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Archive through January 20, 2010

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Post Number: 52
Registered: 03-2009
Posted on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 04:19 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Just curious... how many people here are practicing any form of Meditation? if one doesnt, one will continue to chase its own tail, as the saying goes! There is one sentence from Semjase that can help change all unreal suggestions and human imaginations and that is in Contact No; 10
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Post Number: 405
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 07:15 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Norm

i think it has to do with vibrations

if i remember well it has been explained that ALL that exist (including the spirit) is electromagnetic energy.

And so one can attract or repel things (or persons or situations) like magnets do with the thoughts.

Over and over in Billy´s writings it is said that our thoughts are immensely powerful and that they define everything about our life.

I haver read a pair of books on the power of thoughts and they seem to be in line with Billy´s teachings. In short it is stated that one should think in what you want, one should form a clear mental image of what you want ot achieve. (And one should avoid fear `cause it also attracts those things that you fear)

Think about almost any succesful sportsman and they tell the same story, since childhood they always had a dream, they imagined themselves as the best in this or that, and didn´t let others tell them that it was impossible or anything.

Another "key" in being succesful is enthusiasm, and also being cheerful and kind (nobody wants to be near someone that is grumpy and rude, and everybody knows someone who is not physically attractive also maybe not the smarter and yet everyone likes his/her company because he/she is cheerful and kind and it feels good to be with that person)

i hope this helps

take care
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Post Number: 479
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 03:19 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Excerpt from Billy's Macht der Gedanken (Power of Thoughts), page 21

Was der Mensch denkt, das verwirklicht er, und wie der Mensch über sich selbst denkt, zu dem wird er. Also ist es in jedem Fall und absolut immer notwendig, dass gute, positive Gedanken gehegt und gepflegt werden und dass der Mensch auch eine gute und positive Meinung über sich selbst ausübt.

What the person thinks, he/she realizes this, and how the person thinks about them self, they become that. So it is always necessary, in any case, that absolutely good, positive thoughts are preserved and maintained and that the person also exercises a good and positive opinion of themselves.

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Post Number: 480
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 04:27 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

However, "wishful" thinking is not the objective either.

Also sollte jeder Mensch daran t bedacht sein, sich selbst zu ergründen und eine wirklichkeitsbezogene Meinung von sich zu bilden, die den effec¬tiven Tatsachen entspricht.
So every person should bear in mind to fathom and to form a reality based opinion of themself which corresponds to the effective facts.
p.21, Macht der Gedanken

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Post Number: 1142
Registered: 10-2007
Posted on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 07:12 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Hi Norm,

From the following, by Billy, this may provide some of the answer to your question (original translation by Adam Izak-Sunna and Nicolas Weis (from the German Forum), some syntax and spell corrections by Rod ):

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Aus 'Philosophie des Lebens' von Billy

Selected fragments from 'Philosophy of Life' by Billy

- " Jeder Mensch muss sich selbst sein und daher auch seine eigene Führungspersönlichkeit, die ihre eigenen durchschlagenden Ideen entwickelt, diese verfolgt und verwirklicht." (Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; page 8).

Each person must be him/herself and therefore also his/her own 'guiding personality', which develops its own clear, positive [resounding] ideas and pursues and realizes them.

- " Die Lehre geht aber auch dahin, dass der Mensch sein Leben in gesundem und rechtschaffenem Rahmen genießen, jedoch nicht seine Leiden und das Negative verneinen soll, weil sowohl das Negative wie auch das Positive zur Evolution und zum Fortschritt notwendig sind." (Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; page 19).

The teaching goes also about a person enjoying his/her life within healthy and honest/righteous Frame, however he/she must not deny [in the sense of 'rejecting'] his/her suffering and the negative, because both the negative and the positive are necessary for evolution and progress.

- " Das Ausüben der Geisteslehre und die Lehre selbst verkörpern das wahre Wesen des menschlichen Lebens, wobei das Ausüben des Gelernten selbst ein Forum zu sich selbst sowie zu den Mitmenschen eröffnet, durch das ein freier Austausch von Gedanken, Gefühlen, Worten und Sichtweisen erfolgt. Das schafft eigene sowie gegenseitige Ermutigungen, durch die zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen und Verbindungen entstehen, aus denen große Fortschrittliche Werte hervorgehen, die in wahrer Liebe, wahrer Freiheit, wahrem Frieden und in Harmonie gründen." (Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; page 25).

The practice of the spiritual teachings, and the teaching itself, embody the true essence of human Life, whereby the practice of the learning itself opens a forum within oneself as well as towards fellow humans, where a free exchange of thoughts, feelings, words and insights takes place.

This provides encouragement for both, for oneself and in relation to others [mutual encouragement], through which relations and connections are created between persons, from which big, progressive values emanate, which values are founded on true love, true freedom, true peace and harmony.

- " Lernen aber ist mit einem Fehlerbegehen verbunden, denn durch die natürliche Regel der Entwicklung ist bestimmt, dass ein Erfolg nur durch Erkenntnis beschieden sein kann, was aber grundsätzlich bedeutet, dass erst Fehler begangen werden müssen, ehe daraus gelernt werden kann.

Folgedem ist die ganze Entwicklung darauf aufgebaut, Fehler zu begehen, diese zu erkennen und zu beheben, um erst dann alles richtig zu handhaben.
" ( Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; page 27).

Learning is connected to making mistakes, though, as a natural rule of development is established in such a way that success can only be achieved through realization/awareness, which in fact means that first mistakes will be made before so that one could learn from them.

The whole development is consequently built up in the following order: making mistakes, recognizing them and correcting them, in order to then correctly deal with everything.

- "Klar muss diesbezüglich sein, dass diese Werte erlernt werden müssen und nicht jedem Menschen gleichermassen gegeben sind, folglich also evolutive Unterschiede von Mensch zu Mensch bestehen, die tatsächlich Welten voneinander trennen können."
(Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; page 35).

In this respect, it must be clear, that these values must be learnt and are not equally given to each person, and consequently also evolutive differences exist from person to person, which indeed can be worlds apart [in the sense of differences of views, experiences, understandings...].

- " Das Praktizieren des Lernens, Ausübens, der Anwendung und der Verwirklichung der Geisteslehre bedarf keinerlei persönlicher Hilfe irgendwelcher Lehrer, denn grundlegend ist das Selbsterlernen der Faktor dessen, der auch durch die schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze gegeben ist." (Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; page 42).

The practice of the teachings, of the exercises, the application and the realization of the spiritual teachings need no kind of personal help from any kind of teacher, because the self-study is the fundamental factor, which also is given through the creational-natural laws [the natural laws of Creation].

- " Jeder Mensch - ob bewusst oder unbewusst - trägt in seinem Innern den Wunsch, anderen Menschen, irgendwelchen Lebensformen oder sonstigen Dingen ehrfürchtig Respekt und Wertschätzung, Ehre und Würde entgegenzubringen." (Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; page 43).

Each Person - consciously or unconsciously - bears within him/herself [in the sense of 'Inner Most'] the wish to express reverential respect and esteem, honor and dignity, to other humans, to any forms of life, or other things.

- " Alles Existente, auch das Leben, besteht aus Negativ und Positiv, aus Licht und Dunkelheit sowie aus grobstofflicher und feinstofflicher Materie. Beide Formen sind immer miteinander verbunden und bedingen sich gegenseitig.

Ohne etwas Feinstoffliches kann nichts Grobstoffliches bestehen, wie es auch umgekehrt der Fall ist. [...] So muss sich der Menschen sowohl mit dem Guten wie mit dem Schlechten auseinandersetzen und zurechtfinden, muss beides handhaben und sich zum besten Fortschritt sowie zur Evolution führen.
" (Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; page 48).

All that exists, life too, consists of the negative and the positive, of light and darkness, as well as of coarse matter and fine matter. Both are connected with each other and determine each other.

Without something subtle/fine nothing coarse can exist, also the contrary is the case. Consequently a person must get along with and deal with both, the good and the bad. He/she must treat both and guide him/herself towards the best progress as well as towards evolution.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

So far as I know, this has not been translated before.
This Translation has not yet been officially recognized by Figu.

Now, I know this is a rather indirect answer to your quest, but does provide some additional insight. Anyway, it falls under the request for "Any Thoughts."



TRUTH finds WISDOM finds LOVE finds PEACE

Find What You Seek ~ Rod
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Post Number: 481
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 07:28 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Also, there is this...

Wünsche und Gebete werden wahrheitlich nur dann erfüllt und beantwortet, wenn sie mit den Gedanken, Handlungen, Formungen und mit dem Harmonisieren identisch sind.
Wishes and prayers can truthfully only be met and answered if the thoughts, actions, and formation(implementation) are in equal harmony.

p.24, Macht der Gedanken
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Post Number: 17
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 08:58 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)



I believe this also explains "neutral-positive".

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Post Number: 1145
Registered: 10-2007
Posted on Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 10:39 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Hello PatM,

Yes, you have made an astute observation.

To be neutral is to accept the 'polar-opposites' in all actions, in all relationships among Human Beings.

The "good" and the "bad" are really only conditioned by the social order, relevance is different among different cultures. These differences are results of the necessary polarity, necessary for this Universe to even exist. Without the polarization of opposites, there would be only 'stasis' = no growth, no action, no challenge, and all the rest which Billy points out for us.

Then, as the Positive Expectation is held in the consciousness, the neutral balance is achieved from the awareness of the polar opposites. The Positive Expectation leads us into an appreciation of Life, and the Joy of living.



TRUTH finds WISDOM finds LOVE finds PEACE

Find What You Seek ~ Rod
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Post Number: 204
Registered: 05-2009
Posted on Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 01:24 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Scott: post only the second post

Wünsche und Gebete werden wahrheitlich nur dann erfüllt und beantwortet, wenn sie mit den Gedanken, Handlungen, Formungen und mit dem Harmonisieren identisch sind.

Wishes and prayers just become truthlily (by truth) fulfilled and responded to, if they are identical (selfsame) with the thoughts, actions (self-handlements), and formations and with the harmonization.


- Matthew
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Post Number: 205
Registered: 05-2009
Posted on Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 02:06 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Transverbations of the above, to upheave possible misunderstandings.

"Jeder Mensch muss sich selbst sein und daher auch seine eigene Führungspersönlichkeit, die ihre eigenen durchschlagenden Ideen entwickelt, diese verfolgt und verwirklicht." (Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; page 8)."

'Every human must be for himself and thence also his own personality-at-leadance, thich (which) develops its own punching ideas (concepts), pursues these and makes these real (realizes them).'

"Die Lehre geht aber auch dahin, dass der Mensch sein Leben in gesundem und rechtschaffenem Rahmen genießen, jedoch nicht seine Leiden und das Negative verneinen soll, weil sowohl das Negative wie auch das Positive zur Evolution und zum Fortschritt notwendig sind." (Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; Seite 19)."

'But the teaching also goes thither that Human should relish (enjoy, take fruit of) his life in a healthy (sound) and right-fashioned framework, however he should not abnegate ('no' away) his sufferings and the negative, for (because) the negative as well as the positive are necessary (for-plying-by-need) unto (for) evolution and unto progress (gaining paces onwards)' (Billy, 'Philosophy of Life'; page 19).'

etc, etc

This may give some apprehension of how very different the German meaning can be from the English 'translation'.


- Matthew
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Post Number: 206
Registered: 05-2009
Posted on Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 02:27 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

"Klar muss diesbezüglich sein, dass diese Werte erlernt werden müssen und nicht jedem Menschen gleichermassen gegeben sind, folglich also evolutive Unterschiede von Mensch zu Mensch bestehen, die tatsächlich Welten voneinander trennen können."
(Billy, Philosophie des Lebens; Seite 35).

'Clear must it be (it need be clear) in this relationship (fostering and cherishing ('shipping upon oneself') or fashioning of a leading-back to something (in common); literally 'withdrawment' or 'takement of draught' or 'adduction') that these values (worths, quantities and qualities) must become learned-up and are not given to every human of equal measure (quantifiability), consequentially evolutive differences are staying (insist, 'exist') from human to human, thich in fact can separate worlds (of difference, distance) from eachother.'


- Matthew
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Post Number: 743
Registered: 07-2004
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 02:13 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi J_rod,

Wouldn't the negative part of an experience, in a neutral/positive scenario, contain the lesson that could be learned, thus finding positive in a negative experience.

I find very little to question of your writings these days, so I'm a little hesitant to pause the discussion here. Neutral/positive is many things for sure, but could you clarify this part for me:

"Then, as the Positive Expectation is held in the consciousness, the neutral balance is achieved from the awareness of the polar opposites. The Positive Expectation leads us into an appreciation of Life, and the Joy of living."

It's the 'Expectation' part I'm unclear about. Do you mean the potential 'lesson' in an experience? 'Expectation' is a very problematic word sometimes.
a friend in america
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Post Number: 1617
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 02:26 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Norm....

Would agree with most of the postings, here.

Once again: "Creational Duality", takes her stance!

Or: Mind Over Matter! [Your Material world of Ideas(; Mentally, related, in
unison with your Consciousness/Spirit Power)]

Well, everybody has some 'wishful' thinking, these days, no?

Thus: make it come TRUE, if you manifesting Oneself, in Neutral
Positivity(: Equilibrium), to achieve it. [No use in Self-pity, on?]

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Post Number: 8
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 07:39 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello all,if I am posting in the wrong place please forgive me and move it if necc.
What I want to know is I see there are some prayers and it's a bit confusing to me{because i'm new I suppose},but if there is no god and only Ceation,who or what are we praying to and are the prayers here the only acceptable prayers?Also are these prayers answered or acknowledged?It seems a bit like religion in that sense.So if someone prays to ,say Jesus/ this in vain,because his spirit has been reincarnated and we are not supposed to pray to people?And if he has been reincarnated,is billy his new host on earth? Thanks for your patience ,I have a lot to learn and much reading to do,I have to order all the books and videos and search the boards here.I think what i have learned so far makes more sense than anything I have ever heard from any religion,I have not completely committed yet,I need to learn alot more before I can do that,but I am very excited about all of this so far and I truly hope it continues to make sense! I have never believed in organized religion but felt there was somethingon on a spiritual level that was missing,but about a year ago Things were really going bad for me and I kind of started to pray and as a child I was christened and did the sunday school thing so the catholic religion was all I knew,so it was to jesus that i was trying to talk to,but I basically just talked to him and told him I did not buy into religionand did'nt think he did either but asked if he was there would he come into my life and help guide me to be the best human being I could be,the best father,husband,son etc...and that I was truly sorry for everything wrong or bad that I ever did and if he would help shield me and mine from negative forces and harm.I don't know but when I started doing that ,things really seemed to begin to change and I felt different,I was'nt as worried or scared as I usually was,A kind of calmness came over me. So if{IF}this is true,can it be explained by any of what the teachings here are,like praying to creation or would billy say this is only a coincidence or positive thinking or?? Thanks to all for your patience and help! It's very important to me that I learn the truth so I can be on the right path and grow in the right direction and be who i'm supposed to be! T}}hanx again!! Poth
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Post Number: 91
Registered: 10-2009
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 08:19 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

An example of the positive/negative aspect. The kids are misbehaving, you don't want to start a fight with them, because you want to be kind and loving and neutral. Kids take advantage of this and you keep telling them no, but they don't listen. Then you blow up at them (negative) and they realize that mom isn't going to take it anymore, whereby you create a more positive atmosphere with more respect.
So that is the expectation, that what you say in a negative way will influence the change to a more postive one. (If that makes sense?)
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Post Number: 1146
Registered: 10-2007
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 08:38 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Hi Shawn,

In consideration of achieving the neutral-positive stance in life, there comes the recognition of self-responsibility. The realization of self-responsibility is a liberating experience, literally to break the bonds of untruth which, in the past, have been holding our view / perspective towards one or the other polar opposites.

By recognition that such polarity must be in all things, we accept a balanced nature, the balance of Creation.
The liberation achieves in the consciousness, in the feelings, and in the emotions, a positive sense - that our Spirit is Evolving even now, an expectation of growth, an expectation of living in the enjoyment (in Joy) of life, a positive expectation to live gracefully among all beings.



TRUTH finds WISDOM finds LOVE finds PEACE

Find What You Seek ~ Rod
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Post Number: 744
Registered: 07-2004
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 02:36 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Rod,

Thanks for the response. The idea I had was similar and now it's much clearer. Your wording adds more to the idea of the neutral/positive that I have omitted due to a shortened conceptual formula I press into some of my thoughts. Not viewing the complete landscape of neutral/positive, one loses some of the aspects that this type of thinking will reward oneself with eventually, i.e. expectation.

Recognition of self responsibility would be the common thread of all Billy's spiritual teaching, a most important aspect I need to remember when speaking with others about these materials. A bullet point for sure.

a friend in america
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Post Number: 482
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 06:46 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Poth: "...if there is no god and only Ceation,who or what are we praying to..."

Hello Poth. If you are new the spiritual teaching, I recommend that you start with reading the Talmud Jmmanuel (TJ). You do not pray to anything external from yourself but rather to your own spirit because the power to answer prayers does not lie outside of oneself. Although there is a recommended prayer to the spirit which can be found in the TJ, it is not required. The main point is that prayer, like wishs, come to fruition when there is a harmony of thought, action and implementation and not by the grace of a benevolent god or serendipity.

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Post Number: 483
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 07:30 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Rod and PatM

The passage from Billy’s Philosophy of Life which occurs in Rod’s post 1142 above is not an explanation nor an example of neutral-positive thinking. It is an explanation of why the negative events/experiences are a necessary aspect of the human experience for learning and growth and Billy refers to it elsewhere as Gesetz der Fehlerbegehung (Law of Error-performing). The Geisteslehre teaches that every negative also has a positive and every bad, wrong and injurious action also has the potential good within the recovery by analyzing and recognizing the lesson and making the appropriate corrections. So every mistake is a reason for optimism from the fact that from it good, effective, positive, healthy, right action and evolution can occur.

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Post Number: 484
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 08:22 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

In neutral-positive thinking, thoughts should be neither purely negative nor be purely positive, but well-balanced, namely neutral-positive well-balanced. This means that thoughts are probably maintained in positive form but at the same time, however, also negative inclusions must be admitted which are processed neutrally-equalised with the positive together. A simple example would be leaving your home with optimism that it will not rain that day but toting your umbrella along just in case because there was a 30 percent chance. Whereas, a person who only thought positively, would leave the umbrella at home. It is weighing all the pros and cons together before acting. Healthy and advanced thinking is nurtured then from a consistent practice of neutral-positive-well-balanced thinking where negative inclusions also have their place and not simply edged out, but be processed neutrally positively and well-balanced to reach an effective wholeness.

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Post Number: 225
Registered: 05-2009
Posted on Saturday, January 16, 2010 - 04:05 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

'das Gesetz der Fehlerbegehung' = 'the law of commission-of-mistakes'
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Post Number: 9
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Monday, January 18, 2010 - 03:46 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Whats with the yellow highlights in all the posts?
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Post Number: 1148
Registered: 10-2007
Posted on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 - 09:49 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Hi Poth,

If you are seeing 'yellow highlights' in preview, that is misspelled or unrecognized words.


TRUTH finds WISDOM finds LOVE finds PEACE

Find What You Seek ~ Rod

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