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Archive through November 06, 2011

Discussionboard of FIGU » The Creation-energy Teaching » Reincarnation, Death and the Storage Banks » Archive through November 06, 2011 « Previous Next »

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Post Number: 756
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 12:36 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Scott,

The natural-creative laws and recommendations concerning reincarnation state that the personality is a one-time occurrence, which never repeats.
This is for the reason that in every new lifetime you start with a clean slate and there is no burden from previous lives, if it would be different then all the accumulated negativity from all previous lives would hit the new life in full force making consciousness-related evolution impossible.

When it is said that positive, negative and neutral impulses are stored in the storage-banks, deserve further clarification: The storage-banks exist out of pure neutral spirit-energy, absolutely balanced between positive and negative and yet it can contain negative, positive and neutral impulses.

The impulses are just contain the information when executed by a consciousness have positive, negative or neutral results, the energy of those impulses is neutral, the information contained in them, when used by a personality yield positive, negative or neutral effects.

You can compare this to a computer-virus, when its stored on a hard disk, its just binary data on a magnetic carrier, no different then the operating system or other data, however when the virus is executed it yields the intended result of the virus creator.

Back to your question about Adolf Hitler, of course this personality has done a lot of horrible things, however, Adolf Hitler does not exist anymore, his personality is gone, neutralized and his spirit-form is either in the beyond, evolving or already reincarnated again as a completely new personality. This personality has to deal with new issues and problems in its new lifetime, and has absolutely NO accountability for the deeds and actions of its predecessor personality.

Because the fact that the personality Adolf Hitler is dead, the negative thoughts and feelings targeting him have no target to reach because he simply does not exist anymore. However these negative thoughts and feelings of his victims of his regime, no matter how understandable they are from a human perspective, have no way to go except to go back to their own origin, I think its well known that people can be consumed in their own hatred, self-pity, bitterness, etc. etc. etc. even up to a point where this leads to destruction and suicide.

In recent events the dictator Kaddafi died a violent death, this because there was so much hatred towards him, so much negativity, that it accumulated and his (inevitable) violent death became a reality. Now he is gone and so is the focus of the negativity, there is no real target anymore.

The only thing left for those victims is to learn from their tremendous traumatic experience and evolve, of course, this is much easer said then done.

This post is based on the following books:
Leben und Tod (Life and Death)
Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer (Reincarnation, Life, Dying, Death and mourning)

Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge (Around the Fluidalenergie respectively. Fluidalkräfte and other things

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 16
Registered: 09-2011
Posted on Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 10:19 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I believe that karma exists, is alive and well. However, it may not be so much what mud other people throw at us as what we allow to stick.

When we die we face ourselves in a way that makes zero allowance for self-dishonesty in our own judgments of our relations. While in the state of consciousness between lives, we may not see our new reality as it actually is, due to expectations of all sorts, but if we honestly believe that what we have done is the right thing, whatever that might be, then we don't set ourselves up for a similar situation from another angle in a subsequent life.

Of course, this means that as we develop wisdom, lifetime after lifetime, in the understanding of our impacts upon this living reality, we become more sensitive to a relative serenity in our relations with others. Over the lifetimes, as we progress, we become more exacting judges of our own behavior.

That's my best guess, anyway.
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Post Number: 262
Registered: 01-2009
Posted on Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 04:05 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Jacob,

on your: "In recent events the dictator Kaddafi died a violent death, this because there was so much hatred towards him, so much negativity, that it accumulated and his (inevitable) violent death became a reality. Now he is gone and so is the focus of the negativity, there is no real target anymore."

How do we equate what you said to a known practice here in our country and in others also, known as witchcraft and or voodoo for some? How does it relate to Giza intelligences? How does it relate to mass hallucinations/ dellusion ? How does it relate to healing?

sorry for asking so many questions, but I am confident your perspective will be a welcome addition for learning.

My will be done
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Post Number: 463
Registered: 07-2009
Posted on Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 03:47 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Jacob,


"This personality has to deal with new issues and problems in its new lifetime, and has absolutely NO accountability for the deeds and actions of its predecessor personality."

Please comment on how/why there are people who have a many, many lifetime "obligation" to right the wrongs of their previous personalities via the mission.

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Post Number: 757
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 04:19 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi, Michael,

Exactly as you already state, the people who belong to the mission (at least the 144228) were bound by the codex, a voluntary obligation to undo / repair what they have done in the past.

The codex is no longer in effect, but is not something that would normally occur when you see it from the perspective of the natural-creative laws.

Earth created humans with spirit-forms which have incarnated originally on this planet are subject to the natural creative laws only and have no codex or similar obligation.

Now the codex has also become void for the 144228, they are also subject to normal evolution like everyone else, even when their consciousness has been throttled back to make them able to live on this planet.

When I addressed: "This personality has to deal with new issues and problems in its new lifetime, and has absolutely NO accountability for the deeds and actions of its predecessor personality." I am talking only about the natural creative laws and recommendations, not something like the codex, which is an artificial construct for a specific goal.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 758
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 04:32 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi, Elreyjr,

Voodoo, witchcraft, etc. etc. depend on energies created by living current personalities and their belief that it actually does work/exist. If you believe strongly enough that something works it can manifest itself, somewhat similar to the placebo and nocebo effect.

Placebo = a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.

Nocebo = a detrimental effect on health produced by psychological or psychosomatic factors such as negative expectations of treatment or prognosis.

As a rule of thumb these phenomena are created and generated by the current personality and its impossible that voodoo, witchcraft effects can be generated by 'dead' people since there is simply no personality anymore to generate those forces.

A side note to witchcraft is that in truth this meaning has been distorted mostly by the Christian cult-religion because in the past witchcraft was the skill to understand and use medicinal plants, herbs, etc. and a deep understanding of the forces in nature.
Usually women practicing this were hunted down and killed by Christianity because of it.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 2197
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Friday, October 28, 2011 - 02:11 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Jacob,

I posted the following question to Billy back in 2003:

Hello Billy,

In the contact notes there is mention that the man known as St Germaine is no longer living, but now has reincarnated as another individual. From what I can remember this person has not completely transformed himself to a better life, but is still up to no good.

Yes, the actual person still has the same ambitions as the former personality (of the same spirit form).

My question revolves around the idea, that it has been stated many times that when a person dies, his or her personality no longer exists, but only the spirit which has no personality as I understand it. If this is true, it doesn't seem to follow, that although a spirit is reborn with a new personality, they may still continue some of their previous activities. This seems to be an inconsistency with regards to the spirit being completely neutral and not possessing any traits of the previous personality. Does the spirit somehow pass on previous characteristics of its former incarnation?

I may be completely wrong in my understanding of this, but it is something I have thought about.

Thanks very much

No, the spirit (or spirit form) is not involved in this process. There are impulses coming from the storage banks (Speicherbaenke). --- And of course it's up to each person whether he/she will be open to such impulses or not.

My conclusion from this response would mean, that someone who has not committed bad deeds from a previous life, would not be receiving impulses to continue those bad deeds? Whereas, there may be a greater possibility for someone who is receiving these impulses to continue with these bad deeds in his next life because he is receiving these impulses?

Thanks again
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Post Number: 116
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Friday, October 28, 2011 - 12:21 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Outside of the codex which Jacob explained very well being no longer in effect. I have only read of the Plejaren, as a whole, feeling self-obligated to correct errors in their past involving us. No personality was ever made to bear for a previous personality.

The following (if the moderators will allow it) is from the Talmud Jmmanuel (2011 version) Chapter 3 pages43&44
my unauthorized/unapproved translation in blue.

'Sünde', 'Erbsünde', 'Karma','erbbares Fehl'
'Kein erbbares Fehl' bedeutet, dass weder Fehler, Vergehen oder Schulden usw. aus einem Leben einer Persönlichkeit in ein nächstes Leben übertragen resp. übernommen werden können, denn wahrheitlich wird alles, was während eines aktuellen Lebens an Fehlbarem jeder Art begangen wird, auch von dieser Persönlichkeit verarbeitet resp. aufgearbeitet. Kann dies während der effectiven Lebenszeit nicht erfüllt werden, dann geschieht die restverbliebene Verarbeitung nach dem Sterben im speziellen Jenseitsbereich des Gesamtbewusstseinblocks.

'Sin', 'Original Sin', 'Karma', 'Inheritable Faults'
'No inheritable faults' means that neither mistakes, offenses, or debts etc. from the life of a personality can be transferred, respectively, assumed in the next life, for truthfully everything that is committed during a current life instigate of any kind, also by this personality will be handled, respectively, worked out. If this can not be fulfilled during the effective life time, then the processing takes place for the rest remaining after dying in a special beyond area of the overall consciousness block.

Durch diesen wird dann die alte Persönlichkeit in reine Energie aufgelöst. Danach erschafft nämlicher Gesamtbewusstseinblock ein neues Bewusstsein und eine völlig neue Persönlichkeit, die absolut von allen Lastern, Fehlern und Schulden usw. der alten Persönlichkeit unbelastet ist. Und dies ergibt sich so, da die alte Persönlichkeit in reine neutrale Energie aufgelöst wird, dass vom vorgegangenen Leben resp. von der früheren Persönlichkeit nichts auf das neue Leben resp. auf die neue Persönlichkeit übertragen wird. Folglich kann nichts Fehlbares resp. kein Fehl resp. keine 'Sünde' und überhaupt nichts aus dem alten Leben ins neue Leben übertragen werden, das früheren Handlungsweisen, Taten und Artungen oder Ausartungen entsprechen würde.

Through this then the old personality is dissolved into pure energy. After that is created, by the same overall consciousness block, a new consciousness and an entirely new personality that is completely unencumbered by all the vices, faults and debts etc. of the old personality. And this is so because the old personality is dissolved into pure neutral energy that from the previous life, respectively, from the previous personality nothing is transferred to the new life, respectively, is transferred to the new personality. Consequently, nothing can instigate respectively, no faults, respectively, no 'sin' nor anything from the old life is transferred to the new life that corresponds to the earlier actions, deeds and characteristic features or would degenerate.

Das bedeutet aber auch, dass es nichts gibt, das als 'Sünde' am 'Jüngsten Tag' (Gottesgericht am Ende der Zeit = jüngster Tag) geahndet oder als 'Karma' vom Leben einer Persönlichkeit in das Leben einer Nachfolgepersönlichkeit 'vererbt' oder 'übertragen' werden könnte.

This also means that there is nothing such as a 'sin' on 'Judgment Day' (God's court at the end of time = the last day) sanctioned or as a 'karma' of the life of a personality in the life of a successor personality could be 'inherited' or 'transferred '.

Jede Persönlichkeit, die neu geboren wird, ist in jedem Fall absolut ohne Fehl und völlig unbelastet und frei von in früheren Leben begangenen Fehlern und Lastern usw, dies, wenn von genmässig vererbbaren Faktoren wie Krankheiten, Psychopathic und allerlei bewusstseinsmässigen Schäden und von physischen Gebrechen usw. abgesehen wird. Gegenteiliges in bezug auf 'Sünde', die am 'Jüngsten Tag' bestraft werde, oder dass im nächsten Leben alles als 'Karma' in Erscheinung trete, wurde seit alters her nur durch das Unverständnis sowie durch irre Behauptungen von Menschen und Religionen (die ja restlos auch von Menschen erfunden sind) aufgestellt, die einerseits mehr wissen wollten, als alles der Wahrheit entspricht.

Any personality who will be newly born, is in any case, absolutely without blemish and totally unencumbered and free of mistakes and vices, etc. committed in previous lives, so, if in terms of quantity of hereditary factors such as illness, psychopathic, and all sorts of consciousness-related damage and physical disabilities, etc. will be exceptions. Contrary in relation to 'sin' which shall be punished on 'Judgment Day', or that everything in the next life as 'karma' kicks into appearance, has been since ancient times only by the lack of understanding as well as misleading statements drawn up by humans and religions (which were totally invented by humans) , who on the one hand, wanted to know more, than anything corresponding to the truth.

Gegenteiliges wurde und wird aber auch von jenen behauptet, welche ihren Gläubigen Angst machen wollten oder wollen, um sie unter ihrer religiösen Fuchtei halten zu können, oder die andererseits ailes missverstanden und keine Ahnung von der Wahrheit hatten oder haben.

The contrary was and will be asserted also by those who wanted to make their believers afraid or unwilling in order to keep them under their religious thumb,
or which can on the other hand keep everything misunderstood and had or have no idea of the truth.

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Post Number: 37
Registered: 01-2011
Posted on Friday, October 28, 2011 - 05:52 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Scott,

It seems that your previously stated codex totals have gone up somewhat! You stated 144228 this time which should in fact be 144207!

Hi Bronzedesk, I think you mean Jacob

(Message edited by scott on October 28, 2011)
"Creation doesn't give us what we want! We give creation what it ultimately needs! And anyone who never has made a mistake in his whole entire life has never ever tried to do anything new."
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Post Number: 579
Registered: 08-2004
Posted on Friday, October 28, 2011 - 07:33 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Scott,

As I understand it: if there are unresolved issues within one's consciousness, thoughts and or mind then in the future life these will arise as impulses for resolving and evolving. These issues are not of the spirit, of course, but of one's overall consciousness.

The evolution of our consciousness goes on, as I see it, in terms of the OCB which assists in the preparation of the new personality and consciousness for the next human incarnation.

People e.g who have not yet resolved religious issues will need to face these in the future in order to hopefully resolve them and evolve on. The same presumably would go for other wrongful, seriously delusional or negative events one was involved in that one had not resolved successfully.

If one were to be unfortunately subjected to those (e.g) religious influences in a future life and one has successfully resolved them previously, the impulses resulting from their resolution will assist one in more quickly and easily resolving them again or overcoming or avoiding them in future incarnations. Again, as I see it, this is to do with the memory banks and the OCB, not the spirit.

This is one reason why it is so beneficial to evolve in every best way possible during one's life; in terms of spirit, and human consciousness evolution on all levels and situations in one's life. This provides a driving impetus towards evolution across the entire spectrum of human existence.

Others may be able to quote Billy more specifically. The above is my own short synopsis from memory.

Use to the full both your heart and your head; and never lose either.
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Post Number: 464
Registered: 07-2009
Posted on Friday, October 28, 2011 - 03:26 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Special thanks to jacob and Patm for presenting that information.
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Post Number: 263
Registered: 01-2009
Posted on Friday, October 28, 2011 - 09:28 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Chris,
does the statement "learning from one's mistake" enough or the individual has still to contend with "his conscience" whose effect would need some more time? in other words can a human learn from his mistake without having a conscience to contend with, after which his spirit evolves? does the impulses from the overall consciousness block have anything to do with the "conscience"

My will be done
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Post Number: 46
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Saturday, October 29, 2011 - 09:55 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Bronzedesk: You are right the 144,207 former Ringleaders (Rädelsführeren) that were formely bound by the codex that must -quote from Billy in the recent Q & A It was the 144,207 persons themselves who had – and still have – to correct the effects of their earlier misdeeds (when living as other personalities in former lives). Their spirit forms are bound to planet Earth.

Not to be confused with the 144,228 Getreuer (faithful) highly evolved Old Lyrian spirit forms whose people were started by Nokodemion spoken about in Die Geshichte Nokodemions who are currently incarnating until the year 3999 as fellow Earth humans.


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Post Number: 2254
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 02:36 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Scott...

I am familiar with your mentioning: I posted the following question to Billy
back in 2003....

The Spirit-form as-it-is, starts as a NEW Slate.

It is indeed as Billy mentioned: the Storage Banks contents which CAN
Influence that NEW Spirit-form. Him/her being OPEN for these impulses, which
they can pick-up and 'act' similar to a previous incarnation. As your
mentioned St. Germain example.

Thus, the individual can 'indirectly' pick-up traits, etc, from his/her
previous incarnation (from the Storage Banks), but STILL....being a NEW
Personality. And still creating the NEW personality TO BE, as he/she grows
older in life and thus, Evolves; in whatever Direction they please, not to
forget which Storage Bank Impulses influence them the most: Positive, Negative
or Neutral aspects, or whatever. Thus, the Personality is the

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Post Number: 764
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 04:15 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


The spirit-form never needs to start as a new slate, since it never affected by anything, except that its overall wisdom and power has increased after each lifetime.

The impulses from the storage-banks hit the overall-consciousness block and the new life-personality it contains, its up to that NEW personality how do deal with those impulses, it can accept or decline them, but not the spirit, since its always neutral.


Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 582
Registered: 08-2004
Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 07:23 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello jun,

You might be best asking Billy.

The following is my opinion: At the risk of sounding pedantic, it depends on what you mean by “learning” and also how big the mistake was. In the context of “learning from one’s mistake” for me it would include all that is necessary to come into balance within oneself with respect to that error. This would include “conscience” if the mistake impacted others detrimentally. Some mistakes might impact others only marginally, like making someone late for a meeting where they are then reprimanded, whilst others might impact greatly, like a mistake that costs human lives. The degrees of conscience involved are poles apart. You might e.g. just owe and give an apology for making a friend late and causing them the reprimand and the matter could then be over with and the learning done quite easily. Loss of human lives is another matter altogether. One might wrestle with one’s conscience all one’s life whenever remembering the mistake.

So, generally I would regard "contending" with or coming to terms with one's conscience as a necessary part of "learning" from the mistake.

Human conscience IMO serves to bring balance to the human psyche, mind, thoughts, feelings, and behavior on an interpersonal level. It should, however, never be dwelt on to the degree that it becomes self pity, or self destructive in any way.

One should also be on one’s guard against those who would manipulate one’s conscience from a misguided moral stance, as many religions do. IMO one should feel the conscience oneself genuinely and completely independently of what any other might say, although some may opine correctly and you might agree with them.

Again IMO, learning form a mistake is more than just recognition of the mistake, which would be the first step. Following recognition comes the decision not to repeat the mistake. This might come after due reasoning, feelings or conscience.

For one’s conscience to become active with regards the mistake requires the perception and recognition of the cause and effects (or even just possible effects) surrounding the mistake. One can never know the effects and potential effects in full since they ripple out beyond our reach of known interactions. One will be aware of some, however, that bring remorse.

This could turn into a lengthy discussion on what one then does to come to terms with one’s conscience. If you wish to go into that too, I suggest you think carefully how to formulate your question and put it to Billy. You could also then ask how conscience relates to the OCB and impulses.

Personally, regarding the latter I would guess human conscience certainly can come from impulses and the OCB, but to what degree and whether it comes as part of the makeup of even the most primitive human beings (my guess is it would but would be primitive and somewhat undeveloped) might make a good question to Billy. I cannot remember reading anything in which Billy fully covered this, but, of course, he might have…somewhere.

It seems logical to me that human conscience is part of the recognition that we are all one and in that sense is of spirit and Creation itself.

Use to the full both your heart and your head; and never lose either.
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Post Number: 710
Registered: 10-2005
Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 09:11 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Great discussion here guys!

The idea of Karma seems to get into these kind of discussions from the point of view of correcting past mistakes when... indeed... it may be more easily understood by looking at it from the reverse angle... in other words... rather than correcting past mistakes... looking at it from the point of view as a refinement process, continually evolving the future spirit-form with experiental knowledge turned to wisdom from each reincarnated lifetime... adding and correcting... accumulating in the storage banks...neutral-positively and anything we have not corrected, learned from and/or gleaned... such as: wisdom derived from experience of uncounted previous lives will be presented again and again until we do... so... in that respect... we do experience something akin to Karma, yet not quite the same as most thoughts about the subject on this earth anyway... Thanks for the wonderful question Scott and titillating knowledge and wisdom you all have taught me by your comments and augmetations...

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Post Number: 2261
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 11:04 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


With Spirit-form I am referring to what is imbedded within it: Overall-
conscious block, (NEW) Personality, etc. Of course, the Spirit(-form) as you
define it does not change or effected.

As I mentioned it is up to NEW Personality how to deal with it. Of course it
is Neutral.

But, you got the idea...

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Post Number: 2264
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 11:50 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Jacob....(and Moderators...)

Thank You....for posting of the mentioned postings.

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Post Number: 445
Registered: 02-2009
Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2011 - 06:17 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

In "Jesus in India", Deardorff cited hypno-regression as a possible evidence for reincarnation.
If we take out the hypnotherapists suggestions, imaginations, subconscious memories & events from present it possible for the person to tune into ones past lives through hypno-regression?
Beware the fallacies into which undisciplined thinkers most easily fall--they are the real distorting prisms of human nature - Francis Bacon
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Post Number: 630
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2011 - 02:23 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Mahigitam,

"If we take out the hypnotherapists suggestions, imaginations, subconscious memories & events from present it possible for the person to tune into ones past lives through hypno-regression?"

Only if a person through their own efforts has managed to access part of their own storage bank filing cabinet then retained various information in the present material subconscious.

It would be this information which hypnosis could uncover but .... very difficult to establish what are present or past life memories unless the person under hypnosis has an advanced state of awareness, is not prone to imagination or influence by emotional factors and not under any external influence to produce expected results.

How many Cleopatra's, King David's, John the Baptist's can there be yet many claim to have been famous persons from history .... the ego can often get into the equation when it comes to hypnotic regression.
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Post Number: 781
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2011 - 03:51 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


In Wissenswertes no.4, Billy writes the following about the use of hypnosis to gain memories of past lives:

Zum Schlusse ist nun noch die sogenannte hypnotische Rückerinnerung zu nennen, die allerdings nur von bedingter Richtigkeit ist. Dies darum, weil unter Hypnose im herkömmlichen Sinne keinerlei Rückerinnerungen in frühere Leben einem Menschen entlockt werden können, weil dazu nämlich andere hypnotische Vorgänge erforderlich sind, als dies heutzutage praktiziert wird.

Der Mensch hat in seinem materiellen wie in seinem geistigen Bereich Sicherungen eingebaut, die verhindern, dass Wissensgut und Rückerinnerungen usw. solange nicht ins materielle Bewusstsein gelangen, bis der Mensch fähig wird, dieses Wissen auch tatsächlich zu verkraften und zu verarbeiten. Unter anderem ist im materiellen Bereich der Zensor zu nennen, das Sicherungsstück zwischen Grossbewusstsein und Kleinbewusst-sein (Bewusstes und Unterbewusstsein), das verhindert, dass willkürliche Handlungen geschehen können. Und dieser Zensor kann auch nicht durch eine simple Hypnose ausser Funktion gesetzt werden, denn zur Ausserfunktionsetzung benötigt es einiges mehr. Dieser Zensor nun, dieses Sicherungsstück, schliesst sofort kurz, sobald aus dem Unterbewusstsein Wissensgut herausgeholt werden will, das dem materiellen Bewusstsein zur Verarbeitung noch nicht zuträglich ist. Genauso schliesst es aber auch sofort kurz, wenn noch unverarbeitetes, gefährliches Gut vom materiellen Bewusstsein ins materielle Unterbewusstsein transferiert werden soll. Wenn daher nun ein Hypnotiseur kommt und einen Menschen unter Hypnose bringt und Rückerinnerungen hervorholen will, dann schaltet dieser Sicherungsfaktor kurz und verweigert jeglichen Durchlass von persönlichen Daten aus dem Unterbewussten. Dafür aber tritt dann das sehr interessante Phänomen in Erscheinung, dass das Unterbewusste dasjenige Unterbewusste eines anderen Menschen anzapft, sich mit diesem konnexioniert und dessen Rückerinnerungen freigibt. So sind dies dann also nicht die Rückerinnerungen des Hypnotisierten, sondern diejenigen von jemand anderem.

Rough English Translation:
In conclusion, now is the so-called hypnotic regression mentioned, which is only of conditional correct. This because of the reason that traditional hypnosis cannot retrieve past life memories.
This for the reason that other hypnotic processes are required, as are practiced today.

The human has securities build in his material body and spiritform, which prevent the access of knowledge and past life memories for the time that his material consciousness is not able to process them. Among other things, in the material part is the censor the security block between the large and small brain (material conscious and material subconscious), which prevents arbitrary actions to occur. The censor cannot be put out of operation by a simple hypnosis; it takes a lot more. This censor now, this security part short-circuits immediately just as soon when its attempted to take out of the material-subconscious a wealth of knowledge which the material consciousness is not yet ready for to understand. But just as it short-circuits immediately, if still unprocessed, dangerous goods to be transferred from the material subconsciousness into the material consciousness. If a hypnotist comes and wants to hypnotize a person and wants to access past life memories, then this security factor will short-circuit and prevent any transmission of personal data from the material-subconscious. A very interesting phenomenon appears, the material subconsciousness of the hypnotized person one taps into the material subconscious of another person, connects with this person and releases the other persons past life memories. So these past life memories are not of the hypnotized person, but those of someone else.

Note: This ROUGH English translation is not official, only for purposes of clarification on the FIGU English forum only.

Remark: These facts do not say anything about the abilities of some very skilled hypnotists, its just that the method of neutralizing the censor in a proper way in order to obtain ones own past life memories is mostly unknown.

(Message edited by jacob on November 09, 2011)

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 2268
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2011 - 01:46 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Mahigitam....

It was discussed here, in the past, some examples of small children whom knew
of their past lives, and knew in which family they were born in in that
previous life time.

These were children from India, Palestinian children and some other countries.

They knew very much of the individual whom they were in that previous
incarnation. And even led researchers to those families and could tell very
much about that concerning child; in his/her life. [I watched a number of docs
concerning these kids and read about them, in the past.]

Of course, adding Hypno Regression could solve their authenticity...with the
evidence mentioned above. Again, alike always: will it be accepted and
acknowledged by other researchers and others in that field?

Conclusion, would be that this all becomes a Personal Factor. Even though, if
it could be proven, how many scientists and researchers would acknowledge this
as Authentic Proof, and it to be Confirmed as TRUTH.

We are a bit of struggle,

But, I understand Jim's point, there.

Would be hard to filter-out Imagination....and surface the TRUTH, yes...


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