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Archive through January 17, 2018

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Post Number: 472
Registered: 04-2015
Posted on Monday, October 23, 2017 - 10:40 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


I personally think the Plejarens or AA should contact the Sirian's and tell them they should do something to help us before we blow ourselves up in WW4. (surely they do not still want to kill us after so long?) It's their fault for what they did to us with the genetic manipulation. Because of that we all die of old age before we reach adult maturity. Imo, the Sirian's should be forced to take a more hands on approach with us then the Plejarens did. Imo they should swoop down and remove all our corrupt governments, militaries, secret services/organizations and wake the religious world up to the truth. A big shock to all but it will surely put us on the right track. And I don't care if it is done by force. They messed us all up and should fix their ancient past wrongs.
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Post Number: 697
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 - 05:03 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Hugo,

I completely agree with you.
It would stand to reason *)
And it would help the Sirians as much as us **)




Decalog, p.29,195:

“Humans of Earth, you are neither better nor worse than other life forms.
You are, however, much more misled than any other life form known to us.
This predicament simply stems from the unworthiness of your unreal and irrational religious CULTS whose equal cannot be found on any other level or universe known to us.
This state neither springs from depravity nor viciousness on your part.
You have been misled for specific dishonest reasons, and thus you have fallen prey to exploitation, spiritual deprivation [of the consciousness], and enslavement.
This is not due to wickedness or maliciousness on your part, because, out of certain unexplained [as at 1975] grounds, you have been wrongly led, which has caused you to fall to exploitation, spiritual poverty and consciousness poverty, and to slavery.
It would be wrong to reproach you and hold you to blame for this resulting ruin and corruption.
Yet you must be conscious that you rush towards further corruption and ruin if you do not turn away from these false cult religions that are maliciously strange from the truth.
You have [as of 1975] really not yet wandered into ruin but, you are on the way to it.
As you don’t live in the values of true knowledge but in wrong belief in cult religions, your present state is ignorance, error, unreality, and lack of wisdom.
Cultish religions - belief in a god, gods, false deities, saints, holy pictures, icons, ideals altogether embody the evilest sign-post to the street to ruin and to spiritual and consciousness darkness.”

Mensch der Erde, du bist nicht besser und nicht schlechter als andere Lebensformen, doch aber um sehr vieles irregeleiteter als alles uns Bekannte. 196. Dies aber auch nur im Unwerte deiner irrealen und unverständlichen KULTISCHEN Religionen, die nicht ihresgleichen in allen uns bekannten Ebenen und Universen finden. 197. Dies aber ist nicht Schlechtigkeit noch Bösartigkeit von dir, denn du bist aus bestimmten unlauteren Gründen nur irregeleitet worden, wodurch du der Ausbeutung, der Geistarmut (Anm. Bewusstseinsarmut) und der Sklaverei anheimgefallen bist. 198. So wäre es falsch, dir vorwürfig zu werden und dich des erlangten Verderbens zu beschuldigen. 199. Doch sei dir bewusst, dass du weiterhin diesem Verderben entgegeneilst, wenn du dich nicht abwendest vom Wege deiner irreealen Kult-Religionen, die der Wahrheit bösartig fremd sind. 200. Noch bist du wahrlich nicht ins Verderben gewandelt, doch aber wandelst du auf dem Wege zu diesem. 201. Dein gegenwärtiger Stand ist Unwissen, Irrung, Unrealität und Unweisheit, denn du lebst nicht im Werte des wahrlichen Wissens, sondern im irrealen Glauben an kultische Religionen, an einen Gott, Götter, Götzen, Heilige, Heiligenbilder, Idole und Ideale, die allesamt die bösesten Wegweiser der Strasse zum Verderben und der geistigen (Anm. bewusstseinsmässigen) Finsternis verkörpern.

Billy's book Genesis tells us re. rectifying past mistakes:
"a once committed error is neutralised in the [same] moment, when the mistake is detected and and amended, so it then will knowingly no longer be made."
So a past mistake loses its power once it is recognized as such and the mistaken person actively makes amends.
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Post Number: 834
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 - 08:17 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Although I understand your frustration, I actually see a great opportunity in regards to the evolution of the consciousness.

I feel that this is why here on Earth the spiritual teaching people will do a great work. Just as it was instituted by Nokodemion a long, long time ago.

It is important that Earth not rely on extraterrestrials or aliens, but to bear its own fruits. The spiritual teaching people will grow and expand greatly in consciousness and in turn impact humanity on Earth.

As the AA pointed out, it clearly concludes -and this has been my observation- that terrestrials on Earth are religious because they wish to be spiritual, they wish to be good human beings ...only that they have been lied to and misled (misinformed) through religiosity.

I am confident and hopeful, that those aware of the spiritual teaching will take the study seriously and desire to participate in such a historical, honorable and noble effort.

In the *Goblet of the Truth* there it says:
Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of the Creation. The *Goblet of the Truth* will wake you, not to the bane - but to the boon. (pg.3)
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Post Number: 1339
Registered: 07-2009
Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 - 10:42 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

One thing we could be assured of if such outside intervention was to take place...we wouldn't have learned our most important lessons and we'd, most certainly, be repeating these dead-end mistakes with - if it's even possible - worse results.
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Post Number: 474
Registered: 04-2015
Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 - 06:52 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Tat_tvam_asi, good to hear others agree!

The Sirians should know that the vast majority of spirit forms here were not the same spirit forms they genetically modified and used as their armies/protectors but we are all affected and suffering from that manipulation. So how can the Sirians consciously want to kill everyone on this planet when only a fraction of us were the spirit forms they once modified and feared. If the Sirians turned to good like the Plejaren did they should feel obligated to help us because most of us are innocent victims to what they did in their ancient past. I'm surprised the AA did not get them over the P's to help us.
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Post Number: 700
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 - 02:37 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Hugo,

I, too, am surprised.

I say so because ours is a world ruled by unforgiving authoritarian forces.

By minds that only think of “self” - self-education, self-growth, self-preservation, self-worth, self-happiness etc.
Minds that wonder why our world is dominated by slavery, bullying, anger, hate etc.
But reject a higher awareness of compassion.

Were they not born to a mother that lovingly gave them her milk, food, love and knowledge?
Was it not “natural” that their parents cuddled, hugged, nurtured them with thoughts of strength and goodwill – even if more so if their child was mentally retarded or physically crippled?
And when they themselves became a parent would they not heartfelt share with their children, their knowledge and life experiences, over and over again?

Thus I say that from the day an organism is born into our universe it needs to feel the affection of its environment to live and evolve.
That this love is a natural and essential part for the growth not only for the micro and macrocosm but all the universe itself.

To understand my view of “growing by employing a compassionate heart” we should first see that all evolution is not just individual but a part of a “higher-up” - ultimately universal - evolution.
That every being is a part of all others.
That this oneness, connectedness and teamwork characterizes all the organisms in our universe.

I have mentioned many times that by employing compassion we grow much quicker and more gently into the universal swinging wave of equality and deference that underlies all universal being.

I rest my case.


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Post Number: 2760
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 - 11:03 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Please lets back to the topic Thanks
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Post Number: 2783
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Friday, January 05, 2018 - 08:04 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

NEW Prophecies and Predictions from Billy Meier
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Post Number: 438
Registered: 02-2010
Posted on Saturday, January 06, 2018 - 01:42 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I have One Word after reading this...Wow
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Post Number: 865
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Saturday, January 06, 2018 - 06:56 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

With a probability percentage resting between the mid 30's and mid 50's, it is actually still possible to effectuate necessary impressions and provide critical thinking with everyone we associate with.

We should also consider careful and calculated social media posts and comments within social media threads.

These problems are not going to go away over night, but the probability percentages give encouragement as well as a sense of urgency.

If all of us remain steadfast in our own empowerment of study, effectuating the thinking within all possible areas of interaction and social opportunities and medias, slowly a small mass and eventually a large mass of people will begin to effectuate change.

It was particularly encouraging to know that there are people in governments and positions of power who desire to do well. These should be sought out and supported.

A creational law states that the good should always offer a balancing (alternative) solution, through effective leading thoughts, ideas and discussions. In this way, the negative reinforcement is replaced with an alternative focus point (idea, thought, ideal).

In the *Goblet of the Truth* there it says:
Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of the Creation. The *Goblet of the Truth* will wake you, not to the bane - but to the boon. (pg.3)
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Post Number: 770
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Sunday, January 07, 2018 - 09:16 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

"A creational law states that the good should always offer a balancing (alternative) solution, through effective leading thoughts, ideas and discussions."

Very well said.
Thank you, Eddy.


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Post Number: 771
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Sunday, January 07, 2018 - 09:40 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Prophets And The Purpose of Human Life…

What allows a human being to know the future and the past?
What are the characteristics of "Pro-phets" (from Greek pro = ahead / phanai = to speak/talk) ?

Prophets can draw quick conclusions from a few known facts:
Their predictions may be based on evaluations by comparing the happenings in the present with their appraisal of similar, long past events -including events from the universal consciousness storage banks...

Like Socrates they put truth first – higher than relationships, higher than their life.
It may well be that this desire springs from their realization that man’s wisdom will advance much more, that their thoughts will be much more “a creator of reality” if he expresses the truth he perceives.

Thus prophets have a deep desire that honesty prevails in our world:
Like Billy, they will express injustices in a direct and “WoW” = “nothing can stop me to say it” way.

IOW - they are the living expressions of the purpose of human life:

Genesis p. 64
363. OM, however, means LAW, E = AND, and DAM means FULFILMENT.
364. And since the human being is since very early time in cosmic language called DAM, this means thus fulfilment, so thus OMEDAM means law-and-fulfilment resp. law-fulfilment or law-fulfiller.
German Original:
363. Also ward diese Lebensform versehen mit der Benennung OMEDAM, was bedeutet „Gesetz-un-Erfüllung“ nach der Ordnung der Siebenheit.
364. OM aber bedeutet Gesetz, E=UND, und DAM bedeutet ERFÜLLUNG

But there is one very essential characteristic that should not be forgotten:
Prophets speak "ahead" because they love mankind:
They do not want man to endure sufferings that can be prevented.

They truly are telling us to be in oneness with the Sevenness Law of Creational Love.


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Post Number: 772
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Monday, January 08, 2018 - 06:02 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

PLease note:
The mentioned Genesis excerpt (explaining the purpose of human life) should read:

(My translation – it may contain errors)

364. Thus this new life form was given the designation OMEDAM, which signifies law-and-fulfilment according to the Regulation of the Sevenness.
365. OM, however, means LAW, E = AND, and DAM means FULFILMENT.
366. And since the human being is since very early time in cosmic language called DAM, this means thus fulfilment, so thus OMEDAM means law-and-fulfilment resp. law-fulfilment or law-fulfiller.

German Original

364. Also ward diese neue Lebensform versehen mit der Benennung OMEDAM, was bedeutet „Gesetz-und-Erfüllung“ nach der Ordnung der Siebenheit.
365. OM aber bedeutet Gesetz, E=UND, und DAM bedeutet ERFÜLLUNG.
366. Und so der Mensch seit sehr früher Zeit in kosmischer Sprache genannt wird DAM bedeutet dies also ERFÜLLUNG, so also OMEDAM bedeutet GESETZ-UND-ERFÜLLUNG oder GESETZ-ERFÜLLER.
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Post Number: 773
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Tuesday, January 09, 2018 - 06:17 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The Times of Prophets Are Not Times Of Peace …

Genesis page 74 (My translation – there may be mistakes)

15. Bear in mind, human being of the Earth:
16. No true prophets were ever and are ever assigned [allocated] to you to bring you peace in worldly life.

17. True prophets bring you strife [unrest/discontent] in worldly life as well as struggle and discord with yourself and your neighbour [fellow human], for the prophets that teach the truth don’t bring you worldly successes and worldly life, but the all-great-timely life as BEING in relative perfection of the spirit, which you have to earn through the power and activity of your consciousness, and which is alien to [unknown] the knowledge of worldly thinkers and which in their materialistic way of thinking spurs them on into discord, so that they become the enemy of the spiritual knowledge and the prophets and for those who have the knowledge, whom they curse, as it will also be with you and your true last prophet of the new time, who is the seventh and last member [link] of the Nokodemion-lineage.

18. But pay no attention to the discord [strife] and the struggle directed against you, for if you will be steadfast in the teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life, you will become the being and also realise that only the fear of those hostile to the spirit makes them fight against the truth and quarrel, which is why they disgrace and deny and go astray in bitterness and curse all truth and the knowing ones and prophets [proclaimers].

German Original
15. Bedenke, Mensch der Erde:
16, Keine wahren Propheten waren und sind dir je und je zugetan, um dir Frieden zu bringen im weltlichen Leben.
17. Wahre Propheten bringen Unfrieden im weltlichen Leben sowie Kampf und Hader mit dir selbst und mit deinem Nächsten, denn die wahrheitlichen Propheten bringen dir nicht weltliche Erfolge und weltliches Leben, sondern das allgrosszeitliche Leben als SEIN in relativer Vervollkommnung des Geistes, was du durch die Kraft und Aktivität deines Bewusstseins erarbeiten musst und das dem Wissen der weltlich Denkenden fremd ist und sie in ihrer materialistischen Denkform nur zum Hader stachelt, so sie zum Feind des Geisteswissens und der Propheten und seinen Wissenden werden, denen sie fluchen, so es auch sein wird mit dir und deinem wahren letzten Propheten der Neuzeit, der da ist das siebente und letzte Glied der Nokodemion -Linie.
18. Doch achte nicht des Haders und des gegen dich gerichteten Kampfes, denn so du beständig sein wirst in der Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens, wirst du zum SEIN werden und auch erkennen, dass nur die Angst der Geistfeindlichen diese gegen die Wahrheit kämpfen und hadern lässt, weshalb sie schänden und leugnen und in Bitternis irregehen und aller Wahrheit und den Wissenden und den Kündern fluchen.
Prophets personify the empathy and love of a bodhisattva.
But the times, during which they appear, herald unrest and change.
Thus, what prophets teach are warnings of “stormy times ahead” - motivating humanity to be vigilant.
Mankind should heed their advice on how to best master these times.

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Post Number: 392
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Saturday, January 13, 2018 - 05:24 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Bill (Tat_Tvam_Asi),

You should do an English summary of primal-primal grandfather Hilak's predictions revealed by Ptaah in contact 692 of ZZ 85 so people can know the truth.

(Hilak predictions = 1446 years before Jmmanuel.)

Salome, and kind regards,
Corey Müske

Salome/Corey Müske. -"Goblet of the Truth" page 488 & 489 (theme of overpopulation and not following what is natural):
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
27:62 "Ihr habt nur die Wahl, euch aus euren selbsterschaffenen Verstrickungen zu befreien und der Wahrheit der Schöpfung sowie ihren Gesetzen und Geboten Folge zu leisten – oder unterzugehen."

27:62 "You only have the choice to liberate yourselves out of your self-created entanglements and to follow the truth of the Creation as well as its laws and recommendations – or to go under."
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Post Number: 774
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Saturday, January 13, 2018 - 11:36 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Corey,

First of all - I am very busy in the moment – I may do so later ...
There are as well some other concerns.
E.g. before this part of CR692 came out, I had wanted to break up and discuss Billy's predictions in CR 251 but my articles were not published as the Forum regulations do not allow such *)
In addition - Billy's CRs are usually very long - e.g. even publishing all of his latest predictions together was rejected and even a commentary of more than 1 page is usually rejected.

And many of his CRs are vey political:
Billy is a prophet - he does not mince his words.
It is part of his being a prophet – his Law Fulfillment("OMEDAM") is to be a messenger, to anouunce, to warn.
So he can discuss extensively political issues but Forum members should not do so - even if political issues are mentioned in CRs. The Forum may well consider the security of its members - that its members do not live in political neutral countries and that we do, indeed, live through politically very volatile, aggressive and turbulent times:

As mentioned in a previous mail: our articles are not only read by Forum members.
Leaving out what could be - by some - considered inflammatory political statements - may lessen their hate... and wrath.


From my reply to Scott (e-mail from Jan 2):

I choose CR 251 for a good reason:
Not only because on New Year many people wonder what may happen in the future and are interested in predictions.

But because it is very, very long and because it is so full of information many details are not really or only vaguely known by many. And their knowledge may be interesting to many.
E.g. several Forum members responded when I mentioned some excerpts of CR 251:
- Due to the fact that our sun is a dying star it loosens its pull on Earth – which cause Earth to inflate (like blowing up a balloon) our Continental drift may result from it.
- Ultrasonic weapons

Another reason was that CR 251 - its latter part, the predictions and prophecies for the future - are not very time sequential.
Billy mentions that it would not be beneficial if people want to prevent those parts that are predictions because it is in the best interest of our evolution that they should happen. So he does not give any dates…

So to my impression - like Nostradamus’ predictions – the episodes seem to be mixed up – perhaps a discussion would get them in some order.

That is why I thought by breaking CR 251 up into “easy-to-understand-sections” and discussing them – adding a few details from science / discoveries etc would create a better understanding which would help us to better interpret and be prepared for the happenings in our world.

But I think you tell me that such a discussion should not take place on our Forum.

(I mentioned the possibility of writing a book which would allow me to include many more interesting hyperlinks and not be concerned about length…)

Thank you again for letting me know.

Scott replied on Jan 5:
The FIGU Forum has its limitations as do all forums. I have noticed that there are a number of FIGU members whom have migrated over to various social media networks to continue the exchange of ideas and topics beyond the scope of this forum.
(I cut off here because else my reply to you would be too long)
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Post Number: 7
Registered: 06-2016
Posted on Sunday, January 14, 2018 - 07:20 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

When reading contact report 251, on the site, I noticed that it is not numbered and the German original text isn't included.
Anyone an idea why that is?

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Post Number: 439
Registered: 02-2010
Posted on Sunday, January 14, 2018 - 02:36 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Bill, absolutely, Write a Book! That would be great for members and non members alike. I would definitely purchase it, as long as it is an accurate as possible.

This forum, as Scott states, has limits. The only issue with writing a book, you'll have to promote and be ready for haters, lovers, and everyone in between.
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Post Number: 500
Registered: 04-2015
Posted on Sunday, January 14, 2018 - 08:19 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Tat_tvam_asi, I would buy one too!

If a book cost too much for you to do or is too risky then consider making an ebook like MH did with his "future self" ebook. Your time making it should be rewarded/paid for, not free.
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Post Number: 775
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Monday, January 15, 2018 - 06:42 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thank you, Michelle.


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Post Number: 827
Registered: 04-2013
Posted on Monday, January 15, 2018 - 12:41 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Tat_tvam_asi (Bill),

It would appear that many would purchase this book, including myself. Food for thought?

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Post Number: 776
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 - 06:02 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thank you, Kenneth.

In the moment I am too busy.
But I may well evaluate it in the future.

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Post Number: 777
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 - 07:06 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thank you, Hugo.

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