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Archive through February 23, 2009

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Post Number: 99
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Wednesday, February 04, 2009 - 08:45 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Hola y bienvenido al Forum. What you have told us are very bad news because FIGU really has to fight against unauthorized translations because mistakes can be made and we will fall into the same falsification of the truth. It really doesn’t matter if there are good intentions, a not professional and unknown translation of the TJ can be worse than any good. Can you please find the link to this text?

On another point, I went on line to look for the Spanish version of the TJ, but instead I found something not so good. I found on a strange version f the TJ in English. What it is surprising is that the cover resembles Jesus Christ. Here is the link:
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Post Number: 3
Registered: 02-2009
Posted on Thursday, February 05, 2009 - 04:35 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thank you, Badr. I will aware of what you find on the Core Group about the translation of the Talmud Jmmanuel into Spanish. My offer is still valid; I can contribute if somebody is interested.

Thank You, Marcela. Glad to be here. I think Internet is like a big storm, no body controls it, and you can not avoid that some people get wet. There will be always copies, no authorized, not accurate of every document. It is a free place to publish wisdom and garbage.

I saw the Amazon version of the Talmud. It seems to be a copy of an old version, with lot of mistakes.

I have found 2 places where the Spanish translation is offered. I think it is the same translation. It is the one I found, and the translation is not good. If a new one, official one, with a good Spanish translation is offered, everybody will prefer to read it. I feel the translator was trying to contribute with good intentions. All of this shows me one thing: it is necessary to have a good translation into Spanish of the Talmud. If we do not provide it, somebody else always will do it.

Here are the places where the Spanish Talmud is offered. Also, you may find other documents of Billy Meier.


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Post Number: 101
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Saturday, February 07, 2009 - 11:08 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Francisco:

I also wanted to tell you that I am a certified interpreter Spanish –English and I could translate the TJ without much difficulties for it is a very easy reading. I told this idea to Badr, so he could ask the Figu; but then I found out that Billy wants every translation to be from German not from another language. So, (with some German that I know) I started to check the English translation and I found errors. So far two errors in the English translation and I am at the beginning of the book. What we can do is we can read the Spanish version and check for accuracy. We’ll see…
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Post Number: 71
Registered: 09-2007
Posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 - 08:40 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

This is a very preliminary translation of the chapter “Fahrzeuge beziehungsweise Fluggeräte”, from the book “Die Wahreit über die Plejaden”. I have done it a few days ago for personal use but will post it here since it relates to a comment on another section of the forum.

p.170 - Fahrzeuge beziehungsweise Fluggeräte
Vehicles or more precisely, flying devices

Die Plejadier auf Erra kennen keine Landfahrzeuge, sondern nur Fluggeräte verschiedenster Formen und Verwendungszwecke, und somit auch keine Straßen, wie bereits im Abschnitt Wohngebäude erklärt.

The plejaren from Erra know no land vehicles, but instead flying devices in various forms and purposes, so that as a result there exist no roads, like it was already explained in the housing chapter.

Zwischen den Wohnhäusern und den Landeplätzen der Fluggeräte sowie über Land gibt es nur Fußwege, die ausschließlich von Fußgängern benutz werden, um weitere oder kürzere Strecken zurückzulegen oder ausgedehnte Spaziergänge zu machen.

Between the residential houses and the landing places for the flying devices as well as across the land there are only foot paths, which are used exclusively by pedestrians to cover longer or shorter stretches, or to take large walks.

Zu diesen Fußgängern gehören nicht nur menschen, sondern auch Androinen, die Laien nicht von Menschen unterscheiden können.

Those paths are used not only by people, but also by androids, which to a layman are undistinguishable from the humans.

Durch die freie Natur führen lange Trampelpfade, die weder die Pflanzen- noch die tierwelt beeinträchtigen.

Long paths cross through the wild Nature, which cause no disturbance to either plants or animals.

Für sämtliche Personen- und Warentransporte im planeteren Bereich dienen ausschließlich Fluggeräte beziehungsweise Schwebeflugkörper, die zu vielen verschiedenen Zwecken benutz werden.

For the totality of transportations of persons or goods within the planet there exist only flying, that is to say, levitation devices, which are used for many various purposes.

Allerdings gibt es nur zwei Bauarten, nämlich kugelförmige Flugobjekte oder diskusförmige Gebilde, wobei die Diskusfluggeraäte mit den kleinen Raumschiffen vergleichbar sind, die in allen Größen für die Raumfahrt zur Verfügung stehen.

Of these there are only two types, namely the spherical or the saucer shape. The saucer shaped vehicles differ from the spaceships, which are available in all sizes.

Die Schweberfahrzeuge für den Personentransport sind für ein bis fünf Personen ausgelegt, wobei jede Wohnung oder jedes Wohngebäude beziehungsweise eine jede Familie über mindestens ein Fortbewegungsmittel dieser Art verfügt.

The suspended vehicles which were designed for personal transportation can take up to two five persons. At each home or residential building, or alternatively at every family there is available at least one vehicle of this kind.

Der Fahrzeugbedarf einer Familie ist eine individuelle Angelegenheit, so daß eine erwachsene Einzelperson je nach Wunsch oder Erfordernis ein eigenes Schwebelfluggerät beanspruchen kann. Natürlich können auch zwei oder drei Personen ein Fluggerät gemeinsam benutzen, jedoch darf und kann die Zahl von fünf Personen in einem Fahrzeug nie überschritten werden.

The need for transport vehicles within each family is an individual affair, so that each adult individual that so desires can request a suspended flying device for individual use. Naturally a single vehicle can also be used conjointly by two or three persons, however the number of five persons per aircraft can’t be exceeded.

Sollte eine größere Gruppe ein Ziel ansteuern wollen, dann stehen auf Erra weder reise- noch Charterfluggeräte zur Verfügung, so daß statt dessen eiinfach dementsprechend viele der kleinen Fahrzeuge verwendet werden müssen, die für fünf Personen Platz bieten. Solche Massenreisen kommen bei den Plejadiern jedoch praktisch nicht vor, weil die Menschen ohnehin sehr häufig rund um den gesamten Planeten unterwegs sind und daher keine Bedürfnisse haben, außerdem noch Reisen zu unternehmen.

Shall a greater group wish to head to a destination, there are in Erra no large transport vehicles available, so instead of it, are simply used several of the small vehicles, which have place for five persons. Mass travelling is practically not seen among the Plejaren, because an individual will very frequently go round the entire planet anyway, and not need to overtake further trips.

Daß dabei all diese Fluggeräte absolut keinerlei Umweltverschmutzung hervorrufen, sollte eigentlich nicht besonders hervorgehoben werden müssen, denn die Plejadier kennen kein Fortbewegungsmittel, keine Arbeitsmaschinen oder andere Geräte, die umweltschädliche Stoffe produzieren und abgeben würden.

That all these flying devices produce absolutely no environment pollution, should really not need to be highlighted, because the Plejaren know no means of transportation, no work machines or other equipment, which produce any ecologically harmful materials and emissions.

Fossile Brennstoffe jeder Art wurden seit der Besiedelung der Planeten von den Plejadiern nie verwendet, geschweige denn auch nur in Betracht gezogen, so daß die Planeten auch in dieser Beziehung unbelastet und in keiner Weise ausgebeutet sind.

No fossil fuels of any kind have since the colonization of the planet been used, let alone even considered, so that the planet also in this aspect is not burdened and in no way exploited.

In der Regel fliegen und arbeiten alle Fluggeräte sowie sonstigen Maschinen, Geräte und Roboter völlig geräuschlos, so daß die Menschen nicht durch Maschinenlärm belästig und in ihrer Gesundheit beeinträchtigt werden. Alle Fluggeräte fliegen in der Regel in rasantem Tempo, das jedoch je nach Wunsch oder bedarf gesteigert werden kann, wobei durch Kontrollapparuturen immer die höchstmögliche Sicherheit gegeben ist.

As a rule all flying devices, as well as other machines, hardware and robots, fly and operate in complete silence, so that no one is disturbed or harmed in their health by machine noise. All flying devices operate, as a rule, at a fast speed, which can however, due to need or desire, at any time be increased, where through control apparatuses an extreme security is at all times assured.

Wenn hier von den Fahrzeugen die Rede ist, muß auch auf eine einmalige Attraktion auf dem Hauptplaneten Erra hingewiesen werden. Dabei handelt es sich um ein „irdisches Fahrzeugmuseum“. Auf einem riesigen unfruchtbaren Gelände von mehreren Hektar Größe ist eine gigantische, freischwebende Halle aufgebaut, in der sämtliche Rad- und Raupenfahrzeuge ausgestellt sind, die jemals auf der Erde gebaut wurden.

When here the talk is about vehicles, a unique attraction on the planet Erra must also be mentioned. It deals with an “Earth vehicles museum”. At a giant barren area several hectares big, there is a gigantic freely suspended hall built up, into which are exhibited all the wheeled and tracked vehicles ever built on Earth.

Darunter befinden sich auch Duplikate von einmaligen Prototypen, die auf der Erde niemals bekannt wurden und nur von Bastlern gebaut wurden, aber von den Plejadiern eingehend untersucht und nachgebaut wurden. Modelle hingegen, die in mehreren exemplaren oder serienmäßig hergestellt wurden, fanden den Weg von der Erde nach Erra, weil sie der Museumsinhaber jeweils përsonlich auf der Erde besorgte.

Under it one finds also duplicates of unique prototypes, which were built by artisans on Earth and have never become public, but which the Plejaren have thoroughly examined and rebuilt. Models however, that were built in large numbers through production lines, have found their way from Earth to Erra, through the laborious efforts of the museum owner which came here to acquire each and every one.

Als Museums-Initiator pflegt er auch ein ganz besonderes Hobby, das darin besteht, in der Freizeit alleine oder zusammen mit Freuden Ausflüge in die Wildnis zu unternehmen – mit einem Fahrzeug irdischer Herkunft, das er extra umgebaut und mit einem Antrieb versehen hat, der auf den üblichen plejadischen Antriebsformen beruht, damit ja keine giftigen Benzin- oder Dieselabgase in die Umwelt gelangen. Dieses Fahrzeug ist sein besonderer Stolz – ein irdischer Landrover aus dem jahre 1978.

The museum initiator cherishes also a most particular hobby, which consists in taking excursions through the wilderness, by himself or accompanied by friends, with a vehicle of earthly origin, which he modified for the purpose, with a normal plejaren propulsion unit, so that no poisonous gasoline or diesel fumes are emitted to the environment. This vehicle is his special pride – an earthly 1978 Land Rover.
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Post Number: 124
Registered: 02-2006
Posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 - 04:00 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thanks David! Fascinating read.
James G. T. Moore
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Post Number: 277
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 06:42 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello everyone,

Through my translations i consistently run into the word "mässig" which is often coupled with bewusst or lebensmässigen for example. It has always given me pause because I know that it means "moderate" but english synonyms can also equate to (Synonyms: reasonable, modest, sensible, restrained, judicious, temperate, enough, adequate, sufficient, relative, fair, mild, rational, measured)

Here is an excerpt of German:

"Die materiell-intellektuelle Denkweise, die sich auf rein materielle Formen aller Art bezieht, stellt in ihrem Ganzen die eigentliche Apparatur dar, die sich mit rein materiell-lebensmässigen Dingen beschäftigt.

I'm not sure, but I think it means "balanced" here.

Salome gam nan been urda gan njber hasala hesporona!
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Post Number: 294
Registered: 06-2006
Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2009 - 06:36 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I have found that most times, 'related' or 'associated' fits more than moderate, when translating -mässigen.

Below please find possible translations of that sentence. There are often various ways to translate things, and often are just as correct as each other.

Die materiell-intellektuelle Denkweise, die sich auf rein materielle Formen aller Art bezieht, stellt in ihrem Ganzen die eigentliche Apparatur dar, die sich mit rein materiell-lebensmässigen Dingen beschäftigt.

Material intellectual thinking, which concerns purely material forms of all kinds, represents in its entirety the actual apparatus, that also deals with those life related matters that are purely material.

..........those purely material life-related matters.

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Post Number: 278
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2009 - 08:46 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Robjna,

Thanks a bunch! That seems to make more sense when applied. I noticed that sometimes the assisting translator I use from time to time would vary the translation of Massigen ( "a" with the umlaut) and now that I think back it did use "related" occasionally.

This helps

Salome gam nan been urda gan njber hasala hesporona!
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Post Number: 789
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2009 - 08:05 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear all,

The below installment is the conclusion of “Asket’s Acquaintanceship”, which represents only about 5 pages in the contact notes, taking us up to page 308. If all goes well, we will provide here another 52 pages from this book, which include copious introductory and explanatory notes written by Billy in 1964, all of which make up the totality of “Asket’s Explanations”, which took about the first two weeks in February, 1953. As previously mentioned, these include the facinating meeting with Jmmanuel in the year 32 as well as much much more in the way of time travels and vital information for young Eduard about the details of the mission he is to go on to fulfill. Those who think that it all started in the 70’s are quite mistaken.


Dyson (& Vivienne)

We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg) have been given permission by Billy Meier to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors.

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 1

Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports, Conversations, Volume 1

Pages 307 & 308

(PART SIX of six)

Askets Bekanntschaft

Asket's Acquaintanceship (CONTINUED)

Riesig gross war die Halle, und auch riesengross das diskusförmige Raumschiff, das hier nebst verschiedenen kleineren Schiffen tief unter der Erdoberfläche inmitten dieser Halle ruhte.

The hall was giant sized, as was the gigantic disc-shaped spaceship which rested here next to various smaller ships in the middle of this hall, deep below the surface of the Earth.

Ein Riesen-Raumschiff, tief unterhalb der Grundmauern der Pyramide von Gizeh.

A giant spaceship deep below the foundation walls of the Pyramid of Giza.

Ich glaubte tatsächlich zu träumen.

I actually believed I was dreaming.

Ich kniff mich in die Ohren, einmal, zweimal, dreimal.

I pinched myself on the ears, once, twice, three times.

Ich spürte den Schmerz und presste mir die Fingernägel in die Ohren.

I felt the pain and I pressed my fingernails into my ears.

Der Schmerz verstärkte sich intensive.

The pain intensively reinforced itself.

Es war tatsächlich kein Traum.

It actually was not a dream.

Tatsächlich, hier tief unter der Pyramide von Gizeh ruhte ein diskusförmiges Raumschiff von schätzungsweise runden dreihundert Metern Durchmesser.

Here, resting deep below the Pyramid of Giza, was actually a discus-shaped spaceship of approximately three hundred metres in diameter.

Ein ähnliches Schiff, wie ich es bereits am 2. Juni 1942 einmal gesehen hatte.

A ship similar to the one I already had seen once on June 2nd, 1942.

Und dieses Schiff hier musste wohl schon seit Jahrhunderten oder gar seit Jahrtausenden in dieser riesigen Lagerhalle sein, sehr tief unter der Erde und meiner Berechnung nach mindestens 3000 oder 4000 Meter unterhalb der oder seitwärts abwärts von der Pyramide von Gizeh.

And this ship here must indeed already have been in this giant storage hall for centuries or even for millennia, very deep under the earth and, by my reckoning, at least 3,000 or 4,000 metres below, or to the side and downward, from the Pyramid of Giza.

Nicht sehr lange liess mir Asket Zeit, um mich in die staunende Betrachtung dieses Schiffes zu versenken, denn schon zog sie mich an der Hand weiter zu einem kleinen Plateau hin, auf dem ich schon von weitem irgendwelche noch undefinierbare Dinge zu sehen vermochte.

Asket did not allow me very much time to sink into astonished contemplation of this ship, because she already pulled me by the hand further to a small plateau on which I had already, from a distance, been able to see some sort of still-unidentifiable things.

Doch worum es sich dabei handelte, blieb mir nicht lange ein Geheimnis, denn als ich mit Asket auf dem kleinen Plateau anlangte, blieb mir ein Erstaunen nicht erspart.

Yet with what this dealt did not stay a secret to me for long, because, as I arrived at this small plateau with Asket, I was not spared astonishment.

Minutenlang benötigte ich, um mir der vollen Tatsache endlich bewusst zu werden.

I required minutes in order for me to finally become conscious of the complete facts.

Auf dem kleinen Plateau lag ein uraltes, grosses und sehr schweres hölzernes y-förmiges Kreuz.

On the small plateau lay an ancient, large and very heavy, wooden, Y-shaped cross.

Gleich daneben fanden sich drei rostige Dinger, die wohl vor Hunderten oder Tausenden von Jahren einmal handgeschmiedete Nägel gewesen sein mussten.

There were three rusty things right next to it, which, indeed, hundreds or thousands of years ago, must have once been hand-forged nails.

Oder war der braunschwarze Belag an den Nägeln gar kein Rost - war es etwa Blut?

Or was the brownish-black coating on the nails not rust at all – was it perhaps blood?

War es etwa Blut, wie der braunschwarze Belag an drei verschiedenen Stellen am hölzernen Kreuz?

Was it perhaps blood like the brownish-black coating on three different positions on the wooden cross?

Es musste wohl so sein, denn dicht neben diesen Dingen lag ein uralter und mehrfach gewundener Kranz mit abnormal grossen Dornen, an denen ebenfalls dieser braunrote Belag zu erkennen war.

It must indeed have been so because right next to these things lay an ancient wreath, wound around many times, with abnormally big thorns, on which this red-brown coating was likewise recognizable.

Ganz unverkennbar bildete dieser Dornenkranz so etwas wie eine Krone, das war nicht zu übersehen.

That this wreath of thorns was unmistakably constructed something like a crown could not be overlooked.

Auch der etwa zweimetrige und schwärzliche Holzstab und der purpurfarbene Umhang waren nicht zu übersehen, nebst einem kleinen ledernen Säckchen, aus dem Glasperlen oder Glassteine herausgekollert zu sein schienen.

Also the about two metre, blackish, wooden rod and the purple-coloured cape were not to be overlooked next to a small leather pouch out of which glass pearls or glass stones appeared to have rolled.

Es war unzweifelhaft: Hier stand ich vor den Kreuzigungsutensilien Christi resp. Jmmanuels.

It was unmistakable: here I stood before Christ’s, respectively Jmmanuel’s, crucifixion utensils.

Es musste einfach so sein und nicht anders.

It simply had to have been so and nothing else.

Eine andere Möglichkeit konnte ich mir gar nicht vorstellen.

I was not even able to imagine another possibility.

Hier stand ich vor all dem, was im Zusammenhang mit dem Tode von Jmmanuel alias Jesus Christus stand - und die gläsernen Steine im Ledersäckchen waren keine Steine, sondern bestimmt Edelsteine, deren Sinn und Zweck ich jedoch nicht zu ergründen vermochte.

Here I stood before everything which was connected with the death of Jmmanuel alias Jesus Christ – and the glassy stones in the little leather pouch were not stones, rather certain precious stones, whose sense and purpose, however, I was not yet able to fathom.

Stumm und ergriffen stand ich vor diesen Zeugen einer uralten Zeit, die eine weltweite Bedeutung für einen sehr grossen Teil der Menschheit gebracht hatten.

Mute and moved, I stood before these witnesses of an ancient time which had been of worldwide significance for a very large part of humanity.

Stumm und ergriffen schaute ich auf die daliegenden Dinge und sandte ein dankendes Stossgebet in den Himmel, dass ausgerechnet ich alles das hier erschauen durfte.

Mute and moved, I looked at the things laying there and sent a grateful, quick prayer to heaven that I, of all people, was permitted to see everything here.

Ich vergass dabei ganz die Worte von Sfath, der mir einmal gesagt hatte, die christliche Religion sei ein ebenso unverantwortliches böses Machwerk zur Verdummung und Versklavung der Menschen wie auch alle anderen irdischen Religionen.

I thereby quite forgot the words of Sfath who had once said to me that the Christian religion is just as much an irresponsible, evil, poor piece of work, for the stupefaction and enslavement of humans, as are all the other terrestrial religions.

Doch wer wollte mir schon verdenken, dass ich als Sohn einer protestantisch-christlichen Familie nicht einfach an Betrug denken konnte, wenn von Jesus Christus gesprochen wurde.

Still, who would have blamed me, that I, as the son of a protestant Christian family, could simply not think of deception when Jesus Christ was spoken of.

Religiös nicht stark beeinflusst, konnte ich mich aber trotzdem nicht einfach und leicht von diesen hier liegenden und geschichtsträchtigen Dingen lösen, denn gerade hier lagen doch Kreuzigungsutensilien, die als Beweis für die Richtigkeit gewisser Dinge des Neuen Testamentes zeugen mussten.

In spite of not being strongly religiously influenced, I could not simply and easily loosen myself from these things laying here which were pregnant with history, because right here actually lay the crucifixion utensils which had to have testified as evidence for the accuracy of certain things of the New Testament.

Das kam mir jetzt in den Sinn, und ich wunderte mich über Sfaths Worte, dass alles nur Betrug sein soll, dass Jesus Christus niemals Jesus Christus sondern Jmmanuel geheissen haben soll, dass er nicht Gottes Sohn gewesen und dass Gott nicht die Schöpfung sei.

That occurred to me now and I wondered about Sfath’s words, that everything is only meant to be a deception, that Jesus Christ should never have been called Jesus Christ, rather Jmmanuel, that he was not God’s son, and that God is not Creation.

Warum nur hatte mir Sfath solche Dinge erzählt, denn hier lag ja zumindest der gegenteilige Beweis dafür vor, dass gewisse Dinge doch Wahrheit waren.

Only, why had Sfath told me such things, because, here before me lay, indeed, at the least, evidence to the contrary, that certain things were indeed the truth.

Jetzt verstand ich einfach nichts mehr; was war denn nun die wirkliche Wahrheit?

Now I simply no longer understood anything. What was now the actual truth then?

Asket musste wohl mein Gedankendilemma erfasst haben, denn sie ergriff mich am Arm und zog mich mit sich fort - denselben Weg zurück, den wir kurz zuvor gekommen waren, wobei ich noch verschiedenes beobachten konnte.

Asket must have fully registered my thought-dilemma because she gripped me by the arm and pulled me along with her – the same way back that we had come shortly before, whereby I could still observe various things.

Wieder schritten wir an den beiden Wachen vorbei, die keinerlei Anstoss an uns nahmen.

We again strode past the two guards, who took no initiative against us at all.

Wieder löste sich der schwere riesige Quader in Nichts auf, und wir schritten durch die Öffnung.

Again the heavy, giant, squared stone dissolved into nothing and we stepped through the opening.

Durch dieselben Gänge ging es offenbar zurück, und plötzlich traten wir wieder aus der dunklen Pyramide hinaus.

It obviously led back through the same passageway and suddenly we stepped out of the dark pyramid again.

Ich sah den Sphinx und unser Schiff, und dann sass ich schon wieder in meinem Sessel und wir schossen rasend schnell himmelwärts.

I saw the Sphinx and our ship, and then I already sat in my arm chair again and we shot toward the sky at a crazy speed.

Nur unklar realisierte ich, dass das Lager der Beduinen verschwunden war und dass viele fremde Leute rund um die Pyramide herumgingen, Touristen, die hier wohl <alles> sehen wollten.

I realised only vaguely that the Bedouin camp had disappeared and that many foreign people were going around the Pyramid - tourists, who really wanted to see "everything" here.

Die Sonne stand schon sehr hoch am Himmel, und dadurch bemerkte ich das Unglaubliche; ich war nicht nur kurze Zeit in der Pyramide gewesen, sondern viele Stunden lang, obwohl mir die Zeit nur wie Minuten erschienen war.

The Sun was already very high in the sky, and thereby I noticed something unbelievable; I had not been in the Pyramid for only a short time, rather many hours long, although, to me, the time appeared to be only minutes.

Mit unvorstellbarer Geschwindigkeit raste das Schiff mit Asket und mir zurück und setzte am selben Platz wieder auf, von wo aus es zum Flug zu den Pyramiden gestartet war - tief im Wüstengebirge des jordanischen Landes.

The ship with Asket and me raced back with unimaginable speed and set down on the same place from where it had started the flight to the pyramids – deep in the desert mountains of the Jordanian countryside.

Und mehr denn zwei volle Tage lag das Schiff dann dort, während Asket mich in sehr vielen Dingen unterrichtete und mir auch viele Erklärungen abgab.

And the ship lay there more than two full days, while Asket instructed me in very many things and also provided me with many explanations.

Es waren für mich zwei Tage des Wunderns, der Freude, des Erkennens, des Lernens und der Übernahme einer Mission.

It was, for me, two days of wonder, joy, recognition, learning and the acceptance of a mission.


End of “Asket’s Acquaintanceship”

To be continued with “Asket’s Explanations”

Stay bookmarked!
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Post Number: 1308
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 02:58 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi David(Borthwey)..

Yes, excellent translation.

I did once read concerning the "Earth vehicles museum"...years back. And all
the time some here, on this board were saying that Quetzal, was the ONLY owner
of them, which as is mentioned very clearly in your translation, that this was
not the case. And certain individuals saying that the mentioned was very
'Materialist'(in contrary to [his] Creational Spirituality) owning the cars.

So, the cars/museum was more in the - management - of Quetzal,as it seems.
Thus, not, directly in anyway, in his ownership. More a - Public Property - in
a collective format, the Vehicle Museum represents. Similar to which is the
case here on Earth; not really owned by one single individual, so to speak. Which sounds more 'Logical', of course. So, they can not say that Quetzal is a
Materialist, in any shape or form.

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Post Number: 1240
Registered: 02-2000
Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 09:42 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dyson (& Vivienne), Thanx for posting these. Its nice to read these again. Its a better version than I have.
My Website
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Post Number: 279
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 12:59 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I enjoy and appreciate very much both Dyson and Vivienne's translations. I forwarded them to some close friends. Your translations remind me of what good study can produce! Salome
Salome gam nan been urda gan njber hasala hesporona!
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Post Number: 790
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 03:29 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Norm! :-) Our pleasure! What is the version you have, I wonder?? What else have you got in this regard? Who/when/where, etc.? Thanks!
BTW, did you find the one about deep sea monsters we did for you - at long last?

Cheers and be well, Norm.
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Post Number: 1241
Registered: 02-2000
Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 - 12:15 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Dyson, yes I got the Sea monster/ Loch Ness, right? Thanx.

Only a few pages of Asket stuff was translated poorly by someone. I forget who. I can't find the papers anymore.
My Website
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Post Number: 75
Registered: 09-2007
Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 - 04:52 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Well, these translations of the Asket contacts certainly beat the ones in the Messages from the Pleiades Vol.2 book/ebook. These don't exist in the later (1990) Message from the Pleiades Vol.2 book/ebook though.
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Post Number: 422
Registered: 08-2004
Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 - 09:28 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Edward,

As the translation shows the collection of vehicles is owned by the hobbyist and collector. Being a collector does not of itself constitute a materialist. Many people on earth collect coins or stamps without being materialistic. The latter is a state of mind which takes some knowing or experiencing to recognize.

Collections, even if for public view, are owned by someone, even if it's the state or everyone, though in the case of the Erran vehicles it clearly looks like they are owned by one person. There is nothing wrong with that.

Collections are actually very useful for their reservoir of knowledge and ability to instruct on the truthfulness of certain things. As a child I had the pleasure once of meeting Mr Seaby of Seaby's Coin Catalog and he showed me some of his private ancient coin collection in his home. As he pointed out to me there was a whole story of history there proven in those coins each one telling its own story -- a true history.

Like a museum, a collection can impart truths and add to our knowledge of the world and humanity, and as you say, this is more of Creation than materialism.

Kind regards,

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Post Number: 1315
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 - 01:52 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Chris.....

Well, you got the idea in which direction I am referring to. "Historical
Values" which I am aware of and, which speaks for itself.

One can Collect even from 'Greediness', we have to keep in mind.

Here on Earth there is just TOO MANY (personal) car collectors which makes it
very ridiculous(: PURE Materialism)! Which is NOT needed.

In Quetzal's case, it would be much more Logical, under his supervision and
management. Him being the only one. Which is sufficient. And the cars being
exhibited to the public(; in the sense of Public Property and belonging to the
community, not per se only Quetzal; does not make it a Personal Property).

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Post Number: 34
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 07:06 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Marcela, Francisco,
Nice to talk to you. I have been in touch since 2001 with some persons who have been working on spanish translations from FIGU writings, they all are FIGU members.

I tried to collaborate with them, because the translations were so literal from german that it was almost impossible to read, because these translations didn't match spanish syntax and/or included words that don't exist in the spanish language or were erroneously translated. The main issue is that some of these persons speak great german, but don't master spanish, as they are swiss or german born.

I know there is a TJ translation made by a german FIGU member living in Mexico, but I don't know if it is finished. It was about two years ago when I sent to these person a translation of the genealogy with the correct names in spanish and some revised chapters but, again, I don't know what happened with that.

I think we, spanish speaking people sincerely interested in the authorised translations to spanish, must work together, no matter how far we live from each other. (Por que escribo en ingles si me estoy dirigiendo a personas que hablan español?) (Translation: Why do I write in english when I'm talking to people who understand spanish?).

There is a lot of work to do, time is running very fast, and we can not sit down, waiting for someone to do the work for us. In the meantime some liars are working so efficiently, as you have seen.

All the best,
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Post Number: 109
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 10:29 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Mario:

Thank you for the information about the translations. I wanted to translate the TJ into Spanish mainly because I want to share it with family and friends who are truly interested in reading this book and don't know English nor German. I started the translation and I found out that Figu is really fighting unauthorized translations due to the fact that the truth can be changed once again. Billy wants any translation to be from the original German, so, I am translating the book from German. I studied German for 9 years and received the Deutsches Sprach Diplom. I never practiced it because I didn’t need it, until now. I really stopped my translations because I didn’t want to do anything against Figu guide lines. So, Francisco has contacted Brunhilde (Figu person responsible for the Spanish translation) and we are still waiting for her email with her opinion. I would like to share my translations with a Spanish forum, but until we have one, we must write in English I am really waiting for Brunhilde’s response to know what to do about my translation. Maybe they have a good amount of work already...
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Post Number: 35
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 11:16 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello, Marcela,
You are welcome. I think there are many people interested in spanish translations that are willing to contribute, but the main problem is that each one is doing separate efforts and I think it could be a lot better if we join in a common goal, many people are trying to translate the TJ and no one is taking care for the rest of the information. If there was a place in the web where we can get together to discuss and find solutions, working as a real team with authorisation of the FIGU and support of the Core members responsible of the spanish translations, it could be a lot easier. Energy put into these efforts won't vanish any longer. What do you think? I mean, Marcela, Francisco, Memo, Hector and the rest of spanish speaking people of this forum... Some can translate, some can test and revise, some can make korrektieren of syntax, grammar, etc. Just my thoughts.

Warm regards
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Post Number: 110
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Monday, February 23, 2009 - 09:36 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Mario:

I think that having some part of information translated into Spanish is very necessary. Spanish is spoken in many countries and many more people would benefit from the contact information, the TJ, which we don’t have yet.

The web site in Spanish is excellent, btw…
Billy explained though, that any official translation has to be done by a professional group and from the German; that doesn’t mean that we could have a temporary translation like Gaiaguysnet. The fact is that Dyson and Vivienne have permission from Billy Meier because they are fluent in German.

Francisco has contacted the Figu regarding this translation and we just have to wait. I am translating Billy’s material for personal use, which I could share on a Spanish Forum. Also, I think that Figu would like to have translations into Spanish from Spain, maybe?

So, once the material is posted on the Figu Forum, everybody can check for accuracy, spelling errors, vocabulary choice, etc… We could use this Forum with permission from the Figu and Moderators of course.
Just an idea...

Mario, may I have your email address?
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Post Number: 36
Registered: 03-2004
Posted on Monday, February 23, 2009 - 07:48 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Marcela, I agree with you.
I have made translations of some info from FIGU, but not for sharing and not even to read it myself in spanish. I have made translations from english as an exercise to get the deep meaning of the texts, I mean my goal was not the translation, understanding was... I don't know if I'm explaining myself right.

It's for my own study. I even have made a series of affirmations based on Billy's teachings and the text Introduction to the Spiritual Teachings, it's not a FIGU material, but my own interpretation that I have written in spanish. I shared this with Memo, but this is my own interpretation as I said. I wanted to send the writing to Billy in the Questions to... section, to see if I am doing well or what I have to change, but I think there are many important issues people here want to know about, so I am practicing and trying to learn from test and error and I tell you: I have experienced some notorious changes for the good in myself.

My email is

If moderators allow me to do it, I can post my affirmations in a more suitable area, so you and other spanish speaking participants of this forum make their own contributions. Maybe an area called "Foreigners Shelter. Spanish Spoken"? Just kidding

Have a splendid week... and Salome.
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Post Number: 111
Registered: 06-2008
Posted on Monday, February 23, 2009 - 11:03 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Mario, yes, you are right. When you put the ideas into your own language…what a difference. The meaning has suddenly more depth.
You should ask Billy about your ideas and writings to affirm your convictions. I have learned a lot just from reading that section.

We could have a little Spanish corner, which would not bother anyone here, because members of this forum are very opened minded individuals. We should ask first.

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