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Archive through April 14, 2004

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Post Number: 105
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 02:31 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The teacher post is about people in general and that it's very hard to be a real teacher, although I know what the prerequisites are, I am no teacher.
I have seen several people using quotes in Yahoo group(s) from the Talmud in heated conversations as means of 'weapons' in a discussion.
That's the reason of the previous post, so that people realize that they first need to know the spiritual knowledge inside and out before trying to teach people.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 5
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 09:22 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

hallo jakobjn

do you know if its true
that if a couple
conceives without loving each other
and without passion (orgasm)
the result is a weak human being (physical, mental or spiritual)???
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Post Number: 106
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 11:42 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Your question is a little confusing but I will try to answer you.

Very technical: A woman can get pregnant by a man even when he doesn't penetrate her and when his semen-fluid (which contains traces of sperm) is near her vagina or on his fingers (when he uses his fingers to masturbate her, etc.) this is absolutely possible, yet highly unlikely.
An orgasm on the female increases the chances of fertilization considerately, since the cervix of the womb in the woman makes specific contractions allowing sperm to penetrate the womb (uterus) easier. Actually, the cervix is pushed into the sperm, which accumulates there after a man has ejaculated. An orgasm on the male side is very often connected to an ejaculation and when this coincides with the female orgasm gives the highest probability of pregnancy.

A man and a woman can conceive a normal healthy child without love which can be just as healthy as any other child, love is not 'required' for conceiving a child and doesn't result in a 'weaker' human being.
Bad upbringing, loveless surroundings, mental and physical abuse etc do.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 6
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 12:05 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Does anyone have any exact, FIGU verified information on the details of how to build a correct meditation pyramid of the size you sit in to meditate? I really would like to build one for myself, but I don't want to build it incorrectly and cause harm, or at least waste my limited resources. I really feel that a properly built and used meditation pyramid would be a sanctuary away from the many outside thoughts and feelings that impinge on us while meditating.


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Post Number: 124
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 08:04 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello people

With this post I will explain several names, meanings and words in the Spiritual teachings.


Schopfung / Universal Bewustsein = Creation / Universal Consciousness; also called the Immeasurable Secret. The Alpha and Omega of all existence in this Universe. Also referred to OM; which means LAW; absolute highest power and consciousness in its whole Universe.

Psyche = Psyche; The material / half material factor in the human being which is responsible for material-conscious feelings and material conscious thoughts, the material part is represented by the several nervous systems such as the para-sympathic, sympathic, autonomous nerve-systems, the Solar Plexus (which is part of the sympathic nerve-system), nerve centers in both feet and both hands. The Psyche has also a function as sender / receiver. Also referred to the obsolete meaning "Soul"; although the Psyche is an absolutely material part and can be damaged and destroyed, the Psyche will die along with the Physe (body); when death comes.

Physe = Human body; Material part of the human, and is the so-called negative pole of the human, while the Spirit is the so-called positive pole, which form the complete human. Both factors however are a unity in them selves. The Physe can't live without the Spirit in the material realm and the Spirit can't evolve without the human body before it reaches pure-spirit levels.

Gemüt / 'Mind': The purely spiritual part of the spirit with a similar function as the psyche, yet the gemüt/mind works strictly logical / neutral-balanced, nothing positive or negative can influence it, only logical and balanced impulses can cause spiritual 'empfindungen' / feelings.
The gemüt / mind is absolutely indestructible and can't get ill, etc.

Geist = Spirit / Spiritform; The true part of every human, tiny part of Creation itself, will never die, and totally indestructible, can't be harmed in anyway or get ill in anyway.
There are several definitions, which need to be considered:

1. NeuGeist / NeuGeistform = New-Spirit / New-Spiritform; both definitions mean one and the same. A New-Spirit is a Spiritform that hasn't lived in a human body as of yet and is totally void of any knowledge and wisdom whatsoever. Once it has incarnated for the first time its no longer a New-Spiritform, just a very young Spiritform, a human with a very young spiritform would appear as a total 'idiot' while in reality it's just a very young and ignorant Spiritform.

2. Menschliche Geist / Geistform = Human Spirit / Human Spiritform; both definitions mean one and the same, means also the same as Spirit / Spiritform. Every Spiritform that is still in the cycle of re-incarnation has an "Unbewusstes Geist-Evolutive Bewusstsein"; which translates like this: "unconscious Spirit-evolutionary consciousness"; this means that every Spiritform that is still bound to the material realm for its Spiritual evolution _regardless_ of it Spiritual development level, has an unconscious e.g. unaware spirit-evolutionary consciousness.
This is for two main reasons:

A) The Spirit-consciousness is a 'work-in-progress’, which means that it hasn't reached 100% of its functionality / capacity as of yet, it does not include all the 'parts' yet which can make it conscious.

B) If the spirit-consciousness would be conscious from the start, it would be in constant conflict with the material consciousness, because the material consciousness can and will think positive, negative or neutral-balanced, while the Spirit-consciousness can only think Neutral-balanced / only logical. The Spirit-consciousness would enforce its will on the material-consciousness and the fact is, that the material consciousness is needed to learn and make mistakes in order to evolve.

3. Halfspiritform / Half finematerial human / High-council / Horralft: This is the very last phase of human evolution before the level of Arahat Athersata, a human in this life will reach 100% of its material consciousness potential first then after the death of it’s physical body, an fine-material human-form will emanate which can be seen as an semi-fine/semi-course material human form, this means that this human-form can be seen with the material senses as a very bright energy-mass / shape, this human-form is genderless and doesn't have any offspring anymore.
The energy of the human-collective of these human forms is so strong that it changes their whole home world into finematter, e.g. it turns into fine-material energy. This means that no material being / human can land on that planet.
Horralft are the first and last human beings as such, which can think 100% and flawlessly logical, e.g. without making mistakes. The finemater state will last many thousands of years until 100% of the unconscious spirit-evolutionary consciousness potential is reached.
A Natural Creative Law states that for every 1000 years 1% of the spiritual potential is gained. This means ONLY when those 1000 years are utilized in an absolute strict logic manner, 1% of the Spiritual potential is gained.
Course Material humans - with no exceptions - are not able think in such a logical and strict way, therefore the time used by them to gain 1% is much longer, although with the advancement of time, the time used will be shorter and come closer to 1% / 1000 years.
After this finematerial period, the unconscious-spirit evolutionary consciousness will reach it's 100% potential, after which the transition to the first pure-spiritual level of Arahat Athersata occurs.

4. ReinGeistform / ReinGeist = PureSpiritform / PureSpirit; Again, both definitions are one and the same, A pure-spiritform is a Spiritform which has reached after an evolution of 60 to 80 Billion years from New-Spiritform to the level of Arahat Athersata, which means that such a Spirit does not require a human body anymore to evolve.
A pure-spiritform has a CONSCIOUS Spirit-evolutionary consciousness, which is created when the comprehensive-consciousness-block and the unconscious-spirit-evolutionary consciousness unify; both are two parts of a unity, which can only create a unity when both factors have reached their 100% potential.

Compare it to building an engine: First you need to collect all the parts first and the building-scheme to construct a working engine, which takes time, when that is finished, you can start the engine and make it work on fuel.

Arahat Athersata Pure-Spiritform collective: This is the collective of ALL spiritforms in the ENTIRE Universe that have reached the pure-spiritform level of Arahat Athersata, regardless from what ever planet, system, race (humanoid or non-humanoid), etc they came.
Every pure-spiritform has it's own conscious spirit-evolutionary consciousness and is part of a COLLECTIVE-conscious spirit-evolutionary consciousness, e.g. a pure-spiritform can work either as an 'individual' spiritform and/or as part of a collective.
Their common bond, their collective bindings caused by realization of Universal Love is so strong and dense that it has created their own state of BEING/SEIN in a Spiritual realm, their life and existence in Love, Knowledge and Wisdom has become their own existence.
Where material human life needs planets to live on created by Creation, pure-spirit forms and their collectives are able to create their own, but Creation and its Natural Creative Laws and Directives provide this possibility.

You can find this information in the books: "Die Psyche, Arahat Athersata, OM", etc

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 487
Registered: 07-2000
Posted on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 03:56 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Jacob,

You mentioned that the body possesses a negative charge and the spirit possesses a positive charge, which I assume causes the attraction and union of the two. This to me would then create a neutrality between the two.

Carrying this over to the male and female species, it has been mentioned the male possesses a + charge and the female possesses a - charge, which is the basis for attraction between the two species.

Since this is considered to be true, where does the negative and positive charges which the male and female possesses come from? If there is a neutrality between the spirit and either a female or male body (I'm assuming) when they join, how is this positive or negative charge created? How can a positive or negative charge get created from a neutrality?

This also got me thinking about the interaction between various species in nature. For instance the bee is very important in the pollination of plants. Is it possible that the bee may possess one type of charge and the pollen, which the bee is attracted to, possesses the opposite charge? Could it be that interactions within nature are the result of polarities, which cause either an attraction or repulsion?

I may be all wrong in this, but any further clarification would be helpful.

Thank you

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Post Number: 125
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 04:43 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Clarification is at place here.

When I referred to the human body as the negative pole and the Spirit as the positive pole then thats explained differently in the Spiritual Teachings as it appears.
The Spirit is a unity in itself and the human body is a unity in itself, although the Spirit is considered to be the creative / outgoing part and the Physe (body) is the receptive / ingoing part, which resembles a positive pole (Spirit) and negative pole (body).
In order for a neutrality to exist it has to be composed out of two equal parts of positive and negative.

There are several ways in which polarisation exist:

1. Imbalance like in a battery, the positive pole is the part of the battery with the surplus in charge, and the negative pole is the part of the battery with the lack of charge, ergo there is an imbalance.
The part of the battery with the surplus in charge is considered postive because when connected to the negative pole, the excess charge will flow over into the part of the battery with a lack of charge, which is the negative pole, you have to think that the charge exists of electrons which have an negative electrical charge.

2. In science, the standard waveform you might know is an perfectly balanced one, the amplitude in the positive is exactly the same amplitude in the negative, however also vibrations exist with an unequal amplitude in either the positive or the negative.

In the material space/time continuum of the Universe, there exists a space/time framework, in which the positive pole and negative pole exist with space/time between them.
In the spiritual realm however, space/time is paralysed (Null-Space/Null-Time) which means that both the positive pole/negative pole occupy the same 'place' at the same time and are one.

I must state however, that also in the Spiritual realm a space/time structure exists, yet of a whole other magnitude, to elaborate about that in this topic would cause confusion.

There are more examples of polarity, the human is a polygamic being which means that ONE male / positive pole can have one or several women / negative poles.
Positive and positive repell and cause destruction, while positive and negative neutralize eachother, but so do negative and negative, so in a polygamic union women dont repell but attract each other on many levels (not perse sexual)

Bees have tiny hairs on their legs and when they land on a flower, the pollen gets stuck between those hairs, but also because of an positive electrostatic charge of the bee and negative charge of the pollen.

Many interactions in nature are a result of polarity differences but also 'mass' differences like I described with the battery analogy.

I hope this helps.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 19
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 05:55 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Jakobjn, I am not putting you on a pedestal when I say this but, You Are the Man!!! LOL! Thank you for your very clear explanations and patience. You have been most helpful to at least me. And by the way, I am making the effort to learn German so that I can eventually read and understand the FIGU books, etc. on my own.

Question: In the Kyballion, which I am familiar with from long ago, gender and polarity are similar but different. I tried to think of an analogy to clarify this to myself and I came up with this-is it correct in your opinion?

Polarity is more of a difference in degree or magnitude. It is like the two maxima of a swing's movement, or differences between heat and cold. They are just different degrees of the same thing.

Gender, on the other hand, is similar, but not the same exactly. Gender, to me, seems to mean to opposing but complimentary aspects which can join to make a unit. Man and woman, as genders, are opposite, yet complimentary, and can join to form a harmonious unity.

On the other hand, hot and cold can not meet, since they neutralize each other, rather than forming a new unity. The same goes with the swing. If the forward maximum swing meets the rearward maximum swing, neither exists since the swing is still and at the neutral position.

Sound OK?

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Post Number: 32
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 12:32 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Jacob,
You state in one of your recent postings that it takes 60 to 80 billion years for a new spirit form to reach the level of Arahat Athersata.
According to conventional science the age of the universe is 15 to 20 billion years. Therefore I'm assuming the universe must be actually much older as there wouldn't have been the necessary time for spirits at the start of creation to have envolved to the level of AA?

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Post Number: 128
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 10:50 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Matt,

First I want to explain about astronomy and how it views the Universe, as an amateur-astronomer for 18 years I know that Astronomy and especially the visual astronomy is based on the so-called geo-centric principle, which means that virtually all observations are done from Earth and quite recently from Earth orbit, so every observation is done from a center of observation which is Earth.
There are probes like the Pioneer 10 probe which was launced in 1972 that is beyond the orbit of Pluto/Charon, but that probe is non-functional since its plutonium-isotope batteries have died.
The furthest extend to which astronomers can see in the Universe is about 15-18 billion lightyears, this does not mean that the Universe has that age, it just means that the we can see that far.
At the so-called visible edge of the Universe there are fully developed galaxies found by the Astronomers Rennan Barkana (Tel Aviv University) and Avi Loeb (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) , this would mean that those galaxies according to their distance should be very young and in fact quasars (huge energy concentrations from which galaxies emerge), but in fact those galaxies are already mature and fully developed.
The Universe is much older then 15-18 billion years, it is more then 46,000 billion years old, this according to Plejaren data.
Earth has an age of 646 billion years, when measured in lower depths, since matter changes constantly by means of radio-active isotope decay, the surface of the Earth has an detectable age of at maximum 6 billion years.
The Earth human created spirit forms here on Earth have an age of 8 billion years (since their first incarnation as new-spirit) and the Earth humans who carry a spirit form of extraterrestial planets have an age of 12 billion years.

I hope this helps.


Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 488
Registered: 07-2000
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 03:49 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Jacob,

Would spirit forms who either resided on Malona or Mars be considered Extraterrestrial?

I believe beings who occupied those planets in former times would be older by the fact they were capable of space flight outside of their native systems.

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Post Number: 129
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 05:55 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Scott,

Yes, the humans/spirit orginally from Phaethon/Malona or Mars are extraterrestrial, since all humans and spiritforms not created on earth or not did not have their first incarnation here are considered extraterrestrial.
The Sol system had several planets with human life, so all humans and spiritforms who are created on either of those planets are native to the Sol-system.

You are correct with your second assumption.

Your welcome.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 74
Registered: 07-2002
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 06:05 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The age of the human spiritform

Hello Jacobjn,

You wrote:
”The Earth human created spirit forms here on Earth have an age of 8 billion years (since their first incarnation as new-spirit) and the Earth humans who carry a spirit form of extraterrestial planets have an age of 12 billion years.”

From the quote below Billy said that the terrestrial human beeings age goes beyond 4.5 million years. This is a bit confusing to me because there is such a big age difference between 4.5 million and 6-12 Billion and there doesent seem to be that much difference between the individuals on this planet.
Note that Billy says beyond 4.5 million not just 4.5 million. I wonder how far beyond 4.5 million.

I wonder what the average age of the earth human is.

I also wonder how many percent of the present living earth population has a spiritform of extraterrestrial origin. I remember reading that at least 5 million spiritforms on earth are of extratraerrrestrial origin.

What do you think?

From An Interview - Spiritual Teachings

To date how long has terrestrial Man existed?
If this question refers to the original, genuine terrestrial human being, his age goes beyond 4.5 million years.-If, on the other hand, the question refers to those humans on Earth who came to our world from the depths of the universe, then their age lies somewhere between 6 and 12 billion years. These particular human beings who inhabited the Earth are the so-called "distant travelers from the depths of the universe."

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Post Number: 20
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 11:11 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello everyone. I have attempted to obtain proper dimensions for a meditation pyramid that you sit in to block outside interference due to thoughts, etc. of others. This is not to be confused with the small meditation pyramids that sit in front of someone doing the peace meditation.

I have so far been unable to get this information and I understand that an improperly built sit-in type of pyramid can be dangerous to the user. So I have an alternative question:

How does one create a consciously created shield against outside influences? (Please no replies such as "You answered your own question. You use your consciousness!") LOL!!!

It seems to me that this tool could benefit most of us and also would not seem to be dangerous to use if done properly.

Anyone know exactly how this is done? Jakobjn? Anyone else??


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Post Number: 131
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 03:14 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


You are right, I will ask for answers about this topic.
I obtain my information from the book "Die Psyche" in which the spiritual age of the terrestrial and extraterrestial human is explained.
Hopefully I will post as soon as possible a clear answer.



Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 34
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Tuesday, April 06, 2004 - 01:55 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Jakobjn, I looked but didn't see any response from anyone to an earlier question of mine so I'm directing the question to you.

I am under the impression that you have read Billy's book on meditation. Does that book give any instruction regarding the kind of meditation pyramid that you sit in to block outside thoughts? I do not want to confuse this with the small Peace Meditation Pyramids that sit on a table. As I understand it, FIGU core members in the past, and maybe still, have their scheduled private meditations (not peace meditation) in a pyramid at the Semjase Silver Star Center. This was talked about directly in the contact notes when Billy was building it.

I was told or heard that the meditation pyramid must be of the exact same proportions, not size though, as the original proportions of the Great Pyramid at Giza, and that it must be made of copper in order to provide the mental blocking effect and to avoid generating the dangerous energies that other pyramids have.

So I am asking you: Do you know exactly what the proportions of a proper meditation pyramid for sitting inside are? The angle of the side relative to the ground, I believe, is a little over 51 degrees, but as mentioned before, the angle allegedly must be exact.

Can you help with this, Jakobjn?

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Post Number: 151
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Thursday, April 08, 2004 - 12:33 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thomas, I don't know exactly the proportions of a proper meditation pyramid so I will have to check this out, I will answer as soon as possible.

The Power of the Spirit is Wisdom, which composes out of Love, Truth, Justice, Knowledge, Logic, Respect and Honor, the Power of the Spirit is BEING which finds it perfection in Creation.
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Post Number: 40
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Thursday, April 08, 2004 - 07:35 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thanks for checking into this Jakobjn...Are you a new moderator now? If so...YEAH! Do you also have contact with Mr. Julian? I know he is very busy lately but I was wondering how he is doing.

Anyway, thanks again.

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Post Number: 156
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 11:04 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

"Know Yourself"

It's said "Know Yourself"; Self knowledge is the hardest knowledge for anyone to obtain since being truthfull and honest about your own weak and strong points is always the hardest thing to do.
Self knowledge is knowing to the best of your abilities and at any given time who you are and what you do, so every thought, feeling and action should be known and controlled at any given time.
This is very hard to do it and takes a long time and commitment into meditation and concentration.
Selfknowledge is knowing;

In positive (logic): Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Capabilities, Abilities, your Strengths, your intelligence and true Love.

In negative (illogic): Untruth, believes, assumptions, mental barriers, weaknesses, materialism, egoism.

Knowledge of both factors provides the best possible way of Spiritual advancement; the logical factor is the part that needs to be extended and the illogical part is the part that needs to be removed, and this can only be done if you are totally honest about all parts of your being, either negative (illogical) or positive (logical)

Honest knowledge about both factors can help you in creating a realistic evolutionary goal in this life. This means that by knowing yourself, you will be able to create a goal of eliminating illogical / negative factors in your Personality, and by extending, deeping, and growing your knowledge, truth and wisdom.
People often want too much or set goals beyond their grasp in this life because their selfknowledge is not thorough enough, they are not honest to themselves, people often view themselves inferiour or superiour, but very rarely truthfully.
A person who knows himself thoroughly never creates goals he can't realize or reach in this live, and he knows what he can and can't do.
However self-knowledge is never static, its dynamic, with the passing of time, you change constantly, in either positive (logical) or negative (illogical) ways, its all about how much the truth of Creation has come alive in you and has become a part of your Personality and Spirit.

How is self-knowledge obtained:

1. Microcosmos: By self-examination; "The view inwards"

2. Macrocosmos: By examination of the Universe; "The view outwards"

Both methods are essential for Material and Spiritual Evolution, and even though both methodes appear to be the extremes for each other, they touch each other, and compliment each other.
What is given in the Macrocosmos is given in the Microcosmos, what is given in the Microcosmos is given in the Macrocosmos. (so above, so below, so below, so above)

The view inwards is done by meditation and concentration excersizes and though-control, thought-control is controlling your thinking, in the way that you wont allow any thought, feeling or action to go out of the control of your consciousness, this is not done by force, but that every thought, feeling and action is according to the Natural Creative Laws and Directives, this means that you need to have a thorough and real-life knowledge of the Natural Creative Laws and Directives, and that only thoughts that are according to the Natural Creative Laws and Directives are created.
This is very hard to do, and no material lifeform is capable of a 100% thought control at any given time, but a material lifeform trying it's best to control his thoughts, feelings and actions will always do his best to correct every thought, feeling and action that went out of control.
Mistakes are thoughts, feelings and actions that went out of control, they are out of control of the consciousness, the knowledge and the Truth.
This is normal since making mistakes is part of normal evolution, but with this you know what is strived for in life, best possible selfknowledge in the awareness that selfknowledge is dynamic, not static, whichs means with your ongoing evolution your selfknowledge always increases, either faster or slower depending on your striving and insight in life.


The Power of the Spirit is Wisdom, which composes out of Love, Truth, Justice, Knowledge, Logic, Respect and Honor, the Power of the Spirit is BEING which finds it perfection in Creation.
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Post Number: 158
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Sunday, April 11, 2004 - 04:25 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Life, Death, Rebirth and Love

In human life there are two things at the very least certain: The fact that you are alive, and the fact that it will end, those things are for the 'average everyday Earth-human' two of the very few certainty he has in his life, usually he is not aware that Creation is everywhere around him and in him as the tiny Spirit part that lives in him and even makes his existence possible in the material realm.

People have often a deep fear of death, and although death is inevitable, people ignore it because it frightens them, death is for many people still the end, after which they fall apart in oblivion according to their believes.
People have deep rooted fears about their loved ones, about losing their loved ones when they die, or vice versa when they die themselves.
True love, the one love that really connects people never dies, not even in death, it's the kind of love that will overcome the barriers of life and death altogether, it overcomes the barriers of time and space. Once a true love is existent between two people, nothing can destroy that.

If you have someone in your life, that you really love, like the Law of Love describes, and you feel the unity between you and that person, that feeling that is always there even when physically separated, by distance or in death, then you should know that the Love bond you have with the other is unbreakable.
Love comes in many forms, yet all love forms are based on the same Law.
It's the Law that Love is the bond of all life, and all existing things in the Universe and above, and that everything is a part of everything, indivisible, eternal and everlasting.
So, when you love your husband, wife, brother or sister, and death comes calling for one of them, then know that when there is love in you for your loved one, that they will always be a part of you, and know that in the next life, although not consciously, you will meet them again as friend, wife, husband, brother or sister, you will instantaneously feel a deep connection a bond that feels very good, yet very well you know the other for years.
Love is the bond that keeps everything together, and a bond forged in love is unbreakable, in life, death and rebirth.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 285
Registered: 01-2002
Posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 07:17 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


I have a question about Self Hypnosis, how is it possible to practice Self hypnosis and what are the techniques in which these things must be done. Is there something about self concentration which must be looked strongly upon before self hypnosis can be done??
Saalome and BE WELL to ALL :-)
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Post Number: 172
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 08:35 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Jay,

Self-Hypnosis is explained in the Geisteslehrebriefen (Spiritual teachings) and I can't reveal how it's done in detail, but it's similar to hypnosis, but then you use suggestion and a candle to induce hypnosis in yourself, self-hypnosis has the best results when you have practiced concentration exercizes first.

A word about self-hypnosis; You cant get stuck in a hypnotic state, when you practice self-hypnosis, you will still in control of your consciousnes, and even when you fall asleep during a self-hypnosis session, you will wake up just fine.
Self-concentration needs to be done properly and until you have completed the whole cycle, then you will gain the best results.
Please think that you can practice self-hypnosis anytime, even without those concentration excersizes, but it will be harder to practice self-hypnosis in this case, but not impossible.


Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
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Post Number: 173
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 09:53 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I must dissapoint you when it comes about instructions to build a meditationpyramid.
I have informed with FIGU, and they don't give the instructions to individuals, but to FIGU groups only.
The reason of the FIGU is that construction of a pyramid with the (wrong) dimensions and/or wrong material can cause serious problems for your health, since every material has its own influence on the vibrations concentrated by the pyramid.
Its dangerous to build a meditation pyramid when you dont exactly know what you are doing.
It's extremely dangerous to build a large pyramid to meditate IN, when you would use the wrong materials, even meditation with so-called strange-thoughts (caused by an unskilled consciousnes) in a proper (material / dimensions) pyramid can be very dangerous since the forces in the pyramid are extremely strong, and unbalanced thoughts and feelings are increased manyfold, which in extreme cases can cause damage in the Psyche.

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!

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