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Archive through November 27, 2012

Discussionboard of FIGU » The Planet Earth » Aging, Aggressive Genes & Human Health » Archive through November 27, 2012 « Previous Next »

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Post Number: 2530
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Monday, October 01, 2012 - 04:11 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Lemontree and Smukhuti....

We should not forget, the Environment the human living in and for HOW LONG.

Logically speaking, the weather climate, food, etc, HAS affect on the
mentioned human beings. Thus, they 'alter' constantly, and of course, 'do
not' resemble their far forefathers any more. Billy, mentioned this a number
of times, and which is quite logical, as I even thought.

Thus, the altering of the appearance does not per se have to be related to
any type of genetically engineering, or whatever. But, it is said, in the
Contact Notes, that in the past, certain ETs DID conduct genetical
manipulations which resulted into a divers of human species. Just as was
conducted with animals; which, in most cases are extinct.

Even, the Plejarans altered their lineage through their existence; genetical
engineering; remember, removing the Religious gene, Homosexual gene, their
bodily hair, just to name some. Thus, they can alter their appearance beauty
as well, I would think? I mean, if they would have acne, they would try to
remove what is causing it. Thus, they check out their DNA strings and remove
it or whatever the case may be. Like-wise, with other anomalies.

Thus, the Plejarans as others, may indeed, have genetically manipulated
themselves, in appearance, to some point, and not forget even for their
health, but, they do accept Evolution, to still be their main purpose in life
as intended by (The) Creation. Not as some other ETs, whom may have altered
themselves to be 'too perfect', and not wanting to be dependent on Evolution;
which than surely 'backfired' on them!

Thus, we have indeed, some interesting solutions/possibilities as mentioned

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Post Number: 220
Registered: 10-2011
Posted on Wednesday, October 03, 2012 - 02:51 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Correlation? How exactly does what you eat effect what race you are or what orientation you are? Or am I reading you wrong?
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Post Number: 2535
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Monday, October 08, 2012 - 02:58 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Sarah....

Well, each 'original' species, would indeed have their own diet, so to speak,
and, when they consume certain foods, they can either become ill or, some
other effect will be in the process which can alter their body composition,

That is why, certain species can not eat such-and-such foods, or whatever,
because, their body is not accustomed to it in their original lineage of
heritage, so to speak.

Thus, each being(s) and the environment or planet they originate from, have
had their own consumption pattern, so to speak, and if they would go astray
from it, and consume food that are not in their regular eating pattern, they
would become ill, or can even die; and, naturally, through time it can even
alter their appearance; plain old Evolution processing; so, the things we
eat, the way we behave and think, etc., are just as well the/a Cause to an
Effect: Consequence(s).

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Post Number: 3
Registered: 05-2010
Posted on Friday, November 16, 2012 - 05:26 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi guys

Does human lifespan in the universe gain its length of 1000 years by genetic manipulation or is it a natural occurrence?

And if it is a natural process, does the Creation grant humans gradually with longer lifespans as they evolve?
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Post Number: 18
Registered: 10-2012
Posted on Friday, November 16, 2012 - 02:50 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

From what I have been able to deduce via outside research, which was subsequently confirmed by Billy and the Plejarens, is that the natural life span of a human is about that number of 1000 earth years. This is based on the cellular reproduction and regeneration numbers. I may be off by a tad bit, but the human body regenerates all of its cells every 7 years. The average earth human lives only about 80 years so that amounts to roughly 11 regeneration cycles. A canine ages roughly 7 times faster so they receive about 77 regenerations before they succumb to old age.

This has puzzled well learned biologists, and can be directly linked to the confirmed genetic damage that is within the human genome. In fact, the number of oddities represented in the human genome is staggering when compared to just the chimpanzee. I can relate this purely by Species classification: Humans have 46 chromosomes, chimps have 48, humans have about 312 unique qualities that separate it from other primates. chimps have about 132 unique differences from other primates but they have a whole other chromosome than the Earth human. This just by itself speaks volumes.

It is sad, in my eyes, that this Humanity on earth has undergone such a transformation at the hands of genetic engineering. The damage that has been found in the Earth Human's genome resembles chemical splicing which we use in our own labs.
Blessed be those who watch and those who turn the key.
I will contribute in the way I can. My goal is to help in all areas that I can. I will think, and I will develope. Truth is to be discovered and explored. --Jack W.
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Post Number: 134
Registered: 05-2012
Posted on Friday, November 16, 2012 - 07:25 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

It's not just genes but atmosphere, environment, lifestyle, thinking, food. Our ancestors were barbarians made for defense purposes whose genes were modified from evolved human forms of a lifespan in average of about 1000 y. There are life forms which live much longer than that.
Different planets offer different conditions for evolution, like gravitation, chemical atmospheric structure, building blocks of your body which are also different depending where the life form evolves and how it adapts.
I am not sure if I understand your second question - because nothing is being "granted". Evolved life forms already gained knowledge that lets them regenerate organs, create self-aware machines, fight disease and improve their immune system, recreate brains! They also are knowledgeable about creation's laws and evolution of the animating them spirits, about future and past. It is what you do and how you think what matters. NOT how long you live. Spirit that lives in your body must have already gone through great chunk of time for you to even be asking those questions. Once you realize that - aging won't matter to you any more.
As for right now we have huge overpopulation problem and idiots giving lectures all over the globe saying that it's a myth. I would manipulate their genes first and shrink their age to this spring at the most...; )
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Post Number: 777
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Friday, November 16, 2012 - 09:24 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Waldek,

It can be both.

However once humans stop trying to control and exterminate each other then gradually lose interest in aspirations for materialistic outcomes as being the ultimate objective for life those factors would then facilitate a natural genetic evolution towards longer lifespans which would become widespread for races by altering DNA ..... the blueprints.
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Post Number: 2579
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Monday, November 19, 2012 - 03:09 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi All...

Indeed, it would depend on the Condition of the (home) planet.

Personally, I think, there are even beings(humanoid) which do not...reach the
known 1000-1007 years, as original age span; per se; but, can also exceed it.

The conditions of the planet would play part, here, just as the type of
species that will be generated; their skin tone, appearance, length, eye
color, hair, their whole body configuration, etc.

Like-wise, with the number of type of species of races which will develop on
that planet; is known, 2-4 different species. Thus, it does not always have
to be 4 (race) species.

Thus: Consequences - Cause and Effect...plays quite a role, here, as usual.

Remember, the humanoid...Gilgamesh, whose original lifespan was 120.000
years! [Gilgamensh belongs to a race of morphologists and is capable to
change the shape of his body and size within several months. (Source: 226th
contact of February 3, 1988)]

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Post Number: 638
Registered: 08-2004
Posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 - 05:59 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Actually, the Gilgamesh figures are in CR 222, not 226.

Use to the full both your heart and your head; and never lose either.
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Post Number: 779
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 - 06:31 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

"Remember, the humanoid...Gilgamesh, whose original lifespan was 120.000

Sounds like a typo ..... maybe it's 12,000 years extended to 35,000 by drinking suitable heavy water.

Adding or missing one or several zeros is a factor affecting figures spread throughout various writings stated in the contact reports as reported and admitted by the man himself which is rather gracious of him ..... admitting errors and pointing out they exist.

Who knows how he retrieves information from the storage banks and it's obviously not like pulling folders out of a filing cabinet or looking up entries on a computer database. Given the pressures and stresses upon him particularly in the early days from 1975 onwards sometimes getting it not exactly right is understandable.


Auszug aus dem 542. Kontaktgespräch vom 7. Juli 2012

Billy Meine nächste Frage bezieht sich auf euch Plejaren und eure Föderierten: Ihr Plejaren seid ja auch in eurer Föderation tätig hinsichtlich der Verbreitung der ‹Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens›, wozu ich fragen will, wie weitherum ihr euch diesbezüglich bemüht?

Ptaah Unsere plejarischen Geistführer und sonstigen Weisen sind darin tätig, bei den Völkern unserer Plejarischen Föderation die Lehre zu lehren, jedoch nur soweit, wie das gewünscht wird, denn auch wir obliegen der Missionsbedingung, nicht zu missionieren. Und was wir in bezug auf die Völker unserer Föderation tun, das tun wiederum auch deren Geistführer und sonstigen Weisen in gleicher Weise in Hinsicht auf fremde Weltenvölker, wenn mit solchen Kontakte zustande kommen. Auch gibt es diesbezüglich Menschen, die sich Künder und Propheten nennen, und zwar dann, wenn sie Kenntnisse in bezug auf zukünftige Geschehen haben. Auf diese Weise verbreitet sich die Lehre in alle Weiten des Universums, wobei jedoch immer die Voraussetzung gegeben sein muss, dass die Belehrung gewünscht wird, was nicht in jedem Fall so ist, weil in der Regel auch bei den Völkern anderer Welten althergebrachte Glaubensrichtungen vorgegeben sind, von denen sich die Gläubigen nur schwer befreien können. In kleinen Gruppen usw. besteht jedoch immer ein Interesse für die Lehre Nokodemions, folglich diesbezüglich gelehrt werden kann, wonach sich dann grössere Gruppierungen bilden und sich die Lehre dann doch verbreitet. Doch auch in dieser Beziehung ist jede Missionierung ausgeschlossen.

Billy … Bedauerlich ist einfach nunmehr noch, dass in allen Kontaktberichten und in diversen Büchern die Fehler mit Millionen, Milliarden, Billionen und Billiarden auftreten, die richtiggestellt werden müssen. Wie du weisst – das habe ich dir ja gesagt –, sind die Symbolzeichen in den Speicherbänken für Millionen und Milliarden unglücklicherweise dermassen täuschend gleichartig, dass ich beim Abrufen von Daten immer Verwechslungen verfallen bin. Demzufolge machte ich aus Millionen Milliarden und aus Milliarden sogar Billionen, leider. Aber eine andere Frage: Scheinbar ist es bei den Erdlingen nicht klar, was ihr Plejaren unter ‹höherem Leben› versteht. Kannst du etwas dazu erklären, bitte?

Ptaah Es ist dasselbe, was auch du darunter verstehst.

Billy Aber man will es von dir resp. von euch Plejaren wissen.

Ptaah Dann sei es so: Unter höherem Leben sind alle Lebensformen zu verstehen, die ein bewusstes Bewusstsein oder ein Instinktbewusstsein und damit auch ein Psycheleben sowie ein Schmerzempfinden aufweisen.

Very crudely translated by a software to:

Auszug from that 542. Contact discussion from 7 July 2012

Billy: my next question refers to you Plejaren and your Föderierten: Their Plejaren are active also in your federation regarding the spreading of the ‹theory of the truth, theory of the spirit, theory of the life›, for what I want to ask, how far you endeavor you in this connection?

Ptaah: our plejarischen spirit leaders and other ways are active to teach with the peoples of our Plejari federation the teachings however only so far, how that is wished, because also we are incumbent on the mission condition not to missionieren. And which we do regarding the peoples of our federation, again also their spirit leader and other ways in the same way in regard to stranger world peoples do that, if with such contacts come. Also it gives in this connection humans, who call themselves Künder and prophets, if they have knowledge regarding future happenings. In this way the teachings spread into all widths of the universe, whereby the condition does not have to be however always given that the instruction is wished, what in every case like that is, because usually also with the peoples of other worlds traditional faith directions are given, by which the believers free itself only with difficulty can. In small groups of etc. an interest in the teachings Nokodemions consists to be however always taught, therefore in this connection can, according to which then larger groupings form and itself the teachings then nevertheless common. But also in this regard each Missionierung is impossible.

Billy:… unfortunate is simply now still that in all contact contacts and in various books the errors with millions, billions, trillions and Billiarden arise, which must be rectified. As you know - that I said to you -, are the symbol characters unfortunately so deceptively homogenous in the memory banks for millions and billions that I always purged to mistakes when calling up data. Therefore I made trillions from million billion and from billions even, unfortunately. But another question: Apparently it is not clear with the Erdlingen, which understands its Plejaren by ‹higher life›. Can you explain somewhat as it, please?

Ptaah: it is the same that also you understand by it.

Billy: however one wants to know it from you respectable from you Plejaren.

Ptaah: then is it like that: By higher life all ways of life are to be understood, which exhibit a conscious consciousness or an instinct consciousness and with it concomitantly a psyche life as well as a pain feeling.


which is from Sonder (special) Bulletin 70 right at the top of this page:
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Post Number: 286
Registered: 04-2006
Posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 - 09:59 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Ramirez, I don't think its a typo mistake regarding Gilgamesh's 100,000+ year lifespan because a few times in questions to Billy section, he acknowledged that length of time as being his lifespan.

Dear Billy, Why is Gilgamesh still on Earth & what is he doing?

Probably he is working as a scientist where he has access to „heavy water“ which he is needing.

Gilgamesh, whose original lifespan was 120.000 years (but is now reduced to about 50.000 years), will live here for the rest of his life. He cannot go back to his people even if he had a beamship to fly to his native planet. His home planet (in the spiral galaxy known as M94 – NGC 4736, 20 million light years away from us) has been destroyed by a catastrophe and all of his inhabitants have died.
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Post Number: 2583
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 12:22 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Ramirez....

NO, no typo.

Here is the original excerpt:

Dear Billy, Why is Gilgamesh still on Earth & what is he doing?

Probably he is working as a scientist where he has access to "heavy water"
which he is needing.

Gilgamesh, whose original lifespan was 120.000 years (but is now reduced to
about 50.000 years), will live here for the rest of his life. He cannot go
back to his people even if he had a beamship to fly to his native planet. His
home planet (in the spiral galaxy known as M94 - NGC 4736, 20 million light
years away from us) has been destroyed by a catastrophe and all of his
inhabitants have died.
Gilgamensh belongs to a race of morphologists and is capable to change the
shape of his body and size within several months. (Source: 226th contact of
February 3, 1988)

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Post Number: 780
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 03:42 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thanks guys, though i'll still have problems with 120,000 years which is so way out past what we are accustomed to understanding but then a society without police is also a bit difficult to grasp though more within reach of the imagination.
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Post Number: 640
Registered: 08-2004
Posted on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 06:44 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


You have again incorrectly cited this Contact Report. As I mentioned above, the Gilgamesh details are not in CR 226 but CR 222 of 3 February 1988. Contact report 226 was on 3 Feb 1989 not 1988.

Anyone can check it and the Gilgamesh details at at this link:

Use to the full both your heart and your head; and never lose either.
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Post Number: 641
Registered: 08-2004
Posted on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 07:13 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Matt and Edward,

I notice that in the Billy's answers section CR 226 is cited just as Edward has. I suggest someone contacts Figu to clarify which is correct 222 or 226.

As there is no link to the actual CR in the answer section but here is at futureofmankind I would assume the CR 222 at Future of mankind website is correct. It can all be read there with full contact details.

It would be an easy slip for CF or someone to miss-type 226 instead of 222. Happens to all of us.

Use to the full both your heart and your head; and never lose either.
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Post Number: 156
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 12:44 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Some of us don't make mistakes. I once thought I'd made a mistake but I was mistaken.
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Post Number: 642
Registered: 08-2004
Posted on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 04:19 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

LOL. As I often say: the person who never made a mistake never made anything. To never make anything, of course, could be a very big mistake.

Use to the full both your heart and your head; and never lose either.
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Post Number: 2588
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2012 - 02:00 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Chris....

Yeah....let us not 'jump the gun'!!

Matt's excerpt is the same as mine.

So what, if One makes a Mistake!

Like the saying goes: "Where there is work being done....MISTAKES....CAN be

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Post Number: 41
Registered: 07-2012
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2012 - 04:12 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I asked this a long while back,and nobody replied, but i wonder if when the Plejaren had contacted Gilgamesh while they were here and his lifespan is extended so much longer than theirs,why wouldn't they simply have him educate them on how to manufacture their own heavy atomic water so they can extend their lifespan by a thousand percent, something i never really understood
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Post Number: 141
Registered: 05-2012
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2012 - 09:58 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


That is most likely because Gilgamesh is completely different creature and to be clear -last one of its kind. Moreover there is still commonly prevailing misconception that extremely long life is a privilege. Extremely long existence seems, due to our short life spans, as something magnificent and unimaginable. We, as Earth's humans will of course strive and reverse aging gene in the future which will also be a gradual change. From CR 251 you can find out that at some point we will be able to live 350-400 years. Then the root of our history is identified, found and attained and fast aging influence completely eliminated resulting in the full life capacity of a thousand years. Such thousand years is again only an average number depending on many factors. All in all however it is not our eternal goal to extend life up to hundred thousand years, as it may not even be what's best for our species, but to strive for experience and wisdom. Gilgamesh's life span is astonishingly long. It is unknown to me however if when morphing into new form can he also alter his personality and by this reshape into different character.In addition, after his death, his spirit should be forced into human form??? or else, so at the end he should get some more understanding company and relate to the evolutionary cycles of his new family as well.

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Post Number: 644
Registered: 08-2004
Posted on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 07:31 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Blake_p,

The Plejaren do not want to live longer than the thousand odd years they do live. They say it is best for the spirit evolution that way; easier for it to assimilate all the life's lessons. It is not so easily done if the human lives for thousands of years. Basically, they could live longer but they do not think it optimum to do so and so voluntarily allow their lives to end by aging in their natural way. Sorry, I do not recall the source for this. Perhaps a search might help.

This, of course, brings up the question as to whether there are any disadvantages for Gilgamesh living a long as he does. As a shapeshifter, though, he is a somewhat different type of human than the Plejaren and ourselves.

Use to the full both your heart and your head; and never lose either.
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Post Number: 43
Registered: 07-2012
Posted on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 03:34 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thanks for the replies, yea that's something else i included in my question a while back,was, that me personally i would never want to live as one personality that long, it would almost seem like a prison to me,but thats my own opinion, you would definitely be around to see a ridiculous amount of events take place. I hope they didn't marry for life on his planet, new definition of commitment,ha. Or maybe you could have your wife morph into another woman for a while to keep it interesting.
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Post Number: 41
Registered: 11-2010
Posted on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 04:34 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I would like to meet Gilgamesh!..

He must have a great knowledge and wisdom from all those years of experience!!!

I'm sure that if he reveals himself and say that he is gilgamesh and lived for 50,000 years the people would take him as MAD!

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