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Archive through January 16, 2017

Discussionboard of FIGU » The Creation-energy Teaching » The Application of Natural Logic (Living by the creational laws and recommendations) » Archive through January 16, 2017 « Previous Next »

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Post Number: 18
Registered: 12-2014
Posted on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 - 01:33 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

May Peace prevail into our hearts despite the turmoil of our current time.

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Post Number: 1126
Registered: 12-2009
Posted on Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 02:59 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I found the verse I was looking for:

"Be true knowing ones in the truth amongst all people of your kind (humankind) and be thoughtful of (consider) that there are no different levels amongst yourselves as people of your kind (human beings), because you are unified and of equal value in the estimation of the creation of all things (Creation) without any difference; therefore you shall be without difference in your attitude also amongst yourselves and enjoy forgiveness amongst yourselves if you have done fallible things to one another; and therefore you shall stand up for one another and strive so that all people of your kind (humankind) have honourable provision (food/sustenance/clothing) by you being helpful to one another and providing one another with welfare (support)."

"Seid wahre Wissende in der Wahrheit unter allen Euresgleichen (Menschheit) und seid dessen eingedenk (bedenkt), dass unter euch als Euresgleichen (Menschen) keinerlei verschiedene Rangstufen sind, weil ihr im Ansehen (Geltung) der Erschaffung aller Dinge (Schöpfung) einheitlich und gleichwertig seid ohne Unterschied; also sollt ihr in eurem Gebaren auch untereinander ohne Unterschied sein und untereinander Vergebung geniessen, wenn ihr Fehlbares gegeneinander getan habt; und also sollt ihr füreinander einstehen und bemüht sein, dass ihr alle Euresgleichen (Menschheit) eine ehrenvolle Versorgung (Nahrung/Beköstigung/Bekleidung) habt, indem ihr einander hilfreich seid und ihr euch untereinander Erhaltung (Unterstützung) gewährt."

"Goblet of the Truth" verse 8:05 copyright FIGU/BEAM published in Canada by the FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada.
mental-block: consciousness, thoughts, feelings, psyche.
consciousness-block: character, personality, subconsciousness, ego, memory. "Teaching Script" page 124
ratio: intellect, rationality, sageness (true discernment), morals. "The Psyche" page 216
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Post Number: 56
Registered: 05-2014
Posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - 08:10 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Does anybody understand the proper functioning and use of the law of interaction as mentioned in GoT (Page 579)? Thanks.
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Post Number: 720
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - 10:24 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Here's a good explanation from Engelbert Wächter.

Page XXI Goblet of the Truth

«Truly, only the type of your conscious or unconscious volition, that for which you decide yourselves is decisive for the interaction and therefore also for your destiny, because all the innumerable fine-fluidal and half-material swinging waves with which you are connected permit everything that you send out through your thoughts and feelings to flow back to you, and it does not matter what you happen to want and what you create with your volition as causes.» (‹Goblet of the Truth›, chapter 28, verse 120)

In other words:

A human being who is searching for the truth finds a group of human beings who are searching for the same through a happy foreordination. He briefly made the firm decision to join these valueful human beings, to lend his entire strength to them to the best of his knowledge and conscience in their worldwide and hard work for the benefit of the entire earthly humankind and the planet that is still greatly maltreated, and also for its healing.

Engelbert Wächter

In the *Goblet of the Truth* there it says:
Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of the Creation. The *Goblet of the Truth* will wake you, not to the bane - but to the boon. (pg.3)
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Post Number: 520
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Sunday, January 01, 2017 - 09:35 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The Practice of Setting Out Prisoners

Earth was first visited by Lyrans from the constellation of Vega some 22 millions of years ago.
They often came back to set out some of their people condemned to be isolated for their evil deeds.
Earth was then mainly a prisoner planet.
But the condemned sometimes interbred with what were human like creatures.
This may not surprise as to procreate progeny is a natural genetic urge of all universal beings.

But the CRs stress many times that race purity is a “must”.
That the mixing of cultures lead to the degradation of species.

If this is the case, then the habit of setting out prisoners on planets that have other human like creatures does not stand to reason as the potential of “interbreeding” was real and does not assist the evolution neither of the banished prisoners nor the developing human like beings to mix with each other.

Yes, setting out prisoners may be more humane than executions.

But who were the leaders that decided about the banishment?
Semjase tells us in CR 70 about her distant forefathers from Lyra that they used their space ships ...
“...(they) flew out into ... the universe, towards … planets, which they penetrated and colonized, either peacefully ... or in murderous wars... Often, by evil means, they created new possibilities for living …”.

In the more recent prehistory we learn of the gross failings of the IHWHs from Arus to Arussem.
It makes one wonder who was punished by them and who ponder who should really be punished:
It is an unexplained enigma that someone Earth - destroying (Arus/Atlantis-Mu) or father-killing Jehav-Jehavon-Arussem) or "Unjust and Cruel One” (Hen/Jehova) were not only not banished but instead became IHWHs, leaders of mankind.

What judgement would one expect from leaders using “evil means” or “cruel/human/father-killing leaders”?
The double standards we witness in our world today – whence is their (genetic) origin*)?

In addition:
The ones condemned to be banished – they will die on a planet that is so much behind in evolution.
When they are reborn they will – compared to their planet of birth - live in the most degrading, savage environments.

How does this compare to the acknowledgment that mistakes are normal and necessary stepping stones on mankind’s path to gain wisdom. **)

What is your opinion about the practice of abandoning prisoners?



If we go further back we may find the self-righteous attitude of the Sirian overlords.

If we look in our time we find parallels with our more recent history – e.g. the (then) prison colonies of Brazil, US and Australia:

E.g. the English government may have argued to extradite prisoners rather than execute them in great numbers but did they address the real cause?

Because in true fact it was due to the Industrial Revolution that many people were without a job (e.g. weavers), so that - condemned to steal to live - their prisons were so overfull that initially many people were executed for – by today’s standards – trivial offenses.

They may have opted to banish the “criminals” rather than kill them.
But no-one would have argued that it should be the Industrialists that should use their riches to employ the many they left to starve.

From Billy’s book Genesis 7/4.69 page 121 ff

46. Only by making mistakes you are able to recognise the flaw, so that you are able to rectify it, inasmuch as you exert yourself in this respect.

47. You are not able to learn anything, without committing errors, because these themselves build the path of recognition.

57, This is, because you are not aware, that you must burden yourself with suffering and harm, thus mistakes, in order to be able to recognise them, and accept them as a permanent lesson, because you now have recognized and are able to walk along the correct path.

68. Not only, Earth human, that you have to bear the harm and suffering for your evolution-related mistakes, the unreal religious teachings betray you still further, that you, after passing away from this world, that is to say after your death, would have to atone again for the unavoidable mistakes of your development.

79. Because of his (the Earth human’s) illogical thinking he is unable to understand, that a once committed error is neutralised in the [same] moment, when the mistake is detected and amended, so it then will knowingly no longer be made.

81. If a person commits an offence he is punished for it according to human terrestrial laws with death, with prison or heavy prison sentences, or with a fine.

82. These ‹penalties› are then catalogued and kept for so long and unforgivingly pulled out again and again, until the one-time atoned one [offender] dies.

83. This again is a completely illogical application of laws that contravene natural and creational laws, which deprive the Earth human of his freedom and his potential to evolve..

84. To the human being it is not evident that a penalty should not be applied in this way, but that its atonement is truly only based on natural laws, which offer a fallible one, in a balanced manner, all opportunities and possibilities to recognize the mistake and make sure it is rectified, thus that he – as a result of this - gains knowledge and is able to evolve.

German Original:

46. Durch das Begehen von Fehlern erst vermagst du das Fehlhafte zu erkennen, so du dieses auszubessern vermagst, insofern du dich darum bemühst.

47. Nichts vermagst du zu erlernen, ohne Fehler zu begehen, denn diese selbst bilden den Weg der Erkennung.

57. Dies darum, weil du dir nicht bewusst bist, dass du Leid und Schaden, also Fehler, auf dich laden musst, um sie erkennen zu können, um sie dann zu korrigieren und als dauerhafte Lehre anzunehmen, weil du den richtigen Weg nun erkannt hast und zu gehen vermagst.

69. Nicht genug damit, Mensch der Erde, dass du für deine evolutionsbedingten Fehler Schaden und Leid zu tragen hast, betrügen dich die irrealen Religionslehren noch damit, dass du nach dem Hinscheiden von dieser Welt, nach deinem Sterben also, abermals für deine zwangsläufigen Entwicklungsfehler Sühne auf dich laden müsstest.

79. Nicht vermag er zu verstehen durch sein unlogisches Denken, dass ein einmal begangener Fehler mit dem Augenblicke neutralisiert ist, da der Fehler erkannt und zum Richtigen umgewandelt wird, so er wissentlich dann nicht mehr begangen wird.

81. Wird ein Mensch nach irdischen menschlichen Gesetzen straffällig, dann wird er dafür bestraft mit dem Tode, mit Gefängnis oder Zuchthausstrafen, oder mit einer Geldbusse.

82. Diese ‹Strafen› werden sodann katalogisiert und so lange aufbewahrt und immer wieder nachtragend hervorgeholt, bis der einmal Gebüsste des Todes stirbt.

83. Abermals also eine völlig unlogische Anwendung von natur- und schöpfungswidrigen Gesetzen, die den Erdenmenschen der Freiheit und der Möglichkeit der Evolution berauben.

84. Nicht ist dem Menschen erkenntlich, dass eine Strafe nie in diesartigen Formen ausgeübt werden darf, sondern dass es sich wahrlich nur um eine naturgesetzmässige Suhne handeln sollte, die dem Fehlbaren in ausgeglichener Form alle Chancen und Möglichkeiten der Fehlererkennung und Wiedergutmachung sichert, folglich er sich also Wissen aneignen und evolutionieren könnte.
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Post Number: 43
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Tuesday, January 03, 2017 - 07:45 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

(Indi/Scott: can you accept this post instead of the other one in queue? thanks!)

Bill (Tat_tvam_asi): I am all for banishing prisoners. The main reason for this is like it says in verse 84 of your translation.

In the FIGU materials, this banishment takes place at a place of fulfillment of guidelines, so the fallible ones can undergo a fulfillment of guidelines.

Guideline = a general rule, or recommendation, an outline of conduct.

Fulfillment of guidelines is a task, that is set out before you (by the Creation), within an outline of conduct, that you have a duty to complete.

When you partake in a fulfillment of guidelines, you adjust your vibration frequency to match the swinging-waves of the Creation universal consciousness, or RE re-initialize contact with the natural frequency of the universe using your consciousness. A criminal does not lead a life where their vibration frequency is in tune with the Creation universal consciousness, RE: they do not have that natural connection because they vibrate incorrectly resp. are sick/confused/irrational/illogical in (or have had a downfall) of their consciousness, and similar to the staunchly religious, the criminal's Psyche is out of balance, so in turn, so are the thoughts and the feelings, which could result in the criminal offender harming another person, etc.

"fulfillment of guidelines" is also explained in the beautiful verse 454 (pg 396) in "The Way to Live".

2000 years ago, the prophet of old: Jmmanuel stated: "Offer your love all around, for it is warranted across all time, and punish through fair guidelines only wherever also the laws of the Creation call for fulfillment of guidelines."

"Entbeitet eure Liebe rundum, weilen sie über alle Zeit gerechtfertiget ist, und ahndet durch gerechte Massnahmen nur allda, wo auch die Gesetze der Schöpfung Massnahmeerfüllung forderen." (*1)

A place of fulfillment of guidelines is an isolated place where prisoners are taken, that is removed from society (for banishment), where the fallible ones can complete the task set-out before them by the Creation, of learning from their mistakes and life of crime, that they have a duty to complete: to restore, and also be restored to the natural cosmic law and order. This is a place the fallible ones can safely re-adjust their vibration frequency to be in tune with the Creation universal consciousness, while fulfilling hard-labor in nature separated by gender and from society for the rest of their life. This will all make it easier, and more likely for the fallible ones to be more positive when they are re-born.

Places of fulfillment of guidelines as taught by the prophets of old in "the Goblet of the Truth": 2:197, 2:233, 2:388, 3:146, 4:25, 4:33, 4:47, 4:82, 4:122, 5:33, 5:50, 5:55, 6:125, 7:04, 8:68, 8:71, 9:99. "The Goblet of the Truth" can be seen as a planetary guide for how to set up your society (planet) to the natural order of the cosmic creational law, so the planet's citizens can vibrate correctly (both the [law-abiding] full-fledged citizens, and the banished criminals).

A wise man once said "you can judge whether a country is civilized by how the country treats it's poor". I think the same thing goes for judging whether a planet is civilized by how the planet treats it's criminal offenders, and prisoners. This is best seen in Star Trek cinema, where the crew encounters a planet that gives all the appearances of being benevolent, and civilized, and then the crew discovers the planet's barbaric and hostile penal system, where usually one of the Star Trek crew was falsely imprisoned, and needs a rescue.

The Earth needs to adapt with the times, by adding a fresh cog-wheel (areas for banishment) to the machine that is broken (terrestrial penal system).

The inhumane old adage of "an eye for an eye" is outdated, and worn. A stupid phrase that demands submissive subservience of the law-enforcer to a hazy fabulation (human invented fairy-tale) non-existing God (imprint of delusion). The Gods of ancient history were once human.

As long as humans of Earth see themselves as the "crown of Creation", and execute prisoners before they have had the chance to learn from their mistakes, and re-align their vibratory frequency to the natural swinging waves of the Creation universal consciousness, the fallible one will be most likely re-born as a repeat criminal offender who did not learn their lesson of rehabilitation (and virtue) in their previous lifetime, because it will be easier for them to fall into criminality then not, based on previous experience stored in the storage-banks, and negative essence of un-virtue, and other negative characteristics, etc (learned in their previous lifetimes) stored in their fresh consciousness-block.
To recap: For our planet to overcome it's volatile nature, and to prevent future terrestrial casualties, we need to adapt to the gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit, the places of fulfillment of guidelines, and the planetary birth-stop with 7 year birth-rate checks. (3 very ancient Old Lyran/Wegan recommendations provided by Billy Meier that advanced ET civilizations [like the Plejaren] still use to this very day). PS: ISIS belongs in a place of fulfillment of guidelines for the rest of their natural lives, for murder, terrorism, rape, torture, trying to enslave the human race, and for trying to subjugate the human race under Sharia Law (this all deserves the maximum sentence of a full lifetime of banishment).
*1 = "Talmund of Jmmanuel 2011 edition" verse 5:43/translated by Benjamin Stevens/copyright FIGU-BEAM.
Other books such as OM (Omfalon Murado), the law of love, and further in the TJ touch on the places of fulfillment of guidelines as further sources of instruction.
Salome/Corey Müske
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Post Number: 523
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Tuesday, January 03, 2017 - 06:15 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Corey,

I understand you.

Yes, surely, when one thinks of people like the Gize Intel then truly their removal is warranted.
My concern is that under certain IWHWs (Arus and the ones that followed are but one example) the real “baddies” were not only not removed but decided about the life and death of lesser mortals.

There may have been political motives for the removal of certain people which after being exiled where for countless life times condemned to a barbaric life.

It is as if one says that what we witness today is a mere repetition of the past:
The people that account for the deaths of so many go free – whereas those that speak up against the untruth (like whistleblowers) are condemned.

One may remember the situation of e.g. Victorian England where even very young people were ripped from their families and exported “for life” for minor misdemeanours, often stealing a mere pittance of food to keep alive.

The other point is Petale’s advice that any punishment should ultimately serve the individual’s and universal evolution.
And that at the end of one’s life any human starts with a clean sheet.

I do not understand why the left behinds were not checked and given a chance of return after realizing their error in their solitude. There is a sadness in me when I think of those of Pelegon’s race that were left behind, that they had to become savages before Atlant arrived…
Or how long it took to remove the Gize Intel, how much damage they did to our planet, how many of today’s troubles they caused.

I am a human of our “prison planet” so my heart reaches out to the people around me...

From all these thoughts I wrote the following article.



The Evolution of A Prison Planet

The following are some thoughts on how to “implant purity” on an “impure” planet.
They are a sequel to

These thoughts arose after re-reading Semjase’s description of the history of her forefathers:
Longer periods of greatest peace that were followed by shorter periods of greatest destruction.
She gives us as well a more detailed account of the tyrannical IHWHs Arus to Jehova.
This raises the question why someone of such high rank would be so ruthless.
Was their self centeredness, their brutal streak, their lack of compassion, was it a consequence of their perfectionism?

One can understand that the Plejaren want to keep their people in peace and harmony.
And yes, the extradition of “unwanted elements of society” to other planets may well be a means to keep the consciousness of the home planet peaceful.

But it is at the expense of the “other (prisoner) planet” - like e.g. our Earth.
One planet in harmony one not - it sure is one way of achieving a universal balance.
But seeing it with the eyes of a newborn human from the “other planet” - what can this little human expect ?
250 years of peace in 10,000 years is not a very comforting thought.

The “export” of the “bad guys” makes sure that they do not pose a problem on the home planet – not during their life and not in their next lives (as they will be reborn on the prisoner planet) *)

But no-one, not even Creation itself, is perfect.
Petale tells us (Book "Genesis") that overwriting all punishment should be the thought to assist universal evolution.
This should esp. relate to the weaker members of the chain, the one that made a grave mistake.
Making them realize their fault in solitude can only be the first step.
But once they come to this insight and make amends their ^)
Teaching him thereafter what is right being the second - it would explain the Plejaren Mission***)

But on a "prison planet" there is a great abundance of re-incarnating spirits that have to amend great offences, IOW a great number of “repeat-situations” need to take place, to give these people a chance to correct their misdeeds making the re-education of truth difficult.

This brings up a question that (TMK) has never been raised with the Plejaren:
Is man able to purify his mind by extending compassion to his fellow man:

There is a oneness that underlies all the universe.
So what we do to others we do to our own.
This is as well true when we meet another person that is suffering:
As we always meet our own self, the suffering person may well be a reflection of our own mishap/suffering in the past.
Thus compassion, assisting our fellow human master his suffering, may as well remove our past blemishes - i.e. lighten our own consciousness.

Some if not many philosophical greats would think so **).

Yes, we may deride compassion as an encouragement to “let others help” and to “move people's thinking away from self-responsibility”.

But if compassion and perfection is well balanced and connected with the sincere thought of assisting evolution universally and becomes a part of the mind set of every member of a prison planet - should it not assist the formation of a consciousness of universal oneness that ultimately is the goal of evolution?

That we accept all our surroundings as the workings of the universal laws.
As an outflow of Creation that, while moving on, continually offers its ‘creations’ new chances to make amends to their past shortcomings and enlarge their wisdom.

The thoughts of a “prison planet member” should never be set in stone.
But these were the thoughts that I had.


Yes, the Spirit Teachings tell us that the belief in karma is wrong, that each person receives a pure mind when he is born again.

But we may still assume that those that once made the wrong decisions and did not improve, may have an inclination to be “impure” in their following lives again because they have to re-create a similar situation in order to master it.
Genesis p. 122
79. Because of his (the Earth human’s) illogical thinking he is unable to understand, that a once committed error is neutralised in the [same] moment, when the mistake is detected and amended, so it then will knowingly no longer be made.
German Original:
79. Nicht vermag er zu verstehen durch sein unlogisches Denken, dass ein einmal begangener Fehler mit dem Augenblicke neutralisiert ist, da der Fehler erkannt und zum Richtigen umgewandelt wird, so er wissentlich dann nicht mehr begangen wird.

To mention but a few -

Confucius: “Wisdom, compassion and courage are the 3 universally recognized moral qualities of man.”
Lao-tse tells us that he has only 3 things to teach - “simplicity, patience and compassion”.
Buddha: “In separateness lies the world’s greatest misery – in compassion lies the world’s true strength. “
A. Schopenhauer calls compassion “the basis of morality”.
A. Schweitzer: The “purpose of life” is to show compassion and assist others.
A. Einstein: Man’s task should be to “widen its circle of compassion to all living creatures”

Even W.A. Mozart said “It is a great consolation for me to remember that the Lord to whom I had drawn to in childlike faith, has suffered and died for me, and that he will look at me in love and compassion.”

Interestingly the ancient Greeks and Roman philosophers that took over from them, they taught, that only reason should guide humans. “They (Gr. And Romans) regarded compassion as an effect, neither admirable nor contemptible.” (T. Szasz)

We noted in a previous article that the Greeks were “inspired“ by the writings of Lib of Alexandria which acc to EC was founded by Atlanteans.

The Plejaren (descendants of Atlantis) may not mention compassion, either.
But they certainly did a lot for humanity by bringing back truth and knowledge to Earth humans.
As may have been the intent of Atlant some 30,000 years ago:
His people, being descendants of those of the Pelegon race that were able to escape Earth’s first WW (some 40,000 years ago), may well have returned to Earth to assist the evolution of those that were left behind (and became savage).
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Post Number: 46
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Tuesday, January 03, 2017 - 08:56 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Bill (Tat_tvam_asi): I am going to read, and re-read your well written post (523), and reflect on it's wise true meanings. My first thought is, in the future, when Earth humanity starts to discover some of the secrets of Creation slowly via space travel, discoveries, breakthroughs, and in an essence, start to "live out" (and experience) what the negative ET leaders of antiquity abused, enslaved, neglected, squandered, destroyed, didn't understand as knowledge and wisdom, and were not "living out", and when those times of positive cosmic experience arrive to the Earth in the future, it will be beautiful experience for terrestrial humanity, and will be a combination of impulses impulsed from the Plejaren, and the hard work of terrestrial humanity. And this time around, terrestrial humanity should be able to hang onto, and maintain a space travelling culture, settle other planets, etc. At first, we will be a shadow of our true capabilities, because we will also be involved in some negative volatile nature we have not shed, but the positive cosmic experience will win out.

This should be recipricol with small groups of people on Earth still able to "live out" the teaching of the prophets of old (that traces back to Nokodemion), and expanding out (into the Universe?) because of the FIGU of the future = near term, next few centuries.

You should really read OM, to add to your perspective input the events of 389,000 years ago, between the space travelers from the depths of outer space, and terrestrials of antiquity that were both negative, and positive. In most of the canons it also gives one a positive perspective of Old Lyran knowledge, and wisdom as an overall culture to learn from, not just the fuzzy imprint of some of the negative ET leaders of antiquity observed millennia later. Old Lyran = Plejaren forefathers/Earth forefathers, and the Earth falls under the jurisdiction of the millions of years long Nokodemion mission "Universe clean-up".

PS: spiritual teaching, IE: spirit teaching, teaching of life, teaching of truth, etc. is never plural.

There is only one spiritual teaching, teaching of the spirit, teaching of truth, teaching of life. I see this error of plural all the time on the forums, and on the FB FIGU group.

I think you are a bright enough student to grasp this meaning Bill = (Geisteslehre = 'kein plural' is written @ the FIGU dictionary). I'm happy your working on "Genesis", and I look forward to more of your posts in the future.
Salome/Corey Müske
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Post Number: 525
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Wednesday, January 04, 2017 - 07:17 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Salome Corey,

Thank you.

One additional thought:

Billy returned from AA, willfully accepting to be "on par" with other humans on our (prison) planet.
He did so to assist human evolution with the thought of assisting universal evolution.
To re-unite the weaker, less developed with the stronger and much more advanced members of a race that split up some 12 billion years ago (CR 251*).

His life, a paradigm of compassion **)
- it should be an inspiration for all humans.

Thank you: yes it is "Spirit" Teaching ):


"compassion" (passion = suffering - com=together)
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Post Number: 145
Registered: 12-2014
Posted on Sunday, January 08, 2017 - 03:46 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Here a nice article that relates beautifully to some core messages of the spiritual teaching. Watching nature one can see evolution in full swing, and when closely viewing one realises that this is not about the cold and selfish survival of the fittest on the cost of the next one, but rather about living with and for the next one, showing respect and love. I have used the occasion for telling social media contacts about the importance of building up the inner foundational mood of honour in dignity, as it is for example explained in the Genesis. It cannot be achieved by solely reading and accumulating fact-knowledge. It takes searching for, witnessing, and recognising it in nature. No serious wisdom in spiritual matters can be attained without that foundation already in place.



Mike Klymkowsky reminds us that nature is the best teacher for understanding all deeper laws and recommendations that are ultimate guide for success on our path of life, beginning with individuals and extending to whole societies. We need to get better in reading and grasping what nature tells us, as that ability had eroded over time. The journey starts with growing the essential cognition that everything and all is venerable and consequently deserves our honour in dignity. Latter needs then to be patiently nurtured in thoughts and feelings within oneself.
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Post Number: 51
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Friday, January 13, 2017 - 06:31 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Salome Bill (Tat_tvam_asi): Continuing our converstation about banishment of fallible ones, and the places of fulfillment of guidelines, aside from the "Goblet" verses I posted (post 43) that are sources of instruction, the new TJ chapter 12, verses 1-22 also contain quite a bit of instruction of laws regarding this topic.
Salome/Corey Müske
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Post Number: 533
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Saturday, January 14, 2017 - 06:20 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Salome Corey,

I do understand what you mean:
People that brake universal laws badly – not just with regards to marriage and sexual conduct – should be banished.

I know as well that extraditing severe prisoners this is a tradition that was handed down from Nokodemion.

---But I know as well from Petale that the leading thought should not be punishment but learning and growth towards individual and universal evolution.

My first thought then was, if someone mastered his failings – should he not be taken back, included in the fold again?
Is not this, the uniting of the races, the reason for the Plejaren and Billy’s mission?

---I mentioned that the “purity of one planet” may aggravate the “impure consciousness of the prison planet”.
But should not each human start his new life with a “clean sheet” as the teaching of karma is not a part of the Spirit Teaching?

---We mentioned the principle that mistakes are not sins but natural parts of human growth.
Yet, when Christians mention ‘a “sinner” that repents is worth more than the one that never sinned and does not need to repent’.
Is this not another way of expressing that mistakes are human and that growing out of them is a higher quality than not trying at all out of fear that one may fail?

---We mentioned the equalisedness in thinking, that one should let all thoughts, even negative thoughts, come up but direct them more and more into a positive direction, making them stepping stones for human growth into equalisedness.

---Furthermore, when I see the life of Billy and Ptaah, their efforts to bring back the truth to the people on our planet and all over the universe:
They do not call it compassion.
And yes, the Plejaren perhaps lacks the willingness to directly contact or become like the ones that they want to lead out of their suffering.
But Billy, his accepting of our human fate, the fate of being wrongfully condemned from young age on, having many attacks on his life, living in the greedy world of our humanity – I cannot but call it true compassion.

---I should as well not forget those (ca.) 144,000 who failed greatly:
Were they not far advance but vowed some 12 billion years ago to assist Billy?

What I then see is this:
Yes, seen by itself, for the moment it happens, we may judge a human for slandering the dignity of his and universal life and the laws of nature.

If we, however, take it a step further, see the happenings with an eternal eye with the aspect of “cause and effect”, we could say that those 144,000 who vowed to assist Billy but fell in disrepute – that they may have “been driven to fail” in order to better understand and thus more compassionately share the fate with those that were exiled to the prison planet, i.e. the ones that Billy wanted to re-educate.

It is clear to me that our “prison planet world” is full of people with grave failings.

So my next thought was then:
Why cannot all humans turn their failings into stepping stones for growth by assisting those that have the same failings as they had, by assisting them to grow out of their wrong thoughts, attitudes and actions.

This way may not be mentioned in the Spirit Teaching.
Perhaps, this teaching does encourage self-reliant growth, i.e. growth without compassionate assistance, arguing that this will lead to a much stronger resistance against a repetition of human failure.

As a human my heart does not want another WW to establish the truth but reaches out to all fellow humans as would many great thinkers *)

Thus "human growth via compassion" is a conjecture worth a thought.

Esp. on a “prison planet”.



We mentioned Confucius, Lao Tse, Einstein, Buddha, Mozart etc.
If we e.g. see the Buddha's life:

The ancient sages of India taught that fear is born out duality.
Fear is the product of memory or better past memories.
They believed that someone that thinks he is separate from his highest idol will be fearful, afraid of what may happen to him next.
Thus they would teach that a human being should not identify with his ego self.
But train his mind to be motivated by the inner truth perceived in his heart.
Once his mind adopted this lead to inner freedom he would be invulnerable to fear what happens to his (outer) body.

The Buddha lived in ancient India.
His insight was not to reject those that broke the law.
But to accept them with the thought of re-educating them.
And by bettering them benefitting the world, too:
“In separateness lies the world’s greatest misery – in compassion lies the world’s true strength. “

Without any bias (one may have to take away the religious overtones) some samples from his life:

- Healing a grave sickness of King Ajatashatru who had killed his father and persecuted him.**)

- Accepting a murderous villain (Angulimala) into his fold of disciples.
He was soon killed by people that recognised him when he was begging for his food.
But he accepted his fate very sincerely as an effect to his past causes.***)

- Accepting an invitation from a courtesan (Ambapali), teaching her.
She, too became a disciple. ****)

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Post Number: 52
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Saturday, January 14, 2017 - 07:14 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Salome Bill (Tat_tvam_asi),

Not all punishments are lifelong banishment, only the more severe crimes (terrorism, etc). Some crimes are only for a shorter duration in the banishment site, so rehabilitation is the ultimate goal, with reintegration back into society among the full fledged citizens (if successful they stay, if they do not make amends/reperations/repayment for crimes, or return to life of crime they are banished once again) by allowing the prisoners to learn from their mistake, out in free nature, providing their own sustenance, and meeking out their own existence, all while having access to the spiritual teaching, so the fallible ones can know the proper mental state to keep themselves in (neutral-positive-equalised), etc. The "Goblet" verses I posted in my previous post do a good job of instructing for length of punishment for what crimes, etc.

Banishment is not too harsh a punishment, it is very logical, and humane. Actually if Earth laws followed banishment applications, there might be a lot less terrorism in the world.

If you could post your source RE: the group of 144,000 then I could offer you a better explanation. RE: The 144,228 ET spirit-forms who started to assist the Nokodemion spirit-form 12 million years ago (your post said "12 billion" which is incorrect) is not the same group of spirit-forms who are former criminals, who failed 389,000 years ago, the 144,207 fallible ones who are supposed to be back in accordance with the cosmic-natural in the modern era.

two separate groups of 144K:

1) 144,207 ET spirit-forms, are fallible ones who crossed the line 389,000 years ago, and had to spend 7,000 reincarnation cycles on Earth as part of a fulfillment of guidelines, as a way to make up past bad deeds to bring them changed for the better in the new modern era, to re-learn how to be in accordance with cosmic-natural laws and recommendations of the Creation. This is the group that failed 389,000 years ago, taught the Earth humans war, set up the murderous criminal organization called the "sons of heaven", set themselves up as gods to be worshiped, partook in ancient terrestrial nuclear war, mingled sexually with terrestrials, etc. Some of the offspring were "giants" who revolted and killed terrestrials.

2) 144,228 group of advanced ET spirit-forms, who were recruited to assist the Nokodemion spirit-form 12 million years ago, and were assistants of the Henok mission to represent the spiritual teaching that traces back to Nokodemion to all the known galaxies and universes out in outer space, to the known civilizations, and to assist those that have fallen out of accordance with the cosmic-natural laws and recommendations of Creation, to assist these civilizations to learn how to be in accordance with the cosmic natural. This group will assist the Nokodemion spirit-form with the "universe-wide clean-up" until the mission is universe-wide,and there will be no future set-backs, and then this group will be allowed to shift to their true home: the high council half-material level..

Aside from the fact that both groups are consisting of 144K, and both groups are Old Lyran, this is where the similarities end as Lyra is a big galaxy.
Salome/Corey Müske
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Post Number: 534
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 04:17 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Corey,

Thank you for your clarification.

I take it from you that the ones that committed themselves 12 billion years ago did not commit the crimes some 389,000 ago – though the source I took it from s somewhat ambiguous in that regard. *)

However, my writing and the questions it poses, still remain :

---It seems Plejaren history is filled with greatest perfection followed by greatest destruction.
It is not just Pelegon’s and Atlant’s race.
Semjase tells us her distant forefathers fought many brutal wars on home soil**).
They colonized many planets – often by brutal means..***)
What is the reason for these wars – this was my first question.

--- The thought of human compassion arises naturally out of a sense of oneness that underlies all universal life.
The 144,228 good humans and Billy, they even accepted a retrogression of their consciousness to live with us, the Earth humans, they wanted to teach.
Why then would the Plejaren not teach or follow a similar compassionate way of life – or at least discuss it as an alternative ****)?

---Employing a compassionate approach, changing past mistakes in stepping stones for growth by assisting other fallible ones, by helping them grow out of their mistaken behaviour / actions - Would this not create more equalisedness, and a more peaceful, loving world?

In a nutshell:
“In separateness lies the world’s greatest misery – in compassion lies the world’s true strength. “
What is the response to this affirmation?

A human being that employs compassion with a sense of uniting living beings in this universe will feel one with the universe because his sense of equalisedness is in unison with the universal rhythm.



From page 20 in the book “Die Geschichte Nokodemions” (by Bernadette Brand):

“… Der Völkerschaft aus der Nokodemion Henok Linie, die auf der Erde gestrauchelt ist und quergeschlagen hat, gehören 144,228 Menschen an, die zu den ersten gehörten, die sich vor 12 Milliarden Jahren Nokodemions Mission verpflichtete ehe noch viele weitere Millionedie gleich Verpflichtung eingingen.

Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass sie vor rund 389,000 Jahren quergeschlagen und grundlegende Schuld auf sich geladen hatten, die sie durch eigenen Entschluss gegenwärtig und in Zukunft abtragen werden, kommt ihre bewusstseinsmässige Entwicklung derzeit nicht zum Tragen, wie die der anderen zur Zeit exxistierenden direkten und indirekten Nachkommensvölker Nokodeminons, die auf anderen Welten und in anderen Raum-Zeot-Gefügen leben…”
“To the people of the Nokodemion-Henok line, who foundered (failed) on Earth and obstructed here [=on Earth] belong 144,228 humans who belonged to the first ones that committed themselves [some ] 12 million years ago to Nokodemion’s mission before many others committed themselves, too.

On account of the fact that they were obstructive and loaded themselves with fundamental [great ]guilt [debt] which they, through their own determination, will pay [wear] off at present and in future, their consciousness development does [has] not come to fruition like it did with the other peoples that descended from Nokodemion who [live] in other worlds and in other space-time constellations…”

The meaning here is somewhat ambiguous:
On the basis of the 2nd paragraph I took this to indicate that the 144,228 foundered as well.
But after reading your advice I take it as you indicated, that the 144,228 only joined those that foundered.

Even the 144,000 fallible ones that arrived here some 389,000 years ago:
Did they not escape yet another very brutal war that killed almost half the population on the home planet?
It should be no excuse but warfare certainly makes man to a beast ….
Those responsible for the warfare on the home planet should not be forgotten.

It may be no accident that some major events on our prison planet bear a striking resemblance to their history :
-The often brutal colonisations of western countries (slave trade).
-The extraditions of prisoners to the US, and Australia (and Brazil).

The objectives of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism make a good comparison:
Theravada Buddhism - main goal: a life based on individual growth (learning and self-realization)
Mahayana Buddhism - main goal: a life based on compassion in order to assist and guide humans
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Post Number: 54
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 08:05 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Bill, there were 2 versions of this Nokodemion book released, the first (incorrect) version had all the years listed for everything as billions, then there was a FIGU-wide correction that all the time reckonings were changed in the books from the incorrect billions, to millions in all the books, so the Nokodemion book was re-released with the correct millions for all the time reckonings.

I think your version of the book is the incorrect older version, because I cannot find the passage you listed on page 20 (my page 20 is an excerpt feat. Billy of the 365th contact), and the older (incorrect) version of the book was laid out differently.

I know a test to tell if your book is the old (incorrect) version, or the new, updated, correct version. Does the first sentence of your page 21 read the following lines: "Falschheit, Respektlosigkeit, Unehrlichkeit and viele weitere hässliche Dinge schaffen."? If it does state this on page 21, it is the new (corrected) version. Also if your book is the new version, page II will have the following in the copyright information:

1) Auflage 2008
2) ergäntze und überarbeitete Auflage 2013

page 22-24 of my corrected version of the book explains that the Nokodemion spirit-form's mission is 1.2 billion years old (no longer 12 billion as noted in the old book), but that the Getreuer were committed since 12 million years ago, where they spent the first 4 million of the 12 in the beyond. I hope your book is the new corrected version, so you can read the correct information.
Salome/Corey Müske
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Post Number: 311
Registered: 04-2015
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 03:33 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

"2) 144,228 group of advanced ET spirit-forms, who were recruited to assist the Nokodemion spirit-form 12 million years ago, and were assistants of the Henok mission to..."

Corey, were that lot of 144,228 spirit forms/people physically brought to Earth on space ship like Henok was 389,000 years ago? I don't recall ever reading how they got to Earth.
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Post Number: 56
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 04:58 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hugo, an elaboration: the Getreuer came with Henok 389,000 years ago to the Earth, but contempt for the teaching, and failure of the mission resulted in massive deportations. So the Getreuer returned 15,200 years ago, and also 13,500 years again, (during the 13,500 years ago) there was once again contempt for the teaching, but this time there were successful deportations of the contemptors, where they received instruction, and there was the construction of the codex. During this same time of 13,500 Billy's former personality of Semjasa begot Adam, and his former personality Henoch I was a prophet for extraterrestrials (FIGU Bulletin 50). I think during this time-frame Atlantis was still functional, this time of 13,500 years ago may be pre-war.
Salome/Corey Müske
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Post Number: 57
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 04:32 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hugo, the 144,228 Getreuer flew into Earth's atmosphere in space ships, and landed here only 13,500 years ago.
Salome/Corey Müske
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Post Number: 412
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 05:09 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Just a clarification the German is 1.2 Milliarden = 1.2 thousand-million = 1.2 English (not German) billion = 1,200,000,000

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Post Number: 58
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 05:25 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

PatM, thank you for the clarification, I'm usually so specific. Of course I meant the great Nokodemion-Henok mission is 1.2 thousand-million years old of a duration.
Salome/Corey Müske
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Post Number: 312
Registered: 04-2015
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 11:08 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Corey thanks!

144,228 is a lot of people to physically bring here in ships. If it was the Plejarens that brought them it would not have been easy for them because it was 13,500 years ago and the P's are around 8,000 years ahead of us now in technology. Maybe it was some other ET that brought them?
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Post Number: 535
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 06:08 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Salome Corey, Thank you. Yes, I do have the older (2008) version.

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Post Number: 70
Registered: 01-2016
Posted on Monday, January 16, 2017 - 04:13 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Do the spirit-forms of all the core group members belong to that group of 144,228?

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