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Archive through January 16, 2009

Discussionboard of FIGU » Books and Booklets Area » Kelch der Wahrheit - Goblet of Truth » Archive through January 16, 2009 « Previous Next »

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Post Number: 49
Registered: 02-2008
Posted on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 06:14 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

That is a broken link Adam so here's the fixed one:
Reece Stiller
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Post Number: 18
Registered: 08-2005
Posted on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 04:24 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I have only read about a hundred pages of the Goblet of Truth, and to me it is like a reference book for life. We are so fortunate to have this book now to help us get out of the mess that we got ourselves into. And I found a passage that I would like to share with you, even though my translation skills are far from perfect. I have been annoyed with a lot of bickering here on the discussion board, and have become quite cranky at times, and I think we all should take those words to heart.

Kelch der Wahrheit, Abschnitt 3:
Goblet of Truth, Section 3:
126) Ihr aber, die ihr um die Wahrheit der Urhebung (Schoepfung) wisst, seid ehrfuerchtig (ehrerbietig) in eurem Wissen und seht zu, dass euch der Tod nicht in Abtruennigkeit von der Wahrheit ereile.
126) However, you who know about the truth of the origin (Creation), be reverentially (deferential) in your knowledge and watch that death does not overtake you in apostasy of the truth.
127) Und haltet euch allesamt fest am Seil der Wahrheitslehre, und seid in keiner Weise uneins untereinander, weder im Dasein miteinander noch in der Deutung (Auslegung) der Lehre der Wahrheit, der Lehre des Geistes, der Lehre des Lebens.
127) And everyone, all, keep firmly to the rope of the teachings of the truth, and in no way be at strife with one another, neither in the existence with each other nor in the interpretation (interpretation) of the teachings of the truth, the teachings of the spirit, the teachings of the life.
128) Gedenkt stets der Huld (Gunst/Milde) der Gesetze und Gebote des Ursprungs (Schoepfung), wenn ihr sie befolgt; also gedenkt auch der Huld (Gunst/Milde), die ihr jenen geben sollt, die sich eure Feinde nennen, auf dass aus Feindschaft wahrliche Freundschaft werde; fuegt euch in Liebe zusammen und bringt Verstehen (Verstaendnis) fuer einander auf, auf dass ihr wie Brueder und Schwestern werdet und einander achtet und beschuetzt.
128) Think always of the grace (favour / mildness) of the laws and commandments of the origin (creation), when you obey them; thus also think of the grace (favour / mildness) which you should give to those which are called your enemies, so that from hostility true friendship comes; join together in love and find understanding (understanding) for each other, so that you become like brothers and sisters and pay attention and protect each other.
129) Bringt euch nicht durch Feindschaft an den Rand einer Feuergrube, sondern bewahrt euch davor, auf dass ihr nicht in eine hineinstuerzt und ihr in eurem Hass und in eurer Rachsucht zur Unkenntlichkeit verbrennt; erfuellt klar und deutlich die Gesetze und Gebote der Erschaffung (Schoepfung) und des Aussehens (Natur), wie sie euch gelehrt sind durch die wahrlichen Propheten, auf dass ihr recht geleitet seid.
129) Do not bring yourself to the edge of a fire pit by hostility, but protect yourself from it, so that you do not plunge into one and burn unrecognizability due to your hatred and your lust for revenge; fulfil clearly and plainly the laws and commandments of Creation (Creation) and of the appearance (nature) as they are taught to you by the true prophets, on that you are lead correctly.
130) Und seht zu, dass unter euch eine anwachsende Gemeinschaft Euresgleichen (Mitmenschen) sei, die zur Lehre der Wahrheit, der Lehre des Geistes, der Lehre des Lebens und zum Guten auffordert und die zum Recht anregt (belehrt) und das Unrecht verwehrt, auf dass es euch wohl ergehen moege.
130) And watch that there be among you a growing community of your kind (fellow-humans), who invite to the teachings of the truth, the teachings of the spirit, the teachings of life and to the good, and who motivate (teach) the right and bar the wrong , so that you may enjoy yourselves.
131) Und werdet nicht zwiespaeltig und nicht in irgendeiner Weise und aus irgendwelchen Gruenden uneins untereinander, sondern nehmt die klaren Beweise der Propheten und lebt in Liebe miteinander, so ihr nicht irgendwelche Strafe auf euch ladet.
131) And do not become ambivalent and not in any way and for any reasons be at strife with one another, but take the clear evidence of the prophets and live in love with each other, thus you do not load any punishment on yourselves.



PS: The words in brackets give the modern German value of the old terms used by the older prophets. From section 21 onwards it's written in modern writing style by our wonderful New Age prophet BEAM. :-)
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Post Number: 73
Registered: 10-2008
Posted on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 11:47 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hallo Wiebke ;

That's perfect , in light of what has been going on here . I feel rightly addressed by it , however , it really is true that without physical proximity , we are all in a 'one wheel wagon' , so to speak . Three months of unimaginable non-communication could be fixed with one meeting , one conversation .

We have another factor : Renegades .
Billy wrote about them , and I'm sure that there will be more . People who take a part of the teachings , however small , and make their own campaign of prostelyzation by it .

I was discussing with another forum registrant his ideas of being super aggressive with this , like a war campaign . He noted Hitler as a reference .
I think that this really says it all in terms of why I respond as I do , but I feel inclined to at least tell you that I'm sorry that it has to be this way , if not a consumate apology .
I recognize my own actions as being the needed harsh word , in response to whatever it really is that this person has been pushing for .

Thanks so much for your translation . I think it's really great .

Salome , Mark
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Post Number: 19
Registered: 08-2005
Posted on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 02:24 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thank you, Mark.
I have found some more sentences I'd like to share, the last one in particular to James's plan to share the English version of the Kelch with everyone once it is online. I was going to send the Kelch pdf file to all my German family and friends, but the file was too big. So I sent them all the link with a hopefully neutral-positive line, saying that this valuable book was available for free on the net. I have had no response so far, but I am hoping that I have planted a seed.



Kelch der Wahrheit

Goblet of Truth

Abschnitt 2, Seite 3

Segment 2, page 3

25) Die in Wahrheit Wissenden sind es, die der Fuehrung der Wahrheit folgen, wodurch es ihnen wohl ergeht.

25) The ones knowledgeable in truth are the ones who follow the guidance of the truth, by which all goes well for them.

28) Wenn ihr den Bund mit der Erschaffung (Schoepfung) brecht, den sie aufgerichtet hat zwischen euch und ihr, und wenn ihr diesen Bund zerschneidet, der geschaffen wurde durch ein verbindendes Gebot, dann stiftet ihr Unfrieden auf Erden, und dann seid ihr die Verlierenden.

28) If you break the alliance with the origin (Creation) which it has raised between you and her, and if you cut this alliance, which was created by a connecting commandment, then you are creating unrest on earth, and then you are the losers.

31) Die Formung (Schoepfung) hat euch (Menschen) als Statthalter auf Erden eingesetzt; und ihr sollt nicht Euresgleichen (Menschen) darauf einsetzen, dass sie darauf Unfrieden stiften und Blut vergiessen.

31) The moulding (Creation) has used you (human beings) as a governor on earth; and you should not use the likes of you (human beings) in place, so that that they create strife on it and shed blood.

Abschnitt 2, Seite 4

Segment 2, page 4

39) Geht hinaus, ihr alle, aus euren falschen Gedanken, und folget den Weisungen der wahren Kuender, der Propheten, so auf euch keine Furcht falle und ihr nicht trauern muesst.

39) Go out, all of you, from your wrong thoughts, and follow the instructions of the true messengers, the prophets, thus no fear befalls you and you must not mourn.

46) Sucht Hilfe in der Geduld und Wahrheit, was freilich schwer ist, doch wer sich bemueht, wird des Lohnes fuendig werden.

46) Seek help in patience and truth, which is admittedly difficult, but whoever tries hard will find reward.

Abschnitt 2, Seite 19
Und es ist keine Schande für den, welcher die Wahrheit pflegt und an Orte reist, wo die Wahrheitslehre offenbar wird; und also ist es keine Schande sondern ein gutes Werk, wenn da über die Pflicht hinaus Gutes getan wird; und also ist es keine Schande, wenn der Wahrheitslehre Hilfe in beliebiger Art zuteil wird, damit sie sich unter euch ausbreiten kann; nicht ist es jedoch des Rechten, mit der Wahrheitslehre einen Gewinnhandel zu betreiben, und also ist es des Unrechts, für die Wahrheitslehre belehrend und überredend zu wirken und sie den Unwissenden aufzudrängen und sie in ihren Gedanken und Gefühlen anzugreifen; zur wahrlichen Wahrheit soll jeder nur finden durch eigenen Willen, im Bedürfnis seines Verlangens und in ganzer Freiheit seines Denkens in ehrlichem Streben nach der wahrlichen Wahrheit und dem Sinn des Lebens.

Segment 2, page 19
213) And it is no disgrace for the one, who maintains the truth and travels to places where the truth teachings are being offered; and so it is no disgrace but rather a good deed if in that regard good is done above and beyond the duty; and so it is no disgrace if help is given to the truth teachings in any kind, so that it can spread out amongst you; nevertheless, it is not right to pursue profit trade with the truth teachings, and it is wrong to act in a didactic and persuasive way for the truth teachings and to force them upon the unknowing and to attack them in their thoughts and feelings; everybody should find the real truth only by his own will, in the need of his desire and in complete freedom of his thinking in honest striving for the real truth and the meaning of the life.
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Post Number: 68
Registered: 09-2008
Posted on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 11:20 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Wiebke;

Your translations are both wonderful and inspirational. Thanks.


Thank you Billy.
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Post Number: 20
Registered: 08-2005
Posted on Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 04:48 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thank you, Zhila.

A dear friend has just suggested that I'd have another look at "unrecognizability" in Section 3, sentence 129. Yes, that's clumsy. I reckon it should read 'beyond recognition'.


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Post Number: 8
Registered: 12-2008
Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 12:37 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Will be there an english translation of this book?
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Post Number: 1224
Registered: 02-2000
Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 08:55 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Yoid, Yes its being translated.
My Website
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Post Number: 11
Registered: 12-2008
Posted on Monday, January 12, 2009 - 05:24 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

There is a code in german books as I read. What if you don't know german but only read the text in german?and then read english text to know what it is meaning? Is this code only works on german language known people?Have I learn german for this?
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Post Number: 11
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 - 11:59 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

One must understand German to receive the code. It is not enough to speak it or read it aloud one must truly understand it.
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Post Number: 285
Registered: 06-2006
Posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 - 05:37 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I don't think it is the case that one must understand German in order to receive the evolution's code. Both on the German and the English forums this has been discussed and the conclusion is that one can receive it from merely hearing it read.

The code is likely a mathematical type calculation that is to do with the letter combinations and therefore has nothing to do with the meaning.

We all know that many 'meanings' can be found from reading the same material so, understanding something is not a constant. The words are the constant in this situation.

Following is found in all the books containing the code:

"Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob der Text leise oder laut gelesen oder ob er einem vorgelesen wird."

It matters little whether the text is read silently or aloud, or whether one person reads it to another.

Also, there is a different code in some books eg., Arahat Athersata.

This has all been discussed before and can be found in the archives of this forum.

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Post Number: 137
Registered: 09-2008
Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 12:08 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Indi/Robjna,

Hello.Thank you for the clarification pertaining code. This was one of my concerns.


Thank you Billy.
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Post Number: 12
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 03:31 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Robjna,
Thank you for that correction. It made me research a bit more. I agree with you.

The thought occurred to me that one must also pronounce the words accurately for it to properly work. I found no mention of that. But since I have started studying German there are some, how should I say, mouth contortions to pronounce the words properly. But I could be wrong about that as well. Is there any reference to that?

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Post Number: 139
Registered: 09-2008
Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 05:55 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Indi/Robjna,

Hi. Well, I guess you asked for it. We now unofficially consider you as the expert regarding the codes in Billy's book.
I am eagerly waiting for the official translation of this book. But meanwhile, I have been translating the book paragraph by paragraph with the yahoo translator. It takes some extra effort and imagination to comprehend the concept in each paragraph. I have the German paragraph right above it.
According to what you implied, if I read the German paragraph first (BTW, I don’t know any German); and then read the translation next, will I benefit form the underlying code? Thanks.


Thank you Billy.
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Post Number: 1671
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 08:15 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Creational,

Yes it is true, if someone reads the German even though you don't read it, but you hear the words, you will receive the subconscious impulses. About 10 years ago, I asked Billy if someone were to record someone reading the Talmud (German text) would they receive the impulses. He said yes they would, but who would pay someone to do this.

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Post Number: 140
Registered: 09-2008
Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 08:44 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Scott,


This is truly amazing. It also makes sence, mathematically. I guess I need to look around for some nice German speaking people. If I did, I will share it with members.

Thank you Billy.
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Post Number: 286
Registered: 06-2006
Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 10:01 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I don't know much more about the codes than I have already mentioned from the forums.

I did not mean to imply anything with my post -- however, it would make sense that even when German speaking people read the German, the pronunciations and the accents that they all must have would be different. Thus I would tend to think that there must be a 'closenuficum' clause built into the code. Otherwise it would be too discriminatory.

Maybe it is even somehow linked to 'intention' of the reader/listener? I don't know.

For me personally, to make sure I have a chance at getting the impulses from the codes, I have a voicereader program that reads German quite well, and sometimes I listen to that when I am having a rest. It is purely an academic exercise though, as I can only understand some of what I hear.

Zhila, I think you can choose to do it any way you find suitable for you.

Without a clear explanation from the sources that know, we will all just have to speculate, and treat the info accordingly, until we know the facts.

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Post Number: 121
Registered: 04-2007
Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 10:34 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

very interesting scott, so your saying that if we just listen to billy read goblet of truth we would still indirectly get the impulses??

could you explain more if possible.
They must find it difficult...Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather then the truth as the authority

-Gerald Massey
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Post Number: 13
Registered: 12-2008
Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 10:41 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

In the book you can read that everyone who doesn't master the German receive the impulses. It is rather wide meaning.Some of you writes that you must know German to get the impulses, someone says that it is enough to read, or to be heard the words while you don't know german.So?
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Post Number: 1286
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 05:01 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi All.....

Well, mostly the Editing Billy had done in the materials is 'coded'.

He put HIS Vibrations(and the needed) into it; so to speak.

So, when you read the English translations, done by Billy, you automatically
obtain the coded Vibrations (aspects) within Oneself, as I understand it. The
code will work in an 'impluse'-like manner, to/within the individual.


To the best of my knowledge the code only works in the German language and not any other language including English. If I remember correctly, the Plejaren Language Scientist worked at trying to encode other languages with the code, but only German would work because it is based on the old Lyrian Language.
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Post Number: 13
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 10:42 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

It has been established as Robjna has said, and if you search back, I did so as far as 2006. Derbeobachter resoundingly posted that if you read the German or hear it without understanding it you will receive the impulse. I would think also as it would make logical sense that the vocal inflection put into the reading would impact the subconscious that much more if the person reading it truly understood what was being said.
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Post Number: 147
Registered: 09-2008
Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 10:06 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Indi/Robjna,

I apologize for my poor choice of the word "imply". I only meant your point of view/explanation. In rereading the post, I see how it can be interpreted differently.


Thank you Billy.
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Post Number: 59
Registered: 04-2006
Posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 - 02:21 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Very impulsive discussion!

With regard to the impulses, I understand that the reader or listener receives impulses that awaken or stimulate something in regard to spiritual perception. There is probably a better explanation than that.

Is there any benefit in repetition, or in other words can we gain with every reading or listening to it read?


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