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Mqhassan Member
Post Number: 85 Registered: 06-2006
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 11:45 am: |
Dear Billy I have been wondering at the similarity of data between the Earth and Erra. Is there some more information whether Erra has a moon of its own or not and how did the Planet survive typical meteorite and comet impacts ? Our Moon is said to be instrumental in preserving the Earths 23.5 deg tilt axis allowing more stable conditions to persist. How is that solved in their " Erra " Solar System ? Mohammed |
Sonik_01 Member
Post Number: 111 Registered: 03-2006
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 12:28 pm: |
Hi Billy, I wanted to ask if there were certain kinds of depression where a person doesn't feel sad and what is the best way of learning the German language. For example, I have been in a state of lethargy for the past three months where I dont want to go out or take a shower(only if I have to go out), or get out of bed or do any kind of work. For example, in the last three months, I have only gone out about ten or eleven times and I don't feel any kind of sadness. I am unemployed. I don't feel anything is wrong but obviously this kind of lifestyle is not beneficial for me. I don't feel my mind weakening or any other kind of health problem. I could be learning German but my concentration is too low, and in the article "Meditation, Concentration and Sleep" it states that this kind of lifestyle is totally against the spiritual teaching and that it would be hard to train the mind if I live this way. My question is : Am I depressed? (I don't think so - just lazy)What can I do to train my mind to have the type of concentration it needs to be able to learn German for example. And what would be the best way to learn German? (The Plejaren have a self-hypnosis device - I was wondering if there was anything similar on Earth) I really want to learn German instead of just wasting away my life. Thank You Billy for all your sacrifices and misfortunes that you never gave up on the mission! Sonik_01 |
Stephen_moore Member
Post Number: 208 Registered: 01-2009
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 12:56 pm: |
Hello Eduard. Here in the western world there seems to be a lot of talk and blaming in the media regarding terrorist attacks being carried out by Al-qaeda. The most recent was late december when a man allegedly tried to explode a bomb on a plane. There have been other incidences since then and here in England our security services have announced that a threat from an Al-qaeda attack is imminent. My question is, To your knowledge, do you know if Al-qaeda is indeed responsible for the terrorist attacks not only in the west but also in India and Pakistan and if I may, also ask if Al-qaeda is still associate/in partnership with western secret services? Kind regards, thank you for your hard work on the translation of the Goblet of Truth. Website addresses - -
Vb28 Member
Post Number: 16 Registered: 08-2008
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 01:52 pm: |
Hi Billy, How are you? can pure reason be broken? Galileo and Cantor said that there are levels of infinity and this concept of infinity contradicts pure mathematics. so is this true? Thanks for coming to earth VB
Redbeard Member
Post Number: 168 Registered: 04-2006
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 02:01 pm: |
Hello Billy, My question relates to reincarnation. I have come to understand through various sources that the Plejaren and yourself know for sure that reincarnation is a fact. I would like you to expound on the method of how this is known as fact, is it proven through the use of spiritual/consciousness abilities or do the Plejaren have technology that allows them to know or both. Please explain this as this is a point that comes up in my discussion with others, very often. Peace, Matt
Getknowledge Member
Post Number: 105 Registered: 04-2008
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 02:12 pm: |
Dear Billy, Haha that was funny. A more serious question. Maybe the Ps dont give this information on purpose. They dont give dates but, the Notes always talk about over pop, even in the far future when we reunite with the creator overlords. It seems like earth will always be plagued by this problem. Will there ever be a time on earth when there is no over pop, by choice, not by some catastrophe or war, and maintained because its recognized as an issue? Thanks for all your help. Tien
Psycloud Member
Post Number: 87 Registered: 06-2006
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 02:40 pm: |
What exactly is the Srut State (Srutstandes) in terms of evolution? I read that Quetzal, Ptaah, and Semjase have reached this state. Thanks for everything Billy Salome Ken I am truthful to the extend at which I know the truth.
Mavi Member
Post Number: 54 Registered: 07-2009
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 02:57 pm: |
Hello, Billy! I would like to ask you if when reading the teachings in German, somebody who does not understand German (but have read it in English) still can benefit from the impulses /encoded messages? If not, then it get lost and we cannot benefit from it in the next encarnations? Thank you for all you do,your sacrifices and hardship for helping us. Salome for all. |
Gaiawingz Member
Post Number: 93 Registered: 01-2008
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 03:47 pm: |
'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier; I have yet to ask you any questions, because I think most answers can be found using one's own logic and reason as one reads your many books, but I am curious about the following: I would like for Billy to know that I am prefacing this question with the acknowledgment that it is, of course, better not to get pregnant at all until one is certain that they can raise and support the child, etc. -- but obviously this does not always happen, and so this is why I ask the following question. If a woman who: - is married, and in 'Bündnisliebe' with her husband - has no children becomes unintentionally pregnant for the first time, and if: - both man and woman are psychologically stable and balanced - both man and woman are capable and prepared for the responsibility of raising and educating the child - the pregnancy is already further than 21-22 days but the couple do not have a large income or own a house/land -- would it be more beneficial to abort the pregnancy due to low-income-related possible hardships, or would it be more beneficial to follow through with the pregnancy and raise the child accordingly? I would like you to know, because it might impact your answer, that this situation does -not- exist for me or anyone I know, and I am not asking because your answer will provide the deciding factor in a potential pregnancy-abortion, but simply because I am curious about how important just the money-related factor should be in determining whether one should or should not have a child. My thanks to both Billy and to Christian Frehner. Peace; - Gaia
J_rod7 Member
Post Number: 1152 Registered: 10-2007
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 04:19 pm: |
Best Greetings Billy, Peace be with You, and with all there by Your side. It is known that upon death, the Humans Spirit goes on to process the just-lived life. Yet left behind is the body with all it's Fluidal Forces. It has been said the new Spirits' reincarnation may have access to the Fluidal forces from the prior embodiment (please correct me if I am wrong). This comes from my own thinking, which I realize could be on the wrong track. The logic may be based on unproved 'facts', and I hope you can make this clear for us in the Truth: ... It seems that the residual Fluidal Forces may retain some "organic memory" within it's Energy matrix. Then, it will also appear that if one has learned to live by the Truth of Creation in the prior life, that such Light, Love, Knowledge should also accumulate with the Fluidal Force. That if the Human has lived a life of Spiritual empowerment, with a keenly developed intelligence, with a deep relationship in the Nature, and honest interaction with fellow Humans -- all the accumulated knowledge from such a life -- is somehow retained in the Energy-field of the Fluidal Force (yes?). How much Knowledge or Abilities could be passed to the consciousness of the next incarnation of the Spirit from residual Fluidal Forces of the prior life or lives? With my Thank-You for the mission now on the Earth, for the Light and Love you bring to all. Thank You. Salome TRUTH finds WISDOM finds LOVE finds PEACE Find What You Seek ~ Rod
Elreyjr Member
Post Number: 90 Registered: 01-2009
| Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 04:33 pm: |
greetings, there is no effort from FIGU or from the English study group to help Haitian victims. what is the applicable spiritual teaching? Jun |
Scott Moderator
Post Number: 1949 Registered: 12-1999
| Posted on Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 08:44 pm: |
Borthwey hello Billy; I have read that this planet will be able to support life for another 500 million years. This is enough time for all life to rebuild itself and to reach the level of spirit bearing hominids several times, in the wake of mass extinctions. Radically different kinds of humans could emerge through this. Do you know how far the plejaren have seen into the future of this planet, and what they know about what is to be the physical evolution of the human race(s)? David No, Billy doesn't know. Syn Thanks billy once again for your insight. But to continue further into Obama. [might wanna take the last answer from previous round] I understand that universal healthcare and others are great, but i fear that its backed by bad purposes. For example, the healthcare legislation. I have read some disturbing sections in that legislation and its terrifying. Fining people for not getting government healthcare, setting up tribunals to determine weither the patient is cost effective to keep alive, rationed healthcare. Its very difficult to say that i can support this when examples like that is put right into legislation. this is a perfect example of some terrifying ideas and no wonder people are against it. Also not to mention they do not have the money for it. I am sure that hes got great intentions, but hes talking to certain people, hanging out with certain people who does not exatly have alot of favourable ideas, such as purposely bankrupting the world(this CAN be good but i doubt enough people will give in). IT does not put on a good impression. So my question is this. How can we know for certain that things will start going for the better. I personally have not been able to observe anything visible so far as to what he is doing.(Bringing in Tim geithner as treasury does NOT help alot). Please understand im not bashing Obama, its just its very difficult times and its very hard to see what you say on him as possible. -Gerald Massey Billy doesn't know the details of the health care act. The U.S. should take the Swiss health care system as an example. Each person who is living in Switzerland (Swiss citizens as well as non-Swiss residents; adults and children) are obliged to have a health insurance membership, and this brings benefit and security to all people. Through this system health service is guaranteed to everybody in case of disease and accident. The health insurance is devided into two parts: an obligatory basis insurance, and a complementary insurance for all those people who can afford more services, as e.g. being allowed to have a single room or a greater variety of food in a hospital, among other things. To answer your question: The correct way is that people observe the words and actions of all participants in a neutral way, and to be aware of the manifold machinations of the many interest groups and political parties etc. which don't have the well-being of the entire nation in their focus, but pursue egoistical and shady goals only. (Note by CF: The big problem especially in the U.S. is that the people are not capable to look upon the machinations with a neutral awareness, but are easily manipulated because of their religious belief systems which are based on an authority – be it god or a fanatical preacher etc. – who is telling them what to do and to follow blindly. And what has already been stated before: President Obama really has an enormously heavy job to clean up the mess that he has inherited from his predecessors, and to stand up against all the many racists who cannot accept the fact that a black-skinned president has won the elections. Additionally, there are very strong political, secret and economical opponents working openly or secretly in the mud of the U.S. political system etc.) Davidmg Mr Meier, Could you please explain the symobol of CREATION for us. I feel that the inner star represents the universe, and the seven rings around the star represents the 7 belts. But what are the outer line representing. It is good to hear from you again Many thanks David M. Gustafson The seven rings are representing the Universe, the circle/ring in the star represents the spiritual energy = creational consciousness of/with everything. The other structures in the corners represent the basic pillars of evolution: love, peace, freedom and harmony. Kingman Greetings Billy, Gefühlswelt (feelings), a very misunderstood sense, is this the main human trait, if fully realized in its place and operating within the laws and commandments of Creation, that would begin returning balance back to our world? In other words, is this where/how our love is formed? a friend in america Shawn Apart from the fact that "Gefühle" cannot be correctly defined in English, "Gefühlswelt" represents that which results from the world of thoughts as "feelings". "Feelings" and stirrings, which are something entirely different than emotions, do appear/exist in many thousand-fold forms. Love is not "formed" from feelings, but from thoughts only. Usually this is the so-called "gefühlsmässige" = feeling-related love, in contrast to the "gemütsbedingte" or "empfindungsmässige" love, which is not based on feelings, but on the so-called "Empfindungsliebe" (a word that cannot be translated into English). Lonnie Dear Billy, Thank you for suggesting that I read Bernadette's book about the history of Nokodemjon. This is the first I have heard about her book. I would very much like to know the contents. However, I regret that I do not know German yet. Inquiring further concerning the history of Nokodemjon and the mission I would like to ask; Why do the same individual spirits always seem to incarnate at the time of the prophet to form a core group when there are 144208 members altogether? And there always seems to have been the same problem during the early beginnings of these groups with interpersonal relationships as to who was the greater or older or wiser. If all of these members were specially educated and trained for this mission over millions and billions of years what role in the mission do the other members have and why do we not here more from them? Salome and good health to you. Lonnie O'day Morton In the same way that in an army you have the general and officers, while the great majority consists of the soldiers (or in a group of about 20 people where you have two to three persons who are taking a leading perspective or position), the similar thing is also valid for the people who are involved in the mission. There are a couple of them who are standing in the forefront (like e.g. the Core Group of 49), but most of them are doing their work and actions more in a private way. All of them, the "leading" persons as well as the ones in the "background", are equally important for the progress of the mission. When viewed in this way, nobody must "feel" of a lower importance if one is not a member of the Core Group etc. (Note by CF: The same principle is also valid within the Core Group where certain persons appear or are standing more in the foreground than others; this, however, does not imply that those persons in the foreground are more important or doing better than the other ones.) Techieatwork Hi Billy. Please accept my most warm Greetings. I want to dedicate larger parts of my present incarnation, to help with the mission. I have of course so much to learn about how to control my own actions and be the best that I can be, day by day, so I am reading/learning from your writings as much and as fast as I can. I have had a few thoughts that I will post physical letters to you, seeking for your advise or comments. I feel some longing to meet with you, and learn directly from you about many areas. The question is: Please advise if it's possible for me to meet with you in FIGU's place, in the near future, say, on 2011. If so, then I will prepare for it. (I can't just step up on my personal flying machine and be there in a couple of minutes I have to prepare and pay for a normal flight ticket, etc.) Salome Carlos Basically it is the Core Group members who attend to the visitors and are answering their questions. It is possible, though, that Billy will exchange one or several words with people when they are coming to work at the Semjase Silver Star Center for a couple of days. (Note by CF: Please note that there is no guarantee to meet or speak with Billy.) Spinoza Hi Billy! I wish to know what are the beings that are glow like from pure clean energy and they acting nice. And I also wish to know if Èareles Hall telling a true abaut his experiences with tall white alians that loves there childrens and if this beings and do they even existe. Billy only knows (about) the half-material entities from the Andromeda system. Joe Billy, is beauty a priority for a Plejaren male and female when looking for a partner? Also if I may ask, when you went to Erra did you see any ugly looking Plejaren or are all Plejaren beautiful? This is a question only terrestrial people will ask. Among the Plejaren beauty has absolutely no priority when looking for a partner. Besides, Billy never saw an ugly person in his entire life, neither on Earth or on other worlds. Each person, even the ones who appear to be, or are labelled as monsters, have some beauty in them that is visible to the eyes that are ready to see. Thomas Hello Mr Meier, I hope you are well. I have a question about the Plejaren specifically. I would like to know what kind of problems still plague them? If one excludes specific technical problems and little personal problems that arise, it is difficult for me to imagine the Plejaren people having any serious problems at all. I understand that they are still humans but their level of harmony and advancement makes it seem as if their lives would be spent more for furthering their development then for actually overcoming serious problems. If you do not have specific information on this, I would like your opinion about how life there must be in relation to this topic (problems encountered at that level of development). Thanks very much and greetings to all at the center! Thomas Of course they also have problems in the same way as we have, like e.g. when a loved one dies. This just happened to Ptaah when his third wife died last Monday after a marriage of 543 years! Perhaps the one or other person may somewhat have some "Mitgefühl" for a situation like that. Now all of Ptaah's three wives are dead and gone. Jacobus Hi Billy, I just want to thank you for answering all our questions and for being so incredibly generous and patient with your time. We are probably taking this unique opportunity for granted, so I’ll ask you only my most pressing questions. It must be hard work to continually give accurate answers all the time. When I look at the night sky, I feel like we are being tricked by what we see. I think that our air space is filled to the brim with objects that mimic being stars to the primitive earth human(be it space ships or what else I would not know) that subtly move around by changing direction, up, down, left, right, changing brightness, etc. Sometimes I also notice fine lines of light shooting from “star” to “star”, as if they were communicating. I often feel frustrated, because it’s happening in front of our noses and jet no one is paying attention. The way I notice it, is by keeping my head and vision very stable and still, and then, having an object in the foreground, be it a tree, house,, anything, just as long as it is in close procsimity to the supposed star that I am viewing. Then I wait patiently with unfocused vision, until it becomes overwhelmingly evident that what I’m viewing is moving and is not a star. Have I lost it, because this has become doubtlessly real to me, like a revelation? kind regards Jacobus What you are seeing on the night sky are planets, stars and galaxies, and if you see them moving etc., it is an irritation of your eyes, because the movement of the stars is not detectable during your observation time. (Note by CF: Perhaps the appearance/impression of moving stems from temperature waves of the air.) Marbar Hello Billy and Christian, Thank you for answering my last question about Ptaah. We all lie, we sometimes lie everyday or every once in awhile. People have been lying for many many centuries. We all learn to lie from our parents. I do my best not to lie and it is something hard to do. Lying seems to becaome a normal part of human nature. If one be honest with himself or herself, maybe that person will not lie all the time. The person who is accused of lying took a polygraph test, hypnotic regression, and looking at the accuser in the eye does not prove that the person that is being accused is telling the truth. Billy, what is best way to tell if someone is telling the truth or lying? ,Salome Marbar Not everything that is called a lie is a lie. To tell if someone tells the truth or is lying is a very difficult task and not possible in each case. Probably one feasible way is to keep one's attention on the tone of the voice (Tonfall), either by listening closely, or by electronic/technical means. The former is possible only if a person is capable of listening into one's own consciousness. There are people though, who are speaking an untruth where this cannot be detected, like e.g. schizophrenics, or in the case of pathological liars who are believing their lies. Bianca Salome Billy, I had an interesting experience with a Telemeter last year. Once with a few friends late at night and another night on my own around 1 AM. I am curious to understand How it is possible for Telemeters to 'pick -up' human thoughts. I may be wrong but I have a feeling that if they are such sophisticated computers and tuned to the Earth's people vibrations, then this is possible. Therefore if I was to request something regarding Spiritual matters, would my thoughts be picked up although I am just an ordinary human being? I am asking because after some self doubt but seeing some un-usual occurrence, I finally realized that there was a connection, or... was it just my wishful thinking and imagination? I Greatly value your explanation. Salome Bianca If a person knows how to focus his concentrative thought power and direct it to the telemeter disc, he may be able to produce an effect. This, however, is an extremely rare occurrence here on Earth. There is no such thing as a connection from the telemeter disc to a human being on Earth. Norm Dear Billy, When the Dern Universe fall-back is about to occur. Will advanced races try to escape to the Dal Universe or someplace else? At the turning point of the Universe's expansion no advanced races will live on planets anymore. And if there were, they couldn't excape to the DAL universe because that one is of the same age as ours. Shaban_1190 Lieber Billy, wie geht es dir? Ich hoffe, Ihr Wohlbefinden. Ich habe eine guestion über Noahs Arche, war ich gerade einen Dokumentarfilm und in ihr sie behaupten, an der Stelle des Durupinar durch den Berg Ararat dass es die Überreste der Arche Ich würde gerne wissen, ob das wahr ist Friede auf Erden und unter allen Wesen Shaban_1190, This is the English Speaking Forum, please post your question in English next time. Thanks Scott (Message edited by scott on January 24, 2010) Please avoid in the future to make such poor and senseless translations. Finding any remains of an Arc on Mount Ararat is extremely improbable because the occurrences of Noah and the arc have happened about 100'000 years ago. Newinitiation Dear billy It seems like a sure fact that the descendants of the old Gods who are now considered terrestrials by the plejaren definition living underground and inside mountains not only is responsible for sending impulse contacts to humans for the production of some of the crop circles but are actually helping the cause of disclosure by appearing more frequently than ever with their flying devices mistaken for secret earthly black project crafts or ET ufos. As it stands right now, the feverish activities by the secret group to stage a fake alien attack seems inevitable given their increasing loss of control due to increasing awareness by the masses concerning their illegal actions and the existence of such black budgeted projects through various disclosure initiatives. my question is- If and when it does occur would it be possible for the plejarens to at least send impulse contacts to various human beings who are in a position to jeopardise such malicious plans by these terrorists without breaking any creational laws and such potential candidates being the descendants of the old Gods living underground who are already assisting with their limited involvement. Matt Lee What you state as "it seems like a sure fact" is, in reality, nonsense. Earthling Warm Greetings, Dear Billy & Christian: During Jmmanuel's activities in Palestine, when you saw him in 32AD, what were his and his biological father's (Gabriel) height and weight? I ask to contrast this data with (erroneous) images portrayed in various Christian sects through artistic renderings. Also, in Jewish circles they teach that Jesus(Jmmanuel) was a rabbi; is that term correct? Was Jmmanuel Jewish, in other words, born of a Jewish mother? Jmmanuel's parents, just as he himself, were what you would call "not belonging to any denomination or religion". Therefore: No, they were not Jewish, and he wasn't educated in Jewish belief by his parents. However, he was born in Palestine among those people who were raised as Jews. Marcela Dear Billy: I once read on the forum that you mentioned the importance of getting knowledge in every life as much as possible. I was wondering about the kind of knowledge we should acquire. The one taught in schools and universities? To be more specific, one should study science and nature, or were you referring to the knowledge of the spiritual teachings contained in your books and contact reports? Thank you. Of course it is the spiritual teachings the people should search and stive for – and learn – because this knowledge is where evolution really happens. Sitkaa Howdy Billy, hope you are well : ) In my understanding of things, lying, AKA: being deceptive or in some other way misrepresenting the truth, is one of the most fundamental (disagreements?) with our consensual reality. I would enjoy seeing what you think about this, especially from the perspective of the creational or universal laws as you know them. Some things to consider: - when is lying appropriate (as in the case of 'little white lies')? - when offering one's own opinion, is lying ever okay? - is lying okay in order to protect some creative process from destruction? - are some lies more valid than others? For instance, would a lie that is closer to the truth be more valid than a lie that is more directly in opposition to the truth? In association with this, I am interested in how common lies are in the greater universe, among the greater human races. How much deception has Earth-based humanity to wade through as we venture out into the universe? Thanks Love is always the way To lie means that a person is deliberately telling an untruth. In German there is a difference between "Lüge" (lie) and "Schwindel" (swindle; telling fibs or tricking). It can be said each person more or less is using swindle during his life, to avoid embarrassing situations or because of other reasons. A pure lie remains a pure lie. However, not everything that is looked upon by others as a lie is a lie. There are instances where someone is telling an untruth and doesn't know that it is an untruth, as e.g. in the case of rumours. As a rule, where's a rumour, there is a bigger or smaller portion of truth in it and, therefore, it cannot be classified as a pure lie. There are people, notorious liars, who believe that the untruth they perform/tell to be the truth. This also is a situation that cannot be classified as a pure lie, just as in the case of a schizophrenic who is stating things that only exist in his delusion but which, in reality, are not true. It goes without saying the higher evolved a race is (spiritual-teaching-wise), the less such human beings are in need of swindling or even lying. What remains, however, is that there are situations where something has to be explained by "talking around the bush". Tutan3300 Hi billy, Creation light be with you always. I would like to know who murderd king tutankhamun? and why? and was he and his father the descendent of ptaah or salam,because how would they know about the secret order of the Rosicrucians Amorc ? thankyou. those who come to the creational light will always find the way... salome Mel Tutankhamun was murdered at the age of 18 years, 3 months and 2 days by Haremhab, his general army commander and Secretary of State. On the one hand, Tutankhamun was maliciously injured (a broken leg), which resulted in a lethal inflammation, blood-poisoning as it would be called today. On the other hand, the actual killing was done by Haremhab by sticking a 27-centimeter needle trough the eye into Tutankhamun's brain. Those happenings have nothing to do with Ptaah or Salam, and especially nothing with the Rosicrucians. Sanjin Hi Mr. Meier. In the book OM, there are 77 "übelste Übel aller Übel". One of them is "Richten" in line 75. But Jmmanuel taught us that it is good to judge. How should I understand this? Thank you. The word "Richten" in the OM refers to "condemn" or "to sentence", which means to kill by the death penalty/capital punishment, this contrary to "to judge" as mentioned in Chapter 7 of Talmud of Jmmanuel: The Spirit of Judgment (to Judge) 1. “Judge not falsely, lest you be falsely judged. 2. “For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged, and with whatever measure you measure, you will be measured. 3. “Judge according to the logic of the laws of nature, which are from Creation, because only they possess its truth and correctness. 4. “Why do you see the splinter in your brother’s eye and are not aware of the beam in your own eye? 5. “Or, how dare you say to your brother: ‘Wait, I will take the splinter out of your eye?’ And behold, there is a beam in your own eye. 6. “You hypocrite, first take the beam out of your own eye, then see how you can take the splinter out of your brother’s eye. 7. “Learn first the laws of nature and of Creation, their logic, before you judge and condemn and wish to see the faults of your neighbour. 8. “Through the laws of nature and of Creation learn first how to recognize your own faults, so that you can then correct the faults of your neighbours. 9. “You shall not give sacred things to the dogs, nor throw your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them with their feet and turn on you and tear you apart. 10. “Truly, I say to you: Do not throw your consciousness-related treasure into the dirt and do not waste it on the unworthy, because they will not thank you and will tear you apart, for their understanding is small and their consciousness is weak. Patm Billy, You have done much for us, ALL of us of Earth. But, Your responsibilities include others. Jmmanuel did what he could for those in his time in his world of the middle east. Once his world gave up on him and attempted to end what he had to share. He then left to complete his mission with two other worlds, one that he had to flee from and one that valued his wisdom. Here he stayed to share and prospered. You have yet to share your mission as the last in the Nokodemion line with others. The Plejaren have found you and shared with you. What of the Hyperboreans and the Arus. Will the Plejaren share this information with them or does your mission involve visiting them with the intent of sharing? PatM After he had fulfilled his mission in Palestine, Jmmanuel went to India where he lived for the rest of his life. The Hyperboreans and the Arus people belong into the past and have nothing to do with the present or the future. Peter_brodowski dear billy, i have been dabbling in gaining conciousness in dreams. i have been succesfull in this aspect, although i do not do it as often as i would like to. what sort of benefits can arise from this excercise? thanks This entirely depends on what you make out of it. Mqhassan Dear Billy I have been wondering at the similarity of data between the Earth and Erra. Is there some more information whether Erra has a moon of its own or not and how did the Planet survive typical meteorite and comet impacts ? Our Moon is said to be instrumental in preserving the Earths 23.5 deg tilt axis allowing more stable conditions to persist. How is that solved in their " Erra " Solar System ? Mohammed Erra also has its moon. Sonik_01 Hi Billy, I wanted to ask if there were certain kinds of depression where a person doesn't feel sad and what is the best way of learning the German language. For example, I have been in a state of lethargy for the past three months where I dont want to go out or take a shower(only if I have to go out), or get out of bed or do any kind of work. For example, in the last three months, I have only gone out about ten or eleven times and I don't feel any kind of sadness. I am unemployed. I don't feel anything is wrong but obviously this kind of lifestyle is not beneficial for me. I don't feel my mind weakening or any other kind of health problem. I could be learning German but my concentration is too low, and in the article "Meditation, Concentration and Sleep" it states that this kind of lifestyle is totally against the spiritual teaching and that it would be hard to train the mind if I live this way. My question is : Am I depressed? (I don't think so - just lazy)What can I do to train my mind to have the type of concentration it needs to be able to learn German for example. And what would be the best way to learn German? (The Plejaren have a self-hypnosis device - I was wondering if there was anything similar on Earth) I really want to learn German instead of just wasting away my life. Thank You Billy for all your sacrifices and misfortunes that you never gave up on the mission! Sonik_01 It looks like you are in a phase of depression in combination with laziness. Besides, you also seem to lack motivation and will. It obviously looks like you should set other priorities in your life than learning German, at least for the time being. (Note by CF: Thinking or even considering to use self-hypnosis in your situation is kind of an indication that laziness seems to be a part of your present life. I doubt that learning German should be the first challenge to begin with. Start by bringing a structure into your life, which means leaving bed early and regularly in the morning, leaving the house for regular walks into nature, searching for a job, tending your personal hygiene, etc. – Learning German is hard work and needs perseverance, something you don't appear to be ready for right now.) Stephen_moore Hello Eduard. Here in the western world there seems to be a lot of talk and blaming in the media regarding terrorist attacks being carried out by Al-qaeda. The most recent was late december when a man allegedly tried to explode a bomb on a plane. There have been other incidences since then and here in England our security services have announced that a threat from an Al-qaeda attack is imminent. My question is, To your knowledge, do you know if Al-qaeda is indeed responsible for the terrorist attacks not only in the west but also in India and Pakistan and if I may, also ask if Al-qaeda is still associate/in partnership with western secret services? Kind regards, thank you for your hard work on the translation of the Goblet of Truth. We don't preoccupy ourselves anymore with these issues. All the many warnings, prophecies and predictions have born no fruits, as e.g. is the case with the nuclear bomb that is being developed by Iran. Vb28 Hi Billy, How are you? can pure reason be broken? Galileo and Cantor said that there are levels of infinity and this concept of infinity contradicts pure mathematics. so is this true? Thanks for coming to earth VB No, there's no contradiction. However, pure infinity is finite, and yes, infinity is divisible. Redbeard Hello Billy, My question relates to reincarnation. I have come to understand through various sources that the Plejaren and yourself know for sure that reincarnation is a fact. I would like you to expound on the method of how this is known as fact, is it proven through the use of spiritual/consciousness abilities or do the Plejaren have technology that allows them to know or both. Please explain this as this is a point that comes up in my discussion with others, very often. Peace, Matt Incarnation is a fact, and this is proven by the fact that you can follow back "into" your own former incarnations if you have the ability to do so. This can be done through/via the storage banks. (Note by CF: Besides, it would be absolutely illogical and unjust if a person would incarnate/live only once and then either disappear into oblivion/nirwana or into a heaven up in the clouds to smell god's feet or settle down into hell where one must enjoy the warmth of eternal fire for all eternity. Our universe cannot having been built upon the tiniest amount of illogic because else it would not have become existent.) Getknowledge Dear Billy, Haha that was funny. A more serious question. Maybe the Ps dont give this information on purpose. They dont give dates but, the Notes always talk about over pop, even in the far future when we reunite with the creator overlords. It seems like earth will always be plagued by this problem. Will there ever be a time on earth when there is no over pop, by choice, not by some catastrophe or war, and maintained because its recognized as an issue? Thanks for all your help. Tien The future will show. Psycloud What exactly is the Srut State (Srutstandes) in terms of evolution? I read that Quetzal, Ptaah, and Semjase have reached this state. Thanks for everything Billy Salome Ken This is a very highly evolved state of a human consciousness. It is higher than that of an IHWH. And the highest level is that of Ban-Srut. In today's world you could compare it with a Dr. XY as being an IHWH, and a Prof. Dr. Dr. YZ being a Srut. Mavi Hello, Billy! I would like to ask you if when reading the teachings in German, somebody who does not understand German (but have read it in English) still can benefit from the impulses /encoded messages? If not, then it get lost and we cannot benefit from it in the next encarnations? Thank you for all you do,your sacrifices and hardship for helping us. Salome for all. Yes, you can benefit even if you don't understand German, but only for this lifetime, not the next incarnations. (Note by CF: But don't expect a wonder. You still have to work on and for yourself and lead and live your life yourself. Besides, the code has nothing to do with "encoded messages", but it just triggers impulses from your personal storage bank, and it's up to you whether or not you do something sensible with those impulses. And on another note: Billy doesn't "sacrifice" himself in any way. A sacrifice is false in any case and without exception, and human beings should avoid sacrifice in any aspects.) Gaiawingz 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier; I have yet to ask you any questions, because I think most answers can be found using one's own logic and reason as one reads your many books, but I am curious about the following: I would like for Billy to know that I am prefacing this question with the acknowledgment that it is, of course, better not to get pregnant at all until one is certain that they can raise and support the child, etc. -- but obviously this does not always happen, and so this is why I ask the following question. If a woman who: - is married, and in 'Bündnisliebe' with her husband - has no children becomes unintentionally pregnant for the first time, and if: - both man and woman are psychologically stable and balanced - both man and woman are capable and prepared for the responsibility of raising and educating the child - the pregnancy is already further than 21-22 days but the couple do not have a large income or own a house/land -- would it be more beneficial to abort the pregnancy due to low-income-related possible hardships, or would it be more beneficial to follow through with the pregnancy and raise the child accordingly? I would like you to know, because it might impact your answer, that this situation does -not- exist for me or anyone I know, and I am not asking because your answer will provide the deciding factor in a potential pregnancy-abortion, but simply because I am curious about how important just the money-related factor should be in determining whether one should or should not have a child. My thanks to both Billy and to Christian Frehner. Peace; - Gaia Being poor alone does not necessarily mean that you cannot have a child. As long as the parents-to-be are willing to not demand much material things for themselves and to put aside their material wishes for the time until their child will have reached adulthood, there is no reason why such parents should make an abortion. From this follows that the money-related factor is a minor one. J_rod7 Best Greetings Billy, Peace be with You, and with all there by Your side. It is known that upon death, the Humans Spirit goes on to process the just-lived life. Yet left behind is the body with all it's Fluidal Forces. It has been said the new Spirits' reincarnation may have access to the Fluidal forces from the prior embodiment (please correct me if I am wrong). It is not the spirit or spirit form that has access to the fluidal forces, but the consciousness. This comes from my own thinking, which I realize could be on the wrong track. The logic may be based on unproved 'facts', and I hope you can make this clear for us in the Truth: ... It seems that the residual Fluidal Forces may retain some "organic memory" within it's Energy matrix. Then, it will also appear that if one has learned to live by the Truth of Creation in the prior life, that such Light, Love, Knowledge should also accumulate with the Fluidal Force. That if the Human has lived a life of Spiritual empowerment, with a keenly developed intelligence, with a deep relationship in the Nature, and honest interaction with fellow Humans -- all the accumulated knowledge from such a life -- is somehow retained in the Energy-field of the Fluidal Force (yes?). Yes, if a human being is capable to define the fluidal forces. And it is not some "organic memory", but an energy-based memory (energetisches Gedächtnis). How much Knowledge or Abilities could be passed to the consciousness of the next incarnation of the Spirit from residual Fluidal Forces of the prior life or lives? With my Thank-You for the mission now on the Earth, for the Light and Love you bring to all. Thank You. Salome Find What You Seek ~ Rod (Note by CF: I forgot to present that portion of your more-than-one-question posting to Billy. Well, the answer is that I cannot tell you the amount of it, but since it is the storage banks that are "responsible" or "designed" for the storage of knowledge from former existences, it is they (the storage banks) that are playing the main role in accessing information from the past.) Elreyjr greetings, there is no effort from FIGU or from the English study group to help Haitian victims. what is the applicable spiritual teaching? Jun FIGU as a small group has no capability or capacity to do anything to help the people in Haiti. The spiritual teachings say that each human being shall help others according to one's abilities, be it conscious-related, freedom-related or money-wise. How should we help in case of 360,000 deaths in Haiti alone, notwithstanding the many hundred-thousands of victims in other regions of the world, today and during the next catastrophes that will occur more and more frequently in the future? |
Lepuniv Member
Post Number: 28 Registered: 08-2008
| Posted on Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 09:20 pm: |
Dear Billy, I hope your health is good. Back to the impossibility to change the past discussion. CF said: “If you were capable of travelling back into the past you would KNOW that you cannot change anything and, therefore, you wouldn’t even try to change anything because anything to the contrary would be an absolutely silly and illogical action that would fail from the beginning.)” In my previous example of the bullet aiming at my father, if any attempt to change the past is bound to fail (cf CF), then a law/force is bound to intervene (pure logic!). Question: So what is the nature of the Creation’s law intervening to prevent the past events from changing? Physical, psychic or something else? [I would’nt call “silly and illogical an action that would fail from the beginning” but simply useless. Unfortunately, some silly and illogical actions reach their goal without failing down here.] Thanks for what you do! Take care Lepuniv |
Getknowledge Member
Post Number: 114 Registered: 04-2008
| Posted on Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 09:51 pm: |
From the Talmud of Jmmnauel - Alms, Fasting, Treasures, and Concerns 30. "The eye is the light of your body. 31. "When your eye is clear, your entire body will be a light. 32. "But if your eye is evil, your whole body will be dark. Wether, metaphorically or literally, what does Jmmanuel mean? Much appreciation for opening up the Universe to us. Tien
Ramirez Member
Post Number: 400 Registered: 06-2008
| Posted on Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 10:39 pm: |
Greetings Billy, Question about the past concerning the time of Jmannuel. What was the occupation of Mary Magdalene before she joined the disciples and what happened to her after the so called resurrection ? Also you might wish to elaborate on whether she was as indicated in some of the Dead Sea Scrolls more knowledgeable, intellectually flexible and generally grasping the hidden meaning of Jmannuel's teachings with greater accuracy than the other apostles. Thankyou and ..... congratulations on your recent 73rd Happy Birthday. Cheers.
Savio Senior Member
Post Number: 641 Registered: 07-2000
| Posted on Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 11:16 pm: |
Dear Billy There has been efforts spent on extracting ancient earth history timeline via the information available within the contact notes, here is one of the achievements: However, the time/period mentioned within the contact notes is sometimes vague on the one hand, misunderstanding, mixing up of events and persons involved are quite often on the other, hence it is difficult to form a clear picture on the Earth’s ancient past. My question is: Would it be possible that Billy could correct any mistake within the above mentioned Timeline? Or, for the better, would FIGU produce her own official Event Timeline? Salome Savio |
Holland_escobar Member
Post Number: 9 Registered: 06-2006
| Posted on Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 11:31 pm: |
hello Mr Meier,something has been puzzling me in regards to the positives and negatives of life/creation , I understand that many ills or "negative circumstances" on this world are the result of our actions because we are guided by our irresponsibility and willful ignorance but what puzzles me is the many negatives that occur in nature due to "inefficiencies" of life, for example, when a lioness gives birth to cubs, half of them die of natural causes. If one were to observe nature, it seems that the negatives are in higher grade than the positives because there is much suffering. My question is why is such unnecessary suffering necessary in creation and what is the "profit" of it? |
Smukhuti Member
Post Number: 242 Registered: 06-2009
| Posted on Monday, March 01, 2010 - 12:47 am: |
Hello Billy, From Contact 211 “…Tatsächlich ist es nämlich so, wie ich erkannt habe, dass das weibliche Geschlecht in vielen Belangen des Lebens, des Menschseins und der Friedsamkeit usw. bemerkenswert weiterentwickelt ist als die Männer, folglich die Frauen viele Dinge intelligenter beurteilen und angehen. Auch ihre Logik scheint mir ausgeprägter zu sein, so aber auch ihr Sinn für wahre Freiheit, Liebe und Harmonie…” “…In fact, as I’ve realized, it is such that the female gender – in many aspects of life, humanity, and peacefulness, etc. – is remarkably more developed than the male gender; consequently, the women judge and approach many things more intelligently. Also, their logic seems to me to be more pronounced, as well as their sense of true freedom, love, and harmony…” It seems interesting that Creation, which is so logical itself, would make one sex in general more logical than other. By making one sex more logical, is Creation loosing an opportunity to learn through different perspective (strengths and weaknesses) of different sexes placed at the same logic level? Is your observation particular to these times and earth women only? Thank you. Salome. Suv
Bodhran Member
Post Number: 73 Registered: 08-2008
| Posted on Monday, March 01, 2010 - 01:45 am: |
Dear Billy, it has been stated that religion as it exists here on earth does not exist anywhere else in the universe,we also know through your writings that this type of religion exists in part because a more advanced race arrived on a primitive planet ( earth) and set themselves up as gods as we know them. My question is ,has this not happened on other planets and if so how did the primitive population avoid becoming mired in false beliefs such as we have here on earth? Thank you very much and good health to you. Salome Tony.
Kingman Member
Post Number: 777 Registered: 07-2004
| Posted on Monday, March 01, 2010 - 01:47 am: |
Hello Billy, I hope you are well. Previously I asked about feelings, in short, where does love form from. You responded with: "Apart from the fact that "Gefühle" cannot be correctly defined in English, "Gefühlswelt" represents that which results from the world of thoughts as "feelings". "Feelings" and stirrings, which are something entirely different than emotions, do appear/exist in many thousand-fold forms. Love is not "formed" from feelings, but from thoughts only. Usually this is the so-called "gefühlsmässige" = feeling-related love, in contrast to the "gemütsbedingte" or "empfindungsmässige" love, which is not based on feelings, but on the so-called "Empfindungsliebe" (a word that cannot be translated into English)." I can realize that thinking about Creation and how everything is a part of Creation would grow ones emotion of what real love is. Do average Earth people have the ability to transmit their feelings, or is it the emotions(love/hate), to other living Earth people who are many miles apart and be felt by them. Or is it just the precursor to these (the thoughts that create these effects) that we can send unknowingly, or not. And in line with that question, what contains the most energy/strength/value, feelings or emotions? It seems emotions, being more thought out would contain greater value/effect. a friend in america Shawn
Thomas Member
Post Number: 824 Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Monday, March 01, 2010 - 01:53 am: |
Hello Mr Meier. I hope you are well. My question is about love. I mean the true and real love that never dies. I have read many of your writings and something is not clear to me. I have understood that, even though our consciousness is not aware of it, the subconscious does have a direct connection to Creation through the Gemut. If this is the case, then why must true love be built if the subconscious is already aware that we are all connected as one within Creation? I have understood that real love is the certain knowledge that all and everyone is one within Creation. Aside from that, would you please pass on my best wishes to Ptaah and that I am sorry for the loss of his wife recently (again). Thank you. Thomas
Joe Member
Post Number: 87 Registered: 11-2008
| Posted on Monday, March 01, 2010 - 02:59 am: |
Billy, can you please tell me, if you know, whether Earth humans have the technology to teleport from one region to another on Earth and also from one planet to another like from Earth to Mars? Also if I may ask, is there any Earth human activity on Mars? |
Sebastian Member
Post Number: 5 Registered: 10-2008
| Posted on Monday, March 01, 2010 - 03:04 am: |
Hi, Mr. Edward, Mr. Christian. I am from Poland where we have few mysteries in our hands that I would like to ask you about. I think that you may have some answers therefore I would will try to ask you few questions in near future about Poland and Polish people, etc. Do you maybe have any information about General Wladyslaw Sikorski who died in an air plane catastrophe. To this day, this is a mystery for Polish people because the accident indicates that he was, let me say - removed by English. Was the air plane he was in sabotaged? Do you maybe know what really happened 4/6/1943. Thank You and Have a Good Day. Sebastian |