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Archive through July 31, 2019

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Post Number: 546
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Friday, July 26, 2019 - 05:22 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Not to anyone specific, yet a general declaration of responsibility:

• To make it successfully, we will have to be strong on the inside (where it counts) resulting from the might of the human thoughts for at least the next several successive lifetimes:

• Get strong in the teaching by reading the spiritual teaching to start learning internal strength and learn how to become strong in the truth teaching that can transcend lifetimes if done correctly (IE: leave a good chance you will find the teaching again with your future personality).

[*1] (…)
“…If however one considers, that in the following two hundred years – as the prophecies carry out - not only through wars and terrorism but rather also as a result of destruction of the climate and the environment and the scarceness of food and water coming out of this…”

“…Wenn aber beachtet wird, dass in den folgenden zwei Jahrhunderten – wie die Prophetien ausführen – nicht nur durch Krieg und Terrorismus, sondern also infolge der Klima- und Umweltzerstörung und durch die daraus hervorgehende Nahrungs und Wasserknappheit…”

[*2] (…)
31. “And these [fraud allegations] are still working today, as do the decades of impulsive-telepathic negative machinations against you and your mission, which is to become destroyed.”

31. “Und sowohl die wirken noch heute, wie auch die Jahrzehnte anhaltenden impulstelepathischen Negativmachenschaften gegen dich und deine Mission, die zerstört werden soll.”

32. “And those affected by these impulses of the Giza intelligences will probably be all those who work full of intrigues, calumnies and other negative machinations against you and the mission without having cognition of the impulses.”

32. “Und betroffen von diesen Impulsen der Gizeh-Intelligenzen dürften alle jene sein, die voller Intrigen, Verleumdungen und sonstigen negativen Machenschaften gegen dich und die Mission arbeiten, ohne dass sie Kenntnis von den Impulsen haben.”

“Not quite pleasant. — But how long will these Giza impulses continue to be effective on the Earth?”

“Nicht gerade erfreulich. — Doch wie lange werden diese Gizeh-Impulse noch auf der Erde wirksam sein?”

33.” That may under certain circumstances last another 200 or 300 years.”

33.” Das kann unter Umständen noch 200 oder 300 Jahre dauern.”

Answer from the Q & A archives regarding this "Bafath-impulses" subject from April 28, 2014:

Ptaah said the the impulses left by the Bafath will affect people on this planet for several hundred more years. Now, everytime I think about the Bafath, I get very angry and I will never get over it.

Now my question, Billy can the Andromedan High Council or Arahat Athersata get rid of the residual impulses left by the Bafath; can you please explain?"

Answer: Basically, such impulses are stored personality-based (persönlichkeitsmässig) and will „hit“/influence only the new personality in a next reincarnation of the spirit-form in question. This means that terrestrial human beings will not be hit by these „residual impulses“.

Anyone who lives (thinks, feels and acts) according to the creational laws and recommendations will not get into such swinging waves (Schwingungen) and, therefore, will not be affected.

(Note by CF: People who are reading information like the one about the impulses and the Bafaths should avoid creating confusion and emotions, like fear, hate, etc., but keep in mind one of the basic principles of the spiritual teaching, namely that controlling one’s thoughts is the main thing and focus where the human being more or less decides about his/her life and destiny etc. etc. and can develop kind of a protection against external negative influences, etc.)

German definition-points from Billy's answer:

-persönlichkeitsmässige = personality-based, personality-related.
-Schwingungen = swinging waves.

• Since we can tell from this answer that these Bafath-impulses will be spirit-form specific, it is in these people's best interests, that is to say referring those that are in high government that were defenseless and subject to impulses from the deported Bafath (if you are or were against the mission count yourself included), it is in your best interests to learn to think, feel, and act creational including reading the spiritual teaching, as well as, opening the door for others to read among our populace, as those who may be buried the deepest among our populace beneath the forces of untruth and religion may be our most valuable because out here, in the dregs of mankind are the real kings and queens, and we will need these peoples' good wise leadership in the upcoming centuries that lie in front of us.

• If you are not strong in the teaching in the current life or the next ones, yet are a weak person you may fall to the wayside to the negative, and even commit suicide possibly as a result of climate catastrophe and possible economic collapse, etc. Very large numbers of people may do this (see: "Suicide King" prophecy).

• Unless the world governments see it as a priority that they should assist the weak ones with actions such as globality with the Meier case (no more suppression) and change global laws to be in line with the natural laws and recommendations of the Creation (so we can make the transition), IE: the strong ones would then help (and protect) the weak ones amonsgt the populace IE: change the "Suicide King" prophecy and the 200-year prophecy. This "strong helping/protecting the weak" is taught in the "Goblet of the Truth" and several verses in "Arahat Athersata".

114) “And as you are stricken by illness in your inner world (consciousness) and in your psyche, the more you wander about aimlessly and create further evil in yourselves, such as hatred and jealousy, hostility, pathological craving for revenge and the urge for retaliation so that then you kill and allow battles (wars) to break out and destroy everything that people of your kind (fellow human beings) have brought forth (created) laboriously during their life; and as you behave in this wise, you put unright before right, therefore you are not helpful to one another, but kill (murder) one another and deceive, lie to, slander (calumniate) and defile (dishonour) in any wise that is possible to you; in your wrong doings, you assume (believe) yourselves to be strong and embitter (torment) the weak ones, in contradiction to the recommendations of the primal power (Creation) that the stronger one shall help the weaker one.”

114) “Und so ihr in eurer Innenwelt (Bewusstsein) und in eurer Artung (Psyche) von Krankheit befallen seid, irrt ihr stetig mehr umher, um weiter Böses in euch zu schaffen, wie Hass und Eifersucht, Feindschaft, Rachsucht und Drang nach Vergeltung, um dann zu töten und Schlachten (Kriege) hervorbrechen zu lassen und alles zu zerstören, was Euresgleichen (Mitmenschen) während ihres Lebens mühsam hervorbringen (erschaffen); und da ihr so handelt, lasst ihr Unrecht vor Recht ergehen, also ihr einander auch nicht hilfreich seid, sondern einander meuchelt (mordet) und in jeder euch möglichen Weise betrügt, belügt, verlästert (verleumdet) und zu Schanden (Entehrung) macht; in eurem falschen Tun wähnt (glaubt) ihr euch stark und vergällt (drangsaliert) die Schwachen, gegensätzlich dem Gebote der Urkraft (Schöpfung), dass der Stärkere dem Schwächeren helfen soll.”

[*1] = Snippet from contact conversation 669 featured in the Sign of the Times 63. Translated by Patrick Mcknight. Copyright FIGU/BEAM Age of Aquarius publishing.
[*2] = Snippet from contact conversation 264 translated by Stefan_Z2, Bill (Tat_tvam_Asi), and Corey Müske (Mueske). Copyright FIGU/BEAM Age of Aquarius publishing.
[*3] = “Goblet of the Truth” chapter 5 verse 114 translated officially by FIGU-Switzerland, copyright FIGU/BEAM Age of Aquarius publishing.

(note: direct quotes from the contact reports and the spiritual teaching are in quotation marks, the "dots" are my thoughts to tie the whole thing together.)

To Be Continued...

Corey Müske (Mueske) USA.
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Post Number: 1055
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Friday, July 26, 2019 - 12:44 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Salome Corey,
An excellent post #546

Careful consideration of the information and insights you provided, it makes sense why many people, especially recognizable on Facebook, wherein you see the vile and angry reactions and comments against anything shared or expressed about the Meier case.

This is why it is so important that everyone of us who wishes to take part in support of the FIGU mission should first empower ourselves through the study of the Goblet Of The Truth, as well as the other books containing aspects of the spiritual teaching.

In this way, we would effectively avoid making mistakes and bring about cognition, peace, love and harmony towards the evolution and progress.

In the *Goblet of the Truth* there it says:
Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of the Creation. The *Goblet of the Truth* will wake you, not to the bane - but to the boon. (pg.3)
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Post Number: 546
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Friday, July 26, 2019 - 07:33 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

...Continuation of post #546, IE: a general declaration of responsibility:

• Being strong in the teaching like a lion helps one be powerful and strong (on the inside from the might of the thoughts). It doesn't matter what you look like, how handsome or beautiful you are, nor what your title is, you will learn to overcome adversity if you study. If you don't, you will break down under adversity and challenge, and over the next two centuries or so it may challenge you over the next several successive cycles of life (lifetimes).

97) “There are some amongst you who grow weak (fainthearted) and lag behind (deteriorate in misery) if unfortune befalls you, but as you learn through the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life which is explained to you by the teaching of the prophets, then you will be full of activity (energy) and full of power and will be strong so that you know how to overcome even the worst disaster without breaking down.”

97) “Unter euch sind manche, welche ihr erlahmt (mutlos) und zurückbleibt (im Elend verkommt), wenn euch ein Unglück trifft, doch so ihr durch die Lehre der Wahrheit, die Lehre des Geistes, die Lehre des Lebens lernt, wie sie euch durch die Lehre der Propheten dargebracht ist, dann werdet ihr voll Wirksamkeit (Energie) und voller Kraft und stark sein, so ihr auch das schlimmste Übel zu nehmen (bewältigen) versteht und nicht zerfallt (zusammenbrecht).”

• Somethings to look forward to:

255. “They proclaim their wisdom in small and nameless circles, as it is known to them from the laws of nature.’’

255. “Sie verkünden ihre Weisheit in kleinen und namenlosen Kreisen, so wie es ihnen aus den Naturegesetzen kundig ist.”

256. “But they will make their waves, only very small at first, in order to then slowly grow into raving waves which roll over the centuries and sweep everything away. -“

256. “Sie werden aber ihre Wellen schlagen, erst nur recht klein, um dann jedoch langsam anzuwachsen zu tosenden Wogen, die über die Jahrhunderte hinwegrollen und alles mit sich reissen. –“

68. “The prophet is a human being like you, yet however, far advanced in the spirit for your time and unreachable for the normal average human beings in this and in the next two lives as well.”

68. “Es ist dies ein Mensch wie du, doch aber im Geiste deiner Zeit weit vorangeschritten und für dich normalen Durchschnittsmenschen in diesem und auch in den nächsten zwei Leben unerreichbar.”

69.” You will still have to endure two lives and difficult times before you will be able to follow his spiritual knowledge, and subsequently, you will require three further lives before you will be on par with his knowledge.”

69. “Noch zwei Leben und schwere Zeiten wirst du über dich ergehen lassen müssen, ehe du seiem geistigen Wissen zu folgen vermagst, und noch drei weitere Leben wirst du danach bedürfen, ehe du seinem Wissen ebenbürtig sein wirst.”

70. “However, as this will be so, he will be even further advanced and have reached higher levels.”

70. “So dem aber so sein wird, wird er selbst weiter vorangeschritten sein und höhere Ebenen erreicht haben.”

• Several years ago, when I asked Billy the reason why it takes 5 full lifetimes, his answer was:

"5 lifetimes plus 5 existences in the other world (between death and birth) makes a couple hundreds of years. These verses address consciousness-related knowledge only, not the so-called spiritual knowledge."

• In other words, we haven't earned it yet. Earning it is in reading the books (the better you understand the encoded German the better it is for you to be altered) and thus doing your learning in your work and your life. You will be leaving a record in your swinging waves of your consciousness to the creational waves, and you will get more right by cause and effect to draw in the correct waves to your consciousness and your spirit-form. This record can surpass lifetimes as nothing is ever lost, and the Bafath are deported so there will be no more tampering with the collective subconsciousness that altered the populace to negative waves now we just have to balance ourselves out over several successive lifetimes back to the natural-creational vibratory resonance.

264. “So the Earth human calmly laughs at the truth proclaimers foolishly, unknowingly and pitifully and insults them as do-gooders and fools.”

264. “So lache der Erdenmensch ruhig dumm, unwissend und mitleidig über die Wahrheitkünder und schimpfe sie Weltverbesserer und Narren.”

265. “This time will come, however, when the laughing human beings quite suddenly realize with painful regret that they, in truth, should have never laughed at the truth-proclaimers, but rather only at themselves, at their own foolishness, their unknowledge, and their self-pity.”

265. Die Zeit wird aber kommen, da der lachende Mensch ganz plötzlich mit schmerzhaftem Bedauern feststellt, das er in Wahrheit niemals über die Wahrheitkünder gelacht hat, sondern nur sich selbst, über seine eigene Dummheit, sein Unwissen und sein Selbstmitleid.

266. “This is demanded by the law of fairness.”

266. “So will es das Gesetz der Gerechtigkeit.”

• The time mentioned in verse 265 will likely come as a result of forthcoming climate collapse and disaster, such as when the American and German calderas erupt and blow (prediction) that could be the very most massive cataclysms in modern recorded history , or such as from when Apophis would strike if we do not deflect it (alterable prophecy with a successful deflection). The law of fairness will move-in massive realizations for people, do you want to be on the right side, or the incorrect (difficult learning) side?

• Why not allow the transition of all our people to the natural laws and the recommendations of the Creation using new "laws on the books"? These laws would have to reflect the FIGU recommendations, and the reason for this is the New Time demands a New Way and we have to adapt to the New Time in a choice of life and death, or we will go to the abyss.

Apophis "strike zone" above. A new continent? (the forum limitations of attachments kept the image on the right small, but one gets the idea the image showcases). Metropolises such as Berlin, Moscow, Minsk, Warsaw, Kiev, Odesa, Bucharest, Belgrade, Prague, and maybe places far from the impact-zone such as Hamburg, Copenhagen, Novgorod, Smolensk, and Ankara could all be in grave danger.


[*4] = “Goblet of the Truth” chapter 4 verse 97 translated officially by FIGU-Switzerland, copyright FIGU/BEAM Age of Aquarius publishing.

[*5] = “Arahat Athersata” book German/English translation pages 87 & 88 verses 255 & 256 translated by Jimmy Chen of FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada. Corrected by Christian Frehner (Switzerland) and other FLGC personnel. Copyright FIGU/BEAM Age of Aquarius publishing.

[*6] = “Decalogue/Dodecalogue” book German/English translation pages 27 & 28 verses 68-70 translated by Heidi Peters of of FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada. Corrected by Christian Frehner (Switzerland) and other FLGC personnel. Copyright FIGU/BEAM Age of Aquarius publishing.

[*7] = = “Arahat Athersata” book German/English translation pages 89 & 90 verses 264-266 translated by Jimmy Chen of FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada. Corrected by Christian Frehner (Switzerland) and other FLGC personnel. Copyright FIGU/BEAM Age of Aquarius publishing.

(note: direct quotes from the spiritual teaching are in quotation marks, the "dots" are my thoughts to tie the whole thing together.)

Corey Müske (Mueske) USA.
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Post Number: 547
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Saturday, July 27, 2019 - 10:36 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

To those that need to hear this in charge,

Cancel the third world war. It is nothing more than Bafath "programming" IE: a plan of the deported Bafath that would thus be carried forward in their deported and banished absence and if you follow through with it, you will be aiding and abetting the deported Bafath, by aiding and abetting their mischievous plan for humankind:

"For thousands of years they deceived Earth humankind with religious “miracles” and “visions” of every kind, in order to maintain, and to yet further increase, the religious delusion with the plan of eventually appearing as angels and gods, as they have done in earlier times, and subjugating a voluntarily worshipful Earth humankind. They also had an alternative plan whereby, they would also try to reach their goal by barbaric violence and a third world war. Two thirds of terrestrial humanity would have been annihilated and die a horrible death."


Posts found in the "overpopulation" thread:

1. both my posts #545,
2. my posts #546 and #547,

• with the forthcoming 200 years of food and water shortages (alterable prophecy), our globe's populations will have a difficult enough time of learning, cancel any future war.

• the pursuit of political might could break the nations of the United States and the European Union, which would leave it's populations completely collapsed, penniless and starving from cause and effect as a learning experience.

Posts found in this "prophecies and predictions thread":

3. my post #540 (the United States will fall hard) where I posted the natural disasters predicted to occur to the United States between now and the year 2250..,
4. post #540 that the European Union may have a hard fall too with the natural disasters that are predicted to occur for the European Union between now and the year 2250, and it's refugee situation..,

• With the forthcoming natural disasters mentioned in all of these list of four points that are predicted to occur, our globe will have a difficult future enough without any future war, especially a third world war.

• I have left instructions for how to cancel out the third world war by forming a Trilateral Union which I envision to be a singular entity of the 3 member nations that, as former enemies, have binding 300-year public peace treaties between the 3 member nations that still respects the individual autonomy of the 3 member nations (the United States, the Russian Federation, and the people's Republic of China).

• The future is changing, and we have to adapt to the new way forward as a survival mechanism.

Posts all found in the "prophecies and predictions" thread archives:

• See my posts #519 about the 100 "atomic suns" that would be used in Germany and would thus destroy it.

• See my posts #543 about Petale's third world war prophecies, and cancel the third world war using the Trilateral Union, and the Trilateral Army which would be the forerunner to Gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit. In 40 years time other nations could assist, after 50 and so on down the line until a one century's time when it would be complete.

• See my posts #530 and #540 (one of which is a "New United States" posting [that contains the idea to cancel the two domestic US civil wars using the Trilateral Union's secret experimental craft without a shot fired stationed over major US metropolitan areas on civil war instigator intercept missions]) for further Trilateral Union ideas.

• We will never be able to enforce peace, nor understand freedom of the human consciousness as long as there is religion, and the masses need to be taught that religion, especially the Christian and the Muslim religions are a living legacy of a lie by the powers assisted by those in the FIGU community using television as a massive general public re-educational campaign.

• the Earth human race is not "right" by cause and effect, as a result of religion our people's individual consciousnesses asks for the wrong swinging-waves from the fabrics of the universe, and the universe has to choice but to oblige which is a mark of slavery because our people are unlearned/unschooled/untaught about this. This was a Bafath "hit" that was over 2000 years in the works, and until the time comes for the "dot" above this one, the people in charge and the masses IE: the entire people of the Earth will continue to be walking into a Bafath trap that will only lead to the abyss, and hard-schooling that could last centuries.

To supplement the last two "dots" of this post, I will post pertinent verses from the "Arahat Athersata" book in 24 hours.

Corey Müske (Mueske) USA.
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Post Number: 547
Registered: 10-2016
Posted on Sunday, July 28, 2019 - 01:06 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

• CORRECTION to post #547: where it states (see 2nd to last "dot"): "the masses need to be taught that religion, especially the Christian and the Muslim religions are a living legacy of a lie by the powers assisted by those in the FIGU community using television as a massive general public re-educational campaign."

Should thus have stated: "the masses need to be taught that religion, especially the Christian and the Muslim religions are a living legacy of a lie by the powers-that-be assisted by those in the FIGU community using television as a massive general public re-educational campaign.

IE: there would thus be a need to go global with the Meier case, as it, and the FIGU recommendations are the only correct way to move forward into the future. One could release the old Bafath recordings (if they exist, surely the smart governments recorded the high level contacts?) to the general public, and we could hold public debriefings using television that we were infiltrated thousands of years ago.

• There is a need to protect your populations from egregious errors of overpopulation, which will cause the Earth to break up in some areas, quiver in some areas (earthquakes), flood in some coastlines (the sea will rise and devour nations), drought and thirst, etc. Thus there is (and there always will be) a need for the GBV.

To avoid creational law violations, these laws will have to be only humane population-control, and these laws will have to consist of the following:

1) A global birth-stoppage for 7 entire years.
2) Followed by only 1 year of modest births allowed.
3) Repeat the cycle until #4 is reached (see below).
4) All permanent global federally-mandated "law on the books" until a few centuries from the time of the present, when the globe's population count is 529,000,000 million humans, or 12 humans per square kilometer and to be held at this number permanently.
5) Emphasis on humane, as we, the citizens of this world will have to stand together to face the natural damage that is coming.

• As promised here are the "Arahat Athersata" verses about religion, and the need to cease it's use to save the population:

421. The forms referred to you Earth human beings, which you call karma, are just as unrealistic and unreal as your widespread assertion that God, gods and tin gods are the Creation itself.

421. Die von euch Erdenmenschen gennanten Formen, die ihr Karma nennt, sind ebenso unwirklich und irreal wie die bei euch weitverbreitete Behauptung, dass Gott, Götter und Götzen die Schöpfung selbst seien.

422. May the Earth human being who has fallen prey to the irrational teachings of the religion push this evil terrible thing away and recognize the truth:

422. Der den Irrlehren der Religion verfallene Erdenmensch stosse dieses böse Übel von sich und erkenne die Wahrheit:

423. Religion-founders and know-it-alls, charlatans, deceivers and might-greedy leading classes are responsible for all prevalent and prevailing irrational teachings.

423. Religionstifter und Besserwisser, Scharlatane, Betrüger und machtgierige Führungschichten sind für alle herrschenden und vorherrschenden Irrlehren verantwortlich.

424. These irrational teachings are the fundamental facts of all false thinking and deeds based on templates.

424. Diese Irrlehren sind die grundlegenden Fakten allen falschen Denkens und Handelns nach Schablonen.

425. They are the deep-grounding roots of all unknowledgeness and untruth, and the Earth human being must tear them out and destroy them.

425. Sie sind die tiefgründenen Wurzeln aller Unwissenheit und Unwahrheit, und diese muss der Erdenmensch ausreissen und vernichten.

426. If he/she does not tackle this and does not carry it out, he/she will continue to further live according to the time-immemorial irrational teachings and sink into the abyss.

426. So er das nicht in Angriff nimmt und nicht ausführt, wird er weiterhin nach den altherkömmlichen Irrlehren weiterleben und im Abgrund versinken.

"Arahat Athersata" page 119-122 verses 421-426. Translated by Jimmy Chen of FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada. Corrected by Christian Frehner (Switzerland) and other FLGC personnel. Copyright FIGU/BEAM Age of Aquarius publishing.

Note: I want to vocalize that Arahat Athersata [the valueful one who looks at time] means that to save the human consciousness and the human race, there must be a metaphysical destruction of religion, not to start a war, nor incite violence and uprisings towards religion. If the public people were taught the truth about the Bafath in a way that they could understand and in a way that is explained is in his or her best interests as a containment and a massive public re-educational system, I surmise most in the public would cast aside religion by sheer choice and betterment-of-self, especially among the younger generations, especially since the public revelations would be coming from the top-down.

Corey Müske (Mueske) USA.
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Post Number: 1058
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Sunday, July 28, 2019 - 09:12 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Salome Corey,
Regarding telling people about the Bafath... I remember Ptaah advising against claiming things we ourselves cannot prove. I think telling people with unfertile minds about the Bafath would cause some ridicule and we would not be taken seriously.

The Meier case seemed so simple, logical and easy to "connect-the-dots" for me that it never entered my mind that anyone would have difficulty "seeing it". So I dealt with a lot of frustration and failure, not to mention a little alienation or erosion in friendships.

As I began to learn and understand, from the Goblet Of The Truth, I realized it is better to lead through a person's thoughts.

If a campaign focused more on the internal experiences and thoughts that people can identify with, then the fertile ground of the consciousness is slowly cultivated... this is advised in the Arahat Athersata book. Perhaps this is the work of the "Spiritual Teaching Peoples" spoken of.

In the book Arahat Athersata the recommendation is given that we should "scatter the seeds of the Teaching Of The Spirit, and in a different section it also mentions the Teaching Of The Life.

I have found that even the most religious person finds agreement with these two aspects of the spiritual teaching.
So we simply need to find creative ways to begin sharing these with the general population.
I feel this way would be far more effective in bringing about a consciousness based evolution in small degrees at a time.

In the *Goblet of the Truth* there it says:
Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of the Creation. The *Goblet of the Truth* will wake you, not to the bane - but to the boon. (pg.3)
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Post Number: 1398
Registered: 07-2009
Posted on Sunday, July 28, 2019 - 10:19 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Corey,

Maybe the sentence would better convey your meaning something like this:

"Assisted by those in the FIGU community using television as a massive general public re-educational campaign, the masses need to be taught that religion, especially the Christian and the Muslim religions are a living legacy of a lie by the powers-that-be."
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Post Number: 521
Registered: 02-2010
Posted on Sunday, July 28, 2019 - 04:03 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Eddie, you can change your wordings as well, from "most religious person finds agreement with these two aspects of the spiritual teaching", to "some religious person(people) finds agreement, etc." You do not "deal" with most religious person, only the person(people) in your community.
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Post Number: 1059
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Sunday, July 28, 2019 - 07:52 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

In my statement, "I have found" ...refers to religious people I interact with. Hope this clarifies it.

I hope that others will be encouraged to study the Goblet Of The Truth and experience themselves why, in the book Arahat Athersata, it recommends we; "scatter the seeds of the teaching of the spirit".

But let me reiterate. Every religious person I have shared with, from the Teaching Of The Spirit and from the Teaching Of The Life, have been in complete harmony and agreement.

In the *Goblet of the Truth* there it says:
Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of the Creation. The *Goblet of the Truth* will wake you, not to the bane - but to the boon. (pg.3)
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Post Number: 18
Registered: 06-2019
Posted on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 06:38 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The problem, as I see it with the Meier material, and this encompasses a vast amount of information which is largely not available to the general public, looks like many other similar movements which arose during the 'sixties and 'seventies, many of which petered out and don't have a following nowadays. The New Age movement is an example of a movement which began with the Age of Aquarius in the early 'sixties and continues into the present time, with talk of "Ascension" and moving the earth into the "fifth dimension". If you look into all that (I'll call it "literature") it sets up a configuration for the future as well, which attracts people because it offers a hopeful view of what is coming. (Not so much for all the folks who will remain in the 3rd dimension and suffer a nasty fate. . . .)

In short, how do we convince people that Meier's prophecies and contacts with outer-earthly beings are real? I suspect that many people who come across the Meier materials online (myself included) would wonder whether he's not just another crazy old guy suffering from delusions. The material in itself is somewhat convincing, but when the rational mind looks at everything that is presented, there are contradictions and even conflicts in the material, say from the 'seventies until the present time. I'm thinking now of the presentation made in videos by Randolph Winters, and the information contained in those videos, which is now largely denied by FIGU. Here I'm considering what Winters said about Germans building ships in Brazil and visiting other planets. All of this early FIGU information has largely either disappeared or been categorically denied (as I discovered a couple of years ago by interacting with FIGU).

I was disappointed that the earlier information that had been presented was now no longer acceptable, and that the only presentation which was admitted by FIGU was Michael Horn's presentation. . . .which omitted a lot of the earlier information.

These kind of gaps in what is presented as being "true" leave a rational thinking person wondering what is really going on in FIGU. Yes the spiritual teachings are very good for character building, and we should try to follow the recommendations in the spiritual teachings in our own lives. But what about the bigger picture? What about the Hollow Earth? What about the other ET races living and working on the earth? Why has the older information been suppressed? What about Michael Hesemann's research?
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Post Number: 1399
Registered: 07-2009
Posted on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 09:25 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

To answer Aristea, if the question is how does one know if the Meier contacts are authentic, then this can be done in 10 - 20 minutes, depending on one’s reading speed.

Joe’s Tysk’s definitive analysis, is irrefutable and clear enough that any reasonably intelligent person can understand it, even a scientist:

And of course there are numerous independent, expert analyses of the physical evidence.

But no one’s presentation will be “enough” if one can’t think. And people today are descending evermore into willing stupidity, which isn’t the fault of any experts, presenters, etc.

But the problem also is that people want to be…entertained, distracted with things like "Hollow Earth? What about the other ET races living and working on the earth, etc.” and for which there’s zero credible evidence.

So, once again the easily determined truth isn’t good enough…especially for people who proclaim their interest in UFOs, ETs, etc. I’ve often said that, along with the scientists, the “UFO community” and it’s so-called “experts” will be the…LAST to know the truth.

I will also add that I’ve done tons of presentations, lectures, interviews, etc., and I try to encompass as much of the varied information as time allows:

But, again, it doesn’t require such things if one is willing to approach the material as a critically thinking student
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Post Number: 164
Registered: 09-2008
Posted on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 09:36 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Randy Winters simply asserted the false info you're talking about without FIGU's knowledge. As soon as the extent of that misinformation was better understood by FIGU, Winters and his false claims were disavowed by FIGU.

In my opinion, because the Meier case has been around for so long, I actually find the corrections and clarifications over the years to be more evidence of the truth of this case. The Plejaren, Billy and FIGU are not omniscient beings who don't make mistakes. Typos, misunderstandings, etc. are all hallmarks of human beings.
Matthew Reed
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Post Number: 1061
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 10:49 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


The majority of people have, directly and indirectly, been affected by religious-based thinking that it's easier for them to accept a flat Earth belief or, that the Earth and universe is 6000-10,000 years old than to muster and confront the logic that we may not be alone in the universe.

If responsible acting science teams from advanced civilizations do travel the cosmos and work with less developed civilizations, they would likely go about it as the Plejaren allegedly do.

To convince is to implant another belief. So either a person is capable of scrutinizing evidence and derive what they can and come to their own conclusion... or it is simply not for them. It is burdened on those who can scrutinize and recognize to help those who are unable to do so... without "convincing" anyone of anything.

From your post I gather that you still have more scrutinizing of the material to do. It is evident that you have not yet come across the necessary aspects to "fill the gaps".

The spiritual teaching goes far beyond "character building" ...which is something we do on a consistent basis with or without knowledge of the spiritual teaching. When you are able to put in the time to scrutinize the Goblet Of The Truth, you will understand.

Without thorough due diligence, none of us have a leg to stand on.

In the *Goblet of the Truth* there it says:
Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of the Creation. The *Goblet of the Truth* will wake you, not to the bane - but to the boon. (pg.3)
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Post Number: 214
Registered: 01-2011
Posted on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 03:04 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dearest Aristea,

I don't know about you but just seeing all that you have written makes me feel so confused with all of the so called facts and disinformation accumulated over the years.

My advice is to take each, one step at a time and try to disseminate and bring it into perspective with the new translations that Corey and others are currently involved with as well as all the facebook forums both personal and/or otherwise.

Believe it or not Michael H. is here to help us through this, for he has changed and I really like that.

"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see."
Allexandra K. Trenfor

And the end of all our exploring, will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time.
~ T. S. Eliot
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Post Number: 168
Registered: 12-2014
Posted on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 07:16 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Aristea,

I would suggest being more careful before making those kinds of allegations. FIGU does not ever “suppress” anything that it had itself put out there. Randolph Winters as non FIGU member added himself stories and personal interpretations on top of the factual basis. Yes, regarding FIGU publications there are corrections, and when that happens it is done brutally transparent and honest. I know for sure, having read all the published contact reports in their German original. The individual persons from the Plejaren planets have at times erred and keep doing so in some of their assessments. And Billy has sometimes been wrong too. They are ultimately all imperfect beings, as all material beings in this and any other universes happen to be. However, any and every claim and correction can be read recorded in the contact report books. Regarding minor things like editorially misspelling of words or a mixing up billions and trillions, newer prints of the contact report books may just fix them. However, nothing of substance is suppressed or censored.

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Post Number: 70
Registered: 01-2011
Posted on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 11:09 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi, Aristea

If you look at it from perspective that cannot be proven, it all may look like a delusional story. But you should also look at it carefully from scientific and prophetic side too so the points of concern could be judged objectively. From so called fantastic side to scientific facts, the contact reports, spiritual teachings all that abundance of information which is unequaled to any movie, religious establishments, books. All that created by imagination of one man. And he still doing this to this day which seems for no reason as not many people are paying attention to. All this vast amount of shenanigans for what? To entertain you? (rhetorical question).
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Post Number: 76
Registered: 07-2017
Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 12:40 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

By the time you get to this post, Aristea, you will have your back up (become angry, hostile, defensive, or irritable), as you will have been told a few times by now that Randolph Winters was never, is not and will never be FIGU (which is available to ALL living on this planet and several more; ALL of the published words of Billy Eduard Albert Meier are able to be purchased by ANYONE who has earned or been gifted enough currency) which has never petered out and still exists, to this day, and the Age of Aquarius did not begin in the '60s, etc...
Just relax and unlearn things like the Earth is 6 thousand years old and think long and hard on things like, it takes 10s of millions of years to evolve to a half-material half-spiritual state of Being in the Universe that you find yourself in.
Andrew Grimshaw
- The Quiet Revolution Of Truth -
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Post Number: 19
Registered: 06-2019
Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 07:20 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Well good morning folks, thank you all for your replies to my post. I guess that I discovered FIGU originally through videos that Randolph Winters had made, so his videos were my introduction to Billy and to FIGU. I am already an older person, and was living when President Kennedy was assassinated in 1962, and remember seeing the hoopla on TV that day. It was the old black and white tube TV that my parents watched. In any case, I am not a Newbie on planet earth. I first discovered the Meier material around 2014, like I say, through randomly finding some videos on YouTube. As I said, they were Winter's videos. I actually found his presentation of the materials very convincing, and this encouraged me to look into some of the "contact report" videos, which I listened to with growing interest.

I am not a religiously indoctrinated person who thinks the earth is 6000 years old. I have been to university and completed a couple of post-graduate degrees in a social science. So I am an educated, rational person, and not easily 'fooled'. I have looked into Atlantis, Lemuria and the Hollow Earth, and "studied" or "researched" some of the literature. So I am fitting FIGU into the rest of the information I have collected during my 65+ years living on planet earth.

I understand from the materials I have read, that Meier doesn't give credibility to other people who have had "close encounters of the third kind", nor does he allow for humans to have any extraordinary sensory or perceptive or telepathic powers. People who present these alternate mental powers are seen as "delusional" or suffering from some kind of mental illness, or "wahnsinn". Humans, as Meier sees them, must be very ordinary. If they aren't ordinary, he regards them with suspicion and some kind of disdain. I have gleaned this from the contact reports and also from his writings.

I have also discovered that over the years there have been serious conflicts within the FIGU core group, and that at some point a large number of them left FIGU, carrying tales of poisonous happenings at the Center. What is the truth that is being suppressed here?

The Hollow Earth is not a myth. All you have to do is Google Hollow Earth to find a whole lot of significant information and even some pictures, mainly coming out of Russia or South America. So why aren't we talking about it? Most likely the Plejaren have some significant connections to the people living inside the planet. Why is this knowledge being suppressed? My curiosity is all.
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Post Number: 111
Registered: 05-2014
Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 07:35 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Aristea,
There is something that I want to mention regarding the Meier contacts and prophecies. When trying to know the truth about anything, don't you want to hear it from the horse's mouth itself? I would. Hence the same rule applies. If you want to know anything about FIGU or Plejarens' lets get the facts right, which is directly from the horse's mouth, i.e., either from FIGU or authentic sites such as future of mankind or which the FIGU has endorsed for a reason. You would be safe that way. Any other sites talking about FIGU would be a disservice to oneself. One should learn to find the truth, directly from the source itself, and not from anywhere else. Thanks.
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Post Number: 1032
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 08:21 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

"Errare humanum est":
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Post Number: 150
Registered: 03-2011
Posted on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - 11:05 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


My advice would be to head over to...

...and do a search for, "President Kennedy", "Atlantis", "Lemuria" and "Hollow Earth / Agharta" as Billy has pages and pages of information on those subjects.

With regards to, "serious conflicts within the FIGU core group". No, they weren't serious. Some core group members have come and gone over the years over disagreements, but, the central core group has maintained throughout as have hundreds of Passive Group members and thousands and thousands of interested people all over the world who read this material.

Happy hunting!
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Post Number: 311
Registered: 04-2006
Posted on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - 06:11 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I've been around the new age distractions for a while with my family.
There's just no solid ground with them to build on as they constantly chase the latest sensational theories and receiving messages from dead relatives..

I'd have to side with Michael on this one, I've seen the disabling effect of that stuff with little to be gained, much misdirection and little spiritual self responsibly.
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Post Number: 697
Registered: 04-2015
Posted on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - 07:44 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Redbeard, I also got caught up in that new age garbage before I found Meier. After I did, I had to throw out lots of garbage from my belief system. There was little to none truths the new age movement taught me. Looking back it would have been better for me if I didn't get caught up in it.

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