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Archive through August 19, 2011

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Post Number: 90
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Thursday, August 11, 2011 - 10:38 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Sorry forgot my anauthorized/anapproved translation of the Title of the Article:

Nicht Feindschaft üben, sondern Freundschaft pflegen ...

Not practicing enmity, but cultivate friendship ...}

Definition of enmity:
en·mi·ty (n m-t) n. pl. en·mi·ties. Deep-seated, often mutual hatred.

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Post Number: 9
Registered: 04-2011
Posted on Thursday, August 11, 2011 - 11:10 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Eddie, just wanted to let ya know I love part you put in about a genuine smile, love it. That is so true!
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Post Number: 91
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Thursday, August 11, 2011 - 12:59 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


I used the link to the second page and forgot the first page of the article. Here is my complete unauthorized/unapproved translation (again in blue)of the entire article which is not the same as what you have translated.

Sorry for the length but I thought it was necessary to be complete.

Nicht Feindschaft üben, sondern Freundschaft pflegen ...
3. August 2011

Not practicing enmity, but cultivate friendship ...
3rd August 2011

-------Page 1

Eigentlich ist es fraglos, dass es für die Menschen lebenswichtig ist, gute Freunde zu haben, auch wenn manche der irrigen Meinung sind, dass dies nicht so sei, weil sie ohne Freunde auskommen würden und sehr gut in Feindschaft mit den Mitmenschen leben könnten. Irriger und falscher kann in dieser Hinsicht eine Meinung nicht sein, denn wenn der Mensch keine Freunde hat, dann lebt er innerlich in Einsamkeit und verkümmert in seiner Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt, erleidet psychischen Schaden. Ohne Freunde ist er abgekapselt, wird gehässig, eigenbrötlerisch, zynisch, hass- und rachevoll sowie mürrisch, ungerecht und vieles mehr an negativen Ausartungen.

Actually, it is unquestionable that it is vital for the human, to have good friends, even if some have the misconception that this is not so, because they could do without friends and very well, in enmity, could live with others. Erroneous and false can not be an opinion, in this respect, because if the person has no friends he lives in solitude inside and stunted in his thoughts and feelings, suffering psychological harm. Without friends, he will be sealed off, spiteful, reclusive, cynical, hateful and revengefull and grumpy, unjust and of much more negative degeneracies.

Jeder bewusstseins-, gedanklich-gefühls- und psychemässig gesunde Mensch kommt nicht umhin, gute Freunde zu haben, die an seinem Leben Anteil nehmen und sich ehrlich und wirklich um ihn kümmern. Dabei ist auch das freundschaftliche und verbindende Lächeln von grosser Wichtigkeit, das eine spezifisch menschliche Fähigkeit ist und sowohl Mitmenschlichkeit wie auch Mitgefühl, Dankbarkeit, Einhelligkeit und eine gute mitmenschliche Beziehung usw. zum Ausdruck bringt. Das Lächeln dieser Art macht aber auch eigens sowie den anderen Menschen froh. Ein finsteres oder sorgengeschwängertes Gesicht wird nicht gern gesehen, was absolut in der menschlichen Natur liegt, weil ein bewusstseins-, gedanken- und gefühlsmässig normaler und psychisch gesunder Mensch weder schadenfroh noch auf Leid, Probleme und Schmerz erpicht ist.

Each consciousness-healthy, mentally-emotional-healthy and psyche-healthy human can not fail to have good friends, who take part in his life and honestly and really care about him. It is also the friendships and connecting smiles are of great importance, that a specifically human ability is both humanity and compassion as well as expressing Gratitude, unanimity and good interpersonal relationships, etc. The smiles of this kind but also as well especially makes other people happy. A dark or care-filled face is not appreciated, which is perfectly in human nature, because a conscious-healthy, thought-healthy and emotionally-healthy and psychologically healthy person is intent on neither gloating nor sorrow, Problems or pain.

Natürlich kann ein Lächeln auch unehrlich und rein zweckbedingt sein, folglich sich also Falschheit, Lügen, Gerüchte und Verleumdungen sowie Profitsucht usw. dahinter verstecken, doch werden wirkliche freundschaftliche Beziehungen gepflegt, dann wird ehrlich und unverstellt gelächelt, worüber sich jeder Mensch freut. In einem solchen Lächeln offenbart sich auch das Wohlgefallen an der aufrechten und verbindenden Freundschaft, die auch in einer Nächstenliebe und Harmonie gründet, wie dies durch die innere menschliche Natur gemäss einem schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetz strebensmässig vorgegeben ist. Und genau das sollte der Mensch beherzigen, denn dadurch gewinnt er auch inneres Glück, wie auch sein Leben bedeutungsvoll und freudig wird, weil wahre Freundschaft, wie wahre Liebe, unendlich viel an Wertvollem bietet.

Of course, a smile can also be dishonest and be of purely limited purpose, so consequently, falsehood,
Lies, rumors and slander, and greed for profit, etc. hide behind, yet when real friendships are maintained, then honest and undisguised smiling, about which every human is pleased. In such a smile also reveals the pleasure of the upright and connecting friendship is also based in a love of neighbor and harmony, as shown by which inner human nature in seeking accordance with Creational natural laws is predetermined. And this is exactly what the human should take to heart, for thereby he is also gaining inner happiness, as well as his life is significant and joyful, because true friendship, like true love, offers infinitely much more valuable.

Hegt der Mensch feindselige und misstrauische Gedanken und Gefühle gegen einen oder mehrere Mitmenschen, dann sondert er sich vom oder von den andern ab und übt sich in allen bösen Ausartungen, wodurch keine Liebe und kein Glück aufkommen können. Also ist es notwendig, dass eine freundschaftliche und harmonische sowie verbindende Atmosphäre und eine uneigennützige Einstellung geschaffen wird. Sind diese beiden hohen Werte erschaffen, dann werden diese von den Mitmenschen erkannt und geschätzt, wodurch sich wie von selbst Freundschaften ergeben, und zwar von ganz natürlichen Menschen, auf die auch in der Not Verlass ist.

The human that entertains suspicious thoughts and feelings of hostility toward one or more people, then he separates himself from or from the other and exercises in all evil degenerations, so no love
and no happiness can arise. So it is necessary that a friendly and harmonious as well as unifying atmosphere and an unselfish attitude is created. When these two high values are created, then they are recognized by the people and valued which as if by itself friendships are revealed namely of which all natural humans also rely on in need.

-------Page 2

Menschen, die sich abkapseln, gehässig, eigenbrötlerisch, zynisch, hass- und rachevoll sowie mürrisch und ungerecht sind, die Groll hegen, Fehler pflegen, die der Eifersucht, der Unehrlichkeit, Lastern, dem Stolz oder Konkurrenzdenken und vielem mehr an negativen Ausartungen usw. verfallen sind, pflegen überhaupt keine ehrliche Freundschaften. Solche Menschen liegen dauernd auf der Lauer, wie Giftschlangen, um anderen ihr Gift einzuspritzen und sie zu wehrlosen Opfern zu machen, die sie willenlos manipulieren können. Ihre eigene Einstellung behalten sie bei und bemühen sich in keiner Weise, sie zu ändern und zu verbessern. Das grosse Übel dabei ist, dass diese Art Menschen nicht darauf kommen, dass sie sich in sich selbst ändern müssen und sich dazu innere Anstösse geben müssen, daher erwarten sie, dass die notwendigen Dinge und Faktoren in bezug auf Veränderungen nur von aussen auf sie eintreten werden. Daher vermögen sie nicht, innerlich irgendeine positive Umwandlung hervorzurufen, weshalb sie enttäuscht sind. Wahrlich kann es aber nur zu einem positiven Ereignis und Wandel kommen, wenn innerlich entsprechende Impulse erschaffen und dadurch Wandlungen vorgenommen werden.

Humans who are isolating themselves, hateful, solitary, cynical, hateful and revengeful and grumpy and unjust, that hold grudges, maintain faults, jealousy, dishonesty, vices, pride or competitiveness and to many more negative degeneracies have fallen, maintain absolutely no honest friendships. Such people are constantly on the lookout, like poisonous snakes, to inject their venom into others and to make them defenseless victims, whos willpower they can manipulate. They keep their own attitudes inside and in no way seek to change or to improve them. The great evil here is, that this kind of human, it does not occur to them that they must change inside themselves and therefore they must give into necessary inner impulses that await them. Only outside things and factors, with respect to changes, will occur in them. Therefore they can not, inwardly produce any positive transformation, which is why they are disappointed. Truly can it, however, only to a positive event and changes occur when internally appropriate impulses are created and thus changes made.

Menschen, die freudvoll, harmonisch, nachsichtig, versöhnlich, tolerant, gütig und ehrlich, massvoll sowie besonnen, ruhig, ausgeglichen, verständig und verträglich gesinnt sind, dürfen sowohl aus kurzfristiger als auch aus langfristiger Sicht als gute Freunde geschätzt werden, denn in ihnen wurzeln zweifellos Liebe, innerer Frieden, Glück, Gutes und Harmonie. Das muss nicht erst bewiesen werden, denn es ist eine zweifellose Tatsache, die von jedem vernünftigen und normaldenkenden Menschen erkannt und verstanden werden kann, weil er durch das Erfahren und dessen Erleben das Ganze nachvollziehen kann.

Humans that are joyful, harmonious, indulgent, forgiving, tolerant, kind and honest-minded, in moderation, and sober, calm, balanced, intelligent and friendly, may both, from short-term as well as from long-term, are Viewed as good valued friends because they are rooted in love, no doubt, inner peace, happiness, harmony and good. This must not first be proven because it is an undoubted fact of which each reasonable and normal thinking human recognizes and can be understood because through their experiencing and living can comprehend the whole thing.

Wird neutral und ehrlich auf das eigene Leben zurückgeblickt, dann wird klar erkennbar, dass von allen durchlebten Aktivitäten einzig und allein jene von Bedeutung waren, die einerseits eigens und andererseits auch den Mitmenschen zugute kamen. Manchmal kann dabei allerdings nicht genau erkannt werden, welchen Nutzen Unternehmungen brachten in bezug auf das Verwirklichen von eigenen Interessen. Manche erzielte Gewinne erscheinen nicht selten wie im Schlaf durchlebte Träume, wobei manchmal auch nur wenig Brauchbares und Nutzvolles übrigbleibt. Manches des vergangenen Lebens ist negativ und verwerflich, wie Unredlichkeit, Irreführung, Geiz, Rechthaberei, Hass, Rache, Vergeltung und Böswilligkeit usw., und das lastet dann schwer auf den Gedanken und Gefühlen. Alles aber, das irgendeinen Nutzen erwirkt und zu einer bleibenden und wertvollen Freundschaft oder zu sonst etwas Gutem geführt hat, war und ist ein Anlass zur aufrichtigen und wahren Freude und zu innerem Glück. Und wird so zurückgeblickt, dann wird erkannt, dass sich das Leben nur insofern erfüllte, was Liebevolles, Freundschaftliches, Gutes und Wertvolles für eigens und für die Mitmenschen direkt oder indirekt getan wurde und sowohl eigens als auch für Mitmenschen Nutzen brachte. Insbesondere gute und ehrliche Freundschaften, die in den verflossenen Jahren gepflegt wurden, brachten frohe und glückliche Gedanken und Gefühle und erfüllten einen Sinn des Lebens, der Freude, innerem Glück und Harmonie , wovon der Mensch sein Leben lang zehren kann.

When neutrally and honestly looking back on your life, then clearly recognizable, that of all the activities lived, only and alone those of importance were, on the one hand, specifically benefited from, and on the other hand, others benefited from. Sometimes, however, what benefit enterprises brought can not be detected accurately with respect to the fulfill of their own interests. Many achieved gains do not appear, as in dreams lived through sleep, which sometimes too little and usable rarely remains. Much of the past life is negative and reprehensible such as dishonesty, Misleading, Greed, obstinacy, hatred, revenge, retaliation and malice, etc. and this then weighs heavy on the thoughts and feelings.But all that obtained has led to some benefit and to a permanent and valuable friendship or otherwise something good, was and is a cause for sincere and to true joy and inner happiness. And so looking back will then is recognized that life was fulfilled only in so far that Loving, friendly, good and valuable, for yourself and for which other humans directly or indirectly was done
and did both for yourself as well as for others benefit. Particularly good and honest friendships, in which past few years have been maintained, brought joyful and happy thoughts and feelings and fulfilling a sense of life, of joy, inner happiness and harmony, from which the human's life can long live off.

And again the definition of Enmity:
en·mi·ty (n m-t) n. pl. en·mi·ties. Deep-seated, often mutual hatred.

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Post Number: 3
Registered: 08-2011
Posted on Thursday, August 11, 2011 - 02:40 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Cameron,

I live in Mortdale NSW Australia. hehe...
I to know the Meier material and I understand this.
It is good to see that the snowball is finally gaining momentum and weight.
Continue with your studies..

Lyrian Wisdom =]
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Post Number: 700
Registered: 10-2005
Posted on Friday, August 12, 2011 - 10:45 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Matthew,

As to staying in an area not conducive to your health... it may be wise to move. If you can handle the thoughts, feelings and actions of those around you... stay.

Whenever I'm in a dilemia concerning my actions I look to those whom I respect and understand are evolving and improving themselves... not "a leader" you understand... but an evolving person interested in peace, harmony, kindness, tranquility and personal cultivation. Not a self aggrandized "flasy-trendy-materialist" but a down-to-earth wholesome person... a person who is whole; in that they do not need outside references to be and know whom they truly are...

Self dependency is key here. So really... that means you must weigh the pros and cons of your situation and see if it would be wise for you to move on. Moving is very difficult for a person, new faces, new climate... etc etc etc, and is similar to a death in the family mentally. Make sure of your decision and maybe take a "vacation" to the area you are considering for three or more weeks, to let the pressure off yourself as to it being the right choice for you... it's your decision.


Randy ô¿ô
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Post Number: 263
Registered: 08-2010
Posted on Friday, August 12, 2011 - 07:12 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Mathew

Billy had discussions with Jshrjsh Semjase in which she expounds on the Creation and our oneness with it.

If you have not done so yet, the Talmud Jmmanuel is a book you would enjoy.

Salome friend,
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Post Number: 17
Registered: 07-2011
Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 06:34 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Matthew,

I don’t agree with Randy where he says, “Moving is very difficult for a person, new faces, new climate... etc etc etc, and is similar to a death in the family mentally.”

In my life I have moved to a new place several times; and each time was a very exciting and rewarding learning experience, filled with new surroundings, new activities and new people. I have sold my belongings, saved money, and moved to places that interested me and it has always worked out. My personal favorite was when I moved to Hawaii. I wanted since a child to live in this paradise and enjoy the ocean everyday. I really got to experience ocean kayaking like none other, which started a life long passion with paddling that I enjoy to this day.

Each time I moved, of course, I had a plan, and had done some research on the area, and gotten employment leads; and I have learned over the years from my mistakes. The secret is to have very few material possessions and not to be dependent on debt. Live a very modest life with few living expenses, and it is easy to find that anywhere. It is easy today to sell your things at garage sales, eBay, craigslist, etc., to pay off debts and save enough money to move. I can tell you from experience that with even a halfway decent plan, you can ‘land’ in a new area and find an affordable living space quite easily; sometimes it is most efficient to start with a room mate situation, which of course is a good opportunity to create new friendships.

I have always gotten a job wherever I have gone; it is as simple as putting together a decent resume and going after what is available until you get something. And, once I get a job, I work hard to keep it. Before you know it, you got a new life going. And you are living in a new area, with new faces, and a different climate, and you are doing new things, and it is exhilarating. As a matter of fact I am doing it right now; I have recently moved to a different state that has many wonderful lakes and bike paths. Since discovering all the wonderful bike paths along beautiful nature settings, I have rediscovered my love for bicycling. And I am really enjoying this sport now -- which would not have been as nice in my last location.

So Matthew, I say go for it! Even if you move you can still stay in touch with your old friends. Maybe they will see all the fun you are having and wise up and join you?

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Post Number: 18
Registered: 05-2011
Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 05:44 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Patm
Thank you for translating and posting those very
helpful words
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Post Number: 19
Registered: 05-2011
Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 06:18 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Well put Mathew
I am wanting to do better as well
all the best
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Post Number: 20
Registered: 05-2011
Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 05:50 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Andres82

Yes let the snowball roll roll roll :-)
Thanks for the heads up, it's feels good to know of more and more in Australia
and i will keep studing
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Post Number: 1409
Registered: 10-2007
Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 01:15 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


To have a Friend, be a Friend

To understand the Spirit in others, first recognize and Honor your own Spirit.

To know that your path ahead is true, ask your Spirit and listen within for the answer.


~~ TRUTH finds WISDOM finds LOVE finds PEACE -- Find What You Seek ~ Rod
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Post Number: 7
Registered: 08-2011
Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 08:11 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

To all,

Who here can say for sure that they're a Lyrian/Lyran?

I have also something to share..
Its best if you listen to this with eyes closed.

Your friend,
Lyrian Wisdom =]
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Post Number: 17
Registered: 03-2011
Posted on Sunday, August 14, 2011 - 02:39 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Forum friends,

I attended a gathering of my old friends last night - a rare opportunity to see many I haven't seen for some time in one place at one time. I went because I wanted to make peace with my friends so that they would not think of me as bitter and this intention was fulfilled.

I realise now that "the problem" described in my post was not that I was isolating myself out of bitterness but that I have changed and these friends can no longer support my growth. They fall short of the kind of friends described by Billy & Randy in his post 700 but I am not to blame them for this. I am grateful to Patm for contributing to my understanding of Billy's piece on the importance of friendship as my translation is wrong in the sense in that it does not say that forfeiting friends who make you feel negative emotions is wrong.

I am open to and wanting new friends who reflect the changes I have made to myself since discovering the spiritual teachings. These are difficult to find currently in my country and so when I look to people I know for friendship they cannot provide this and so I am disappointed. I understand now that I am not to be angry with them but to understand the limitations of those friendships and to give friendship, listen and be positive with them when the opportunity arises. Support is always there & I am open to it. It may be that I move and I thank Alagna for the positive encouragement and for providing me with ideas on how to move based upon actual experience. Who knows, maybe I could bring some real snow to Australia? Surely, the good friends I have made through FIGU are that but internet connections cannot replace friends known in daily life. I think this is how FIGU will grow; in all the interconnections between people it will be the ones who follow the teachings of spirit who truly stand out and act like beacons for the future of humanity.

Eddie I have read the TJ thanks. I look forward to reading the newest version soon. Although I have not many posts, I have been a passive member of FIGU for 3 years.

Last night (J-Rod) I did ask my spirit for clarity over my path and I had a dream. I dreamt of meeting Billy and taking him to meet some friends. Of course this was not Billy but a representation. The friends were not people I knew but represented what I understand to be the epitome of my countrymen. They mocked this dream Billy and were rude and I was left embarrassed. In the dream this Billy also reconciled me with someone. This tells me that my countrymen will in my lifetime mock the truth and so I had better get a handle on that if I wish to stay and that peace, love and reconciliation are truly important to me now and into the future.


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Post Number: 25
Registered: 01-2011
Posted on Sunday, August 14, 2011 - 06:05 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Jrod7,

Well said and I hope as they say on the Internet
"That it goes viral!"

"Creation doesn't give us what we want! We give creation what it ultimately needs! And anyone who never has made a mistake in his whole entire life has never ever tried to do anything new."
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Post Number: 396
Registered: 10-2009
Posted on Sunday, August 14, 2011 - 02:54 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Matthew, were you embarrassed because you didn't stand up and defend Billy against the rudeness of the epitome of your countrymen?
Good, better, best. May you never rest, until your good is better, and your better best.
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Post Number: 18
Registered: 03-2011
Posted on Monday, August 15, 2011 - 06:31 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Sheila,

No. There was no feeling that I had to defend him. I was embarrassed as I had been proud to meet Billy and organise for him to meet my countrymen & thought this would make me shine but in fact I lacked an understanding of both the situation at hand and my peers.


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Post Number: 229
Registered: 03-2006
Posted on Monday, August 15, 2011 - 09:27 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi PatM,

That is a very good article (The one on "Friendship"). Do you mind if we put it up on the Canadian website, as a link to this page?

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Post Number: 701
Registered: 10-2005
Posted on Monday, August 15, 2011 - 09:31 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Lack of dependancy is key... we are to take our own responsibility for our own lives and into our own "control" and not depend upon some other outside source to make us happy. Moving is a very telling experience and will test how "whole" (that is... dependent upon yourself) you truly are. Anything worth anything is not easy...
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Post Number: 1
Registered: 06-2011
Posted on Monday, August 15, 2011 - 05:57 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi there, I like this thinking.
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Post Number: 93
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Monday, August 15, 2011 - 09:46 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


I have no problem with your request with the following points to also be understood:

The translation work was done specifically as a clarification to a translation that I felt was not completely correct but never the less I was very impressed that the poster MADE THEIR OWN ATTEMPT to translate the article, and so had no problem adding my unauthorized/unapproved translation to help in their clarification.

Every Wednesday Billy adds 2 new items to the BEAM PORTAL. I would recommend that everyone at least attempts to translate Billy's posts for themself.
cut and paste the german text to a text file then break it down into paragraphs, phrases, and by words if needed when doing the translation work. Translating Example

The Google translator does a fair job translating but is not completely accurate so if you only use the translator by using the Google translator link to the BEAM PORTAL without making manual corrections as explained in the Translating Example don't expect it to be completely accurate but it will give you the jest of what Billy is trying to say.

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Post Number: 230
Registered: 03-2006
Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - 08:54 am:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Ok Pat, thanks...

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Post Number: 148
Registered: 11-2007
Posted on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 - 09:10 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello everyone,
I have just finished reading a book which was very helpful in assisting ones ability to handle worry.
"How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. This is an old book and I am afraid the author is a captive of religious thinking. However I did try to re annalize some of the data when it refered back to god stuff.
One of his stories refers to a person who randomly opens the bible one day and gathers new strength to carry on when he reads this - "He that sent me is with me - the father hath not left me alone".
I re interpret this to actually mean "Every human contains a fraction of creation, that enlivens us, and is within us as spirit".
So do you think I am correct?
Peace John
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Post Number: 21
Registered: 07-2011
Posted on Friday, August 19, 2011 - 05:39 pm:   Edit Post Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hi Johnny,

I don’t know about the book you mentioned; but I do know that to ‘worry’ is being too material. ‘Fear of loss’ is religious because everything is Creation goes through a process of ‘becoming and passing away’ – so nothing lasts forever anyway. So it is illogical to worry about things.

And I think you mean you didn’t “re interpret” the sentence; you ‘re-wrote’ a better example anchored in truth rather than the religious non-sense in that guy’s book and in the bible.

Best regards,

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