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Archive through May 31, 2016

Discussionboard of FIGU » The Mission » The Pleiadians/Plejarens and the Federation » Contact Reports » Archive through May 31, 2016 « Previous Next »

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Post Number: 1197
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2016 - 07:07 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Joe: I am working on this as we speak, and it will be posted in the future. Semjase and Billy actually cease talking about the overexploitation of the world's oil supplies around line 113, in some of the other lines you wanted, Semjase reveals the 5 things the Earth should do to protect itself, in addition to information on gewaltsame Gewaltsamkeit. Although all these years later, maybe some of the world governments, as well as, the world's intelligence services would have to be in on it as well, considering the dangerous international threat of ISIS/IS, as well as, the required operation of formulating systematic lasting world peace by a unification of planetary decrees, instead of amassing weapons to destroy one another.

Salome/Corey Müske

mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 7
Registered: 02-2016
Posted on Friday, May 27, 2016 - 08:14 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Question 1 Answer:
In the early days the ETs didn't come to BEAM's office very often and didn't stay very long due at that time due to the limited time the screening devices afforded them. These devices shielded them and us from each other's vibrations for a short time. Since then they have much improved the tech and have smaller devices that have longer duration.

Question 2 Answer:
BEAM was trained from age 5 to deal with the vibrations and, as a rule, children are not affected in the same way as adults.

Question 3 Answer:
The vibration does not go with BEAM when he leaves the ETs thus no problem.
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Post Number: 1197
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Friday, May 27, 2016 - 12:50 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Joe: I will have to do this in stages, so be patient (*):

45th contact: 25h of Feburary, 1976 03:04 am.

97: Das ist ganz verschieden, im Durchschnitt aber werden die gegenwärtig dem Menschen bekannten Erdoil-Schätze der Erde in 27 1/2 Jahren ausgebeutet sein.

97: That is quite different, on average oil of the Earth presently known to the human beings will become exploited in 27 1/2 years.

98: Das betrifft die Metalle usw.

98: This concerns the metals, and so forth.

99: Das Erdoil dürfte beim gegenwärtigen bekannten Stand nur noch für rund 20 Jahren reichen nach der laufenden irdischen Wahnsinnentwicklung.

99: The oil is expected as a presently known reading for only around 20 years more for the current terrestrial development of insanity.

100: Zwischenzeitlich aber werden lieder viele weitere Erz-, Erdgas- und Erdpetroleumlager gefunden, folglich der kriminelle Raubbau am Planeten weitergehen wird.

100: In the meantime, unfortunately, more additional mineral, earth-gas, and earth-petroleum reserves will be found, consequently the criminal overexploitation of the planet will continue.

Billy Erdoil ist doch eine Lebensform wie auch Erze, oder? Wenn ich richtig informiert bin, handelt es sich um Bakterien?

Billy Oil is a life-form just like minerals, isn't it? If I am correctly informed oil is made up of bacteria?

101: Sicher

101: Certainly

102: Die Erde, die von den irdischen Wissenschaftlern übrigens gewichtsmässig völlig falsch berechnet und eingeschätzt wird, besitzt ein Erdoilvorkommen von schätzungsweise 844 Milliarden Tonnen, wovon bereits durch die Dummheit der Erdenmenschen 65 Milliarden Tonnen ausgebeutet oder vernichtet wurden.

102: Incidentally the Earth, whose weight is entirely falsely calculated, and estimated from the terrestrial scientists, the Earth has oil deposits of approximately 844 thousand million tons, whereby already through the low intelligence of the Earth-human, 65 thousand million have become exploited or destroyed.

Salome/Corey Müske

* = translation of 45th contact done by Corey Müske found on page 93 of KB block 2. Copyright FIGU/BEAM
mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 333
Registered: 04-2013
Posted on Friday, May 27, 2016 - 10:22 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Thank you very much for the information on the vibration technology and the answers to my three questions.

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Post Number: 419
Registered: 11-2008
Posted on Friday, May 27, 2016 - 10:59 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


"99: The oil is expected as a presently known reading for only around 20 years more for the current terrestrial development of insanity."

Going by this statement alone means that we should have run out of oil in the year 1996 since this contact with Semjase took place back in 1976. So how is it that we are still drilling for oil? Am I right or have I misunderstood something?
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Post Number: 207
Registered: 04-2015
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2016 - 12:54 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Corey thanks!

Any idea what Semjase means by metals?

98: This concerns the metals, and so forth.
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Post Number: 178
Registered: 01-2011
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2016 - 08:20 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Corey,

I have a question to ask although it might not fall under the current subject but here goes.

Do you feel that the spirit form or soul is really in a symbiosis relationship using the human body as a host or would you classify it as a single part of the whole including both the ego and the host/body?

[Endosymbiosis is any symbiotic relationship in which one symbiont lives within the tissues of the other, either within the cells or extracellularly]

Mat (Bronzedesk)
And the end of all our exploring, will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time.
~ T. S. Eliot
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Post Number: 1198
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2016 - 11:34 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

45th contact between Semjase and Billy continued (*):

103: Die Vernichtung wurde erzeugt durch unterirdische Atombombenexplosionen.

103: The destruction was produced through underground explosions of atom-bombs.

104: Das Quantum des vernichteten Oils beträgt rund 20 Milliarden Tonnen, also annähernd die Hälfte von dem, was der Mensch der Erde geraubt hat, was gegenwärtig mit einem Quantum von rund 45 Milliarden Tonnen errechnet werden kann.

104: The quantity of destroyed oils amounts to around 20 thousand million tons, that is almost half of what the humans of Earth have robbed, which, at present, can become calculated with a quantity of around 45 thousand million tons (circa 1976).

105: Ein Planet wie die Erde produziert im Verlaufe von einer Milliarden Jahre Erdoil in einer Menge von rund 381,5 Milliarden Tonnen.

105: A planet, such as the Earth, produces in cycles of a thousand million years an amount of around 381.5 thousand million tons.

106: Wenn so also der Planet seit schätzungsweise 3 Milliarden Jahre Erdoil anreicherte, dann produzierte er in seinem Innern etwa 844 Milliarden Tonnen Erdoil.

106: So when the planet, since approximately 3 thousand million years ago has accumulated oil, then it produces in it's interior some 844 thousand million tons of oil.

107: Von dieser Menge hat der Erdenmensch in weniger als einem Jahrhundert bereits ein Quantum ausgebeutet, für dessen Produktion die Erde Milliarden Jahre benötigte.

107: From this amount the Earth human have, in less then a century, exploited a quantity that took the Earth some thousand million of years to produce.

108: Will der Planet dieses Quantum nach dem bisher stattgefundenen Raubbau aller Erze, Gase, und des Oils usw. wieder regenerieren, dann benötigt er nach dem heutigen Erdschatzverlust wieder viele Millionen Jahre, und zwar nach den heutigen Planetenverhältnissen schon beinahe das Doppelte oder Dreifache der normalen Produktionszeit.

108: If the planet wants to regenerate this quantity of the overexploited minerals, gasses, and oils, and so forth, so far currently, then it would need after today's loss of earth-treasure, again for many millions of years, in fact already today's planet's circumstances are almost double, or triple the normal production-time.

109: Dies darum, weil der Erde heute durch die Unvernunft ihrer Bewohner sehr viele Elemente fehlen, die sie zur Produktion benötigt, weil der Mensch sie ihr entwendet hat.

109: This is because the Earth today, through irrationality of it's inhabitants, lacks many elements that are needed to be produced, because the human being has stolen them.

110: Allein die Erdoberfläche aller Kontinente, die sich vor rund 4,4 Milliarden Jahren gebildet haben, hat in weniger halben Jahrhundert soviel fruchtbares Land verloren, dass die Natur einige Millionen Jahre benötigten würde, um es eigener Kraft wieder fruchtbar zu machen.

110: The Earth's surface of all continents that was formed 4.4 thousand million years ago, in only a half-century alone has lost so much fruitful land, that nature would need a million years of it's own power make it fruitful again.

Salome/Corey Müske

* = translation of 45th contact done by Corey Müske found on page 94 of KB block 2. May contain errors. Copyright FIGU/BEAM
mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 715
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2016 - 08:43 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


It's not logical that the spiritform is living in symbiosis with the body since the spiritform simply provides the energy ...much like a battery in a toy.

So in essence, the spiritform is no different than the skin, bones and muscles of a human Being.

The spiritform is just as any part of the whole of what makes up the human Being.

The ultimate goal (purpose) for the creation of a human Being is the evolution of the Consciousness.

This means there can be no separation. No different than the fingers of the hand.

Like a hand ...the human Being, with all its components, is but one whole.

The spiritform is a component of this whole.

In the *Goblet of the Truth* there it says:
Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of the Creation. The *Goblet of the Truth* will wake you, not to the bane - but to the boon. (pg.3)
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Post Number: 420
Registered: 11-2008
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2016 - 10:11 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


In sentence 105 of W. Stevens 45th contact it says 646 billion (milliard) tons for oil deposits which is different from the 844 thousand million tons figure which you yourself translated. But I'm assuming that in the W. Stevens 45th contact, the translator probably mixed up the quantity of oil deposits with with age of the Earth itself since it was mentioned earlier in the cantact note itself that the age of our planet Earth according to Semjase is about 646 billion years.
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Post Number: 1199
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2016 - 11:39 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Joe: go with the next line (100) when Semjase stated that more Earth petroleum reserves would be found, which to the best of my understanding, is exactly what happened, which is the oil our Earth is using today. There was another update of the Peak Oil situation described in contact 469 on the 11th of August 2008, regarding the depletion of oil reserves and losing the ability to transport food and goods, that is starting to unfold.

In the Q & A Billy said to avoid this scenario, our planet could collectively:

1) Reduce the human population through a radical birthrate check.
2) Use the Earth's underground heat for producing heating and energy (= directly use our planet's inner core's heat which is abundently available and can be used without any harmful consequences).
3) Develop powerful, small (lithium based?) batteries for electrically-driven vehicles.

Salome/Corey Müske

mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 1200
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2016 - 11:53 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hugo: This is concerning any precious metal, or precious mineral that the planet Earth is overexploiting currently, just look at the precious minerals that go into cellphones, and televisions, we are running so low as a planet, that Earth forces are scouring the ocean's floor, or obtaining the vast majority from China. If you open almost any State of the World annual book by the Worldwatch institute, some have charts and reports of the world running out of precious minerals, and precious metals, some of the levels are alarmingly low, and is due to overconsumption (overexploitation) due to Earth's overpopulation levels.

Here's Billy's verbatim statements on the matter:

March 26, 2012:

Human beings need precious metals etc. to improve their technology. Terrestrial humankind has not yet received a technological level where it is possible to develop all necessary elements from electrons.
Mining in the extent as it is happening today on Earth is "wrong" (= excessive). Cause: the overpopulation catastrophe.

Salome/Corey Müske

mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 1201
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2016 - 12:43 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Mat (Bronzedesk): I think the spirit-form's relationship to the host human body is (Endo)symbiotic, thus like branching out from it's seat in the brain's Superior colliculus like a spider web, the energy from the spirit-form enlivens the host human body, and also permeates the cellular levels, just as do human feelings of joy, harmony, peace, and love, permeate the cellular levels, and the more knowledge and essence of wisdom you possess, the more powerful the swinging-waves of those feelings are, which also affects your intellect, and rationality for the positive, and helps you develop true discernment (Klugheit).

The Ego is an intregal part of the consciousness-block. It is my understanding that the key for the human being to access his/her spirit-form's energy is the human consciousness, either through thoughtless mediation via the unconscious (unbewusste), an inspiration of the subconsciousness (also known as "Ahnung" through the Unterbewusstsein [subconsciousness]) which will register in your consciousness (as a thought or feeling?), or lastly such as when you choose to be negative/positive equalized (also known as: neutral-positive [-/+]) in thoughts, and feelings, only then can your consciousness, and your spirit-form thus develop. This might explain if many Earth people might be stagnate in their consciousness-based evolution due to being unequalized due to the constrictions of Earth religion, as well as, overall living in a society that overall is not reciprocative of a society based in Creational laws/recommendations, or Creational rules of order, which would allow people to evolve much more freely, and rapidly for the positive, and negative/positive equalizations. However, any positive gain for a human, and thus if it is also equalized, (will develop) your consciousness, as well as, your spirit-form, and thus goes down in history as a developmental gain.

[Billy mentions some symbiotic connections starting around "Goblet of the Truth" 28:117, however 28:115-28:125 all touch on some good points]

Salome/Corey Müske
mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 423
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2016 - 04:33 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Observer effect3

The information in the cnotes and Got explains the universe in fine and material at its beginning and much more, hints about matter creation, how they overcome distance etc.. Etc...

It's not difficult to see why scientist get stumped for the most telling of theories as they lack basic facts

Importantly it's not difficult to either complete or change a theory, say for example the observer effect or do a new theory on everything or energy creation, matter creation etc...

Anyone want to ponder the observer effect? (I can give it a shot later, working on a theory ATM) Explain to the scientist what it is, do the equation too if u want

All it takes is an understanding of the theory they have now but it lacks depth
Eg fine matter/realm knowledge
Thought :-)

This leads to other new theories:
e=mc2 works upto a point
What do they do after that?
What point?

ok so what equation works then
None known yet
Importantly! the theory on everything dosnt exist, it can't , NOT in the material zone:-) you have the macro and quantum, you need to look at fine matter realm

Energy and matter creation
Or the theory on everything
They are simple equations

In any universe or dimension
Known as THE foundation
For all that is The Creation

And null time space
You Travel any place
Truly The Most Famous

When u can find one
You can see them all
A glance to know Law

If your thinking I have lost the plot
Maybe I have or maybe Have Not
To see clearly use The Logic
Remove emotion so we r on topic

An equation dosnt = beam ship though eh eh

The observer effect is important for a few reasons, so is the theory on everything or matter,energy creation and they will support each other

Ponder what u know about The Creation and what our mates said, observe science ATM, its a blank landscape, it's bare of a certain knowledge that we know

I had some realisations while meditating or was in a dark room laying down thinking about figu material

I have some ideas soon that others could make discoveries, the more important an equation is the simpler it is, the theory isn't difficult either, I am not asking for help, I am giving u a head start before others, just consider putting on your Spock hat n have a ponder and look into important un solved theories, I bet they need fine matter/realm knowledge, Columbus

Do you ever wonder why the pilot is human for warp speed ;-)

oh that reminds me someone did a post about symbols, I Gota reply ASAP

If your not the best at equations don't worry, Theory is the important part, the math can come later

If it's shot down in flames it's no biggy
We learn from that and work on it

It's easy to self publish for free on many websites designed just for that

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining. Truly, I know that there is no resistance to my successes, also not in my thoughts and not in my imagination and also not in my feelings. 77 Being emotional is not logical but is temporary madness and you are either logical or mad not both, i am grateful for my emotions but need to control them.
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Post Number: 1202
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2016 - 04:33 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Joe: Yes, you may be onto something about a mis-translation that is linked to previously released information of the age of the Earth, or whatever.

I can attest that the original German of the 45th contact of KB block 2, specifically sentences 102 and 106 definitely state 844 thousand million (Milliard) tons of oil, not 646 billion.

Salome/Corey Müske
mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 1203
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2016 - 10:33 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

45th contact between Semjase and Billy continued (*):

111: In nur 25 Jahren hat der Erdenmensch bereits soviel fruchtbares oder halbfruchtbares Land zerstört, dass die natürliche Norm um 144,2% überschritten wird.

111: In only 25 years the Earth human has already destroyed so much fruitful, or semi-fruitful land, that he has exceeded the natural norm by 144.2% (circa 1976).

112: Das heisst, der Erdenmensch hat zu den natürlichen Wüstengebieten and sonstigen Gebieten in 25 Jahren 144,2% neues unfruchtbares Wüsten- und Unfruchtbarland geschaffen, indem er Wälder und Fruchtbarland vernichtete.

112: That means, the Earth human has added in 25 years to the natural desert areas and other areas 144.2% new unfruitful deserts and unfruitful lands, by him eliminating forests and fruitful lands.

113: Noch vor 35 Jahren war die Erdoberfläche mit 86,1% Fruchtbarfläche bedeckt, heute jedoch zählen diese Prozente nur noch 39,7.

113: Prior to 35 years ago the surface of the Earth was still covered with 86.1% fruitful surfaces, however today these percentages are counted to only 39.7% (circa 1976).

Billy Aber was soll man dagegen unternehmen? Die verantwortlichen Politiker und Wissenschaftler kümmern sich doch tatsächlich einen feuchten Dreck darum. Die sagen und denken doch nur, dass sie selbst durch ihren Wahnsinn gut leben könnten und dass sie das traurige Ende selbst ja nicht mehr miterleben würden.

Billy But what should one do against it? In fact, the responsible politicians and scientists completely ignore it. They only say and think that they themselves can live good through their insanity, and that they would no longer be alive to experience the sorrowful end.

114: Leider sprichst du die volle Wahrheit.

114: Unfortunately you spoke the entire truth.

115: Viele eurer Politiker und Wissenschaftler sind absolut verantwortungslose Kreaturen, denen unbedingt ihre Macht entzogen werden müsste, um sie durch vernünftige und verantwortungsbewusste Kräfte zu ersetzen.

115: Many of your politicians and scientists are completely irresponsible creatures, whom should be removed of their might, in order to replace them with rational and responsibility conscious forces.

116: Dies aber ist leider nur durch logische gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit zu erreichen, die durch die Volk selbst ausgeübt werden müsste.

116: But this is unfortunately only achieved through logical gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkiet , that the people themselves should exercise.

117: Die Erdenmenschheit müsste dabei auch auf verschiedene andere Punkte eingehen, die sich in fünf Werte kleiden lassen:

117: The Earth humankind should also thereby address other different points, the points are contained in five values:

Salome/Corey Müske (to be continued...)

* = translation of 45th contact done by Corey Müske found on pages 94/95 of KB block 2. May contain errors. Copyright FIGU/BEAM
mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 209
Registered: 04-2015
Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2016 - 06:23 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thanks Corey!
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Post Number: 420
Registered: 11-2008
Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2016 - 06:02 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Could you please check for me if in Semjase's sentence 11 in the 54th contact it says that the name of our universe according to Asket's language is called the SENAN Universe? I'm asking because I thought our universe was called the DERN universe.
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Post Number: 421
Registered: 11-2008
Posted on Monday, May 30, 2016 - 07:34 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Thanks for your translation and the reply regarding the 45th contact. In the 54th Contact of W. Stevens' Message From the Pleiades on page 319, Semjase's sentence line 52, she says that there are 7 ET groups that are located here on Earth. But I could have sworn that in another contact report it was mentioned that there were either 3 or 4 ET groups but maybe I'm wrong. Could you please check for me in the original German contact report 54 if indeed Semjase does say that there are 7 ET groups located here on Earth?
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Post Number: 1205
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Monday, May 30, 2016 - 11:12 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

45th contact between Semjase and Billy continued (*):

118: Erstens: Auf mehrere Jahre hinaus müsste ein absoluter Geburtenstopp durchgeführt werden, um die Masse der Erdenmenschheit unter eine Milliarde Einheiten zu vermindern.

118: Firstly: For several years an absolute halt-in-births should be implemented, the mass of Earth humankind to be decreased to under a oneness of a thousand million. (<529,000,000> million, achieved through a world-wide halt-in-births and 7 year birth-rate checks, to be exact per BEAM).

119: Zweitens: Ein sofortiges Einstellen aller übermässigen Erdausbeutungen ist von lebensnotwendiger Bedeutung, weshalb jegliche unvernünftige Ausbeutung unterlassen werden muss.

119: Secondly: An immediate cessation of all excessive exploitation of the Earth that is not a necessary to life meaning, which means each irrational exploitation must be avoided.

120: Drittens: Die Atomtests und der noch grössere Wahnsinn mit der Kettenreaktionsbombe müssen mit sofortiger Wirkung eingestellt werden.

120: Thirdly: The nuclear tests and the greater insanity of the chain-reaction-bombs must be ceased with immediate effect.

121: Viertens: Erstellte übergrosse Stauseen müssen zerstört werden.

121: Fourthly: Established oversized dams must be dismantled.

122: Fünftens: Sämtliche erstellten Kernkraftwerke müssen vernichtet und neue derartige Werke verhütet werden.

122: Fiftly: All established nuclear power plants must be eliminated, and new plants of this type be prevented.

Billy Mädchen, das sind Dinge, die viele Menschen selbst schon gedacht haben, aber die Bonzen in den oberen und obersten Rängen kümmern sich einen Dreck darum.

Billy Girl, those are things that many human beings themselves have already thought of, but the big-wigs in the higher ones and top ranks ignore it.

("kümmern sich einen Dreck darum" literally translates = "as they care for dirt") .

123: Das ist mir bewusst.

123: That is known to me.

124: Es bleibt dem Erdenmensch nur der Weg durch gewaltsame Gewaltsamkeit.

124: Through the way of gewaltsame Gewaltsamkeit only waits for the Earth human.

125: Er hat sich viel zu lange von den Verantwortlichen narren lassen, daher kann er auch nichts mehr erreichen in angemessenen friedlichen Formen.

125: He has for too long let the responsible ones fool him, consequently he also cannot achieve any longer in adequate peaceful forms.

Salome/Corey Müske (to be continued...)

* = translation of 45th contact done by Corey Müske found on pages 95 of KB block 2. May contain errors. Copyright FIGU/BEAM
mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 1206
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Monday, May 30, 2016 - 11:16 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Joe: yes sentence 11 indicates that to Asket's people, our universe is called the SENAN universe, and in sentence 12, Semjase explains that to her people (the Plejaren) it is called the DERN universe. It appears that Stevens version is missing this sentence 12.
mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 421
Registered: 11-2008
Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 05:17 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Thank you for the reply regarding the SENAN/DERN universe. But for some reason in Message From the Pleiades Semjase's sentence 12 in the 54th Contact does not mention anything about the DERN universe, like you yourself just said. That's strange if you ask me. But it could be because at the time of the translation, the contact note itself might have been slightly different or the translator might have simply just have missed it. I don't know, I can only guess. But Corey, could you please tell me if the books of the original German contact notes that you have mention whether they are either the "First Edition", "Second Edition" or something of the sort? I'm asking because if those books of the original German contact notes that you have are maybe for example the "Second Edition" well then that might explain the differences between your books of the original German contact notes and W. Stevens' Message From the Pleiades contact notes.

It is also interesting to note that the 844 thousand million tons that you translated for me Corey in the 45th Contact from the original German book that you have is actually mentioned in Semjase's sentence line 102 whereas in the W. Stevens' Message from the Pleiades it is mentioned in Semjase's sentence line 105.
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Post Number: 1207
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 11:14 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Joe: the 7 ET races Semjase mentions in contact 54 were all mentioned as being part of the Plejaren Federation when they were active, and stationed here prior to their departure in 1995. She was not referring to the 3 or 4 races that are stationed here, that are working with future terrestrial humans that Ptaah later brought up.
mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216

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