed.
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Post Number: 651
Registered: 10-2009
Posted on Sunday, December 14, 2014 - 08:35 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Eddie, you said yourself that you would never quit being a freemason so I wonder whose advice you are actually giving when you post. The blind leading the blind was a good thing in your eyes but has nothing to do with the spiritual teaching so I assumed rightly that it was a freemason thing. You seem to have gone through extreme measures to actually find some security footage of a lightning strike to show your friend when a few simple words could have done it? Why do you even have security footage of such an event anyway? I’ve never read any freemason books but have read our local newspaper expose which lists all the members since inception. The thing that struck me was out of the current members I actually knew, most were real pieces of crap. Most hold high power positions or jobs which have much influence. They claim to do so much for the community but in reality they are doing it for their own benefit and for their own members. I guess one could say that Shriner hospitals is giving to the community until you realize what a racket that is and guess who benefits from that? Making money off of kid’s diseases is pretty pathetic in my eyes. My hairdresser’s dad is a freemason and she recently confessed to me that he used to beat her mom. Nice guy eh? My friend’s boyfriend who had recently been approached to join is a manager at a co-op and won’t go into details but he is also a real piece of crap. I told her to dump him, but she has free will and she has not taken my advice (yet). I was raised non-religious so you saying that I have religious thinking when you in fact are the one who does. You DO have to have a belief in god to join and to continue to participate. After years of watching the named freemasons, I’ve come to the conclusion that freemasons are dying out and they only recruit people who are of questionable ethics and morals who will use their positions of power to benefit their own members and their members pockets. But Eddie if you have any evidence to the contrary, I would love to see it. Billy says humans have lost the ability to debate, let's see if that's true here.
Good, better, best. May you never rest, until your good is better, and your better best.
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Post Number: 633
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Monday, December 15, 2014 - 07:53 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


"The blind leading the blind"... that is from the spiritual teaching.

"A few simple words could have done it"... this is religious-wise thinking. No difference between me telling my friend or his family telling him...this is belief.

Better that he "knows" for himself by viewing the footage.

Too bad you met Masons that are crappy guys... nothing to do with a fraternity. Actually, you should go and tell the fraternity that these Masons are abusing and hitting people... this is NOT tolerated.

Go have an attorney go through the Shriners hospital and see what they find. If they are profiting from children who are getting free medical care and their parents are complaining... tell the media.

Your friend's boyfriend was approached?? Tell him to contact me. The fraternity is NOT to approach anyone.

Again, you make delusional claims: "They only recruit people of questionable ethics" benefit their members and their members pockets".

Any lodge doing ANY form of recruiting will be shut down by the fraternity. If you have the evidence, pass it along to me and you will see how fast it will be addressed.

Have that crappy boyfriend contact me who was approached (solicited/recruited) by his lodge.

Take care,
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Post Number: 2503
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Monday, December 15, 2014 - 09:03 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Could we get back on topic, thanks guys
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Post Number: 512
Registered: 09-2011
Posted on Monday, February 02, 2015 - 12:08 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I stumbled across an interview with Dr. Frank Salter about Earth's unspoken ethnic cold-war that has been ongoing for at least a century. It’s "remarkable" to me how similar our thinking is, though we have each arrived at the same conclusions through our own unique paths. Dr. Salter's interview is fascinating to me for how it tactfully handles so many obvious (and taboo...) points in quick succession. His primary overarching topic is the insane policy of replacement immigration being inflicted upon Western nations - implicit here is that the West’s immigration policy is being foisted not by the population that’s being replaced, but rather by some other population (a group he refers to as 'Leftists’), and he touches back upon this point repeatedly throughout the interview. I hope you take the time to consider this perspective, listen to this interview. It comes well recommended.

While you read all of this, you might also enjoy listening to some dramatic music, to help set the mood lest you not take this seriously enough.

Notable moments:
~01 minute in - intro, Dr. Salter is a well known academic and obviously an underutilized political advisor.
~10 - how interracial marriages are of necessity more closely held together by aligned thinking processes, goals, etc. than couples in intraracial marriages. Hypocrisy inherent in the way the concepts of multiculturalism, racism, etc. are understood and used.
~20 - The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America, by Erik Kaufman, published by Harvard University Press 2004. How evolved the push to discredit Social Darwinism in Western academic circles through the influence of Leftists (in separate interview, Dr. Salter expounds upon this topic at length). The influence of Franz Boaz upon Western academic thinking (for instance I learned about him as a hero of the field when I studied anthropology decades ago), constituting a literal cultural takeover from the rationalistic roots on up. (In other words, a subversion of what academic thought constitutes rationality.)
~30 - “The Banality of Evil” - Western societies are being absorbed into other cultures as they are progressively less able to defend their own interests through the policies that result from the Leftist's superimposed morality of universalism. Explicit goal to equalize all societies though open immigration. The risk of internal civil conflicts and wars is directly proportional to ethnic diversity within a society. Each race of people has its own strategies and degrees of success, thus social stratification grows by ethnic class. - Incidentally, let me interject a quick explanation here: these are anthropological concepts whose relationships have been determined through empirical research. This doesn’t just come from thin air. No matter what you may want to think, we are not all the same.
~40 - Introduces the idea of ethnic autism - i.e.: primarily white leftist who are hyper-individualists, in other words they cannot read other people’s intentions, and are driven by a racial transference reaction, an assumption of victimhood, and/or guilt, in discussions that touch upon race. The ethnic autistic is unable to perceive replacement immigration in the West. Dr. Salter explains the drive for immigration into the West in terms of Western peoples building attractive societies. (Personally I think this is naive. I think that a core group of ‘Leftists’ have deliberately targeted White nations with immigration for the purpose of genocide. I think Earth is in the throes of an unmentionable, politically-correct, ethnic cold-war. The evidence for this cynical view is just too pervasive to me to discount it. But then, you probably already knew my opinion.) He opines that the righteousness of this ethnic replacement is a value statement - to put this in terms of Herr Meier’s answer to my recent query, it’s just politics. Regardless of how you personally value incumbent ethnicity, unarguable is that ethnic replacement is happening in Western nations.
~50 - Breezes over how aggressive Leftist academics have been skewing (and even falsifying) research in the social sciences (he rejoins this academic dishonesty issue in a later interview), and calls for ideological diversity in academia. I think this call could be tweaked. Science supposedly teases out the truth. Allowing a deliberately subversive, duplicitous ideology to persist in the halls of academia would only confuse impressionable youngsters and can only cause damage. Instead, let’s blatantly test the Leftist’s ideals with rigorous science, and then adopt the way of thinking that is objectively proven to be true - as he says, not by way of conservatively returning to 19th century social thinking, but rather by moving forward with a 21st century sense of wisdom based upon what we know to be true. Considers the probability of the Western civilization’s "engine of innovation" being shutdown through replacement migration, then counters that while we have been scientifically and technologically more advanced, white people and Western civilization should not be considered superior to the societies built by other peoples. Allows for the healthiness of limited population exchange between societies of similar degrees of civilization, as long as it doesn’t negatively impact any endemic societal identities, as long as it’s culturally creative rather than destructive. Would strengthen the foundations of culture rather than break it down.
~60 - Optimization of Bonding - postulates a guideline for deliberately forming/building a better society - this, or something similar, is the key, IMHO, the most important set of points to come out of this interview. If you don’t have time to listen to the rest of the interview, listen to these few minutes. It's liquid wisdom.
~70 - Multiculturalism within states will not lead to a utopian future, but rather to one filled with sociopathy, crime, and conflict, social stratification along ethnic lines and feeling unconnected to what should be one's own society, etc., as well as cultural and racial homogenization (again whether you value this or not is dependent upon your political leanings). Perhaps somewhat facetiously, he outlines a democratization of race relations (which I think naive). Mentions the concept of ‘Top-down Revolution' in the context of political elites coercing replacement immigration, in essence summarizing the entire interview with the phrase, “Something very sinister is going on.” (The understatement of the 21st century.)
~80 - Currently in the midst of historically unprecedented replacement immigration. Invasion and conquest through immigration and integration rather than through war, (in effect a subversion of Western societies through an unmentionable ethnic cold-war.) Briefly avoids mentioning how its been done by subverting the political process, the mass media, and academia (and banking…) List some of the books he has written. Historical precedents of diversity’s impact upon nations/states - especially when it results in the collapse of societies.

If we are to build a global FIGU-based society, a real one, not just one cobbled together from a failing Western civilization overrun by the 'Leftist' agenda, then we have to take this approach to human nature into account. This the difficult task before us, this is our reality, not the Leftist ideal of integrating all the world’s peoples into one global societal and racial amalgam and expecting us to all get along. We have to build our society in such way as to respect the differences between already extant peoples, cultures, and societies if we want to build a FIGU-based society which will peacefully truly progress from where we are now. We may cling to the idea that there is something wrong with the fact that there are differences or even inequalities between already established peoples and societies from different parts of the world, we may even feel that this is repugnant in some way, but it is natural. Mixing high with low, dark with light, left with right, this won’t result in a utopia, but will only generate ethnic competition and then conflict as the behavior of the least-common-denominator wins the day. That's not just an opinion, its an observation backed up by empirical research. Advocating for overwhelming cultural and racial integration doesn’t help anyone, except perhaps the ’Leftists’ and their invasively duplicitous morality. If we are to build a global FIGU-based society, we must address this aspect of the human circumstance. No matter whether you see this as the most evil of all elitism, or as the natural process of evolution, this is our reality, our challenge.
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Post Number: 1553
Registered: 02-2000
Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2015 - 05:36 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Michaelhelfert, Thanks I'm listening to your Frank Salter interview now. Japan seems to be on the same wave length as this info. White dominated countries will never be allowed to follow these ideas. Hitler's Shadow has prevented all logical debate when it comes to Race & Multiculturalism. It sure would be interesting to hear Billy's new info on this topic.

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