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Archive through February 05, 2009

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Post Number: 398
Registered: 10-2005
Posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 - 07:38 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Wiebke,

In answer to your question in post 23, many people in this forum have six, seven and even eight different names. This to me is too much and I know you only use a couple... hence, the question.

As to the translation of a name in regards to Creation... I tend to agree. Although Shakespeare whom is quoted by both of us... was a liar... or I guess they call them spys now... for the pope.

Thanks for your answer and your excellent translations... Will look up your name in my books of names to see the meaning and see if indeed it is connected... to your personality...

The name books have no name for Randy... except the obvious funny British nickname... eh eh, so I have to live without a Plejaren name... The name works for me and keeps me from getting into trouble or an overly swelled head...


Randy ô¿ô
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Post Number: 786
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Saturday, January 17, 2009 - 03:16 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Here's the next one! :-) Stay bookmarked!

We, Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg, have been given permission by Billy Meier to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors.

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 1

Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports, Conversations, Volume 1

Pages 305 - 306

(PART FOUR of six)

Askets Bekanntschaft

Asket's Acquaintanceship (CONTINUED)

Nur wenige Meter neben dem gigantischen Gebilde setzten wir sanft auf den Boden auf - und nur wenige Meter neben einem kleinen Beduinenlager, wo verschiedene arabisch gekleidete Menschen zu dieser frühen Morgenstunde bereits mit dem Abbruch ihres Lagers beschäftigt waren.

We set gently down on the ground only a few metres from the gigantic construction, and only a few metres from a small Bedouin camp where various humans, dressed like Arabs, were already busy with the breaking of their camp at this early morning hour.

Sie nahmen keinerlei Notiz von der Landung des Schiffes, und deswegen war ich natürlich erstaunt.

They took no notice at all of the landing of the ship, and, naturally, I was astounded because of that.

Es erschien mir einfach absurd, dass uns die Leute nicht sehen konnten.

It seemed simply absurd to me that the people could not see us.

Doch dann gewöhnte ich mich sehr schnell daran und fand es sehr interessant, dass unsere Unsichtbarkeit wirklich nichts erkennen liess.

Yet I then accustomed myself very quickly to that and found it very interesting that our invisibility really let nothing be recognised.

Ich fand es sogar plötzlich recht interessant, unsichtbar zu sein, denn so vermochte ich alles ungestört und ruhig zu betrachten.

In fact, I suddenly found being invisible quite interesting, because, that way, I was able to observe everything quietly and undisturbed.

Asket sprach bisher kein weiteres Wort, doch nun erklang plötzlich ihre <stimme> in mir, und dann fühlte ich ihren Arm.

Asket had, until then, not spoken another word, yet now suddenly her "voice" sounded in me, and then I felt her arm.

Zu sehen vermochte ich sie nicht, denn noch immer war ja alles unsichtbar, so auch Asket und ich.

I was not able to see her, because everything was indeed still invisible, as were Asket and I.

Jetzt aber erklärte sie mir, dass sie an meinem Gürtel ein kleines Gerät anbringe, so wir auch nach dem Verlassen des Schiffes weiterhin unsichtbar bleiben würden.

But now she explained to me that she was attaching a small device to my belt, so we would also continue to remain invisible after we left the ship.

Ich spürte, wie sie sich an meinem Hüftgürtel zu schaffen machte, und ganz plötzlich sah ich Asket neben mir knien.

I felt how she busied herself with my belt and, quite suddenly, I saw Asket kneeling next to me.

Erschrocken fuhr ich herum und starrte zu den Beduinen hinüber, denn nun mussten die uns doch sehen.

Shocked, I spun around and starred across at the Bedouins, because now they would indeed have to see us.

Doch da hörte ich wieder die <stimme> Askets in mir, die erklärte, dass nur wir selbst einander sehen könnten, während wir für alle anderen Augen unsichtbar seien.

But then I heard Asket's "voice" in me again which explained that only we could see each other, while we were invisible to all other eyes.

Das schien mir einfach verrückt zu sein, und ich wollte es nicht wahrhaben.

To me, that seemed to be simply mad, and I would not accept it as true.

So forderte mich Asket auf, dies doch zu untersuchen.

So Asket called on me to indeed investigate this.

Wir verliessen das Schiff, das ich ja nun ebenfalls sehen konnte und das so majestätisch neben dem Sphinx stand und nach Askets Angaben von niemandem gesehen werden konnte.

We left the ship, which I could likewise now see, and which stood so majestically next to the Sphinx and, according to Asket's statements, could be seen by nobody.

Das musste doch einfach ein Irrtum von ihr sein, denn noch vermochte ich nicht zu erfassen, dass durch das an meinem Gürtel hängende kleine Gerät tatsächlich nur gerade für uns beide alles sichtbar war.

That must indeed have simply been a mistake of hers, because I still was not able to comprehend, that - because of the small device hanging on my belt - everything was actually only visible just for the two of us.

Im Laufe der Jahre hatte ich mir aber angewöhnt, allen Dingen auf den Grund zu gehen, und so ging ich frech auf eine kleine Gruppe diskutierender Beduinen zu, die sich in einer mir völlig fremden Sprache unterhielten, die mir trotzdem aber irgendwie vertraut erschien.

But in the course of the year I accustomed myself to getting to the bottom of all things, so I impudently went up to a group of Bedouins who were discussing something, and who were conversing in a language completely foreign to me, but which, in spite of that, seemed somehow familiar to me.

Die Männer in ihren umhangartigen und farbenfrohen Bekleidungen nahmen nicht die geringste Notiz von mir, als ich mich zu ihnen gesellte.

The men, in their cape-like and colourful clothing, took not the slightest notice of me as I joined them.

So dachte ich denn, dass ich der eigenartigen Sache weiter auf den Grund gehen müsse und fasste einem Manne an seinen Stoffumhang, den ich auch tatsächlich zu fassen vermochte.

So I then thought that I must further get to the bottom of this peculiar matter and grabbed a man by his cloth shawl, which I was actually even able to grab.

Ich zupfte einmal stark daran und sah, wie sich der Mann verwundert umsah und mich aber offenbar nicht erblickte.

I plucked once powerfully at it and saw how the man looked around astonished and obviously, however, did not catch sight of me.

Kopfschüttelnd rückte er seinen Umhang wieder zurecht und diskutierte mit den andern weiter.

Shaking his head, he hitched his shawl straight again and resumed his discussion with the others.

Es musste wohl stimmen, was Asket mir erklärt hatte.

What Asket had explained to me must indeed have been true.

Noch aber vermochte ich diese Tatsache nicht ganz zu erfassen und wollte eine weitere Probe anstellen.

But I was still not quite able to comprehend this fact and wanted to carry out a further test.

So ging ich frech auf ein Zelt zu, stiess langsam einen Eingangsvorhang beiseite und schlüpfte hinein, während dicht hinter mir Asket folgte.

So I impudently approached a tent, slowly drew aside an entrance curtain and slipped inside, while Asket followed closely behind me.

Es war ein frauenzelt.

It was a woman's tent.

Sieben junge und zwei ältere Frauen waren hier mit ihrer Morgentoilette beschäftigt, während eine weitere junge Frau ein Kleinkind an ihrem Busen nährte.

Seven young and two older women were busy there with their morning toilette, while a further young woman nourished an infant at her breast.

Wieder wunderte ich mich, dass diese Menschen keine Notiz von mir nahmen.

I wondered again that these humans took no notice of me.

Es musste doch für sie einfach ungeheuerlich sein, dass ein Mann in ihr Zelt eingedrungen war.

It must indeed have been simply monstrous for them that a man had invaded their tent.

Doch sie kümmerten sich in keiner Weise darum.

Yet in no way did they concern themselves about that.

Das wollte ich doch einmal sehen.

I did want to see that just once.

Geradewegs ging ich auf eine der jungen, hübschen Araberfrauen zu, die mit nacktem Oberkörper neben einer Wasserschüssel auf einem Ballen sass.

Straight away, I went up to a young, pretty Arabian woman, naked to the waist, who sat on a bundle of something, next to a bowl of water.

Langsam beugte ich mich zu ihr nieder und - raubte ihr einen Kuss von den Lippen.

I slowly bent down to her and - stole a kiss on the lips.

Ganz offenbar sah sie mich nicht, nur wurden jetzt ihre Augen ganz gross, und schnell fuhr sie mit ihrer linken Hand hoch und legte zwei Finger auf den Mund.

Quite obviously she did not see me, only now her eyes became quite large, and she quickly drew her left hand up and lay two fingers on her mouth.

Ganz weich fuhr sie sich über die Lippen, und ihr Gesicht schien sich zu verklären.

She drew them quite softly over her lips and her face appeared to be transfigured.

Vielleicht dachte sie, dass sie von einem lieben Geist geküsst worden sei.

Perhaps she thought that she had been kissed by a beloved spirit.

Ihre Hand sank wieder nieder, und ich erfrechte mich ein andermal, sie leise auf den Mund zu küssen.

Her hand sank down again and I dared to kiss her once again, quietly on the mouth.

Ich fühlte dabei wie ihr Körper zu vibrieren begann, und ich sah ihre braunen Augen, die sich nun schlossen.

With that, I felt how her body began to tremble, and I saw her brown eyes which now closed.

Dann fiel ihr Kopf nach vorn, und sie kippte langsam zur Seite.

Then her head fell forward and she slowly tipped to the side.

Schnell fing ich sie auf und legte sie sachte auf den Boden, wo sie mit verklärtem Gesicht einige Minuten liegen blieb.

I quickly caught her and lay her gently on the floor where she, with a blissfully transfigured expression on her face, remained lying for some minutes.

In mir klang plötzlich eine lachende <stimme> auf.

Suddenly a laughing "voice" sounded within me.

Es war Asket, die nun lachend fragte, ob ich nun überzeugt sei.

It was Asket who now laughingly asked me whether I was now convinced.

Das war ich.

That I was.

Wir warteten noch, bis die junge Frau wieder erwachte, von deren Ohnmacht alle andern offenbar nichts bemerkt hatten.

Yet we waited until the young woman woke again from her faint, which all the others had obviously not noticed.

Wohl noch etwas verwirrt, erhob sie sich und setzte sich wieder auf ihren Ballen.

Probably still somewhat confused, she rose and sat on her bundle again.

Mit noch immer verklärtem Gesicht redete sie dann hastig auf die andern Frauen ein und erklärte offenbar das Vorkommnis.

Still with a transfigured face, she talked hastily and insistently to the other women, and obviously explained the event.

Die schüttelten aber nur die Köpfe und fielen mit wahren Wortschwällen über die glückliche junge Frau her.

But they only shook their heads and assailed the happy young woman with veritable torrents of words.

Das vermochte ich nicht mit anzusehen, und so ging ich von einer zur andern und küsste sie schnell, kurz aber spürbar.

I could not watch that, so I went from one to another and quickly kissed them, briefly but perceptibly.

Eine nach der andern verstummte abrupt und erstarrte.

One after the other abruptly became silent and stiffened.

Und wieder dauerte es Minuten, ehe wieder Bewegung in sie kam.

And again it took minutes before they started moving again.

Alle schienen ganz plötzlich verändert zu sein, setzten sich zur Erstgeküssten und begannen erregt zu plaudern, während Asket und ich schnell das Zelt verliessen.

They all quite suddenly appeared to be changed, they went and sat with the one who was first kissed, and excitedly began to chatter, while Asket and I quickly left the tent.

Noch immer lachte ihre <stimme> angenehme in mir, und dann meinte sie, dass sie etwas Derartiges noch nie erlebt habe.

Her "voice" still laughed pleasantly in me and then she opined that she had never experienced such a thing.

Erst jetzt sehe sie eigentlich, wie viele Möglichkeiten durch die Unsichtbarkeit gegeben seien.

Only now had she actually seen how many possibilities invisibility provides.

Ich äusserte ihr meine Bedenken bezüglich der Frauen, weil ich wohl etwas unbedacht gehandelt hatte.

I expressed my thoughts to her regarding the women because I had indeed behaved somewhat thoughtlessly.

Vielleicht wurde die eine oder andere nun irre.

Perhaps one or another of them had now gone mad.

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Senior Member

Post Number: 612
Registered: 07-2000
Posted on Saturday, January 17, 2009 - 08:24 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Dyson and Vivienne

Heartfelt thanks to your great contributions

Wishing you both all the best!


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Post Number: 171
Registered: 05-2008
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2009 - 06:58 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

May I ask if Billy's stealing of kisses from those women, under the cover of proving something to himself, is moral, ethical, abiding by creations commandments, laws & directives,; or is exploiting others through the exploitation of personal power, for the sake of personal pleasure; all rationalized by the cause for the collective good of human spiritual & scientific evolution?

Not that I blame him. I have probably had similar night dreams.

Being a prophet, apparently is not all suffering and hard work .. it seems some perks come with the territory.

ps: gaia-people .. thanks, & don't stop now !
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Post Number: 445
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2009 - 07:10 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Earthling,

What does your question have to with this topic "Translation"?

Tip: if you or others don't see your posts, might be worth rethinking if you are posting it in the right place.....

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Post Number: 174
Registered: 05-2008
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2009 - 08:03 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Are only actual translations of german to english supposed to appear here and not responses to those translations?

I am assuming by your post that it would be better if I quoted what I was referencing from 'Translations' and moved it to a suitable topic and in this particular case, "Contact Notes"?
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Post Number: 446
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2009 - 11:04 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

As well as what you mentioned this topic can be used to discuss other things relating to translation like lets say someone can ask for a word if not found in a dictionary. Or asking/recommending a translation software. It is just for anything that can be directly related to translations.

Just think about it, if you were to visit this topic called translations what would you expect to find.

And yes Contact Notes would be a better place.
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Post Number: 78
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Sunday, January 25, 2009 - 10:14 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Apropos dictionary:

FIGU recently launched an official dictionary site that only contains 'approved' terms. The site is at

Currently, it only features English<->German, but it is ready to host more languages in the future. It also doesn't contain too many terms yet. So, please take it as 'work in progress'.

The site is used as official reference also for those who currently translate 'Kelch der Wahrheit'. We really want to make sure that FIGU has a single point of reference in regard to translations for the next years and generations.
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Post Number: 84
Registered: 10-2008
Posted on Sunday, January 25, 2009 - 07:05 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thanks Stephan , for the link .

Nice to see you visiting our backward little forum .

Kind Regards , Mark
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Post Number: 1292
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Friday, January 30, 2009 - 01:51 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Stephan....

Yes, thank you for the link!

Very very useful, indeed!

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Post Number: 173
Registered: 09-2008
Posted on Saturday, January 31, 2009 - 09:42 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Stephan/moderators,

Hello. How can I sign up to be able to use the site at;



Thank you Billy.
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Post Number: 80
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Sunday, February 01, 2009 - 04:51 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

You can use it without being signed up. The glossaries as well as the term search engine are open for public use.

Additions to the site are not possible. We have applied a strict quality control that only allows certain people to add and approve terms/translations.
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Post Number: 81
Registered: 12-1999
Posted on Sunday, February 01, 2009 - 05:09 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I thought I should give a little more detailed explanation after I've read my last post.

The difficulty with translating FIGU material into the English language is due to the nature of the English language: Lots of terms needed for a proper translation don't even exist, so a translator always has to find a working/good approximation of the meaning.

By opening up the dict site we'd face lots of suggestions by readers and helpers which may speak English natively but lack a proper understand of either German or the spiritual teaching, or in worst case: both.

(Even people who do speak both languages properly _and_ have a good understanding of the FIGU material have problems already...)

So, it is currently believed that allowing people to help to translate or to suggest terms would result in more workload by not improving the quality at the same time.

Or in other words: We are currently taking the Swiss approach: Slower, but more precise ;) Every term that is unclear is run over Billy _and_ several English native speakers to find the best translation. This way we make sure that only terms are publicly listed which have a very good translation quality.

Hope that gives a little idea about the reasons behind.

We've made lots of experience with that during the last 30 years.
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Post Number: 589
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Sunday, February 01, 2009 - 09:51 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Mr Rickauer, I have a request for the new dictionary FIGU site: Is it possible to get defintions in place for subconscious and unconscious, either in Deutsch or in English? The reason that I ask is because those two particular words have caused difficulties in understanding the FIGU material for both myself and others here on the forum. Someone asked Mr Meier for a clarification but it was not precise and it was not given in Deutsch. I think that a definition for those words in Deutsch would go a long way to helping the understanding of myself and others. Thanks for listening to my request.

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Post Number: 290
Registered: 06-2006
Posted on Sunday, February 01, 2009 - 03:30 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Thomas
I am not Stephen, however, I can offer that the dictionary is not for the purpose of defining and explaining as a glossary, rather it is for people who are translating words. The point is for all translators to have a uniform dictionary to use for their work.

As to the meaning of subconscious and unconscious, there is much on this in the various works and on this forum, and on the German forum. The answers are all there, and maybe all you have to do is 'connect the dots' so to speak.

We can discuss this privately a little further if you like.

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Post Number: 176
Registered: 09-2008
Posted on Monday, February 02, 2009 - 06:01 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Stephan,

Hello and thank you for responding and the extra effort to clarify the post regarding my question pertaining to the German dictionary online.

In my opinion, we shouldn’t want this enormous and important task to be done any other way than the way you guys are so carefully executing it. The slower and more precise motto is a great approach, and I personally thank all of you for your contributions.

I just didn’t realize that it can be used without the password. For someone like me that has no knowledge of German language, this is a great tool.


Thank you Billy.
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Post Number: 788
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Monday, February 02, 2009 - 08:54 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear all,

Here's the next one! :-) Sorry for the delay.

We, Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg, have been given permission by Billy Meier to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors.

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 1

Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports, Conversations, Volume 1

(PART FIVE of six)

Askets Bekanntschaft

Asket's Acquaintanceship (CONTINUED)

Dazu meinte Asket, dass meine Befürchtungen wohl unbegründet seien, denn sie habe die Gedanken der Frauen kontrolliert und festgestellt, dass alle sehr glücklich geworden seien in diesen wenigen Minuten, denn sie seien zur Auffassung gelangt, dass sie von einem unsichtbaren Engel geküsst worden seien.

To that, Asket said that my fears were indeed unfounded because she had checked the woman's thoughts and ascertained that they had all become very happy in these few minutes because they had arrived at the view that they had been kissed by an invisible angel.

An und für sich hätten diese Frauen ein sehr hartes und unglückliches Leben gehabt, nun aber seien sie alle sehr glücklich, und ihr Leben werde sich nun auch danach gestalten.

In and of itself, these women would have had a very hard and unhappy life, but now they were all very happy and their lives would now also form according to that.

Ich antwortete darauf, dass ich unter diesen Umständen ja nur ein gutes Werk getan hätte, was Asket auch bestätigte.

To that, I responded that, under these circumstances, that which I had done would have really only been a good deed, and Asket also confirmed that.

So machte ich mir denn keinerlei Sorgen mehr um diese Frauen und hoffte nur, dass Asket wirklich recht damit hatte, dass sich dadurch das Leben der Frauen zum Besseren wenden werde.

So I did not worry anymore at all about these women and only hoped that Asket was really correct that, because of this, the women's lives would turn for the better.

Plötzlich wurde ich von Asket an der Hand gegriffen und zu einem kleinen sich öffnenden Eingang der Pyramide geführt.

Suddenly Asket grasped me by the hand and led me to a small entrance, opening to the pyramid.

Durch lange, modrige Gänge schritten wir im Dämmerlicht durch das Innere der Pyramide.

Through long, musty passageways, we walked in twilight through the interior of the pyramid.

Dann war es so dunkel, dass ich nichts mehr zu erkennen vermochte.

Then it was so dark that I could not recognise anything more.

Ich wunderte mich darüber, dass ich nirgends anstiess und dass Asket trotz dieser wörtlich genommenen ägyptischen Finsternis den Weg fand.

I wondered about the fact that I did not collide with anything and that Asket found the way in spite of this literally Egyptian darkness.

(Translators’ note. This German idiom "Egyptian darkness" corresponds to "pitch dark" in English.)

Lange schritten wir so dahin, und ich fühlte, dass wir verschiedentlich irgendwo hinabstiegen.

We walked in that manner for a long time and I felt that we climbed down somewhere on various occasions.

Dann plötzlich war ein sehr schwaches Licht zu erkennen, gerade so, als ob die erste Morgendämmerung einsetzte, doch vermochte ich die Quelle dieses Dämmerlichts nicht zu ergründen.

Then suddenly a very weak light was discernable precisely as if the first light of dawn entered, yet I was not able to fathom the source of this twilight.

Jetzt standen wir vor einem gewaltigen Quader, irgendwo tief in der Pyramide.

Now we stood before an enormous, squared stone, somewhere deep in the pyramid.

Für meine Augen gesehen löste sich der riesige Quaderstein plötzlich einfach in Nichts auf.

Right before my eyes, suddenly the gigantic ashlar simply dissolved into nothing.

Und schon zog mich Asket über die Stelle hinweg, wo noch vor wenigen Sekunden der Riesenquader lückenlos in andere Quader eingefügt gewesen war.

And already Asket pulled me over the position where, just a few seconds before, the giant ashlar had been completely joined with other squared stones.

Hinter dem sich soeben verflüchtigten Quader tat sich ein steil abwärts führender Gang auf, der von zwei seltsam gekleideten Männern bewacht wurde.

A steeply descending passageway, which was guarded by two oddly-clothed men, opened behind the ashlar which had just now vanished.

Und als ich den Gang hinunterschreitend einen Blick zurück warf, da konnte ich nur feststellen, dass der eben verschwundene Quader wieder genauso sichtbar und lückenlos eingefügt war wie noch kurz zuvor, als ich ihn von der andern Seite zum ersten Mal sah.

And as I threw back a glance as I walked down the passageway, I could not help but ascertain that the squared stone, which had just disappeared, was again precisely as visible and completely joined as just shortly before, when I saw it for the first time from the other side.

Als ich diese Feststellung machte, flüsterte in meinem Bewusstsein Askets <stimme>, dass ich schweigen und nicht zu sprechen versuchen solle, denn wir seien hier an einem Orte, der nicht von ihrer Rasse erbaut worden sei, und zudem sei es nicht im geringsten von Nutzen, wenn wir hier von den Wachen festgestellt und ausgemacht würden.

As I made this assessment, Asket’s "voice" whispered in my consciousness that I should be mute and not try to speak because we were in a place which was not constructed by her race and it additionally would not be even slightly useful if we were to be identified here and uncovered by the guards.

Die gesehenen Wachen seien Mitglieder oder Angehörige einer machtbewussten ausserirdischen Gruppe, die durch gewisse unlautere Mittel einen Grossteil der Erdenmenschheit unter ihre Kontrolle zwängen, um dadurch die ganze Erde unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen.

The guards we saw are members of, or are related to, a power-conscious, extraterrestrial group, who, through certain impure means, force a majority of Earth humanity under their control, in order to bring the entire Earth under their control.

So schwieg ich denn, folgte stumm meiner Führerin, vorbei an den beiden Wachen, die keinerlei Anstoss an uns nahmen.

So then I became silent and mutely followed my leader past the two guards, who took no initiative at all against us.

Ganz offensichtlich vermochten sie uns nicht zu sehen, und es erschien mir so, als seien Asket und ich für die beiden einfach nicht existent.

Quite obviously they could not see us and it seemed to me as if, for the two of them, Asket and I simply did not exist.

Es war für mich eine komische Situation, an die ich mich trotz der vorherigen Erlebnisse einfach nicht so schnell gewöhnen konnte.

It was a funny situation for me to which I simply could not so quickly accustom myself in spite of the previous experiences.

Es war einfach etwas völlig Neues und Ungewöhnliches für mich.

It was simply something completely new and unusual for me.

Steil und tief hinunter führte der mit Treppen durchzogene Gang in der Pyramide - tiefer und tiefer ging es hinab, und dann standen wir plötzlich in einer riesigen Halle, die vom überall und nirgendwo herkommenden Lichte überzuquellen schien.

The passage, which was furnished throughout with steps, led steeply and deeply down into the pyramid – deeper and deeper it went down, and then, suddenly, we stood in a gigantic hall which seemed to overflow with light coming from everywhere and nowhere.

(End of part FIVE. TO BE CONTINUED.)
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Post Number: 14
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 10:39 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

IS there a date for this publication? Or I guess when was this contact information released by Billy?

The only reason I am asking is that there is a book out by another gentleman who also describes exactly what Billy is describing. So since I know Billy's writings are real I wonder if this other person borrowed from Billy's writing or had their own real experience in the Pyramids just like Billy's only in this other persons writings there were no guards or any other people in the Pyramids. It was completely empty other then the light which seem to come from know where but yet be every where and the inside chambers were so clean it seemed as though there was a cleaning staff.
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Post Number: 15
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 10:41 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Oh by the way thanks a million Dyson and Vivian...
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Post Number: 1234
Registered: 02-2000
Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 01:18 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Bass Boy, Are you talking about Reinhold Schmidt? He was a Giza job. Giza put those images in his mind. I guess they didn't feel the need to bring him there so they projected the experience into his mind.
My Website
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Post Number: 16
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 04:21 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

No this was by David H. Lewis from New Jersey USA. although he enters the Pyramids from a door at the top of the great pyramid and in this recent translation by Dyson and Vivian, Billy does not say how he goes in. This text written by David says they entered in 1976. So based on that and the fact that the Giza Intelligence perps would have still been there. So interesting...
Here is the link -

This site also contains a good list of prediction by Billy that were confirmed as well.

Although the site has other misinformation.
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New member

Post Number: 2
Registered: 02-2009
Posted on Wednesday, February 04, 2009 - 11:53 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Any one knows about a good translation into Spanish of the “Talmud of Jmmanuel”?

I found a PDF file distributed in Internet called: “El Talmud de Jmmanuel - Traducido al Español sin mentiras.pdf” (Talmud of Jmmanuel – Translated into Spanish with no lies.pdf), but the translation is not good enough, has some errors and it is not easy to read. Since I speak Spanish, this is my mature language, I am also a writer of Spanish books, I am book editor, I have a proposal, if there is no a better translation available:


- I will make a good translation of this book into Spanish.
- Some Spanish speakers of this forum may contribute by correcting my translation if they like.
- I will edit this translation into an e-book with a nice looking cover, etc.
- FIGU can check if this is a good translation too, and may consider it as an official book from them (e-book in this case). Credits to Figu will be included or whatever is required, like a Billy Meier introduction, etc.
- This e-book can be distributed free in Internet as other free e-books.
- Figu will keep all the rights on it.
- We can put a protection so this electronic document can not be modified, but it can be printed.
- You may see similar books I edited and published in this web page:
- This is one example of one of the e-books (sorry, it is in Spanish):

- This will be a voluntary work from my side, no fees, no hidden agendas, just contributing.

Please let me know your comments, ideas, or recommendations.

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Post Number: 457
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Thursday, February 05, 2009 - 01:31 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Francisco,

First welcome to the forum, I have contacted the core group to check on who is responsible for the Spanish translations. As far as I hear a year ago that some of the core group members were working on translating the TJ to Spanish, but don't know if they managed to finish it yet.

Good you reminded me as I had promised to check on it previously for another member of the forum and totally forgot about it.

Will get back to you when I know further details.


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