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Archive through February 01, 2006

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Post Number: 266
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Sunday, June 27, 2004 - 04:25 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The Kyballion

5. Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.

Everything flows, out and in;
Everything in the Universe and Creation evolve and change constantly from one state of BEING to the next and higher state of BEING, in the evolution of the whole of Creation there is only one uni-directional flow upwards, to higher states of BEING.

Everything had its tides, all things rise and fall:
In the material realm of Creation, the material Universe all material objects undergo a moment of creation, a time over existence / evolution, degeneration and annihilation, regeneration and re-creation in endless repetition.
The truth of a material object lies in its physical properties, however a material object underlies constant change so its 'truth' changes constantly and it cant be used as a fundament of life.
For example: When a person has a candle it is a candle for the time being, decides that person to light the candle then its shape is already changing, its not the same object as it was before, and after a certain amount of time, the candleflame will have consumed the candle completely, and only a puddle of wax is left over. The candle is gone, there is no candle anymore.
So it can be seen that every material object depending on its structure will last longer or shorter, but never should a human rely on them because they are finite in existence.
Completely different is spiritual knowledge and wisdom, both are shapeless, formless and are the same billions of years ago and even past the time that this Creation unites with the Absolute Absolutum.
Spiritual knowledge can be found be anyone, everywhere regardless of space and time.

The pendulum-swing manifests in everything; Everything in existence needs nourishment, regardless if its spiritual or material, a lifeform will inhale energy, use it / transform it, and exhale it again, the energy that is exhaled is inhaled again by other life.
For example: This can be seen in plantlice which eats plantleaves and they secrete a fluid which is nourishment for ants.

The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.
Every normally balanced life doesn't use more food then it needs for its survival, and it gives back to nature, ultimately by its own physical death.
When abnormal behaving life is upsetting this balance then the rhythm of life is upset which means that nature will start to restore the upset balance by means of a logical counteraction, which usually means decimation of the abnormal life until the balance and rhythm of life is restored.

From the book "Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer" - "Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Grief" by Billy

"Die Sieben Prinzipien der Wahrheit des Lebens im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten sind gegeben in aller Existenz."
- Nokodemion-Henoch


"The Seven principles of the truth of life in the spiritual, physical and consciousness are given in all existence."

page: XXII

5. Das fünfte Prinzip ist das Gleichmass aller Dingen im Geistigen, Physische und Bewussten, so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen.


5. The fifth principle is the symmetry of all things in the spiritual, physical and consciousness, thus in all spiritual and material.

In everything there is a symmetry of positive and negative, there exists no object that is solely and exclusively a monopole (either negative or positive), everything is a symmetric unity in itself, just like a human who consists of a symmetric unity, the physical body which is the negative pole and the spirit, which is the positive pole, both the body and spirit are a unity in themselves of positive and negative.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 267
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Sunday, June 27, 2004 - 05:22 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The Kybalion

6. Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to the Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.

Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause;

Creation is the biggest and by far the best 'example' of the Natural Creative Law of Causality, incepted by Ur-Creation as an idea it developed itself out of itself, first in an unconscious manner, later on in a conscious manner after which it created itself and became the Universe we live in today. Creation unfolded itself as its own cause and its own effect.
Creation, which carries the universal-consciousness holds the universall-intelligence in which everything is thought off and created in the universal spiritmind (Universal-Gemüt), all causes have there origine there, and all effects have their completion there too.

The Natural Creative Law of Causality:

In order to understand the Law of Cause and Effect we have to dig in to its essence to understand it.

In nature you can see the physical phenomenon when you pour a glass of water into a big can, that the water will try to spread over the largest surface possible, it is trying to fill the 'void' and everything is covered by it until all the water is evenly spread over the surface, when it's spread over the surface, and no more water is added to it, the water surface calms down and becomes tranquil, then all activity stops, there is no movement anymore.
It has reached its equilibrium; it’s in a state of resting existence/BEING (SEIN)

The spiritual realm however, follows the same Law, but different in dimensions and time.
Everything in the whole Absolute Absolutum, every Creation in it, is in a more or less developed state of BEING (SEIN).
There is nothing that is created in a state of absolute NON-BEING (NICHT-SEIN), and nothing that is created is in a state on non-plus-ultra absolute BEING (SEIN), all Creations are in 'between'.
BEING (SEIN) and NONBEING (NICHT-SEIN) are a unity, (these are the extremes that meet), in the state of non-plus-ultra BEING there wouldn’t be any movement or evolution or time or space whatsoever, it would be the same for a state of absolute NON-BEING in endless duration.

Now, what has this Law to do with the law of cause and effect?? Answer: EVERYTHING.
The difference between NON-BEING AND BEING is truly infinite and endless; it’s the potential difference that enables the 'flow' from NON-BEING to BEING.
Think of this as the flow of a current between the positive and negative pole of a battery.
Without the Law of BEING/SEIN, the Law of causality could not exist, in fact nothing would.
With this we have identified the driving force behind the Law of causality, a cause can only have its effect if it can move from one state into the other.

Everything happens according to the Law;

The will of Creation is absolute and Logical, expressed in all its Natural Laws and Directives, so everything that happens in Creation is by means of its Laws, and nothing could happen or exist without it being in the Will of Creation itself.
You have to remember, that even illogic, or positive or negative thoughts, feelings and actions have their part in this, this because illogic is part of making mistakes, and making mistakes is a part of Learning and evolution.
Logic and illogic complete each other, and are needed in the material realm where human evolve by making mistakes, and learning from them.
A mistake is either positive or negative, but always illogical, the way how to neutralize illogic, is by an equal negative or positive reaction in the form of learning from your mistake, in this way the negative would be balanced with a positive act, or the positive would be balanced with a negative act.

This is seen when in nature amongst birds or rabbit is overpopulation, the overpopulation is a positive, act against the balance of Nature, which requires a negative act in order to neutralize the overpopulation until a normal Balanced/Neutral level is reached.
This is done by predators, or illnesses who exterminate the surplus of rabbits, killing is in itself a negative act, but done in this way, it's a negative-balanced act and therefore logical.
It would be an act against Nature when rabbits would be killed is so many numbers that the natural balance would be disturbed, so that would be an negative illogical act against nature.
The only thing that is pre-destined is its Goal, but how this Goal is reached is possible in endless ways, so the Natural Laws and Directives of Creation give every life-form in it's Universe the absolute freedom of choice provided IN it's Laws and Directives, to evolve towards the perfection and unity with Creation.

Chance is but a name for Law not recognized;

Chance is nothing but a name for all unknown factors in human life, all the things you don’t know or aren't aware about. These are all the effects by causes beyond your awareness or control.
In the positive way, it's show in winning the lottery, in a negative way, it's show when somebody kisses his wife or her man good bye and is killed in a car crash on route to work.
Chance is a fact of life and a factor in evolution, nobody escapes it, and it's brings good things and hurtful things, but its also the source of serendipity, it can bring you things you never would have thought of other wise.

There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.

Many planes of causation is show by Creation itself, the Universe is a causality that existed before you where born and will exist after you part from this Earth, you are caused by this effect (Creation and existence of the Universe and creation of human life, etc) and you stay a part of its effect. There are many short lived critters, who live only days or weeks, so they are also part of the Law of causality. Nothing in the Universe can escape the Law, because everything is always a part of it.

From the book "Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer" - "Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Grief" by Billy

"Die Sieben Prinzipien der Wahrheit des Lebens im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten sind gegeben in aller Existenz."
- Nokodemion-Henoch


"The Seven principles of the truth of life in the spiritual, physical and consciousness are given in all existence."

page: XXII

6. Das sechste Prinzip ist das Gesetz des Zusammenhanges aller in Erscheinung tretenden Vorkommisse und Geschehen, so also im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also gegeben in allem Geistigen und Materiellen.


6. The sixth principle is the law of the connection of all appearing and occuring happenings and events, thus in the spiritual, physical and consciousness, and thus given in all spiritual and material.

My Explanation:
Everything in this Universe is connected, it's the spirit which created the existence of the material universe and in the end when Creation lays itself to rest, the material universe will seize to exist. All energy regardless if its purely spiritual, fine-material or coarse-material is interconnected with each other, so it's possible that the energy of thought, which is fine-material, when it concerns the material consciousness, it can influence matter on a subatomic level where the laws of causality seems to be void, and results can only be determined by probability calculations, where in fact the power of thought can influence the outcome in one way or the other. When causes lie in the spiritual or fine-material realm, they seem for unknowning people like miracles because things happen (effects that have seemingly no appearant cause since the actual cause lies in the spiritual or fine-material realm) A rough example can be seen in a solar electric-cell, light causes the cell to produce a electrical current, light is already a finer material energy then the coarse matter of the solar electric-cell.
Nowadays this is a understood principle since we possess the knowledge to understand it, but there are many more effects which causes lie in the spiritual or fine-material, and none of them are wonders, but fully explanable.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 274
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Friday, July 09, 2004 - 08:58 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

7. Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.

Absolutely everything in the whole of Creation, the Absolute Absolutum up to the BEING-Absolutum is composed out of two fundamental forces, namely the negative/feminine/Yin and the positive/masculine/Yang.
The Yin/Yang symbol is a truthfull spiritual symbol representing the basic principles of all things.

The Yin force is the negative, the feminine, the passive, the moist and the dark, the interrupted progress, the Earth, everything dark en the interrupted line and everything that is part of the negative potential.

The Yang force is the positive, the masculine, the light, brightness and the heaven, the active and the dry, the embracing and connecting and everything that is part of the positive potential.

The principles of Negative and Positive are the polarisation of the logical unity of the whole of Creation, both principles are absolutely equal in their part in equal force of both 100%
The symbol Yin/Yang is the symbol of the absolute and indivisible unity of negative and positive, it is symbolized with the opposite colored dot in the opposite field, this symbolizes that both are connected, form a unity and belong together undivisible.
Positive and negative need each other for evolution and existence in both the material and spiritual, they are equal in every way and every respect and neither force dominates the other in the form of imbalance.
As long as this Earth is ruled by a dominant masculine presence, by a male based leadership without the equality and input of the feminine presence, this Earth will never finds it peace.
Women, the negative/Yin, and Men, the positive/Yang, need each other, but they also need to stay true to themselves, both qualities are complimentary, the enhance each other, without denying, dismissing or subjecting the other.
Either way, if the society would be male or female dominated, peace, harmony and evolution can't exist, only in the natural balance of both forces it can and will exist.

From the book "Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer" - "Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Grief" by Billy

"Die Sieben Prinzipien der Wahrheit des Lebens im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten sind gegeben in aller Existenz."
- Nokodemion-Henoch


"The Seven principles of the truth of life in the spiritual, physical and consciousness are given in all existence."

page: XXII

7. Das siebente Prinzip ist das der allumfassende Evolution aller Dingen aller Existenz im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen.


7. The seventh principle is that to the all-embracing evolution of all things of all existence in the spiritual, physical and deliberate, and thus in all spiritual and material.

Evolution is the constant force of life to move from one lower level of existence to the next, this is force of life, evolution is existent on all planes of existence, either material or spiritual, a true standstill in the whole of Creation is absolutely impossible, in order for life to exist is to evolve, the whole purpose of existence is BEING in the best possible level of existence.

This concludes the Kybalion / Henoch-Nokodemjon post
Yin / Yang

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 334
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 12:58 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The Teachings of Arahat Athersata

Part one.

Page 10 Verse. 34

"Das Wissen altester Wahrheit und Weisheit ging ihm verloren;
das der Mensch das Mass aller schopferischen Dinge ist, in Kreation der eigen Vervolkommnung der Schopfung in sich."


"He lost the knowledge of the oldest truth and wisdom; that man ( = human, note translator) is the measure of all creative things, in creation of perfection in Creation itself."


The human is carrier of the spirit, a piece of Creation itself, which is the essence of all life, either material or spiritual.
Creation is the measure of everything in its universe, and because the human spirit is a part of Creation, the spirit itself is also the measure of all things.
Even though the human spirit is a part, a tiny fragment of Creation itself, it is absolutely connected in absolute indivisible unity with Creation itself.
There is no spirit, no human, nothing that is separated from Creation, even when its outside the BEING (SEIN) of Creation itself.
When the material human is in harmony with his spirit and therefore in accordance with the Natural Creative Laws and Commandments of Creation, then he is a creative force in himself, the human collective and the whole universe.
He is then the measure off all things creative because his will and logic is in accordance with the will and logic of Creation itself.

Remark: Although this post is in 'male' form, the words apply absolutely the same to both genders, male and female, without the slightest difference.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 6
Registered: 02-2000
Posted on Sunday, December 26, 2004 - 12:01 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello all,

As we all know our Universe contains of seven different belts. We live in the Solid-State Matter Universe Belt that includes all galaxies, planets, stars and gases etc. Just after Big Bang this belt (No 4 from the centre) was 2.5 x 10^15 light years wide. Since our Universe is in its expanding phase my question is: Is there anyone who knows the approximate size of our Solid-State Matter Universe Belt now?

Kind regards,
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Post Number: 452
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Sunday, January 02, 2005 - 06:02 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Inger....

I have the same information as you have posted here, and no Update
concerning Today's Expansion calculation.

It would be wise to ask this to Billy on the next round of Questions to
him. At the moment, I think only Billy or maybe Guido Moosbrugger may have
this knowledge; knowing that Guido is well informed in these matters.

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Post Number: 53
Registered: 03-2003
Posted on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 02:29 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I seem to remember some time ago someone asking what it meant by this excerpt from
"Creation is identical to 'Universal Consciousness', which guides and prevails in the BEING of consciousness; it is a double-helix, egg-shaped configuration that simultaneously constitutes the Universe in its growing expansion. Its pulsating double-helix arms live as spiritual energy, while rotating against each other."
There is an illustration in FIGU Bulletin #41 that may help explain this, along with some accompanying text:
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Post Number: 368
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2005 - 12:11 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The logic of Creation and the Human free will.

One of the apparent paradoxes of human thinking is that if Creation is perfect, a logical system that works according to the laws of logic and subsequent to the laws of cause and effect, there would be no real human free will possible.

It is the thought when EVERYTHING in Creation is calculable and follows the laws of cause and effect, that the human free will would be bound to the those laws and the human free will could never could exist without them.

Free will would be bound to the possibilities provided by the laws of logic and the laws of cause and effect.
Technically, in this view and perspective, there wouldn’t be a free will at all, just a will that has a finite set of possibilities to choose from.

However, this view is illogical, in this logical Universe, in this logical Creation, there is such a thing as a free will, yet in respect to the logical structure of Creation.

A true free will is based on the ability to make choices.
Logical or illogical is irrelevant. IT is when there is no outside or inside force present influencing the free will that this applies.

In many cases, free will is inhibited not by other people or even environmental circumstances or social status, but by bias, preconceptions and prejudice, in any case where illogic reigns, free will is caged and no longer free.
Its therefore of the essence that people are self-aware about their thoughts and check if those thoughts are logical or illogical.

To understand why there IS such a thing as free will, one has to grasp the basic concept of logic.

Logic in itself has infinite properties; it’s the one essence/force that is able to develop, deploy itself into infinity without ever ending or beginning.
Logic is truly the alpha and omega of all things in, through and above this Universe.

In this logical universe, the sheer number of possibilities is unlimited, there are no fixed amounts of possibilities.
If there were a limited and fixed amount of possibilities in this Universe then evolution itself would be limited and ending, which would result in an absolute standstill in non-existence.
If there are a limited number of possibilities, no matter how many there are, it would come to an absolute standstill over time after all possibilities are exhausted.

One cannot compare Creation to a flawed and limited structure like a clock in which possibilities are finite. Creation is strictly based on logic in which there are an infinite amount of possibilities and combinations.

In a reality with an unlimited set of possibilities and combinations, which by the way NEVER EVER conflicts with each other, there is truly a thing as free will because there are infinite ways to live life to the logical laws.

These laws also explain perfectly how prophecies and predictions function.
A prophecy is based on a limited set of known factors, and on a unknown amount of factors and on uncertain factors (factors which are undetermined because the knowledge about their true value is not known)
Calculations made based on all those factors combined end up in a result, which displays a possible scenario, which may or may not become a reality.
However, a prophecy is bit of a bad example because prophecies serve a specific purpose in order to prevent bad things and educate people in the ways of logic.
In a prophecy the positive factors are usually left out in order to show the people the worst-case scenario, people have to learn to discover those positive (logical) factors by themselves by means of logical thinking and deduction. If people would be told the positive factors, then in their current lowly developed spiritual level, they would forgo the changes and would not learn.
Thereby bringing upon themselves what they fear the most, the fulfillment of a doomsday scenario prophecy.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 654
Registered: 07-2000
Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2005 - 11:04 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Since the Creation/Universe reaches a point of maximum expansion (approx. 155 trillion years) before it begins to collapse, is it known during the expansion phase, what this rate of expansion is?

Does the maximum expansion occur in the very beginning and then taper to the point that it starts to collapse, or does the rate of expansion increase to the mid-point (approx. 77.7 trillion years) of the expansion phase and then start to slow down?

Thanks for any comments.

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Post Number: 39
Registered: 09-2004
Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2005 - 04:37 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Scott :-) What do you mean with the " rate of expansion is". I think that since there is slightly more matter than antimatter, that it is a stabilising process (yin yang). The universe is a result of the everlasting process of stabilisation, and thus the anti-matter will overcome it, thus there is no universe (I must say I am on very thin ice here, as I dont know nearly nothing exact about cosmology. I might be ENTIRELY wrong on this, since I am not really sure about the terminology. This I will study closer in the future. Forgive me for this.).
I guess one can compare "big bang" with a normal explosion of f.ex. fire. We humans expand untill we are about 20 years old +-, and then we start the dying process? Maybe creation slows down as we humans do intellectually. We are on top at 25 I seem to remember a report saying.
<this stabilising process of the universe must happen slowly, just as "the force" must be in balance. Sometimes the dark side is on top, and then it is balanced by the light side. So I guess that the universe must reach its top at 156(?) trillion years, before the antimatter, balances it out. When the beyond is expanding, it will slow down and matter will be replaced by it. Maybe this is how the beyond is creating spirit in the matter? And then the "big bang" happens, and there are spirits of "urenergy" that needs to be evolutionised by matter, and thus becoming finer and finer matter/spirit? Maybe this is what creates this universe.
I am aware that this post might be only rubbish, but I think it has some elements that is worth taking into consideration. Who knows anyway? ;)
Wow, this is blowing my head off, its to difficult to understand for me, because of lack of information and pure logic. Maybe this post is just a result of partly understanding the teachings of taoism, hehe ;)
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Post Number: 375
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2005 - 06:45 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Scott,

Creations knows 7 main phases in life:
1. Creation
2. Hyper-expansion
3. Expansion
4. Amplitude
5. Contraction
6. Hyper-contraction
7. Annihilation (of the material universe, not Creation)

The very first phase is the Creation act itself(1) and the following hyper-expansion phase(2) which only lasts for a fraction of a second with an expansion rate of 107000 time lightspeed.
After this second phase, which creates the vast distances of the Universe, the 'regular' expansion (3) of 147xlightspeed sets in and drops with a certain interval over the period of 155,520,000,000,000 years to about +/- 300 km/sec or 187.5 miles/sec.
When phase 4 is reached, the maximum amplitude in size of the Universe, it starts to contract (5) and slowely build up its contractionspeed/lightspeed again towards the 147xlightspeed, this takes about 155,520,000,000,000 years after which the hyper-contraction(6) takes over and collapses the complete Universe in a fraction of a second to the size of a flee, after which the 'Annihilation' (7) of the Universe as we know it is a fact.
Ofcourse, this is not a true annihilation, Creation keeps on existing, but the material Universe as we know it will be gone.

Phase 2, the hyper-expansion creates the 7 belts of Creation and forms the initial space/time structures, right after this phase, time starts to run.
In phase 3, the expansion-phase/lightspeed tapers off from 147xlightspeed down to about 187 miles/second at the very end of 155,520,000,000,000 years (middleaged Universe)
In phase 5, the contraction-phase/lightspeed goes up from about 187miles/hour to 147xlightspeed, at the very end of 311,040,000,000,000 years, after which hyper-contraction and annihilation or the sleep period of Creation sets in.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 655
Registered: 07-2000
Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2005 - 08:48 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Thank you both for your answers and comments.

I'm not sure how to phrase this, but does this also mean that any three points in space will grow apart from each other during the expansion phase? In other words, in the material universe does the expansion occur simultaneously in all 3 dimensions or does the expansion occur from one central point outward in a more linear fashion?

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Post Number: 511
Registered: 07-2000
Posted on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 - 09:39 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Jakobjn

As you mentioned, the expansion speed of our universe is decreasing from 147xlightspeed to about +/- 300 km/sec or 187.5 miles/sec.

However, our present knowledge is that the expansion rate of our universe is in acceleration rather than decreasing.

Could you shed some lights on this?


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Post Number: 378
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 01:32 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Savio,

When an object is for example at a distance of 8 billion lightyears from Earth, then its light took around 8 billion years of time to reach Earth.
Eight billion years ago, the lightspeed was higher, which is also true for the expansionspeed of the Universe.
So you see an object from 8 billion years ago that existed in a time-frame where the lightspeed was higher then it is now.
For us it seems that this object moves very quick and more distant objects move even quicker, but that is just the illusion of time and light at work.
This object seems to move quickly, but if we could approach this object so that the distance would be for example less then 4 billion years, you would see the object slow down, up to a level where it has the same lightspeed as 'us'.

Time is much more complex then assumed, its not a linear stream, its also curved and runs in parallell with many other time-streams.

Astronomy as we know it is a GEOCENTRIC science, virtually all measurements stem from Earth or close to Earth, we see the expansion of the Universe go in all directions from us, which puts us, the Earth in the middle, so as far as the human cant fly interstellar, he will never really understand the Universe and its structure.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 512
Registered: 07-2000
Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2005 - 08:23 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Jakobjn

Thank you for the explanation ^_^

I think it is really logical that the expansion of universe is in deceleration.

However, I have to think deeply see if I can understand what you have explained.

I wonder why was it that our scientists did not aware of this for all these years.

Further explanation is much appreciated.


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Post Number: 16
Registered: 07-2005
Posted on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 08:13 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Jacobjn

You wrote in the section The logic of creation and the human freewill, There exists freewill because in creation there are infinite possibilities to live one's life but then again if there really is a freewill shouldn't you be able to deduct from this that all possibilities only exists within the bounds of creation and that outside of it's realm you cannot choose to live outside of it's confines otherwise why would there be such thing as creational natural laws and commandments and if the creation created us it has to be within the confines of it's laws otherwise we could exist outside of it, be in any form we choose to, create our own creation with our own chosen laws and have a completely different system altogether so that illogic becomes the logic or even to do without it altogether so that instead of having polarity we could have quadlarity.
The idea about the idea of freewill is in itself an expression of logical force inherent in us to be able to distinguish it in the first place but where do we get it from? from creation therefore the rule and the boundary has already been set for us by creation then how can there truly be freewill unless it could be exercised without creation or outside of it?
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Post Number: 17
Registered: 07-2005
Posted on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 08:30 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi scott

Observing nature and seeing the image of water streaming down through the channel and forming into mass of an ocean and the thought of the invisible yet discernable power of creation at work, the question pops into my mind which is-If the spiritual forces that govern or has laid out according to it's will how things in this universe will or will not be then what is the underlying forces behind the mysterious forces of the spiritual creation that makes things the way it is?
I mean if I was to clarify this question further, obviously in the spiritual teachings, it's the mass of spiritual forces behind everything that governs how things will be in the being and non-being of everything within it. But the spiritual source must also have it's origin somewhere just as a piece of steel has a chemical composition.
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Post Number: 18
Registered: 07-2005
Posted on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 08:49 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Jacobjn

If there are 10 to the power of 49 different variations of the universe or creation, does this imply that there are that many numbers of different separate universes other than our own or does it mean that that are that many different forms of universes that a universe must ascend in stages before it becomes the absolute absolutum?
But what happens lets say when our dern universe reaches the stage of perfection to become absolute absolutum after going through the 7 stages of development through expanding and contracting for 7 great times, does this imply that once it becomes absolute absolutum it joins into other higher spheres of all existing nothingness beyond absolute absolutum to help the lower universes to develop or new universes to be created so that in endlessness, existing in endlessness, it will endlessly exist as endlessness to reach an all time of endlessness. But what is beyond all nothingness and endlessness or beyond the 10 to the power of 49 different variations of creations or universes?
Somehow all this could not have started with nothing and end up with something, It defies all logic and comprehension, even if all universes were created by a sizeable idea or thought, the thought itself must have originated from somewhere or something?
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Post Number: 698
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 10:30 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Newinitiation,

I think you ask one of those questions which seem incomprehensible to the human mind. Whether these secrets are only known by Creation I couldn't say.

You might want to consider reading (only in German) Genesis which was transmitted to Billy from the Petale level on Dec. 17, 1975. I have a mediocre translation of some of it. It does seem to discuss the beginnings of the beginning. I don't want to comment further, because I don't know how accurate the document I have is. There may be further discussion of this on the German Forum.

Best of Luck
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New member

Post Number: 2
Registered: 07-2005
Posted on Friday, October 21, 2005 - 11:00 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

In reference to Newinitiation,

Perhaps It implies that there are that many forms of Creations in existence, Universe within Universes, Creations within Creations,,similar to school, all in the same building ,same time zone doing and experience that same but different things, but learning all under divine tutorage.

Perhaps it is but an endless cycle of creative principles.

The question then asked is , what is Nothing? What logic is nothing based on? What logic is the concept of something from nothing is not possible?

Perhaps all is but imagination, a concept of what can be.The infinitum of probabilities and what ifs and or how's, all experienced.

Free will being the choice one makes that brings in a particular timeline to play out.

IF one believes free will is anything beyond the choice one makes and how his attitude towards life's situations, then he maybe fooling himself.

It is that word free that is the catch 22 so to speak. Where with free it is assumed there are no limits no rules etc.But alas a concept is a sculpted idea.

Defined to a certain perspective, that may enhance the situation or vice versa.

So yes there are rules set up , and why not.if your thoughts run astray .One is said to be out of his mind yes.
The Law of Love places the welfare and the concern and feelings for others above self, it is that close affinity with all forces that we associate with being good.The law of Love denies a place for evil in the world, that resists not. Love offers the path of least resistance by cherishing, nurturing and protecting the beloved.Resist NOT evil. Expose it YES
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Post Number: 415
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 10:56 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


I can only answer you in a very limited manner, because my knowledge in this part is very limited.
When our DERN universe has absolved all 10 to the 49 power of stage (every single one of those stages is 'occupied' with a nearly infinite number of Creations) then it becomes one with the Absolute Absolutum, the lowest of the Absolutum-forms, this happens over an incomprehensible amount of time which truly dwarfs even the current lifespan of the Creation itself.
When there is the discussion about 'nothing', there is no nothing, the 'space-time' continuum outside of Creation is embedded in such enormous time-space structures that it seems that there is no time, space or energy present, but in fact there is NO coarse-material energy present in the space-time continuum of the Absolute Absolutum, in that respect its a absolute nothing, but only regarding to the coarse-material energy aka matter, the Absolute Absolutum is filled with ultra-fine spiritual energy which the Creation uses after a certain process as nourishment.
One single second in the Absolute Absolutum could be very well the total current lifespan of the Creation, thats why it seems that there is no time in the Absolute Absolutum, it is there, but in much higher and incomprehensible levels for any spiritual and material life in the Universe, thats why the highest pure spiritlevel of Petale in this Universe regards the time-cycle in the Absolute Absolutum as endless duration because even Petale knows there is actually time in that realm, it is unable to make heads or tails of that realm, this should be a very clear sign that those things are eternally (until unification with the Absolute Absolutum) incomprehensible for all life either material or spiritual in this Creation and by the Creation itself.

"If you measure the size of your Ego to the size of your knowledge or what you assume you know, then you should always try to remember that your ignorance is infinitely larger, then any knowledge you have."
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Post Number: 47
Registered: 02-2005
Posted on Wednesday, February 01, 2006 - 02:33 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


(Feel free to move this query to somewhere else,
where it may be more appropriate?)

I would like to ask - for a simple overview about 'the Creation' concept and teachings. I guess that this is covered in the offical information, which can be ordered - I simply can't do that, as my funds are non existent for ordering anything from overseas.

Can you direct me to specific pages in the archives where these questions are answered?

What is the Plejaren view about the 'afterlife' - what happens there, according to them?

What is the purpose of reality here?

I think it is difficult for first time readers to follow what is going on, in that there are certainly details mentioned here, too much in fact, unless you know about the subject in question, read previous information about this.

Also I ask - is it alright to know the information in a shorthand basic info summary, and then to go into further and further detail, expanding that view?

Is there a FAQ or similar guide available? Anywhere? That introduces the reader to this
material, specifically what 'the Creation' teachings are about, what it covers...

There is a guide at - are
there any others?
Which will answer - most often asked questions...

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Post Number: 268
Registered: 06-2000
Posted on Wednesday, February 01, 2006 - 06:32 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Kiwi ;
There is an overview of Creation and many other writings at that should explain it to you to your satisfaction .
Mark Campbell

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